Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months?


For many decades, dogs serve people loyal and reliable assistants. It is not possible to fully communicate with the pet, if you do not understand his behavior. Each lover of dogs is interested to learn about their thoughts and intentions. In fact, this is not so difficult, it is enough to explore the main chants.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_2

What it is?

Logic and analytics in the behavior of dogs are missing. From birth, they manage instincts. Over time, the puppies begin to duplicate the behavior of the mother, but the main teacher is still a personal experience. The disheveled soft toy will no longer cause interest if the whole story ended with an unpleasant taste, pain or fear.

With age, the dog learns to adapt and interact with the outside world. Adult dog does not take an example from other individuals, which is important to take into account.

Hawting dogs are formed only in those situations that were in their lives. Animals are social, so they learn to signal to other members of the pack (dogs and people) about their intentions, thoughts, states.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_3

What are there?

The behavior of dogs is composed of a certain set of reactions. Some of them can be adjusted, others are controlled. Correction usually consists in promotions, restrictions, rarely in the use of sedatives. Cynologists and experienced dog owners allocate several types of reactions.

  • Food. This is the initial and predominant reaction. Even for a puppy in 2 months, the main need for food. Hunger provokes an animal to active action for mining. This is the most ancient reaction, which is based entirely on instincts. Reflexes that are formed with food as the main stimulus are the most durable. Dresser based on such reactions is the most efficient.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_4

  • Defensive. It can be acquired or congenital. Such a reaction should secure the dog from pain, danger and any threat. It manifests itself in three versions: the active position of protection, cowardly evil behavior and passive.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_5

  • Approximate . It manifests itself when hitting an unknown environment. It lies in the study of everything that is around. This reaction quickly passes and does not require special measures from people.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_6

  • Search. This species is due to congenital and physiological reflexes. This reaction is considered important for the survival of the dog. In most cases, it is not manifested in everyday life in comfortable conditions, but is present in the consciousness of the animal. Such a reaction usually develops from service rocks during the training process.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_7

  • Behavioral attachment response. Aggressive and inadequate behavior, fear of people is a vivid example of an inconsigned reaction of this type. It completely determines the relationship with the owner. This group includes all the behavior to which the dog shows love and devotion, the desire to defend. If necessary, this reaction is adjusted in the process of training with a cynologist.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_8

How to understand their meaning?

The hosts can not always satisfy the needs of the dog simply because they cannot understand its signals. Pet behavior is always reasonable, it is always an attempt to convey some information. It is worth considering the features of the manifestation of emotions and intentions in dogs.

  • Joy. Pots of any age exhibit it equally. The dog tries to jump into his arms, lick his arms or face. Merry barking and running around a person is a typical manifestation of joy. The dog can invite the owner to the overall game, bring their toys.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_9

  • Goodwill. Such habits are due not only by external factors, but also the breed, the nature of a particular dog. Easy toasting tail with a relaxed body and slightly raised ears - a good sign. The latter signals the share of curiosity towards a person or an animal.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_10

  • Dominance. To understand such habits is the easiest way, the dogs always express them clearly. Increased sexual activity is a bright example. The dog jumps on the owner or family during a gon or flow. A pet can exercise its authority in front of other animals by torn food or toys. Behavior usually requires correction in the form of training for submission and obedience.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_11

  • Aggression. Loud barking and throws towards a person (animal) with trying to bite - these are obvious signs of such a reaction. At the same time, zooagression and aggression in relation to people. The first may be associated with the peculiarities of the breed. The course of the dresser is obligatory, and in some cases it is worth thinking about the sedative drug drugs.

Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_12

    • Readiness for attack. This chant has a similarity with a friendly reaction, so it is important to remember the differences. The dog wags the tail with a small amplitude and sends it strictly up.

