English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff


English mastiff is one of the largest representatives of the dog world, the owner of giant sizes and noble nature. A real gladiator, it looks impressive and is a genuine attribute of power and power. This dog will definitely not demonstrate excessive irritability or nervousness. It is always calm, balanced and knows exactly when the owner threatens danger and it's time to show your teeth.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_2

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_3

History of origin

English Mastif - Breed of dogs from the UK, related to the arcuate and officially recognized more than a century ago. She received her first standard in 1883. But before that, one of the largest dogs in the world managed to establish itself in the best way. The ancestors of the mastiffs were known at the time of the greatness of Babylon, Assyria, Persia. Molos of that epoch had more raw bones and a heavy taire, they were used as guards, performed in military campaigns.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_4

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_5

It is assumed that in the UK, the progenitors of Staroangalian mastiffs appeared during the migration of Celtic tribes in the IV-III centuries BC. With the arrival of the island of Romans, their historians wrote a lot about large, massive dogs used by Britons. There was a special ferocity of these animals, their physical strength and fearlessness. It is not surprising that the mastiffs, namely, they began to refer to the breed during the time of Julia Caesar, began to actively import into the Roman Empire, and at the courtyard even a special place for animal selection appeared. Here, the English giants began to use in gladiator battles, along with legionnaires. In the future, the development of the breed influenced the new military invasion of the island - the arrival of Saxons in 407 by the new era led to the tide of fresh blood.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_6

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_7

Among the imported animals, Gafaelgi was allocated - dogs used in hunting purposes to escape animals on the hunt. Matched species, mixed with the mastiffs previously visiting the island, was called Costog. The dogs had medium length, dark color and very ferocious. It is in this form that animals existed until the XI century, when Normans invaded the UK.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_8

Representatives of Continental Europe had their favorites at that time - Alans or hunting mastiffs. Their mixing with Pramolossians of local dilution gave splitting at once into several breed types. The dogs were valued in dogs, fearless, large sizes. Started their popularity and old-type bandogs that appeared thanks to the saksam. They were used to perform guard functions, thanks to the dark color they were invisible in the dark.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_9

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_10

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_11

Transition to purebred dilution

As an independent breed, the English mastiff began to form after 1415, after the notorious battle in Azenkur, in which the dogs fought along with their owners and were ready to give their lives for the British crown. The deceased Pitomice Sir Pierce Lee, the owner of the Lime Hall estate, at the class of King Henry IV, the same military honors were given as her owner. In the future, the line of her descendants became one of the three main nurseries in the UK. In addition, the selection of mastiffs after the XVIII century was engaged in the Gatton and Duke Devonshire's family. Until 1835, the main purpose of the breed was animal trauma, in particular, the dogs fought with bears and successfully defeated them.

But with the yield of the royal ban on this type of entertainment, the English mastiffs turned into decorative pets, the degeneration occurred and the almost complete disappearance of the livestock.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_12

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_13

New story

Modern English mastiffs are little similar to their distant ancestors. Their disappearance led to a new surge of the interest of breeders to this lost British treasure. When the breed is restored, the blood of the following types of dogs were used:

  • American and alpine mastiffs;

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_14

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_15

  • Medelyani;

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_16

  • Senbernara;

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_17

  • Danish dogs;

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_18

  • Newfoundland;

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_19

  • Bullmastids.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_20

The first dog of the modern breed type was exhibited in 1873. Thanks to the efforts of the club, in which lovers of the Staroangalian mastiff united, the animal acquired noble appearance and retained the recognizable features of Molles. Mavel Tauras from Nanbury's nursery, who participated in the show, became his winner. But his descendant with the name of the prince's crown is considered the attitude of modern English mastiff. In the future, the dogs who were born in this line have repeatedly become champions, winners of exhibitions.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_21

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_22

By 1906, the new livestock of English mastiffs demanded the creation of a standard corresponding to changes in the phenotype. Long-haired, spotted, black and gray animals are emitted. Throughout the 20th century, the population of the breed remained very insignificant, after World War II, it was preserved predominantly in the United States.

Today the number of livestock is nothing threatening, and the popularity of English mastiffs around the world is quite high.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_23

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_24

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_25

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_26


The main characteristic of the breed English mastiff is massiveness and large dimensions. The modern population of dogs looks massively, but in proportion, without excessive dampness. The maximum weight of one of the largest dogs reaches 130 kg. But on average, male weighs from 68 to 113 kg with 76 cm height in the withers. The dimensions of the females are less impressive - 54-91 kg and up to 70 cm of height.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_27

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_28


The main focus in the appearance of the English mastiff falls on the head - it looks in bulk, with sharp corners. The ratio of the width to the length according to the standard is 2: 3. Dogs have a strong elongated body, developed muscles of the body with a pronounced relief. Lifts animal strong, straight, widely placed. The coat should be short, without thinning in the field of blades, back, neck, brilliant, tightly adjacent to the body. The black color is allowed only in a mask on the face and on the ears. The rest of the body and the head must be painted in the fawn, light, silver or dark version of the coloring, apricot shades. Especially popular English tiger mastiff, which has pronounced bands by body.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_29

