Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies


Dogs are faithful person companions, so they have a centuries-old history of friendship with people. Among the ancient breeds of such animals, the Scottish Shepherd needs to be distinguished, which is interested in film engines, as well as breeders of dogs and to this day.

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This breed wears a few names - a short-haired or Wales Collie, as well as the Scottish Shepherd. The breed was removed for quite a long time, so it is often referred to as an aboriginal. Rodnaya animals are considered to be Britain, where the four-legged pets were used by a man as a shepherd dog. Another version of the origin of the breed is the option of Roman roots, where these dogs performed similar tasks for the grazing and security of livestock, and later were brought to Britain.

The peak of its popularity of the breed reached in the XVIII century, in the same period and the separation of short-haired and long-haired animals into two types occurred.

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Today, the shepherds of the Colli function moved to the background, so the dogs became homemade pets which well coexist in one dwelling with a person. The breed due to the peculiarities of its wool will be an excellent alternative for breeders who dream of such a dog, but not able to contain a long-haired pet and care for it.

Not all countries today recognized the withdrawal collie and their division into different breeds based on the type of wool. Standard for Scottish Shepherda was adopted in 1974.

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Smooth-haired collie - dogs standing out by an excellent physique, pets look muscular and dry, while they are brightly expressed muscular corset. The body itself is a bit stretched, has a smooth back and a wide chest. The loin is not short, straight. The stomach is tightened, does not hang, the fatty fabric is at the minimum.

The neck has medium sizes, developed well, there is a small bend. Wedge-shaped skull with fruit stretched forward. There are some similarities of the scottish shepherd skull and greyhound. The eyes of the almond-shaped shape, painted mainly in the brown color, although sometimes there are dogs with blue eyes.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_6

The bite of teeth scissor-shaped, fangs are smooth, not highlighted with their big sizes, lips are compressed tight. The nose and lips are pigmented, painted in a dark color. The tail in short-haired collie is quite long, the position is direct, but can bend a little to the back, such a position demonstrates the extreme excitation of the animal.

The collie's paws are straight, visually seem thin, however, they have a well-developed muscles, the hind limbs are larger than the front. Hips wide, fingers are assembled in a tight lump, there are strong nails on each.

According to descriptions in standards, animal sizes will vary depending on the sexuality. So, for males, an indicator of 57-62 centimeters is considered to be permissible in the withers, the mass can be from 20 to 30 kilograms. At the same time, bitches grow up to 50-56 centimeters, having a lot of 19 to 25 kilograms.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_8

Smooth colli wool can be the following color options:

  • marble;
  • tricolor;
  • Soud.

The splashes of a white koller are always considered as a minor in the color of the dogs. Wool should be straight, with a subhead. Color in healthy dogs glossy, without muted tones.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_10

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_11

Dogs are positioned today as sports and strong, but they are prone to some genetic ailments. Among them can be noted the dysplasia of the hip joint, sublifting and chromium. Anomalies may also be found in the development of organs of vision. It is possible to identify congenital deviations at an early stage by carrying out a genetic test.

Breeders should also pay attention to the susceptibility of the breed to some medical drugs. In general, the collie is pretty rare, the average life expectancy of the Scottish Shepherd is 12-15 years.

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Advantages and disadvantages

The breed is inherent in positive and negative features that you need to know anyone who wants to contain short-haired collie. The advantages of animals must be attributed:

  • good-natured temper without pronounced signs of aggression;
  • contacting animals in relation to other pets;
  • focus on his breeder;
  • favorable attitude towards children;
  • the ability to contain a pet in the dwelling;
  • good health.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_14

As for the shortcomings, the species include:

  • Loud bang;
  • animal touchiness;
  • The need for active pastime that in the conditions of the apartment can be a serious problem.

Character features

Collie requires communication and close contact from their breeder and all family members. Animals are very important to occupy a certain position in the social hierarchy of their "flocks". If you are divided by a pet and caress, the dog may have different disorders in behavior.

In general, the short-haired collie stands out by the excellent qualities of the companion, it is not inclined to obsessive behavior, but it will run ahead of all. For a child, the dog will become an interesting and loyal friend.

Many breeders characterize the Scottish Shepherd as a better nurse, especially this concerns the bitches. With the appearance of a new family member or pet, Collie react to it calmly.

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The dog prefers his emotions (both positive, and negative), but the mindless manifestations of the pet should not be encouraged, otherwise it can turn into a real problem. The dog is not aggressive, the stranger, rather, it is not interesting, however, in some animals, in particular in dogs, ancient instincts can wake up, then they will be roaring their family and territory.

