Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners


Kane Corso is the pride of Italian dog breeding. Representatives of this breed are distinguished by a beautiful appearance and excellent security qualities. Despite the fact that Kane-Corso look pretty terrible, the temper is actually very friendly. They are affectionate and kind. Today we will get closer with this breed and learn everything about its basic characteristics.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_2


Kane Corso ancestors - Molos dogs living in ancient Rome. It should be noted that Molles originated from Macedonian four-legged, dogs of etrues and combat pieces. The ancestors of Corso carried and watchdogs, and military service. They had large sizes and fearless character.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_3

Italians were able to combine in one form a lot of useful abilities and skills. Kane Corso guarded the property of their owners, and defended them from any dangers, and helped while hunting for large animals. Such pets were truly versatile and indispensable. They were often mentioned in various works of Italian culture. They were always treated with respect because they brought a person only benefit.

The pictures of Cana-Corso were applied to the tombs, made figures in the form of these animals. Some authors and at all devoted poems with this pet. From various kinds of literary sources, which relate to the XV century, you can learn about the first mentions about representatives of this breed. With Kane Corso, the Italians went hunting for bears. Lifegules of people as a whole was directly related to representatives of the described breed. They are mentioned in folklore.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_4

There are also the images of Kane-Corso and Leo that have come down to this day.

In ancient Rome, breeding works were carried out only at a primitive level, but in special nurseries. However, the fall of the empire was not the best reflected in the breeding of such dogs. At this point, they were used mainly as hunters, which was not very well affected on the next generations of Cana-Corso. The main factor for this breed was that it was not recognized as a new aristocracy, which refused to contain these large animals in the courtyards. Unfortunately, the Corso Italiano began to be considered pets with rustic and common.

As a result, it led to the fact that the one once once began to be inevitably divided into subspecies. There was a mixing with other dogs. As a result, the initial look of Kane Corso gradually "blurred". Especially strongly affected the peculiarities of the nature of these pets. Many owners began to breed Kane Corso, pursuing their goals. For example, in some cases they developed excessive aggressiveness and malice.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_5

Initially, the subspecies of the specified rock were intended for the content in the wild in the conditions of the village, which, with the growth of Cane Corso cities, gradually became less popular and distributed. Most likely, this breed would have disappeared at all if it were not for the efforts of Italian enthusiasts who decided to revive it. To this end, they had literally to collect the necessary material, traveling throughout Italy in search of the best representatives of the disappearance.

Interest in Canoe Corso was able to awaken a researcher Berber. He spent a lot of time on a thorough study of the history and traditions of Italian villages, and the dogs described by the breed were just inseparable from the life of Sellian. In 1976, Berber published an article, which led to the emergence of the Society of lovers of Canoe Corso.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_6

In this society, there were some internal differences and disputes, which is why the path to the development and revival of the breed was not the easiest.

At the same time, enthusiasts were made a great job that organized meetings of breeders, caused experts from the Italian Kennel Club. As a result, their actions came to good results - the rock of Kane-Corso was officially recognized. Society of data lovers Society has tried to do everything to make Kane Corso again become popular and relevant. Fortunately, they did it well.

True, an adequate reaction to the stunned interest in the breed did not follow, because of which the puppies began to buy people who were very far from the ideas of high-stencil breeding. There was a real race for the number of young dogs. Not the best representatives of this breed were involved in breeding. Decent candidates, on the contrary, in breeding often did not participate. With great difficulty, the regenerated breed was put on the flow of production with the loss of the best qualities and characteristics.

Together with this stage of recognition of the breed has already been active. The Kane Corso Association formed in Italy immediately set itself the main goal: to prevent deviations of standards and the formation of other parameters for breeding outside Italy. Certain studies were conducted, based on which the breed standards were adjusted, which entered into force in 2003.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_7

Description of breed

Handsome Canoe Corso looks very interesting and unlucky, although it has impressive dimensions. That is why representatives of this famous breed are so in demand and enjoyed enviable popularity. Often, people fall in love with them at first glance and immediately want to acquire such a pet. However, it is not worth a hurry. First you need to familiarize yourself with all the characteristics of Cana Corso.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_8

Consider a description of these dogs.

