Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies?


Decorative companion dogs have always been in demand among breeders around the world. Such a demand led to the emergence of new and pretty young rocks to which the Russian salon dog shall be attributed to its exterior.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_2

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_3

History of origin

This kind of decorative dogs was bred not so long ago, but in the light of his attractive exterior animals have already managed to get the second name - mermaids. Conducted such comparison of four-legged pets by the presence of a long and soft falling wool resembling hair. Mermaids perfectly fit breeders who need a non-aggressive and beautiful companion, allowing experimenting with its appearance through various haircuts, hairstyles and styling.

The formation of the breed took place at the beginning of the two thousandths in the capital of Russia. The breeder and judge of many exhibitions were engaged in bringing animals with an interesting exterior - Julia Lakatosh. At the beginning of the work, planned crossing of dogs of various breeds was held with the subsequent fixation of the obtained characteristics of the new type. After that, the tasks of stabilizing the genome and an increase in the number of Russian salon dogs were solved. At the moment, the animal passed the classification, so that in Russia they are recognized as a separate breed group. That is why they do not belong to the design rocks.

It is not known for certain, which breeds participated in the removal of mermaids, however, judging by the exterior, York was present in the nature of animals.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_4

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_5


Decorative animals are not highlighted by their big sizes, according to the approved standards, the dog should grow in the withers from 18 to 28 centimeters. At the same time, the mass of the pet will vary within 1.8-3.5 kilograms.

The physique of the Moscow Mermaid is a bit stretched, but at the same time dry and compact. Folded dog is proportional. The skull will have a round shape, with a low frontal part, the facial part is not expressive, with a straight back of the nose. Knostosa is not observed, for dogs is characterized by some narrowing of the muzzle to the nose lobe, it will be painted black.

Eyes of standard size, without convex pupils, the color is mostly dark. Ears will have a wedge-shaped form with pointed ends.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_6

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_7

The back of the Russian salon dog without bending with the withers, the chest is developed correctly, has an oval section. An insignificant depreciation is observed in the lower back. The tail is high on the torso, the sickle in its structure. In the raised position reaches the back, in the usual state it will be slightly tilted down. It is allowed to relieve it, but not more than 1/3 of the overall size.

The neck relative to the body is located high, has average length parameters and widths, the paws are delivered in parallel, ideally should be even, but not long, which makes the dog a bit squat when considering. Fingers are assembled in a tight lump of an oval form. The limbs can be painted in a dark color, the presence of spots is allowed.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_8

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_9

The wool is long, can be straight or wavy, it is distributed evenly on the torso, while a natural sample will be formed along the housing. It is very soft to the touch, the undercoat is expressed weakly. There is a natural volume, in structure a little resembles the wool of Benez or Shi-Tzu.

As for the color, the dogs can be represented in different tones of red, red, cream or pale. The saturated color is rare, a dark mask may be present on the face.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_10

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_11


The result of the removal of the new breed was a dog that is allocated not only to its external attractiveness, but also a mass of positive character traits. Thus, the Russian salon dog in the content at home shows itself as a non-conflict pet both in relation to man and the rest of pets with their presence. An animal inherent in innate chioplost, and also barking the dog will be quite rare.

In the character, playful and friendly notes are dominated, the pet is very attached to the breeder and remains a devotee. Loves mobile games, willingly give herself to caress. The mermaid is highlighted by a favorable attitude towards children, actively takes part in their entertainment. With a dog, you can easily travel and take with you hiking, trips. Pets are not a buggy, I have a balanced psyche, try to adapt to the mood of your breeder.

Representatives of the breed can get along with one area not only with dogs, but also with cats and small rodents, birds. For walks behave idle, not aggressive.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_12

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_13

A pet is tuned to strangers to strangers, without any unnecessary suspicion or aggressiveness, but not excessive optimism and interest in acquaintance. Animal intelligence is characterized by medium values, but the pet will be able to remember from 5 to 10 simple commands, provided early and competent trains.

Dogs do not like noise and fuss, also a negative pet reacts to violence or punishment from the breeder. Animals are very sensitive to intonation of the voice of their owner, so they can recognize the mood of the person instantly.

Extremely hard dogs suffer loneliness, they may be bored and fall into depression, so the owner will need to regularly contact the pet, to pay time to him.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_14

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_15

Life expectancy

The breed is positioned as a strong and stable to many ailments. Animals are highlighted by good immunity, so they are very rare. However, such characteristics of animals are directly dependent on the diet of the dog, as well as from timely vaccination. Since the breed is still pretty young and studied badly, information about innate diseases is absent yet.

Dogs are not long-livers, on average, their life expectancy is 12-15 years old.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_16

How to choose a puppy?