    The body at the same time is intense and directed forward, and the front paws are widely supplied. Many pets at the same time straining ears.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_13

    • Subordination. The main feature in the demonstration of the abdomen. When contacting a larger or adult animal, the dog gives herself to sniff, falls on the stomach, and then shows him. Often puppies and young people behave so far, so far, for certain reasons, they cannot dominate the flock.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_14

    • Fatigue. The habits in this case are very similar to human, when supervised them is easy to recognize. Slow and heavy movements in aggregate with permanent attempts to sit down or lie down.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_15

    • Fear and stress. Behavior may be different depending on the characteristics of a particular dog and the situation itself. Shivering and attempts to take away to the owner, hide behind his legs - these are bright signs of fear. There are cases of manifestation of aggression and involuntary urination. If this happens on a walk, then you need to take a dog home and help calm down.

    Do not try to caress and cute with a dog, it can form an inadequate attitude towards the source of fear.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_16

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_17

    An expression of emotions can often be determined intuitively. Dog reactions are largely similar to human. However, the dog behavior is distinguished by special rituals that are not always clear. It is worth considering the behavior and its value.

    • The desire to rub on a rotten food and passion to the whole declare. From the side looks rather unpleasant, but it is of particular importance. Hunting instincts pushed pets to disguise.

    When promising about such items, the natural smell is mixed with the stink and no longer catch for fellow and victims.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_18

    • Involuntary urination when meeting with the owner. Manifests itself with a light form of a kind of psychological disorder. A pet recognizes the leader in a person that he feels uncertainly, loses his identity.

    To adjust, it is worth less than a time to give a dog after returning from work and reduce visual contact.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_19

    • Taking . The dog makes such sounds to notify other relatives about their location. Sometimes the dog can take out due to loneliness. And also this is an effective way to calm and remove the voltage.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_20

    • Hatred for cats is actually not at all . In fact, it is just a manifestation of hunting instinct.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_21

    • Friendship with cats. It is found in situations when the dog and the cat live under one lid. Moreover, it is the representative of the feline will be a commander or even Tyran in this pair.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_22

    • Derganya paws in a dream, which reminds running. Sometimes in conjunction with bark or pivot. This is a bright sign that the dog sees realistic and colorful sleep.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_23

    How to react?

    Inappropriate behavior from the dog, for example, aggression or antisocial manifestations, are adjusted independently or by film in the course of training. Most of the dangerous or unacceptable habits quickly pass. The host behavior should always be predictable for pet. Observe such rules when reactions to the habits of a domestic pet, like:

    • The owner should always be friendly, there is not a single situation where the dog deserves rudeness towards himself;
    • If a person wants to change the direction of movement while walking, then you need to warn the dog with a gesture or look; It is worth calling her nickname, and not pull a leash;
    • It is not worthwhile to behave hysterically and chaotic, yelling and pulling a leash in an unpleasant situation, when you meet with a stranger pet, as it provokes fear and aggression towards other animals, relax your hand with a leash and call the dog by name;
    • The owner should be able to behave calmly, not overestimating the danger of the situation, panic and aggression is infectious, the dog may begin to behave inadequately;
    • When communicating with a dog, it is important to be guided by its own feelings, attempts to influence rudely and physically make PSA fear the owner, and not obey.

    Dog habits: how to understand the behavior of a pet? Unusual actions and their meaning. What habits are puppies in 2 months? 12356_24

    If positive communication does not give the desired result, the dog behaves aggressively and threatens health, then you need to seek help from specialists. Veterinarian, a filmologist and zoologist together will be able to calculate the source of the habit and make up a course of correctional events. Allocate the following steps of correction of behavior:

    1. Building tandem relations - the owner must earn a guide;
    2. Stop negative behavior with a beep - use loud cotton or whistle; Suitable any sharp, pulling the sound;
    3. encouraging positive behavior of caressing, treat, praise and stroking;
    4. The course of the dresser at the film to consolidate the desired result - classes together with the specialist will help improve the behavior and habits, strengthen confidence.

    About how to understand the dog on her sobs, see the next video.

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