  • Usually males have a lot of 45 to 50 kg. The bitches are more "lungs" - their average weight is 40-45 kg.
  • In the withers, the peel growth can be 64-68 cm, and bitches - 60-64 cm.
  • The color of these pets is very beautiful. It can be both monophonic and diluted stains of contrasting colors. All Kane-Corso colors look spectacular and shimmer into the light.
  • The nature of these pets is simply wonderful. Canoe Corso's Creation, it is necessary to take into account the fact that they are emotionally dependent on their owners. They are very calm them, they lead themselves balanced. Such sounds are not published and considered "silent" animals, the voice is submitted in exceptional cases. Characterizes Kane Corso and patientity. The four-legged described positively relate to children, suffer their pranks. Parting with the owner of Cana-Corso is extremely difficult, since they are alolyubs.
  • The level of intelligence of these animals is at a very high level. They are very obedient and in a short time absorb new information. Easily leaving for training. Hold their strength under constant control. Socialized surprisingly quickly.
  • The guard-guard potential of these pets is also on a good level. They easily recognize the owners, family members, friends, but they are favored with alertness.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_9

Form of ears and tail

The historical tradition is the procedure for the relief of the ears and the tail of any representatives of harsh fighting breeds. Such actions are needed to help the PSU in battle and even in some situations to save his life. However, in accordance with modern European standards, relief is prohibited.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_10

A person with bought ears may not allow exhibitions.

On the territory of Russia and the CIS countries, Kane Corso's ears are not necessarily. The decision on such procedures only takes the host of the animal of this breed. Some people are fundamentally followed by traditions and refer to such cosmetic operations. If the breeder wants to see only a devotee and companion in Cana-Corso, then the ears can not be touched - leaving hanging. On health, such actions usually do not affect.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_11

Dogs do not stop arguing when the question arises about the relief of the ears and the tail of Cana-Corso. One people seem to be that this chic Italian mastiff should not be subjected to such procedures as they are too cruel and merciless towards animals. Other breeders can not imagine their pet without a relief. Before deciding whether to stop your dog, should take into account some features.

  • The correct form of the ears. Corso usually stop them in such a way that they have the kind of equilateral triangle. They should not be unnecessarily wide or narrow, too shortened or elongated. Only an experienced specialist and a real professional will be able to give ears an ideal and proper form. Unfortunately, not all veterinarians are accurate to themselves, what should be the ears from representatives of this Italian breed. For this reason, it is necessary to make a specialist carefully, consult with other breeders.
  • Age framework. The relief is allowed to do no later than 4 months from the date of the appearance of the puppy on the light and until the end of the dental change period. Consider the age of dogs is extremely important, since it is best to rise not very big and quite dense ears. It is also necessary to take into account that unnecessarily movable and an active treacherous puppy can start skidding.
  • Shavi processing. After completion of the operation on a puppy, a special collar will be put on, which will not let the pet come into contact with the ears, for example, scratch them. To remove the seams is permissible for about 10 days, and another week you can refuse the collar socks. Seams should be treated with hydrogen peroxide or other similar drugs. It will be necessary to do it daily. When the seams are removed, the inner side of the ears should be applied by the plaster, so that the position is fixed correctly.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_12

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_13

Advantages and disadvantages

If you wanted to buy the baby Kane Corso, then you need to get acquainted not only with its external data, but also by all positive and negative characteristics. First, consider what the main advantages of these pets are.

