Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs?


Monitor the status of the dog claws should every conscious owner. Some prefer to contact the veterinary clinic or to gathering, however, it is not always convenient. The procedure must be carried out regularly starting from the first appearance of a pet in the house. On average, strut claws you need every 2-3 weeks. The choice of the correct tool will allow the procedure quickly and safely.

    Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_2


    Cognise is required to remove thief claws. Tools differ among themselves by design.


        The working surface is represented In the form of a circle, holes in which the claw is placed. When you click on the handle leaves the blade, which produces a cut. The cutting canvas should always be sharpened. Otherwise, the claw will not cut off, but to squeeze.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_3

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_4


        The tool is more convenient thanks to the limiter on the working part. Pressure control (compression) provides a spring system. For safe storage provided a lock on the handles.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_5

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_6


        We are visually similar to the usual stationery scissors, but one blade has a depression for clawing. Not the most ergonomic version of the handles makes such a type of drive less attractive.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_7

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_8

        Grinders (Trimmers)

        Remind the grinding machine with a round nozzle. Claws stepping carefully, which minimizes the risk of damage. The best is the models with a limiter in the form of a drum, allowing to protect the skin on the paw. Among the shortcomings of the trimmer is noted Noise, dust formation and specific smell. The machine is powered by the power supply, so Use it on the road will not work.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_9

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_10

        How to choose?

        It is strictly forbidden to coat claws with dogs by any household instruments. This is directly related to the special density and claw structure. You can not use chanthers that are designed for cats. Using the wrong tool is fraught with injuries, decrease in claws, bleeding.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_11

        Recommendations for choosing cunning.

        • Guillotine chanthers are suitable for cutting soft claws, usually have representatives of small and medium breeds or puppies.
        • Secators are able to cut off the claw of any thickness. Excellent option for large dogs.
        • The scissors are inconvenient in hand, because of which it is possible to damage the dog with a lacaround or harvest Kogt. Suitable best for emergency circumcision of long, but thin claws.
        • It is important to choose the optimal size. The cunning for large dogs should be 16-18 cm, for the average - 14-16 cm, for small - 8-11 cm.
        • Electric bratechka - trimmer - suitable for spilling claws of any thickness. To accelerate the animal is better from childhood, so that it is subsequently not to scare it with noise and smell. The tool allows you to roll the cut line as much as possible, the dog will not scratch the owners or furniture.
        • High-quality product leaves a smooth and even slice. The slightened shortcomings sign that the material of cogterez is poor-quality or blades are not sharpened properly.
        • The best option is tool with rubberized handles. So you can maximize the situation during the procedure.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_12

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_13

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_14

        Rating the best models

        When choosing it is necessary to give preference to famous firms. The cheapest tool will help to save 1 time, however, will last long and can cause damage to the nail web or more serious injuries.

        Nobby for dogs

        Typical secateurs with rubberized handles are conveniently sitting in her hand and give a good result. Material quality, blades do not stupid even with long-term regular use.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_15

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_16


        Stainless steel blades are perfectly coping with thick claws of representatives of large breeds. The tool is convenient to use thanks to ergonomic handles.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_17

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_18

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_19

        Stainless Steel

        Designed for dogs of small breeds. The guillotine is safe to use, because it does not allow you to put a nail further limiter. Recommended for people who are just starting to deal with the procedure.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_20

        Triol 331A.

        Reasonable cost is combined with high quality blades. The handle and the castle are made of plastic and have rubber overlays.

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_21

        Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_22

        Features of use

        Before the procedure, the owner must calm down, otherwise the pet will feel the fear and behave nervously. If the animal is still afraid, then Several times do the procedure as accurately as possible, however, the claws are not streaming. Such preparation is needed so that the dog understand the course of the procedure and felt more confident. Over time, use the cunter on the pencil or some items to demonstrate the pet special sound. Obrigitis 1 claw after 5-7 preparatory procedures.

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_23

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_24

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_25

          The preparation process is accompanying promotions and delicacies. The goal is that the dog as much as possible understood the course of the procedure and its safety.

          At this time, it is especially important not to offend the animal, not to cause pain. Cutting the claws is easy, but you need to make maximum patience and act neatly.

