Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound


Irish wolfhound - breed, which looks very impressive. It can be called a real Gulliver among all other dogs. This majestic dog has the greatest growth, but at the same time managed to remain exclusively graceful and attractive creature.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_2

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_3

History of origin

Irish wolfhounds are considered the oldest breed in the world. Nowadays, these dogs have become a symbol of the Irish army and one of the distinguishing signs of the country is similar to bear in Russia.

The name of the breed reflects the historical features of the formation of this species of animals. For the first time in the Britain of these dogs, Celts were brought - it happened for another 300 years BC. E., accordingly, the age of the breed has more than two millennia. The ancestors of these pieces were distributed in ancient Rome, they were used to escape animals in circus. Thanks to exceptional courage, nobility and kindness, these animals for their courage, exceptional kindness and prudence that are combined in this creature, quite a few legends are made about them.

Animals of this species were considered a particularly valuable gift in all royal houses of the countries of the Old World, as well as in Scandinavia. From Ireland of animals sent to Spain, Sweden, Denmark, as well as Poland, France and even India.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_4

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_5

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_6

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_7

Long time dogs were widely used To scare off wolves and while hunting foxes, bears and moose. By the middle of the XVIII century, all wolves in the country were almost completely exterminated, so the main purpose of animals lost its strength. During this period, the breed was on the verge of extinction. A new burst of popularity came only in the middle of the XVIII century. So, in 1885, the first in Ireland was opened the club of lovers of this breed, headed by the famous captain Graham, and a year later, his founders were established the annual Prize "Transitional Shield of Graham", which was awarded to dogs, which preserved the maximum number of rock characteristics of the ancestors.

It is noteworthy that at the same time the founder itself in attempts to revive the fading breed often crossed the wolfges with dirhaound and Danish dogs.

To date, these majestic animals have become a real symbol of the National Spirit of Irish, reflecting their nature and strength.

In England, these animals are used to protect during public speeches of military parades and other events of increased importance. In Russia, representatives of rocks are very limited, but in other countries Irish wolfhounds, as in the age of the Middle Ages, are gaining increasing popularity.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_8

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_9

Features of breed

A huge dog has a great resemblance to the dirhaound. This giant has a gentle and friendly character and sincerely manifests its feelings and emotions towards the breeder and all his households. The dog is not particularly fundamental comfort, it will be happy, even walking into the shower and snow - the main thing is that her favorite owner is near.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_10

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_11

Pots of this breed have Exceptional working features - They are often compared with the lion during the hunt and the meek lamb - at home. This animal without the slightest oscillation will take into battle with a dangerous predator and can come out with a victory even from contractions with several opponents at the same time.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_12

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_13

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_14

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_15

The description of the Irish breed has a rather clear standard:

  • Torchishche - Powerful, fried and elongated.
  • Back - Be sure to directly, a significant drop between the crop and the withers is not allowed.
  • Neck - elongated, but with developed muscles, rather dry, without a pronounced inclination and noticeable provisions. It is clearly visible to switch on the line from the withers to the neck.
  • Head - Triangular, slightly elongated.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_16

The muzzle is long, dry. The forehead gently goes into the muzzle without any drops and corners. The ears are triangular, hanging type. Eyes are quite large, almond-shaped, the rainbow sheath is black. The lips are also a black shade, the teeth are pressed quite tight. The back of the nose is usually straightened, also black.

  • The mouth has a conventional scissor bite, the fangs are rather sharp, so the grip of this dog is excellent.
  • Muscular breast, rather wide, rounded.
  • The legs are elongated, the jumping joints are well developed, in the process of the racks are located in parallel.
  • Pillow paws fleshy, very large. Claws are powerful, their shade directly depends on the colors of the animal. Paws in running move rapidly, but at the same time exclusively graceful.
  • The tail straightened, long, does not screw in the ring. When the dog is experiencing an influx of emotions - rises up, at another time is predominantly omitted.
  • Wool wire-like, rigid with a thick undercoat, over the eyes the hair is elongated. A distinctive feature of the breed Irish Wolfhound is a shaggy elongated beard.
  • The height of the withers in dogs is at least 79 cm, the growth of bitches starts from 72 cm.
  • The mass of the body of an adult animal varies from 40.5 to 55 kg.
  • The suit can be light brown, red or wheat. A little less often encounter the Irish wolfges of the black color with subapalities and tiger.