  • Representatives of the Italian breed are distinguished by an excellent level of intelligence. They are smart and intelligent to the joy of the owners.
  • Kane Corso training is surprisingly easy. They quickly assimilate everything new. Commands These individuals perform perfectly.
  • It is impossible not to note the fact that Kane-Corso has a beautiful appearance. They look statically and rich.
  • Hunting instincts of these beauties are developed at a great level. In the distant past, people took them with them to hunt, where Kane Corso turned out to be very useful and necessary.
  • Inherent in this kind and good guard qualities. Moreover, preliminary training for their development is not required. Kane Corso initially good guards.
  • For children, these animals are carefully and neat. Tolete any of their pranks, without demonstrating aggression and anger.
  • These dogs are incredibly devotees. They will be true one family until the end of their days.
  • His leadership such dogs will not demonstrate. Kane Corso is not the main one in the flock, and the companion is endlessly devoted to his family.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_14

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_15

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_16

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_17

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_18

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_19

Unfortunately, it did not cost here and without flaws. Consider what the weaknesses of Canoe Corso are concluded.

  • Dogs have large sizes, because of what they need to provide sufficient space for life.

Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_20

    • Representatives of this breed are big lovers run and play, so they will need much attention from the owner. Pet lifestyle should be mobile.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_21

    • When such a dog becomes boring, she begins to stitch and shove. Most often, Cana-Corso is accepted from boredom to nibble furniture or shoes, which never makes the owners. It is very important to take into account if you wanted to acquire such a beast.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_22

    • Kane Corso is slotted pets. The amount of saliva increases when the animal drinks or shakes. Slotched traces from clothes and furniture is not so easy.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_23

    This feature of this breed pushes many people who wanted to contact her.

    • Cats and other small animals Kane Corso are considered as their prey. Exceptions are only those cases when animals grew together. In such conditions, the dog will not conflict with neighbors in the territory.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_24

    • Puppies of this species are quite buggy. They can scare sharp and loud sounds, strange items. As a rule, when providing timely socialization, such a dog behavior comes on. If you do not do this issue, in the end, a large and powerful dog grows, shuddering from the cat or the rustling package.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_25

    • It should be borne in mind that Kane Corso does not have an ordinary undercoat. The wool itself looks like small and sharp needles. They can crumble in those zones where a pet passed. Line Cane Corso year-round.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_26

    • Italian breed pets eat quite a lot. Their content often costs the owners in a round sum.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_27

    • If you are a very busy person who has little free time, then Canoe Corso will not suit you. These pets need a lot of attention. Stay at home alone, they also do not like.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_28

    • Lovely and older people, these pets will also be suitable.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_29

    • Kane-Corso puppies are not so easy. It is very important to competently choose the desired food, make a table with all the growth rates of the animal, in which it is worth noting its development by month. To walk the peel immediately after feeding it is impossible, because it leads to the back of the back. Little puppies whose age is less than 4 months, it is necessary to lower with the stairs only on hand.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_30

    Before buying a puppy of the Italian breed, we must weigh all the "for" and "against", familiarize yourself with each item specified above. Only in this case, you will not experience the disappointment of the content of such an animal.

    How many years do you live?

    Usually, Kane Corso lives about 10-11 years. Of course, much of it depends on what conditions the animal is contained, what is his power. The dog can live longer if you provide her comfortable living conditions.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_31

    Options Colors

    As mentioned above, all the colors of Cana-Corso look beautiful and rich. Most often there are individuals whose color is:

    • fawn;
    • red;
    • gray;
    • blue;
    • tiger;
    • black;
    • black and tiger.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_32

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_33

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_34

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_35

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_36



    If the pet has a red or tiger color, then the black or dark gray "mask" will be present on its face. White spots may be present on the body of the animal. As a rule, they are on the paws and in the chest.

    Character features

    It should be borne in mind all the features of the nature of the representatives of the Italian breed before to start its representatives. If you say tricky - the appearance of Cana-Corso inspires respect and even timidity. True, The powerful structure of the body is associated with a serious expression of the muzzle confuse many people who are little familiar with this breed.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_37

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_38

    A stranger person is unlikely to pester to a similar animal to pour it or try to climb.

