Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages


South African dogs in our country are considered to be wondering. They rare them rarely, the reason for this is the features of the content and breeding of pets who are accustomed to live in the warm climatic belt. The material of this article will introduce readers with Rhodesian Ridgeback - The only breed from the African continent recognized by the International Federation of Filmologists.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_2

A bit of history

Breed of dogs whose appearance attracts look was created in Africa specifically for hunting . It is considered to be a rice, appeared in the time of the Cape Colony as a result of crossing the dogs of settlers with semi-sorodi, used African tribes for protection and hunting.

The name "Ridgeback" is translated as "Comb back" What is explained by the external feature of each PSA: Its wool on the back grows in the direction, the opposite is the rest of the woolen cover. This is a rare feature of African dogs, which was bred still from time immemorial. Initially, junk-like dogs were needed by the shepherds and those who were engaged in cattle breeding.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_3

The protection of livestock livestock under the conditions of Savannah was a difficult task.

Further development of the breed was obtained in the XIX century, when European to know was passionate about the hunting on African Lviv. Local breeds for such a hunt were not suitable, in view of what Europeans became interested in the dogs of the natives. At that time, they had already experienced victory over gigantic wild cats. The first European, who decided to take the breeding of Ridgeback, became Cornelis Wang Royen, who bought dogs from one of the hunters of Southern Rhodesia.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_4

In the process of breeding to Ridgeback genes, mastiffs, dogs, retrievers, Poistters, as well as terriers and Blohehunds were added. The breeding continued, a lot of customers appeared at the breeder, although at that time the dogs were still called by Psa Wang Royen. Rhodesian Ridgebacks began to be called them in 1922. This year, Francis Richard Barns initiated the definition of a separate standard for the breed, in view of which a new name was assigned to the PSAM with a row on his back.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_5

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_6

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_7

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_8

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_9

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_10

These dogs deftly hunted by the group, they stopped prey with sophisticated and waited for their owner. That is why Ridgeback at one time was called a lion dog or Simba-Ina. In our country, these dogs appeared at the beginning of the nineties, and the pair of dogs here was delivered not from the homeland of animals, but from America. In the first litter, that appeared in 1994, 6 puppies were born: 1 male and 5 bitch.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_11

Later, several more dogs were delivered to Russia, which were also used for breeding.

Characteristic of breed

Purebred Rhodesian Ridgeback characterized by muscular and harmonious physique . Depending on a number of causes of dogs, there may be not only different character, but also a different appearance. This dog is under power to keep an experienced breeder, novice animal lovers to cope with it not easy. According to the generally accepted description, A healthy breed representative is distinguished by athletic physique and noble posture.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_12

These are rather major dog hounds: the weight of males in the withers average ranges from 63 to 69 cm, the height in the IBC was usually varied in the range of 61-66 cm. Weigh males in the range of 36-41 kg, females - 29-34 kg. Despite such weight, the dogs do not look thick: they are in moderation and, rather, powerful than massive . Unlike other fellows, these animals overlook the muscles.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_13

Modern charismatic Ridgeback is, rather, an athlete, rather than a fighter. This indicates the taut body and dry bony paws. Today these animals are divided into two types: rude , painting to Molossam, as well lightweight called borzoid. Despite the difference in species, none of them the standard does not receive an excessive massiveness or excessive elegance.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_14

In purebred ridgeback, the triangular shape of the flattened skull. It narrows to the nose, the powerful muzzle is characterized by a small stop. The head of the dog is moderately long, the distance between the ears is comparable to the length of the skull from the nape before the transition. The skull itself is wide in the location zone of the ears.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_15

When a pet is calm, the forehead is free from wrinkles, the transition to the face is quite pronounced. If the animal is concentrated, the forehead will immediately acquire the folds. On the side, the transition from the frontal zone to the back of the nose is especially noticeable. The cheekbones are very pronounced and well developed, the zone under the eyes is filled in moderate.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_16

Ridgeback lips are thin and neat, they are not sagging and completely closed their teeth, without forming characteristic accusations and folds in the corners. The jaw is very strong, properly folded, scissor bite, the tooth formula is complete. The teeth at the Ridgeback are large and powerful (especially this concerns dog fangs).

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_17

The grip is strong enough in comparison with other representatives of the family of doggy.