With favorable conditions, the dogs live an average of 7 to 10 years. Stories are known when the life expectancy of these dogs was 13-15 years old with competent care.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_17

Character and behavior

Irish wolfhound is a raised and noble animal. His character and behavior has a number of features.

Irish wolfhounds truly love their owner, they are sincerely tied as with the owner itself And to the members of his family, and if, due to any circumstances, they are losing them, they always have long and are very worried. The dog is different Attentiveness and obedience, very sensitively reacts to any changes in the mood and emotional manifestations of the owner.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_18

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_19

Young puppies are easily trained - they can be very quickly trained to all major teams. However, as it matches, the dog begins to show stubbornness and even rigidity, so such a breed - Not the best choice for newcomers in the dress . From time to time, Irish wolfhound begins to show its independent nature and independence - it is expressed in the fact that the pet during walks starts to run away from his owner, rush behind cats and other dogs.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_20

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_21

The animal favorably belongs to the rest of pets in the house, The exception is only featured and rodents - they certainly become objects of hunting PSA.

This huge dog can easily trust a small child. You can leave them in the same room without fear - the wolfer will never be offended by the baby and in any situation will be extremely accurate in relation to it. Dogs are worth it to pull out the tail, they easily allow you to flour themselves over the beard, squeeze and hold in your hands.

Friendly dogs and to someone else's people, guests do not cause them aggression, but if only the dog feels a danger - she will immediately throw on the defense of his owner and his households.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_22

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_23

Irish wolfhounds perfect do not bring parting with your favorite people and if the separation is long , It may be sacrificed from experiences and longing. This dog in principle does not tolerate long loneliness, easily flows into apathy, therefore it is not advised to keep in the covered aviary - it should always be able to contact with man and other pets.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_24

The breed will not be the best choice if the animal you need as a watchman, because the Irish wolfhound can scare the unnecessary guests exclusively with its dimensions, and otherwise he will not be the first to show cruelty, bark and throw.

Keep in mind that the dog requires a place for its content, so owners of small-sized apartments, as well as people who spend a large part of the day outside the house, it is better to stop their choice on animals of other breeds.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_25

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_26

Differences from Dirhaound

Dirhaounds are one of the varieties of greyhound. At one time, the breed of wolfeds in Ireland was almost completely exterminated and for its preservation and recovery used dirhaounds, since this dog as much as possible to her appearance. That is why animals have such a strong resemblance that non-professional can easily confuse them.

Pows of both species distinguishes the presence of beard and belonging to the category of rigid-haired greyhounds, on this similarity ends. But the behavioral features of these animals are diametrically opposed.

Dirhaound is the most real storm, you can go hunting with him, the dog has a truly mad temperament. They are gambling hunters, athletes, because they often imagine the danger to cats and small dogs. In general, Dirhaound is reminded by Russian greyhounds in a much greater extent than the wolfhound, respectively, the dirhaound is best to live in those families where the owners lead an active lifestyle, appreciate traffic and sport.

Irish wolfhounds in comparison with them are true Sibarites, they can never wake cats, mice, birds or rabbits, but they simply will simply leave the dirhaound.

Thus, there is no doubt that these breeds have a general origin, but at the same time they have many differences related to the features of addition and most importantly - with the temperament of the dog.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_27

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_28

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_29

How to choose a puppy?