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_30

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_31

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_32

In addition, the following characteristics are installed for the dogs of this breed:

  • Deep and wide breasts - its contours must be well outlined, the lower edge comes to elbows or passes under them;
  • The tail with a moderately high supply - at the base it is thickened, it is narrowed to the tip; The tail in length should reach the leasuracy joint, when excited, it rises above the level of the back;
  • The neck is rather long, well-developed, small bending is characteristic of the rock, the cervical muscles is well developed;
  • Compact sizes of ears with high and wide supply - their thickness is small, in a calm state the lower edge is located on the cheeks;
  • well-developed jaws with a glue bite or a characteristic snack; Powerful fangs, white teeth enamel;
  • The eyes of a nut or dark walnut shade, with a wide delivery, the size is small, the stroke is dark-stockmented, the third century is considered a tribal marriage.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_33

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_34

Important! The life expectancy of English mastiffs is about 10 years, but with proper care and good genetics this limit reaches 13-17 years.


The nature of the English mastiff is distinguished by truly English inhabitable. Dogs are moderately aggressive in relation to strangers, do not show significant physical activity. They are developed intellectually, with proper upbringing master the main course of training. Mastiffs are very friendly to the owner, poorly carry loneliness, rarely and little lat. Unlike its ancient ancestors, modern Molles from Britain have a balanced, completely non-aggressive character.

They are considered one of the most loyal pets that are very popular in the United States and Europe.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_35

Even in a very young age for these dogs is characterized by generosity in movements. The phlegmology of the animal is only apparent - gigantic dogs are very friendly to people, strongly tied to the family of the owner and are ready to protect it from any threats. The manifestation of gentle feelings can lead to very unexpected consequences. Dogs often forget about their large dimensions and strive to climb the owner of the knees. With a weight of 70 kg, the English mastiff becomes a very serious burden. That is why it is standing since childhood to wean him from such an explicit manifestation of feelings.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_36

Mastiffs feel good only with sufficient attention. They are recommended to start a large family, where the dog will receive enough attention. Staying a long time alone, a bored giant can be a serious problem. To bind and he will not bother, but it may well apply a serious harm to property. It is not necessary to worry about walking - English mastiffs are not prone to shoots and always return to their owner.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_37

Security instincts and a sense of own territory in dogs of this breed are developed very well. Animals jealously protect their territory, incredulous to other people. But they do not get along well with other pets, they can show jealousy. However, a well-brought up dog is able to accept even existence on one territory with a cat. British mastiffs are a bad solution for a family with young children. Even a puppy, the dimensions are pretty great to randomly drop or push the child. Big Molos is even more difficult to steal in a house or apartment, here inconvenience will experience all family members.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_38

How to choose a puppy?

Before studying the characteristics of the puppies of the mastiff breed, it is necessary to consider that this dog will need good conditions of content. An animal should have freedom of movement, receive regular physical exertion. In general, the need for physical activity is not too high, British mastiffs are well suited for people leading a low-wear lifestyle. About the games in frisbee, adjust or naughty pets for the bicycle is better forget. A distinctive feature of dogs is the abundant separation of saliva, they are inaccurate in food, while sleeping snores.

This will have to come to terms at the very young age of the pet.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_39

As for the direct choice of the baby of the English mastiff, it is worth considering a number of recommendations of experienced breeders.

  • Select the future pet is standing in the official nursery. You need to pay attention to the pedigree, especially if it is planned to put a dog in the future, use it in breeding. A big plus will be the origin of American manufacturers.
  • The nature of the dog prone to dominance at the genetic level is of great importance. In the family with children it is better to choose a kid with the most advanced, soft temper. But a timid animal should not start - such a puppy is considered a tribal marriage.
  • If there are already other animals in the house, it is worth taking the opposite sex mastiff. In addition, the breeder itself must have experience in the content of large dogs, otherwise behavioral problems will be inevitable.
  • The optimal age for the tuppy selection from the mother is 1.5-3 months. During this period, it is sufficiently socialized to acquire the owner.
  • Visual inspection before buying a puppy is required. The future pet should not have obvious defects and defects of development. It matters and health condition. Dry nose, dull wool, outcome from the eyes - reason to refuse to buy. Well, if you get to see the puppies' parents, get a certificate of vaccination.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_40

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_41

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_42

Important! If we are not talking about exhibition activities, you can buy an English mastiff with small breed defects. Only dogs are purchased for breeding, fully relevant to the standard, with good pedigree and titled parents.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_43


The organization of the right diet is important for growing English mastiffs. A large animal since childhood requires rather calorie, with balanced food. The optimal choice is considered the finished ration of the premium class. It should be selected among feed for giant breeds from leading European manufacturers and taking into account the age of pet.