These animals have a developed and moving nose of a rounded form. Its color depends on the painting of the PSA and can be both brownish and almost black. The eyes of the representative of the breed oval and are widely produced. The tissue of the age is dense, but it does not prevent dogs to show their emotions. For example, their view, in contrast to many other fellow, can be painted by various emotions, and folds over the centuries often resemble shifted eyebrows.

Rainbing eyes in dogs of this breed can be painted in different shades of brown (from light to dark chocolate). The ears are big, tightly adjacent to the head. At the ends, they are slightly rounded when the animal is calm, they relate to his cheeks. If a pet is passionate about something, his ears are turned forward.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_18

With all its weight, the physique of the dog seems to be supplemented, the body has a rectangular shape. The neck of the representative of the breed is a short-lived, strong and muscular, not having a suspension. The chest of purebred lion dog is moderately wide, lowered to elbows. Kille bone is well developed, the ribs are characterized by the moderation of bend.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_19

The withers pronounced, the spine line drops away from the neck to the croup. Ridge of dogs of this breed has several characteristics. According to the description of the established standard, it is always expressed. Its form may be cone-shaped or not, but it is extremely important that Ridge differ symmetrical.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_20

Permiss and square, and the round of it.

According to the standard Ridge should begin to begin in the shoulder zone without any gap (this is considered a vice). The comb from the femoral bones ends, it must contain two identical crowns (2 curls), located strictly opposite each other. Displays them relative to each other more than 1 cm is considered a serious vice. In the width, the comb must be at least 5 cm.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_21

As for the limbs, the paws in these dogs are not only strong and straight, but also have parallel and broad performance. Ridgeback blades are drawn back, the shoulders slightly slightly, the amplitude of the movements is large. Elbow marked fit to the case, due to the best development of the hind limbs dog can develop its speed very quickly . In this case, the animal can maintain it in the running process.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_22

At the time of the rack, the extremities are delayed back (behind the croup line). The places between the pillows of the fingers in the pets are covered with protective woolen cover. The tail is thicker at the base and approved by the end. It is covered with shorter wool, its end is usually directed up. If the dog has bent in the direction of the spine, it is considered a disadvantage.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_23

The life resource of Rhodesian Ridgebacks is small and amounts to about 12 years. Separate individuals live longer, which is explained by the right departure and a good environmental background of a particular region. Differences on life have an influence of different factors, including the timeliness of preventive inspections, allowing to identify the disease in the early stages.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_24

In addition, it is of great importance to the correctness of the diet, as well as the mode of walking, vaccination, hygiene compliance.

As for the type of wool, the Ridgeback is short and dense. With regular care, it is fairly smooth and brilliant. Its color can be different and includes a mass of shades - from light-wheat to almost fiery-red. On the face of the fur shell are shorter, the very same cover is not inclined to blend, it is rather adjacent to the body.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_25

The colors in the shades of brown and red-red colors are considered the best in terms of standard. However, there are individuals in the breed, the color of the wool of which is close to the tones of Mahagon, copper and even Bordeaux. According to the Regulations, The color may allow the presence of a characteristic dark mask, as well as a slight amount of white hair in the sternum area and on the paws. Large white spots are unacceptable. The colors of gray (blue) colors are considered atypical and subject to disqualification.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_26

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_27

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_28

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_29

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_30

Advantages and disadvantages

Rhodesian Ridgeback has a lot of advantages. He:

  • Silen and energetic;
  • in training is balanced;
  • calm against strangers;
  • unobtrusive, but attentive;
  • active and hardy;
  • Chistopoten and tolenen;
  • Clear and affectionate.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_31

In addition, this dog boasts good learning and rapid memorization of various teams. As for the negative aspects of its nature, they can be attributed to them:

  • alertness of individual individuals to people;
  • aggression towards cats and other dogs;
  • a tendency to dominate the house over households;
  • self-tape in the absence of motivation for learning;
  • Pursuit of the chase for conditional "prey".

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_32

In addition, these dogs are difficult to call indoor. For accommodation, they need more space than other PSAs. In addition to the sun bed, in the conditions of apartments, there are usually no sufficient amount of space for them, and therefore the movements of these pets are often limited.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_33

These animals are complex, but with the right approach to learning, which will have to spend a lot of time, they can completely obey the owner.