    One of the main properties of the character of Kane Corso is the ability to maximally separate all people surrounded on their own and others. It should be borne in mind that these dogs do not possess the furious and burning temperament. They behave calmly and balanced. Increased aggression and Evil Kane-Corso usually do not demonstrate - this is an unusual feature. Without a reason, such a dog never bites anyone and all the more will not pounce. If Kane-Corso understands what the invasion of its territory occurred, the pet can be very angry and act on his own initiative, without filing the owner.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_39

    Kane Corso - animals are very intelligent and smart. They are carriers of a combination of nobility and strong constitution. This combination seems to be non-standard. Kane Corso has always been closest to the people. Dogs never behaved cold and aristocratically. They are noticeable for the live soul and Italian temperament.

    Kane Corso with an incredible thrill belongs to the family in which he lives, features for children. These dogs are deformally faithful to the owners and always demonstrate complete readiness to serve under any circumstances. These pets love to be obedient. They constantly fulfill the teams (they are also trained very quickly).

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_40

    However, their main mission is not ordinary training, but the role of the guard and defender of their home and the owner.

    Canoe Corso in all cases keep the situation under control. As soon as they notice hints of gusty movements made by a strangers, they immediately make it clear that they will not let go of the eyes. Unlike most other large breeds, Kane Corso is well aware of all their power and strength, so they are allowed to allow games with young children. These dogs will not shoot down the baby from the legs, will not scare it. Kane Corso is considered the most serious cry of crying a child, which is currently under their direct protection.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_41

    To bribe representatives of this breed with different goodies will be able to hardly. It will not work and distract the attention of dogs from their main purpose - the protection of the family and at home. These animals will go to the end, protecting the boundaries of those who love the most in the world. Because Kane Corso is incredibly loyal dogs that are tied to a person (these qualities take place from early pets), then parting and separation from the owners they are worried very hard. It must be remembered that Kane-Corso is monochrome. The betrayal of the owners they may not survive. No need to start similar animals exclusively for prestige.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_42

    An amazing intuition is characteristic of the fact that Kane Corso is characteristic. These dogs remarkably feel dangerous. They are able to instantly react to aggressive actions emanating from other people or animals.

    In addition, Kane Corso is well aware of that facet that shares the games and possible dangers.

    How to choose?

    If you like this breed, and you, given all its features, dignity and disadvantages, decided to have a puppy Kane Corso, then you should choose to choose it. It is important to take into account the fact that Fashion on representatives of the breed made them incredibly popular worldwide . Kane Corso has become prestigious animals. A large number of entrepreneurs took advantage of this to establish their own business on the streaming production of ultramodot and sought-after breed puppies.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_43

    The preservation of the natural advantages of the character and external qualities of the purebred canoe-Corso in such people goes to the background and does not play any role. As a result, such entrepreneurs go to the pedigree lifting and turn to other similar techniques to circle an unprepared buyer around the finger.

    Certain entrepreneurs are completely collapsed to trace the pedigree animals almost to the Middle Ages.

    If you won't want to be disappointed in a new four-way friend and buy an animal with non-characteristic patient Italian, instead of a beautiful purebred Italian features of behavior, it is necessary to pay special attention to the history of the nursery. Be sure to scrupulously examine the pedigree purchased pet. Ensure in the legitimacy of mating. Similar caution measures can not be called insignificant even for those breeders who will not use their dogs in exhibitions and different contests.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_44

    Often familiarized with the big list of advantages of the character of Kane Corso, people entrust these animals to protect the dwellings, property and junior family members. Who will suffer responsibility, if the fault of the unfair breeder, do you buy an animal with an absolutely uncontrollable and unbalanced psyche? That is why it is so important to choose a thoroughbred pet as much as possible.

