Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs


Coton de Tulawar is a breed, differently. These dogs are not too common in our country, breeders find quite difficult.

This species can be confused with Bologna, but the brightest distinguishing features are allocated immediately - these are large eyes and spectacular wool with a specific structure.

The breed was brought to Madagascar, and it is still a real pride of local breeders.

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The dog is incredibly pretty, causes aesthetically pleasant feelings, miniature, with fun, perky temper. It is loved not only for external beauty, but also for sociable nature, intelligence and loyalty.

Description of breed

The breed of Coton de Tulear is different as Madagascar Bishon, which is associated with the snow-white cotton of their terrays. The breed is quite ancient, but there is no accurate information about the origin, the first mentions are dated to the end of the XVI century.

Sometime to keep such a dog was equivalent to demonstration of success, security, and to keep Bishon to ordinary people were officially prohibited. At the end of the XIX century, the process of breeding with Malteta, Bolognese, resulting in a very pretty animal was obtained. The official registration of the breed was recorded in 1971, but the standard of appearance once again underwent changes.

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This miniature breed has several varieties. As for standard parameters, they are represented by the following figures:

  • The growth of males varies from 25 to 30 cm, females - from 20 to 26 cm;
  • The mass of the males body is from 4.5 to 6 kg, females - from 3.5 to 5 kg.

Characteristics of the appearance of the breed of Coton de Tulawar:

  • addition strong;
  • Musculature is well developed;
  • The physique is harmonious, proportional, type slightly elongated;
  • The mid-size head has a triangular shape;
  • The muzzle is slightly shortened, the transition from the nose to the forehead is not pronounced;
  • The eyes are large, round shapes, are widely placed, dark;
  • The ears are small, planted high, hang;
  • The housing is squat, similar to dachshunds;
  • The neck is not too wide, the muscles are strong, the back is elongated;
  • The belly does not hang;
  • The limbs are shortened, powerful, parallel to the direct, direct type;
  • Paws are small, round;
  • The tail in shape resembles a saber, the base is thicker than the end, length is up to 17 cm.

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The main feature of Madagascar Bishon - wool. By type it is very thick, fluffy, feel very smooth, soft. It can be compared with cotton, thanks to the air, light corrosive waviness.

This spectacular coat of snow-white color is similar to fur and produces a stunning impression. As for the suit, only one variation is allowed by the standard: a boiling-white color.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_6

No shades are allowed, both shades are completely color, in addition to increments of small size in the area of ​​the ears, they can be smoky or blue. Short wool is chosen.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other breed, Madagascar Bishon has its advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages that can be celebrated, look like this:

  • kindness and friendly attitude towards people and animals;
  • Good immunity, health is stronger than most small breeds;
  • Perfectly teaching, easily leaving for troubles;
  • active and energetic, love moving games, but at the same time they do not need long walking;
  • moderate molding;
  • No unpleasant odors.

There are some shortcomings, they should be considered before purchasing. As a rule, this is the complexity of the care of spectacular Coton's wool.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_8

Among the disadvantages are the following:

  • Snow-white dogs are very easy to get dirty, dug;
  • Since the wool is an extended type, it turns into chatins, it is twisted;
  • On the wool instantly lipnet everything;
  • It takes a permanent and pretty careful care so that the pet looks beautiful if it is not provided, an unclear appearance is guaranteed;
  • Non-dimensional wool leads to a number of serious diseases of the infectious type;
  • Lai cotton too shrill;
  • If the dog does not educate, it is completely uncontrollable, in time not spent socialization will lead to aggressiveness.

Character features

Tuleaars in the warehouse character of human companions, of which are excellent friends.

Without the owner, the dog cannot exist, longing during parting, reacts to its absence very emotionally.

Cotons love to bark So they talk to the world, they will have to accept it, especially if you started an active game. Thanks to its qualities, such a dog will perfectly fit into the family, where there are children, they are excellent animators, I am pleased to play with a child.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_10

If you feel fatigue, it will not get angry, it will not start lying, it will simply run away and hide.

The dog is completely alien to aggression, malice, while it will protect the child perfectly, controls him.

As breed is quite fragile, Do not allow the child to play uncontrollably with a puppy. Tulaar perfectly gets around with other animals, cats.

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It is quite a smart and smart, very efficient. Therefore, without tired, it can work, happy to learn new places.

As for the strangers, the aggression of Coton will not show, but will be on guard, he is not too trusting.

To behave with someone else's dog should be careful.

This breed is very polite, indestinct. Requires socialization and upbringing from an early age.

Containing rules


Food dogs should be balanced, it is a guarantee of good well-being and health.

Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_12

Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_13

It is very important to properly organize feeding, which will be nutritious and useful.

Experts recommend using the finished dry feed of the premium class.