Character features

The interest of breeders to dogs of this breed is explained by different factors, including the characteristics of these animals. Despite their external attractiveness, Manyat dog lovers are the power hidden behind the gracefulness, the ideality of proportions, high intelligence, a stunning reaction to what is happening and excellent flair. With the right approach to learning and education These animals grow confident in themselves indifferent to strangers and not cowardly.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_34

They are not desirable fear, and therefore, if necessary, they easily arise to protect the owner. At the same time, their reaction is always not only fearless, but may be disproportionate about the enemy. From the conflict with the owner of this dog it is better to refrain. These are volitional dogs who obey the volitional owners, but may not think about the dangers for the offender.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_35

With a lazy and irresponsible person, independent African dogs will not get warm and will not quickly take a leading position in the house.

They need a master with a solid look at the life they can be able to obey. In a different way, it will not happen to obey them. They need a sports owner with whom "Hand on the paw" they will be able to run for a long time to run and accurate physical exertion, become a kind of friends.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_36

At the same time, dogs of this breed are needed for long distances (for a walk they are able to run to three kilometers). Walking should be daily , and for the day of the dog you need to visit the fresh air at least three times. It is worth noting that the volitional and truly strong dog is growing not in the context of the apartment. With limited space and freedom, it is forced to get rid of excess energy by means of either aggression.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_37

These dogs cannot lie without a business, as many of their fellow decorative rocks. They are inquisitive and seek to take their time with studying anything, and therefore the owner need an active. If with the pets of other breeds an indecisive owner and can somehow agree, then forgive the Africans of pranks and allowing the borders of the boundaries is categorically unacceptable.

A well-trained dog can be faithful to its owner and differ in nature equilibrium. She can show carelessness to what is happening, but it does not cancel the fact that it is ready at any time to independently decide. These animals understand their owners with a half-chaser. They will not be afraid to chase cats or bark with their loud and frightening voice.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_38

With the most needed, the brought up and silent Ridgeback will allow themselves to be a voice (but only as a warning). At the same time, the PSU is typical of self-esteem, he will not behave intrusive, will not be confused under his feet and even more so, to miss yummy. However, it is always ready for work, and therefore it is readily responding to the offer of the walk.

Separate representatives of the breed are characterized by quick-tempered, most of the dogs are characterized by iron exposure.

In everyday life, these animals may seem phlegmatic. However, in the soul, dog is crazy to sell accumulating energy at the first opportunity. Children The Grozny Dog tries not to touch, even if in the process of communication they allow themselves different practices. Their cat's cry is not annoying, the dog is capable of entertaining children, but if he is offended, can retire from their company.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_39

As for completely small children, then leave them with a dog undesirable . Despite the fact that the dog does not demonstrate any aggression towards them, in games and care about them, it may not calculate their own strength. At the same time, she will try to entertain them as can, realizing that they are small and defenseless.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_40

With regard to other animal Ridgebacks behave differently. Most perceives other pieces as rivals for the territory, food, owner love. Other do not like cats, not only street, but also neighbor. Separate individuals of one breed conflict among themselves, and therefore Keep the houses of two Ridgeback males does not make sense. They will constantly find out the relationship between themselves.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_41

Interesting dog behavior on a walk in bad weather. For example, in contrast to other fellow family of dog, Ridgeback will not compete in the rain. The way to the house they will be built not in a straight line, but in such a way to move from shelter to shelter, bypassing the puddles and jumping the most dirty places.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_42

They do not like rain and do not show much interest on the walk, if you have to go out at that time on the street.

Training and upbringing

Separate representatives of the breed show the owners of stubbornness, checking them for strength. Therefore, it is necessary to start training and training as a pet as soon as possible. According to the recommendations of breeders, The most favorable time can be called the first days from the moment the puppy appears in the house . Every new day the chance of raising good dogs and companion is getting smaller.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_43

Separate hosts believe that they can start training puppies when they are going six months. However, as practice shows, it is an early education and training that allows the owner to establish itself as a master, showing hardness and sequence when training. These two criteria are key nuances of the success of a pet dresser proud African dog.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_44

Moreover, when upbringing the owner must be fair: animals extremely thinly feel injustice.

If the owner tries to offend them, they simply will not take his teams, and therefore the train will be ruined on the root. It is useless to try to climb the pet a specific task and wait for it to master the team for one occupation. Training should be held in games form and unobtrusive technique. The one-day one day will be the reason that the dog will consider teams unworthy of its attention, and, consequently, fulfillment.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_45

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_46

You can not exhaust the animal by long learning. During the walk the command or the task is trying to perform only a few times. The rest of the time the pet should relax or spend with some degree of freedom. For example, a great idea of ​​training can be a trip to the forest, where there will be various obstacles that will force a pet overcome them, jump over or squeeze under them.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_47

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_48

Training a pet hunt is preferably in a forest array, and not in the open area.