    To understand who you are dealing with an enthusiast or an ordinary entrepreneur, it will be easy and simple. It is worth paying attention to the immediate conditions in which the thoroughbred animals are contained. If you have a person who only makes money on dogs, then you will see the cages from the cells in which the representatives of the Italian breed will be languished. Often they do not care for them and badly fed.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_45

    Experts strongly recommend buying such pets in the bazaars or, for example, next to the subway. Yes, and to ship from other cities it is better not to treat, since such a deal may not be the most pleasant surprise. If you really seriously configured to acquire such a four-legged friend for many years, then you'd better visit the breeder and pay due attention to all of the criteria listed.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_46

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_47

    Containing rules

    Kane Corso must be kept in comfortable conditions for him. It is believed that even small and medium-sized dogs can deliver a lot of trouble, if you keep them in an ordinary urban apartment, what to talk about healthy. The Kane Corso is an exception to this rule. Despite its impressive dimensions, this animal does not need too much free space. A lot of time canoe Corso is spent in a calm state, and for this large territories do not need.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_48

    If you live in a private house, then settle the dog in the booth and it is not recommended to plant on the chain. It is necessary to take into account the freedom-loving character of the Italians. In addition, they need a permanent stay next to the owner, so it is not the best solution to the owner and place them in the booth. An animal in such conditions will be sad and bad. For street content, these pets will not fit and because they do not have a standard undercoat.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_49

    Impact of low temperatures These pets are transferred not in the best way.

    With a thoroughbred dog, you have to walk every day. Do not take out an active holiday. Leaving with the four-legged other limits of the house, you bring some variety into his life. Such actions have an exceptional good impact on the nervous system and the mood of the dog. In addition, joint walks will strengthen the relationship between the owner and Kane Corso.

    Walks should last at least an hour. Go to them follows 2 times a day. The four-legged Italians often suffer from diseases relating to the musculoskeletal system (a typical problem for large individuals), so it is impossible to limit them in walks. If you do not walk the pet, then soon he can start seriously sick, and immunity in such animals as a whole weakens noticeably. If your dog is less than 2 years old, it is not necessary to load it too long jogging. To overcome high barriers, the four-legged at that age are also not yet suitable.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_50

    In the setting of a country house with a large part of the four-legged Italian breed feel very good. There, loves will find where to walk, watch other "characters."

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_51

    True, you will have to constantly ensure that the beast does not survive neighbor cats and did not pursue them.


    Kane Corso is necessary for all the rules. Health and level of pet activity depends on food. In the food that this dog consumes, various vitamin complexes must occur, useful trace elements. If you consider the feeding of Cana-Corso as a whole, then here you should follow the same rules as in the case of most other large breeds.

    Breeders initially need to determine how their pet will eat. When the puppy turns 3 weeks, it must be accepted to a normal full-fledged diet. You can give dogs ready-made feed that are sold in stores, or give preference to natural products.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_52

    If you decide to grow a pet, giving him ready-made feed, then you should consider that they should only treat a premium or super premium class. Budget options will not exactly bring any benefit to the animal, but they will be able to harm the body, so it is better not to save.

    High-quality feed should be purchased, which contains all the necessary minerals and vitamins. It is advisable to get acquainted with the composition specified on the package.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_53

    To properly choose the perfectly suitable "drying", you can consult with a veterinarian. He will tell you what feed is suitable for animal more, and which is better not to take. In some cases, additional drugs are required to enter such food. This can be done only after communicating with the veterinarian.