Natural food also suits English mastiffs, but with certain restrictions. The dog needs a full-fledged preparation of vitamins and mineral additives. It is important to remember that the connection of different types of feed is unacceptable. It harms the health of the animal and can lead to a violation of the work of the digestive tract.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_44

Feeding frequency should take into account the age features of animals, namely:

  • From 1 to 4 months old puppies get food 5 times a day;
  • Until six months, food should be quadras;
  • Until a year of mastiffs, feed breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • An adult animal is enough to eat twice a day.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_45

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_46

Exclude from the diet of the dog follows a number of products. So, by achieving 4 months, English mastiffs should not receive milk. Any products with high carbohydrates, fatty meat (lamb, pork), sharp dishes, tubular bones, river fish are prohibited. Any sweets, smoked, legumes crops are excluded. You need to rink a dog regularly, daily changing water in a bowl. The optimal choice will be non-filled bottled products. Its mineral composition best affects the health of the dog.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_47

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_48

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_49


In the content of English mastiff, the care of the dog does not represent much difficulty. Short-haired animals need only regular combing - about 2-3 times a month. During the mole period, hygienic procedures should be repeated more often. As a means of care, a brush with genuine rigid bristles is applied. The use of dogs of this breed is contraindicated to the use of Pojo - Silicone Plated gloves in the form of spikes are also not suitable. Add the wool gloss will help the processing of suede or vengeal.

Often bathing pets is also not recommended. If the dog does not contact with strong sources of pollution, it is enough to use dry shampoos in sprays at all, allowing to remove fat and dust. With full bathing of the dog, it is necessary to use specialized shampoos intended for animals.

After bathing, the mastiff requires heat, drafts provoke colds hazardous for pets.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_50

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_51

The lack of a frequency of washing at all cancels other hygienic procedures. The folding of the muzzle of the English mastiff requires special attention. Inside wrinkles can postpone residues, sweat and fat selection. To avoid the development of inflammatory processes, it is necessary to quickly wipe all the folds with a wet flap of matter or hypoallergenic hygienic napkins.

After staying on the street, the inspection should be subjected to the ears of the dog. Their inner part regularly needs to be wiped with a cotton swab, moistened in a boric acid solution. The eyes are cleaned daily, from the inner corner of the eye, the accumulating lumps of discharge are washed out with a wet disk from cotton wool moistened with tea or chamomile decoction.

If the selection from the eyes and the ears change the smell, nature and abundance, it is necessary to contact the services of a veterinary doctor to establish the cause of the problems.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_52

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_53

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_54

Large teeth of English mastiff need weekly cleaning. Due to the incorrect bite, characteristic of the breed, the risks of the development of caries is significantly higher than from other representatives of the dog world. It is worth noting that the processing of enamel is carried out using a special paste and brushes or a finger nozzle. Special attention should be paid to the rear teeth - to facilitate the process, the animal should be accepted to the procedure with puppy age. Clause stakes also requires attention. If the dog has a length of their length is quite large, artificial shortening of the burdown layer should be produced using special secanders developed taking into account the animal breed affiliation. As English mastiffs do not differ in love for long walks, it is not worth counting on the natural stratification of claws.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_55

Education and training

As with most giant breeds, the English mastiffs in the period of childhood is significantly delayed. Large dimensions are deceptive - the dog will be capricious, stitch, spoil things. The protracted adulthood should not be perceived as a reason to lay an animal raising. The breed is prone to dominance, demonstrating their leadership character traits. That is why in training from the very first day you have to show a certain hardness. Preventing attempts to intercept the right of leadership should occur solely in a peaceful vein, without aggression. English mastiffs should not beat, encroach on their dignity.

The dog should know his place in the house, but at the same time remain your favorite pet that gets a portion of attention and care to him.

English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_56

Successes in training strongly depend on the character traits, intelligence of a particular animal. Many mastiffs are easily and with pleasure to assign new teams, demonstrate tricks. But the basic course of obedience must pass each dog - without it, it is impossible to cope with the pet. Very important attention in studies should be given to encourage the animal while learning new teams. The British giants are perfectly understood by the value of the delicacy and willingly show the effort to get it.

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        Mastiffs - breed that needs strict observance of the day of the day. Classes are recommended in the afternoon, before dinner and recreation. The dog in this case saves sufficient attitude and focus. The recommended duration of training is at least 60 minutes. Starting classes are recommended from the repetition of the material passed.

        You should not force the animal to execute teams just for the sake of entertainment - the pet perfectly distinguishes the dresser from those moments when followed by the owner's orders.

        English mastiff (58 photos): Characteristics of puppies of rock mastiff, weight of one of the largest dogs, tiger mastiff 12315_58

        The characteristic of the breed of the English mastiff in the video below.

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