When choosing a puppy, it should be borne in mind that wolfed-males are much more straightforward and open than bitch, so if you first acquire the animal of this breed, give preference to boys, it will be much easier to agree with them. In order to evaluate the nature of the future pet, it is better to choose a pretty puppy, and not a two-month, as is customary from most breeders. The fact is that at all young Irish, individual behavioral features are weakly pronounced, they all impress the impression of cute and funny animals without exception.

Be sure to get acquainted with the parents of the chosen puppy. This will help you better submit prospects for the growth and development of your pet.

Be sure to analyze the atmosphere that reigns in the nursery. If you notice that there are many apathetic puppies or a breeder refuses to show you other animals, most likely they save on dogs and perceive them more as a source of income.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_30

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_31

An important factor is considered the age of the mother of the puppy you suggested. If a puppy is put up for sale from a dog older than 5 years old, the likelihood that it will be weak and sick are high.

Be sure to check the presence of a veterinary passport and make sure that all the necessary vaccinations were made animal.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_32

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_33

In a good nursery, newborn puppies must be tested for some genetic pathologies, therefore If the results of this study are in the map - it will be a big plus against the breeder.

Unfair breeders often overestimate the price, motivating the rarity color - this is a hoax. The cost of Irish wolfhound is in no way connected with his master. When you buy a teen puppy, you will certainly ask his seller if a pet is known to any teams. Usually, a good breeder of the Wolfhounds at the earliest age already knows several main teams and react well to the leash.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_34

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_35

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_36

Content and care

Pet comfort directly depends on the effort and enthusiasm of its owner. Best dogs live in the house, but in a small apartment, an animal can be comfortable if he has his own Lena in the corner, where it will not touch the people's legs.

If the PSA is constantly walking, then the content in the apartment will not be any inconvenience of the wolfhound. Keep in mind that Dogs of this variety contraindicated on hard surfaces Since they have a rather thin layer of subcutaneous fat, and the joints are quite sensitive, so many pets are allowed to be allowed to be sofa and chairs. If you are a categorically opponent of such solutions, arrange Soft and comfortable laying pillow. Your pet will certainly take care of such care with great gratitude.

The wolfer content in the aviary is the most extreme measure, Because animal Very bad tolerate loneliness. If nevertheless, the situation does not allow the dog to provide the dog other conditions of content, then try not to leave it to winter in such a competition, even if it is insulated - it is not only cruel, but also causes harm to the health of the pet.

It is categorically not allowed to plant an animal on the chain - in this case, the Irishman begins to wake, which causes the most severe pathological conditions of the dog.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_37

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_38

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_39

It is very important to pay special attention to hygiene issues. . Hard wool of this dog requires a frequent comb using a brush and crest. Thus, you can very quickly and painlessly make all the moody hairs and get rid of the petty garbage that the animal collects during walks.

From the point of view of physiology, the wolfer does not require haircuts, but still many breeders slightly shorten their pets on the paws, as well as under the tail - in those places where it is fast and most dirty. Strike hair on the face is not needed, but care is needed. Immediately after feeding, it is necessary to wipe it with a clean cloth of his mustache and beard.

The owner of the exhibition wolfges additionally trimming, but in most cases it is not all the animal completely, but only his head , and correctly perform this manually, armed with a special silicone attack. Usually trimming starting from the ears - from the outside of the ear, the hairs is plugged until they become smooth. Also, the procedure is carried out on the site between the eyes in the direction of the forehead to the skull, along the lines of the cheek, as well as the neck. Processing is carried out approximately 1-1.5 months before contests.

In this case, the transitions between the processed and intact sites will not be so pronounced. Some owners prefer a simplified weekly procedure and remove exclusively trap housing throughout the surface of the skull.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_40

Irish wolfges werehed a couple of times a year or in case of extreme need, if the animal is strongly fan. For procedures, nutritious shampoos for dogs with sensitive skin are suitable.