    Natural nutrition of the pioneered dog will be less costly. The main advantage of this solution is that the owner has the ability to clearly control what kind of dog consumes it. True, every day will spend a certain time for cooking for pets. Food must be warm and fresh. Over hot or too cold products are not allowed.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_54

    In the diet of the pet should have a non-fat meat products (joile meat, turkey, beef), porridge, sea fish, vegetables and fruits. It should also be borne in mind what kind of food canoe-corso cannot in any way:

    • It is impossible to give these dogs of high fatty meat - pork or lamb;
    • Do not feed the animal with river fish, because there can be many bones in it, sometimes parasites occur, which will not benefit the animal health;
    • smoked and fried foods should be excluded from the diet;
    • Sweets and snobs do not carry any use in themselves (even if the animal does hardly require such food, it is impossible to give it, because it can affect health very serious damage);
    • Fatty dairy products are also better not to give.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_55

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_56

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_57

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_58

    If you follow the nutrition of the purebred Italian, then it will not have health problems. The animal will be active, satisfied and cheerful.


    Conducting hygiene procedures is extremely important for dogs of this breed. The following actions will be required from the owner.

    • Cleaning every week. Despite the fact that Kane-Corso initially have a very short fur, it does not mean that it is not necessary to care for her. It will take combing a pet with a special brush to remove all the fallen hairs and dead skin cells. After that, the animal must be wiped slightly damp cloth. After completing such procedures, the woolen cover of the pet will be very soft and smooth.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_59

    • Bathing. Upon completion of daily walks, you need to wash the dog's paws, especially if there is bad, slushful weather. As for the shared bathing of Kane Corso, it is often not necessary to resort to it. It is enough to bathe ps 1-2 times a year as it is contaminated. If you keep the appearance of a pet under control, it is not necessary to wash it too often.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_60

    • Caring for claws. We must not forget about the care of claws of a purebred pet. Since Kane Corso walks a lot, often cutting their claws is not required, because they are raised in such conditions by themselves. If the pet is lazy and walks little, then you need to cut claws at least once a month. An animal must be accessed to such procedures from an early age.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_61

    In this case, adults will not resist during hygienic events.

    • Caring for eyes, ears and teeth. To care for eyes, ears and teeth Kane-Corso is necessary in the same way as in the case of other major rocks. Always keep under control the status of all listed areas. Pollution from ear shells and eyes should be very gently removed by special means or hydrogen peroxide solution on a cotton disk or tampon. Often, the selection indicates that the animal is sick.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_62

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_63

    • That the teeth of the animal were clean And they did not accumulate flaking on them, it is worth buying special "bones". The pet will gnaw them and simultaneously clean the teeth.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_64

    We must not forget about ticks and fleas, which often attack dogs with such short hair. These parasites can very seriously harm the pet if they do not detect them on time and not destroy. Independence in solving such issues is undesirable. Special funds aimed at combating such parasites must select and appoint only a veterinarian, based on the age of PSA, its weight and general health.


    True Corso is animals who are not accustomed to demonstrate their superiority over man. Thanks to this and train, they will succumb to any problems. Their character is distinguished by stagnation. They fully accept the leadership of the owner and try to obey him. But to grow up to Kane Corso usually do not hurry.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_65

    Often the owners of these dogs refuse to appeal to professional focus for various reasons. Most often, this is due to the high cost of services of the latter. As a result, the education of puppies people decide to do their own. In this case, it is necessary to take into account a number of features.

    • Rise a puppy from the very first day when he appeared in a new house.
    • First of all, you need to teach the baby to the cleanliness and walking in the toilet to a certain place.
    • Necessary teams that cannot be neglected are: "Nearby!", "Stand!", "Lie!", "Place!". It is them necessary to teach the baby paramounts.
    • If you are unhappy with the pet's behavior, then try to adjust it. It is better to do it in the earliest stages.
    • It is impossible to punish puppies physically. Such actions will not lead to anything good.
    • When you walk with a pet in the city or in the park, you should fill out leisure sports games with dresser elements.

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_66

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_67

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_68

    Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_69

      Note that foreign people should not participate in the training of Kane Corso. All teams must be pronounced as clearly and clearly, so that the animal knows what you are waiting for it. Be consistent, doing a pet training. Be sure to require the fulfillment of all tasks set before him.

