Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool


Large fluffy dogs - owners of huge charm and inexhaustible kindness of the soul. Breeds with lochmate hairproof centuries were divorced for grazing of livestock, the protection of trading caravans, transportation of gravity in the sleigh. Many of them are able to sleep in the snow, swim in ice water and at the same time feel great. But there are among the giants and real satellites that need only in the home content.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_2

A variety of fluffy dog ​​breeds, indeed, is great. But even among them there are real giggles, looking at which it is difficult to believe in the peaceful nature of the animal. Who are they fluffy giants with the most magnificent wool cover? Who is worth it only in a country house and what rules of content should take into account?

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_3

Features, pros and cons

A large dog in the house is a real defender, a solid guard, one of his kind suggesting fear of strangers. Simultaneously with this, among giant rocks, phlegmatic, balanced and calm animals are often found, capable of becoming devoted friends, good nanny, reliable satellites in hikes and walks.

The content of large animals has its own characteristics.

Large fluffy dog ​​can have plentiful undercoat and demand regular combing or changing coats several times a year . In addition, she needs In special conditions of detention. An animal requires space, comfortable living conditions. Many breeds are characteristic of the hardware of heavy bone problems with joints, need a soft bed and special nutrition. All this is worth considering before the animal appears in the house.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_4

Among the advantages of the content of a large fluffy dog ​​can be noted:

  • Getting wool for the manufacture of yarn, many people manage to build on this business;
  • Ability to receive admiring views of others daily;
  • Almost always - good contact with pet;
  • good protective guard properties, the possibility of aviary content;
  • Safety during a walk - even dying hooligan will not want to contact the giant.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_5

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_6

There are disadvantages. These usually include substantial costs of maintenance and nutrition. There will be increased and the cost of care for animals, walking it. In addition, not all visitors will want to contact with a new family member. There may be difficulties with a visit to a plumber or other representative of utility services, mail delivery. And guests in the presence of such a guard, rather, will be offered to meet at neutral territory.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_7

All the names of black dogs with long wool, white, red and possessing a more complex color of animals to mention difficult. But it is quite possible to make up top popular rocks with sufficiently magnificent fur coat and large sizes.

The most shaggy

The haired dog is exactly among the shepherd breeds. Here you can highlight Hungarian Shepherd - with firing "curls" and domestic South Russian Shepherd. Similar appearance possesses and Bobtail - Staroangal Shepherds look impressive, and their lush hairstyle managed to become a business card of the breed.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_8

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_9

The most black

Among the large fluffy dogs, the title of black can easily get two breeds at once. One of them - Black terrier It has a very complex nature and needs strict upbringing. It is related to the category of the guard, most often grown and contain in office nurseries.

The exact opposite of black terriers is Newfoundland or Diver . Coal-black dogs with lush wool grow up to 74 cm, possess a calm character, balanced by the psyche, are easily soldered with people and swim well. Animal is suitable for use as a companion.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_10

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_11

The longest-whiskers

If the most long-cheerful of large dogs is selected, this title will easily receive Afghan boings. This breed with long wool has a magnificent, elegant physique. For many years, she was an essential human satellite on the hunt.

The length of the wool of modern Afghans with proper care can reach a half-meter and more, it literally flows when the animal moves.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_12

The biggest one

Tibetan mastiff - The name well known outside Asia. This breed is one of the most huge in the world, the height in the withers reaches 77 cm, the dogs are not afraid of snow and cold, well tolerate street content. The dogs are strongly tied to the owner, but with difficulty they bring the society of children. They have a well-developed protective guard instinct. Abundant coat requires careful care.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_13

The most red

The title of the most redheads of large and fluffy dogs, of course, deserves Golden retriever. This breed is characterized by thick wavy wool, with a dense undercoat that does not let the water. Dogs are perfectly swimming, distinguished by a friendly, cheerful character. Ideal companions - they are suitable for families with children, people with limited physical abilities.

High intelligence and fitness make golden retrievers with a good choice for home content.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_14

Argue for the title of the most red dogs with fluffy wool among large breeds is ready and collie. Scottish Shepherds can have another shade of wool - black with a sang, chestnut, marble. The consistent remains high demand for animal care.

In terms of intelligence and interaction with a person, a collie is not inferior to the retriever.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_15

The most serious

Here the leaders will definitely be two. Big fluffy dogs - Alabai and Caucasian Shepherd - They differ in nature independence, quite abundantly linen, suitable for carrying a protective, guard service. They are suitable only for experienced dog breeders, need hard hand, iron discipline. It is necessary to prepare for the fact that Combining animals will have at least 2 times a week.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_16

The most good-natured

If we are talking about choosing fluffy giants, it is impossible to forget about Senberry - Dogs possessing innate nobility, love for people. Their lush coat is designed for a long movement along the snow-covered Alps. In the city, no exhibition dogs are often short for the summer, to avoid overheating.