Since the breed is still young, she did not receive enough spread around the world. Puppies Moscow Mermaid today will be able to buy only in specialized private nurseries. Acquire Doubt Announcements, especially through the Internet, breeders are not recommended in the light of the fact that under the guise of pioneering dogs can sell ordinary metis.

When choosing a pet, pay attention to the dog's documentation, today all the places of the Russian salon dog are subject to mandatory registration. You can make sure the animal purebredness can be given when applying for checking on the nursery website.

You can not buy a dog without documents - while animals are considered exclusive, they are highlighted by their high cost. The cheapness of a little dog should alert a potential buyer. Choosing a pet, it is recommended to pay attention to its exterior, check the characteristics according to the established standards for the breed.

Also, it will be useful to evaluate the situation in the nursery, the overall condition of the animal that may indicate possible errors in the care or presence of disease.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_17

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_18

How to keep?

Despite the decorativeness of the breed, the companion dogs are not whimping in terms of care. Since the dog does not stand out by its large sizes, as well as on its nature, clean, the breeders of Russian salon pieces mark the ease of such pets.

An animal is considered Contact and collective , so trying to spend most of your time at home or walk with the owner. Dogs are moderately active on the street, therefore, unhurried walks on the leash are not far from home.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_19

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_20

The main point relating to the care is the combing of animal wool. The owner must be care for the fur of a pet daily, otherwise it is confused, after which the appearance of chatins that will have to be aggravated. Since the dog acquire another puppy, the breeder should know some of the features of the breed.

So, at the age of 9-12 months, the dogs there is a natural change of children's wool on adult. This process will be associated with the active formation of lumps, which are the norm that is temporary. With the arrival of molds, the owner will need to pay maximum attention to the appearance of their dog.

After changing the wool to keep the Russian salon dog will be at times easier. There is no certain amount of combing per day for one animal. For some animals, one procedure will be enough per week, and someone will need a brush every day.

If the wool has a clean, then it will be smaller, so the dog should be bathed at least two times a month. But before aquatic procedures, the pet must be combed, otherwise the wool condition will deteriorate.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_21

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_22

In addition to bathing and combing, the pet will need to cut regularly. Today, for this breed, several varieties of this procedure are distinguished:

  • Grooming with the preservation of a natural dog exterior;
  • sports haircut;
  • "Kare".

For estimation in exhibitions, haircut variants do not affect.

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_23

Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_24

    In the process of keeping dogs, it will also be necessary to pay attention to the face. It is to be washed after each meal. Every day you need to wipe the pet eye, so that the mucus does not accumulate in the corners, And also did not arise more serious consequences relating to inflammatory processes of organs of vision. Ears are subject to weekly cleaning. If too much sulfur is accumulated inside, cleaning is allowed twice a week.

    To care for eyes and ear sinks, you need to use cotton discs, moistened in water or chamomile flowers. In the ears, you will also have to cut the growing wool.

    For the prevention of gum inflammation and damage to the teeth It is necessary to regularly clean the oral cavity. It will require special attention during the change of dairy teeth to the indigenous. As a rule, this process occurs in 4-8 months. When a delay in shift may require the help of a veterinarian.

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_25

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_26

    Since the dog will hold most of the time in the dwelling, she will need to cohere the claws. In this procedure, it is necessary to respect special caution in order not to damage the blood vessels in the plate. Pillows after walks will need daily inspection. In winter, they are advised to additionally lubricate with children's cream or specialized compositions from cracking, which will be able to purchase in retipetec. During the cold weather, these breeds are usually wounded in special clothing.

    The care from the breeder will require the zone of genitalia in the light of the long wool in the dog. It will need to wash after the fakes. Once every 3 months, the animal will need to carry out prophylactic degelmintion. Vaccination is performed according to the schedule. In the summer, additional processing from ticks and other bloodsowing parasites will be required.

    Certious this breed can do on the street or at home in a special tray or on a diaper.

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_27

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_28

    An animal will need to equip their own space in an apartment or a house with a layman. It should be a quiet place without drafts. Also, the pet will need to buy several toys.

    The balanced diet will be the key to strong dog immunity. To draw up the menu, it is recommended to adhere to the balance in the consumption of pets of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The Russian salon dog can be fed with natural food or dry foods of industrial production. In the first case, the additional introduction of vitamins in the diet is mandatory. Dry feed should be no lower premium.

    Food frequency will vary depending on the age of the animal. Puppies can be fed more than 3-4 times a day. Adult dog will be enough two-time feeding - in the morning and evening.

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_29

    Russian Salon Dog (30 photos): Description of the breed, the content of mermaids. Life expectancy of dogs. How to choose puppies? 12295_30

    Among the prohibited products it is worth highlighting:

    • fatty meat products;
    • legumes;
    • Chicken and tubular bones.

    Look even more information about the breed in the next video.

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