Once a week, the Irish should be cleaned ears. This procedure does not constitute any complexity - it is necessary to simply process the inner surface of the auricle with a special veterinary lotion applied to a piece of the rolling. Eyes also require regular processing - They should be wiped with a weak solution of furaticiline or chamomile infusion about once a week.

Keep in mind that if an animal has an eye inflammation, it should not be attempted to treat him independently - the unprofessional can put the wrong diagnosis and in this case the risk of running dangerous pathology is great.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_41

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_42

Caring for claws and teeth is simple. Claws need to be periodically cropped with grain and teeth 3-4 times a month to process the cleaning nozzle with the purpose of removing the dental plaque.

Be sure to look at the pillows of your pet's paw after a walk - if they look healthy and there are no pronounced damage on them, then wash it with warm water and just blown up with a soft towel. In winter, pet leather sometimes cracks from frost - then after washing, additionally lubricate it with greasy children's cream or vegetable oil.

Dogs of this size are necessarily wound on a leash, the best belt.

Adult animals need two walks per day at the hour, puppies up to 6 months "ventilate" every three hours to 15-20 minutes. Keep in mind that the wolfhounds, though the Grozny dreams of the dog, but are not ativaous, so they are not suitable for excessive loads.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_43

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_44

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_45

If there is an opportunity, let the animals are brought to rouse, but if you walk around the track or in the visibility zone there are stray cats, it is better not to release a reason out of hand. Until one year, animals of this breed are categorically forbidden by jumping, so it is desirable to work out a variety of acrobatic numbers only after the musculoskeletal system of your pet will strengthen.

If your walks pass in a forest park, more often than or small proleski, then Be sure to treat ticks, and coming home, be sure to inspect the withers, armpits and the inguinal area of ​​the Irish. If the spider-like is detected, it must be removed from the body of the animal and then take a couple of days to closely monitor the status of the dog. If you notice that the animal behaves not as usual, then it should be The reason for immediate appeal to the vet.

Irish wolfhounds from truly non-corrosion, but inside they are rather fragile creatures predisposed to the most different diseases of the internal organs.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_46

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_47

Most often, representatives of this breed suffer from:

  • hypoteriosis;
  • Osteosarcoma;
  • Vobbler syndrome;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • purulent damage to the skin;
  • dislocation of the knee cup;
  • cataracts;
  • corpus of the century;
  • cardiomyopathy;
  • shoulder osteochondrosis;
  • intestinal coast;
  • Diseases of blood clotting.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_48

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_49

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_50

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_51


When feeding dogs of this breed, it should be understood that most of the menu must be necessarily meat or finished feed of a premium or super premium class. That is why it should be clearly understood that The food of such an animal flies its masters in a penny, and this fact should be borne in mind before buying a pet, then not save on food, replacing the meat squirrels needed to it.

The greatest benefit has beef and veal, from time to time you can replace them on chicken meat, but it is not recommended to translate a dog on birds on birds. Of course, instead of meat, it is possible to give fish or by-products from time to time. In this case, the fish must be taken only non-fat white, and the sub-products is the highest quality, preferably liver and heart.

In the diet of the animal, cereals must be included, their share in each dish should be about a third of the total feed. Dogs are shown Oats, as well as buckwheat or millet.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_52

It will be necessary to include in the diet of the animal kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, also roasted and crushed vegetables (pumpkin, zucchini, cauliflower). You can add any seasonal greens or glowed grains to the monolate.

Potatoes are suggesting for feeding the animal, but rarely in small quantities. The bones of the dogs of this breed give only after reaching three months of age, otherwise they can spoil their teeth. Teenagers and adult puppies need from time to time to give a section of the beef ridge - so they train the grip of the jaw, and receive the collagen dose they need. For old and weakened animal bones are not recommended - it is not so solid food from the veterinary store. They are softer affect the dental enamel and do not lead to the development of constipation.