They already have all the necessary substances, as well as a complex of vitamins and trace elements. Cotons usually do not suffer obesity, but control over portions is still needed.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_15

If you decide to feed the dog with natural products, you should draw up a diet of the following products:

  • Meat of low-fat varieties (beef, veal, rabbit, turkey, chicken), without seeds, lived;
  • Cereals: Grech, Oats and others;
  • Sea, peeled fish;
  • weekly - eggs;
  • vegetable fat;
  • non-fat dairy, cottage cheese, cheese;
  • Vegetables and fruits for seasons;
  • greens;
  • by-products;
  • Vitamin and mineral complex, bone flour.

Under a categorical ban:

  • food from its table;
  • Salted and pepper, seasoned with spices;
  • Sweet, flour, baking;
  • tubular bones and all chicken;
  • plum, grapes, bean, potatoes;
  • pasta;
  • pearl barley;
  • River type fish.

It is easier and more convenient to organize food with finished feed, so you will be exactly sure that the proportions of nutrients are withstanding in the right amount.

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In addition, they do not require cooking.

Puppies eat 4 or 5 times a day, adult dogs - 2 times.

Daily portion is divided into equal parts.


It has already been mentioned that Coton's wool care is painstaking, careful, requires regularity. Snow-white fur coat is the subject of the pride of the dog, and it must be perfect.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_18

Hygienic procedures are mandatory.

  • Dogs of this breed must be combed every day, and twice a year (during the period of molting), use Pocho-Kojozerki for these purposes. The combing process must be made as carefully as possible.
  • Regularly conducts prophylactic treatment from parasites of both external and internal.
  • Dog can be cut if you do not plan to take part in the exhibition forums. In this case, the length remains natural without model type haircuts.
  • It is enough to collect strands in the forehead zone in the tail, cut out so as not to climb into the eyes and not too dirty.
  • You should buy a dog clothes for the winter period and offseason. She will save her from cold and dirt when walking.
  • Water procedures are carried out as needed, only special bathing tools are used. Water should be warm.
  • Dogs of this breed love water, willingly bathe and swim, after swimming, the PSA should be risen under the crane.
  • After water procedures, special balsams need to be applied.
  • In the formation of chatins, they should be treated with a balm and disassemble manually.
  • Periodically clean the ears of the sinks using wands and discs, it is necessary to do it very carefully. Every day, ears are examined for inflammation, redness.
  • The eyes are wiping twice a week, for this we smell a cotton disc with a special means of retauchecia.
  • The teeth are cleaned with a brush and special paste, also need to buy a dice dog with fluorine.
  • Claws are trimmed as needed by cunning, use conventional scissors in no case. In addition, puppies from the first days of life are involved in this procedure.
  • According to graphics, it is necessary to conduct vaccination in a timely manner, twice a year you need to show an animal to a veterinary doctor.
  • For a walk with a dog, you need twice a day, too long walking is not required, but you need to play and run freely.

Caring for the dog lies not only to maintain a beautiful appearance, but also follow his health.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_20

Dogs of this breed are considered hypoallergenic.

Coton's wool is considered minimally annoying in this regard, especially if carefully exercise care.

Dog health is quite strong, but the following problems may arise:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • allergy;
  • Problems with liver, eyes, musculoskeletal system;
  • urolithiasis disease.

To prevent illness or catch them at an early stage, it is necessary to follow the state of the pet and show the doctor on time, careful for him.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_22

Duration of dogs - up to 16 years.


As soon as the puppy reaches a two-month age, he is beginning to raise.

Since the appearance in the house of the new tenant, you must begin to teach it to order.

Need to teach the baby:

  • respond to
  • know your home;
  • wear collar and walk on a leash;
  • Do not be afraid of loud sound, other people's, animals, places where many people, noisy, roads.

After the puppy adapts to all the listed items, you can proceed to training, simple teams.

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_24

Gradually, as learning, you should move to more complex tricks.

Daily workouts should not exceed 40 minutes. With age, time can be increased.

By year, the dog is quite capable of learn to teams: "Location", "lie", "sit", "Fu".

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Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_26

Coton de Tulawar (28 photos): Description of the Madagascarsky Bishon breed, peculiarities of puppies and adult dogs 12312_27

Training requires Sequences, patience, strict but calm attitude.

It is categorically impossible to beat the dog, shouting at him.

Cotons are very consumed, They are able to perceive the system of rewards, affection.

Dogs perfectly feel the mood of the owner, so it's better not to take care with a bad tuition.

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The statement of discontent, humiliation does not act on the dog. If she does not understand something, you just need to explain again. Already at 4 months, the baby can be sent to the overall course of training. Dogs with hunting participate in various competitions, although the number of such events is limited due to a small size of the dog.

Buy a pet toy, then he will play them for a long time and will not spoil things from boredom.

Be careful with the acquisition of pathers - the dog will constantly bark them.

More information about this breed of dogs can be found from the video.

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