      Useful Tips and Recommendations

      If you want to put the ears of Cana Corso, it is necessary to turn to a good specialist with sufficient experience. Do not forget that after the operation was performed, the animal needs to provide competent care with the correction of the form of the ears during the year. If you do not want to do this, or you simply do not have time for it, it is better to abandon such a procedure at all.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_70

      Pregnancy in Canoe Corso lasts only 9 weeks. During this period, the diet should only be changed in a couple of weeks before delivery. So as not to acquire vitamin supplements separately, it is easier to choose a special balanced feed in the pet store, in the content of which there are all the necessary components. Portions need to increase daily. In the first 7 weeks, the pet should be fed in the usual mode.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_71

      It is impossible to keep Kane Corso on the chain, since such conditions of detention have a serious effect on the mental state of the pet.

      These animals need attention and love of the owners, as well as a rather mobile lifestyle. If the dog will sit on the chain all the time, then in the end, it will begin to behave more aggressively, and sometimes unmanagen towards other family members.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_72

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_73

      Growing a healthy and smart puppy Canoe Corso should not overload it. It is enough to turn to simple daily walks. It must be borne in mind that these animals develop quite slowly. Excessive loads very quickly tirow kids.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_74

      Take care of vaccinations for your pet if you are worried about his health. Vaccination must be carried out exclusively in a planned manner, namely: in the interval between 3 and 6 months of growth and development. After this period, the pet is vaccinated once a year. Every 3 months it is necessary to give a pet special preparations aimed at the prevention of various parasites, for example, worms.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_75

      Watch for pet health. At first suspicions that the dog fell ill, it is necessary to consult a veterinary doctor as soon as possible. Do not pull the time and do not expect a pet gains independently. Assigning absolutely any medicines and therapeutic feed should only veterinarian. The owners should not be engaged in this.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_76

      So that the pet as soon as possible accustomed to the nickname chosen for him, you should call it only a good tone. If you punish the animal, it is better not to call it by name. Otherwise, his own name will be associated with a dog with a sense of guilt, causing stress.

      It is advisable to buy puppies whose age is one and a half months is the perfect solution.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_77

      Breeder, giving you a pet, must necessarily tell about all its features. It is advisable to ask how to feed the chosen baby and how to care for it.


      Kane Corso is insanely popular dogs who choose people looking for in the animal of a real dedicated friend who can rely on. In the network you can meet a lot of reviews about this breed.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_78

      Of the positive traits, Kane Corso owners notice the following:

      • bright and attractive appearance;
      • Beautiful, stable psyche;
      • balanced nature;
      • Wonderful working quality;
      • The devotion of these dogs truly amazes the owners;
      • Good attitude to children - according to breeders, Kane Corso can serve as a real "fluffy nanny" for junior family members;
      • affectionate and good-natured behavior;
      • well-developed mind and intelligence;
      • Easily leaving for training - this characteristic especially pleased with many owners of such pets, because without education it is impossible to leave even the smartest and good dog;
      • The absence of aggressive behavior - according to Kano-Corso owners, their pets never behave viciously without a wiggle on the cause, they never snarled on "their".

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_79

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_80

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_81

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_82

      As for the minuses observed for this breed, here people distinguish:

      • Not the biggest life expectancy (remember - here much depends on the owner and conditions of content);
      • Some breeders often have these dogs (other owners argue that their pets, on the contrary, have excellent healthy);
      • These dogs grow long;
      • need constant contact with the owner, and this is not all at all;
      • drank;
      • Line.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_83

      Many problems can be avoided if you properly contain and raise a pet. Before you start such a dog, you need to decide exactly, whether you can become the best friend for her.

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_84

      Kane Corso (87 photos): Description Dogs of the breed Italian mastiff, puppies standard, reviews of owners 12323_85

      If you are not quite sure that you have time to such a pet, it is better not to torment it and choose a representative of some other breed.

      See more about Canoe Corso's breed in the video below.

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