Good character and love for children make Senberarov good family pets.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_17


Fluffy dogs of large sizes are usually divided into several subgroups focused on their working quality and temperament features. Such a dog should not be cowardly or overly angry. For families with children, a kind dog is suitable, able to succumb to training. Lovers of sports and physical activity among fluffy giants will also have companions. The classification itself will look as follows in this case.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_18

Guards and guard animals

Among the owners of lush wool such dogs are not so much. it Caucasian and South Russian Shepherd, Black Terrier, Tibetan Mastiff.

For dogs of this type, it is characterized by distrust of strangers, they often choose one owner and listen only to him.

Communication hierarchy resembles the one in the wolf flock - It is necessary to constantly prove the animal that it is not on leading positions.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_19

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_20

Family breeds

They differ in a slight character, easily tied to a person, never harm to children. Among the top rocks in this category can be allocated Newfoundland and Senbernarov, Golden Retriever, Leonberger. According to the nature, they are more often Sanguins or phlegmatic, they have a balanced psyche, non-aggressive, but are able to protect the person and the house if necessary.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_21

Active companions

With such a dog, you will have to prepare for long walks - they require colli, Afghan Borzaya, Bobtail, Samoyed. The character of companions varies from choleric to Sanguine, they are calm and cheerful, but they can be pretty tired by the owner of the thirst for communication or loud lare.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_22

Independent shepherds

Comandors, South Russian, Staroangalian Shepherds, bullets and other typical shepherd dogs And externally resemble a long-haired shepherd inheritance. In addition to the good disguise, they have a rather independent character. And although many such dogs contain at home without much difficulty, they are best feeling precisely during the free grazing of herd.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_23

How to choose?

If from the very beginning it is planned to choose a breed of dogs, combining large sizes and fluffy coats, it is worth paying attention to what kind of content the pet is waiting for.

If the dog is planned to be held on the street, in the aviary or a separate house, it is worth choosing a breed with a thick undercoat that are not flawed on the street even with a significant decrease in temperatures.

For similar content conditions suitable Caucasian, Central Asian Shepherds.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_24

Not all long-haired dogs are well tolerated cold.

Afghan greeting, bobtails, wolfeds do not possess well-developed undercoat. With the onset of the cold, they are not too located to stay on the street. Home maintenance requires Scottish Shepherds, Senbernara and Newfoundland.

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Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_26

When choosing a breed, it is very important to pay attention to the features of housing.

Great and giant dogs are recommended to keep in country houses, spacious urban apartments. Holders of abundant coarse cover leave it everywhere and grow pretty quickly. A comfortable two-month puppy will quickly turn into a greater problem if you do not take care of its placement and upbringing.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_27

Another important point: almost all representatives of large breeds are working dogs and need permanent classes.

Well, if such a pet will use his intended instincts. Otherwise, grazing and raising the dogs will become a family of its owner. Huge importance here also has the right approach to training. Railing up a homemade dowel and pet from a large animal will definitely fail.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_28

Basic rules of content

Any long-haired breed of dogs needs the creation of the correct conditions of content. Among mandatory requirements for large fluffy animals, the following can be noted.

  1. Regular combing wool. You don't need to cut dogs in most cases. But make it necessary to make it regularly living in the house - after every walk, street - in the period of abundant molting. If the dog does not participate in exhibitions, let's say arbitrary grooming wool at the request of the owner. With exhibition bobtiles or Afghan greetings will have to spend on care much longer.
  2. Control over health. For fluffy healthy, the development of inflammation of the joints, osteochondrosis, the infectious diseases of the ears is characteristic. In dogs with convex eyes, conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes can develop. Animals with abundant wool should not spend a lot of time in order to avoid overheating and thermal impact.
  3. Right ration . Dogs need a balanced nutrition with good proportions of vitamins and minerals, rather calorie, but not fat. So that the heat exchange was not broken, animals should receive free access to clean and fresh water. The optimal solution for nutrition is ready-made feed.

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Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_30

Fluffy good-natured giants are one of the most pleasant in the communication of the representatives of the dog world. Whatever breed is chosen, with faithful education it will be possible to receive a dedicated friend for many years.

Large fluffy dogs (31 photos): breeds with shaggy hair cover, black dog names with long wool 12297_31

In the next video you can watch over a large fluffy lifeguard.

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