It is very important that after any meal the dog had the opportunity to lie at least 15 minutes. If a pet is torn to play - try to calm him down in any way and put it on a layman, otherwise Irish can develop a stomach break.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_53

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_54

The task of each responsible host - from the very first days to learn his pet rest after the snack.

Wolfhide puppies will grow very quickly, because breeders often begin to increase the banner for their pet - this is a common mistake of novice dog breeders. The young wolfhound should receive food strictly in accordance with the doses developed by veterinarians, otherwise the risk to reconcile the animal.

Of course, the reized Irelander looks much more prettier than its suppressed congor, but any extra kilogram creates an increased load on the musculoskeletal system, and the pet organism on such an increase in weight reacts the most adversely.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_55

An indispensable point in the diet should be the dietary supplements and vitamin-mineral complexes, especially if the animal is powered by a "natural order". Preferences should be given to the compositions with chondroitin and glucosamine, to improve the quality of the wool, should be brought around to the drugs with fatty acids omega-3, -6 and -9.

Dogs aged from 1 to 3 months feed 4-5 times a day, animals from 3 months to six months need three feeding per day with an interval of 4-5 hours. After half a year, you can translate the puppy to a two meal. If the dog is weakened, it makes sense to continue three-time meals until it reaches one year old age.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_56

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_57

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_58

Education and training

Wolfhounds from Ireland have a very exist and friendly temper, but to grow from dogs of the breed of guards or bodyguards from dogs - the occupation is absolutely empty. Leave this role to Caucasian Shepherders or Rottweiler. All sorts of frehibuli, Ajaliti and Weitpooling will not bring any pleasure to animals, but they will certainly be brought to the problems with joints, so you should not write down your pet for sports training activities. But you can try racing and coussing, but only if the animal has no cardiovascular pathologies.

And yet the animal needs serious upbringing and dresser. You can take this duty to yourself or contact the services of professionals. It is very important that the dog is motivated to achieve the goal and walked with a person to contact. Dog training should be based on complete mutual respect.

Irish people do not tolerate in relation to themselves cruel and coarse conversion, because engaged in a dressing, in no case do not increase your vote, do not go to a loud cry and definitely do not beat the dog.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_59

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_60

It does not make sense and "rape" your pet multiple repetitions of the same exercise. A couple of approaches should be done, after which the dog takes an hour and other rest. After that, you can repeat the learned command. Such a technique will give the result faster, the week is many hours chewing of each exercise.

Since month, a puppy can be accustomed to a leash, and you can go to the baby around the neighborhood only if he learned well such as "to me" and "next." Start better with short walks. If you see that a pet barely wives after you, it means that you have stopped with exercise and the cops need to rest home faster.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_61

Young wolfeds are well expressed a bustard reflex, so It is necessary to work out his grip on special toys and breeder's hands. . At the same time, it is imperative to immediately explain to your homely pet, which items can be trying to try "on the teeth", and which are categorically prohibited. In no case shake and do not apply other physical action measures towards the randomly estimated baby. In this case, the only thing you achieve is to grow embittered nervous PSA with a developed complex of mistrust to people.

Games in "hugs", which are very loved by the kids-Irish, it is better to stop. Agree, if the arms of a small puppy are pleasant, then the mobility of a large adult dog is a pleasure to an amateur.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_62

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_63

Suitable clicks

For such noble and large animals, appropriate names are usually used. So suitable nicknames for males are Scout, Walt, Harold, Casper, Chester, Rex, Butler, Rudolph, Zidan, Ove, Duncan, Luke, Nord, Lifan, Ernie, Olympus, Zeus, Mike.

Female individuals are usually called Amber, Gerda, Tesa, Ward, Olli, Alice, Tori, Black, Gretta, Alma, Tiara and other similar names.

Irish Wolfhound (64 photos): character and relationship with man, description of the puppies of this breed of dogs and sizes, differences from the dirhaound 12329_64

About the features of this breed, see the following video.

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