          Rules for using guillotine and secateur tools.

          • Sterilize forceps for cutting with alcohol or vodka. To disinfect your hands either gloves. Dog paws should also be washed and dried.
          • If possible, you can cut claws immediately after swimming. At this time, they are as soft as possible and pliable.
          • Look carefully on the claws of the pet. If they are bright, then the pulp (the cloth with blood vessels) will be easy to see. It is important not to touch it when circumcision. The slice should be located 1.5-2 mm from the edge of the pulp.
          • If the dog has black claws, then you need to cut 0.5 mm. You need to finish the procedure as soon as a pink dot or place similar to a wet stain is enviable in the middle of the claw.
          • Start cut out claws from the front paws. The dog should stand on the floor or a special non-slip table.
          • Left hand press the pillow to the claw stretch.
          • Fast movement, make a cut at an angle of 45 ° in the direction of the foot on 1 mm.
          • Continue to cut 0.5 mm until you approach the pulp at the desired distance.

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_26

          You can not cut off the claw to the pulp in one movement. The risk of injury is too great. If you hurt a living cloth, then the animal will hurt. If the dog is twitched at this moment, that is, the risk is at all how to do claw.

          You can not finish the procedure, and postpone the time if the dog became nervous.

          Principle of use Trimmer Slightly different from cutting tools. Strike claws do not need, they simply subscribe. Grinders have several nozzles in the set, which are made of grinding stone.

          The procedure with the power tool takes more time, because it is heated and requires shutdown. For the dog, it is even better, because not so scary.

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_27

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_28

          Help at injury

          Cut claws is easy, however, the inattention of the owner or the nervousness of the dog can lead to unpleasant consequences. Reconfigure better before the procedure starts. If the pet is quite active or impressionable, then it is recommended to pre-give a soothing drug. Funds need to be bought in a veterinary pharmacy. Herbal preparations slightly weaken the excitability of the nervous system.

          Near the procedure, put a powder, a napkin or a powder to stop bleeding. With a little negligence damage the pulp is accompanied by hemorrhage of dozens of important vessels. Strong bleeding as a result of injury can scare a dog, Therefore, calm and collens of the owner play a key role. It is strictly forbidden to use such funds:

          • iodine;
          • peroxide;
          • Fuccin;
          • vodka;
          • greens;
          • alcohol;
          • Dimekside.

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_29

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_30

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_31

          Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_32

          If there is no special powder or baby powder at hand, then It is better to use conventional food flour. Various means that burn or contain alcohol will enhance pain several times. Before the first procedure, circumcision claws should be consulted with a veterinarian and find out how to use it better. Do not take medical preparations without appointing a doctor.

          As a result of the incorrect procedure, you can undermine the dog claw. Usually it is due to the fact that the owner has long squeezes the tool, and the dog at that moment pulls the paw. The skin and soft fabrics are torn on the finger, and the claw itself remains in the cunter. It is important to understand that at that moment the animal is experiencing wild pain. The dog will begin to whine and try to escape, and an aggressive reaction is possible.

            Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_33

            In such a situation, it is important to react quickly and not to create panic. If necessary, it is worth asking someone from home to call a veterinarian to the house or cook everything for a trip to the clinic. In parallel, it is worth expressing urgent help on such an algorithm.

            • Start calmly and calmly talking to the pet. Attach every effort to distract the dog from painful sensations and injuries.
            • Cut sterile gauze is tie into the injured paw on the wrist, this place is called a plus. This kind of harness will allow to calm bleeding.
            • Tighten and fix the gauze bandage. Try to raise the paw as much as possible. Attach something cool, such as ice or products from the freezer. Pre-wrap the right object into cotton fabric and cellophane package. The cold will slightly reduce pain and reduce bleeding.
            • As soon as the blood slightly subsided, it is necessary to visually assess the situation. If the open breaks of soft tissues are visible, then pour novocaine or lidocaine. Manipulation will reduce the pain as much as possible.

            Be sure to contact the vet in the near future.

            Slitters for dogs (34 photos): cunter with limiter, electric brates and other types. How to choose scissors for claws of large and small dogs? 12348_34

            About the nuances of chisteresis for dogs is described in the video below.

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