The long-term loneliness of the collie tolerates hard, therefore, absenting all day, the breeder will need to compensate for the lack of communication upon returning home. In general, the rotor of a short-haired collie is characterized by a positive side, the dogs are balanced, they do not suffer over suspicion and aggression.

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Conditions for content

So that the dog felt well in the dwelling, she needs to take place in the house from the first day, preferably in a calm and secluded corner. It is important that this territory is inviolable for all family members, including children. So it will be possible to balance the psyche of another small animal, providing him with the opportunity if necessary to hide in his "refuge".

The collie should have a soft bed, in which it will be warm and cozy. You can choose such a place from which the dog will be able to have a good overview of the whole house.

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Also, the breed can be kept in the private yard in the aviary, it is impossible to plant a dog to the chain, but the equipment booth in the courtyard will be a prerequisite. The rest of the content is not much different from the conditions that are usually offered to other rocks. The only need for dogs is physical activity B, in a private yard, the animal will be able to move, in the apartment the breeder will need daily and for a long time to walk from Collie. And walks should be as active as possible.

Very often for the dog to feel in good physical form, the owners of the collie take part in different sports competitions.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_19

What to feed?

For dogs of this breed, it is recommended to choose a menu based on the feeds of industrial production. Products should be no lower premium-class recommended for active four-legged pets. A drinking mode is also important for the animal, so the collie water should always be in free access.

Breeders do not advise feeding dogs with natural food, because it will be quite difficult to choose a balanced diet for your pet. Under the ban are treatments from the human table, as well as bones, fatty meat varieties. Puppies of a shorthair collie need to be fed from 4 to 5 times a day. An adult dog should be translated into a two-time meal - in the morning and in the evening.

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_20

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_21

How to care?

If the dog does not eat correctly, and also regularly move, the breeder's animals will not arise. In terms of maintenance and care, the dog's wool will require special attention to the link. During this period, the pet is recommended to comb at least once a day. Conducted a similar need for a rather rich underworker.

It follows to bathe a dog only with the case of extreme necessity, for water hygienic procedures, only specialized means for animals should be used, which will not cause an allergic reaction and do not overheat the epidermis.

Collie favorably belongs to water, so they can gladly swim in open reservoirs. After such events, the pet is recommended to additionally simply with running water.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_23

The rest of the mandatory moments of the care of the four-legged friend will concern the hygiene of the organs of vision and hearing, cleaning the oral cavity. The ears can be cleaned 1-2 times a week using a specialized solution that can be purchased in the vetaptec. An alternative composition will be their own prepared decoction based on herbs with an antiseptic effect. Eyes wipe the sections in the corners should be wiped. For these purposes, the use of the same herbal decoctions is allowed.

The teeth are subject to regular inspection, ideally, in a healthy dog, they should be white, without a fall, there should also be no unpleasant smell of mouth. For cleaning, you can use a special brush and pasta. Special delicacies are advocated as an addition, which are well removed by fallow. Claws are usually combined independently, but in some cases it is not necessary without cutting, it is used as they are growing acute ends.

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_24

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_25

Education and training

For breeders of a shorthair collie, find a lesson for yourself and your dog will not be difficult. Representatives of the breed can take part in offended, Agility, sports fathers. Such classes will be positively affected by the psychological health of the animal, as well as provide regular physical activity, which will have a positive effect on health.

In the process of upbringing collie, it is necessary to consider that one activity within its yard will not be enough The dog needs intellectual development from early childhood. Therefore, the breeder's pastime with a pet should include various classes for the development of mental abilities. According to the majority of kinologists and breeders, short-haired collie are focused on people, so there should be no problems in terms of training.

The dogs remember the simple and complex teams well, capable of performing a variety of tricks, while having fun of contact and learning.

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Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_27

Shorthair collie (28 photos): features of smooth-haired dogs, description of the care of the scottish shepherd puppies 12285_28

However, all work on education and training should be carried out with the condition that the pet once and forever will be established by the existing hierarchy, in which a person will be a permanent leader, and Collie is subordinate. Easy the smart and obedient Scottish shepherd will succeed only on condition that the breeder will have an absolute authority.

Training should be held since childhood, the owner must carry out the training of a dog regularly , consistently mastering the teams along with their four-legged friend. Under the prohibition of the demonstration of aggression, physical punishment and nervousness. By virtue of their congenital mental abilities, Scottish Shepherds, with good training, can catch each gesture and the sound of the host, running the team lightning.

Breed overview is waiting for you in the video below.

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