At the same time, Ridgeback loves promotion for well-performed teams, and therefore it is possible to teach it quickly. At the same time, the approach to learning should be creative and correct. In no case cannot build training on aggression, because in this way you can spoil the animal, turning it into a real killer. No breeder will allow a similar animal to reproduction, such individuals are subject to disqualification.

Besides, An evil animal very quickly begins to take the initiative «in their paws», Dictation first to households, and then the owner's own rules of permissions. It is impossible to shift the upbringing and training of a dog on someone from the side. This should be done by the owner: only so the dog will recognize his authority and unquestionably obey. So it will learn to understand the rules set in the house, teams and mood, in view of which will not climb with their desires when the owner is not before.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_49

With the right approach to learning, the pet remembers the command on average for 20-30 repetitions. You can not try to try in the head of the dog at once several teams at once. This will contribute to the fact that the dog will be lost with the meaning of each task and will cease to understand what the owner requires, saying this or that word. First, the pet is taught the simplest teams, with the time the tasks complicate. More complex occupations are needed by individuals that are prepared for hunting and exhibition events.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_50

Terms of Content and Care

Ideally, the Rhodesian needs to be kept in a private house where the dog will have many opportunities to spill out the accumulating energy on the street. If the PSA brought in the apartment, it is necessary to take into account the fact that there should be a place for walking near the house. Ridgeback is a restless and movable dog, like all the hounds. Hunting instinct forces the animal for a long time to examine the terrain and look for production.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_51

Ridgeback is needed long walks, and not only for the malfunction of the natural need for a leash. The pet is vital to run, ride the grass, splashing in the water, actively play and run. Taking into account the fact that these dogs are prone to corpulence, in the process of walking with them, certain incidents may arise. For example, the same yard cats or homely rodents of their neighbors in their eyes may seem potential prey, catching, as they say, the nature itself ordered.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_52

If the animal is still learning, walking in publicly available places can be carried out only with a leash. When a dog is trained and obedient, she is busy with his walk, rather than the search for adventures. As for more comfortable time, it is summer for dogs. In winter, they need an extra fur coat, and therefore the owners have to buy special clothes for them.

In addition, the time of year significantly affects the duration of the walkouts. If the summer dog needs to walk at two o'clock, in the winter this time has to shorten the animal to be caught up. These dogs do not contain on the street, although some breeders seem to be that it is possible. During the walk, it is preferable to play with a pet or to engage in a certain sport (for example, Adzhiliti).

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_53

Games allow you to strengthen the relationship of the owner and dog, make communication more useful.

After the African dog puppy appears in the house, the breeder will have to think about the purchase of many things. For example, besides your own sun bed, a pet must have its own dishes, toys, as well as equipment for walking. As for the Lena, it can be bought either to make from the girlfriend (say, an old suitcase). From the first days of stay in the house, the pet should understand his own place.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_54

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_55

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_56

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_57

It is his first team, at the same time the rules of the house and the guarantor that the dog will not qualify for the property of its owner. It is not necessary to ignore the importance of buying a bed and offer the baby to lie down on a master sofa or a chair. Day from day puppy will be argued in that this furniture belongs to him. Subsequently, it will be problematic to explain the dog inverse.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_58

The same applies to personal dishes, which many owners are paying special attention. Despite the degree of closeness of the owner and dog relations, the master's dishes can not be used for the animal. First, it is unhygienically, secondly, every time, seeing a plate with food, the dog will think that the tastes in it are intended to him. In addition, you will agree, not every guest and the households will be happy to eat from the bowl that animal licks.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_59

Toys - an important element of learning, with them the dog will play for a long time.

For the street it is necessary to choose individual items so that the animal can play more energetically.

Equipment for walking is selected based on the type of wool, size and weight of the pet. For puppies leashes and collars less, an adult dog needs a leather muzzle.

In view of a small wool length, Caring for it is not so problematic as long-haired dogs. These pets do not need haircuts and all elements of expensive grinding. You often should not wash your pet, even if the breeder is convinced that it will be so possible to get rid of the smell of a pill with 100% . It is not worth doing this because frequent washing is washes off the protective layer with skin and wool. In addition, these animals do not exude a characteristic psyche flavor.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_60

However, in the summer and in bad weather, the dog will have to bathe more often. It is better to teach it to water procedures since childhood so that they become the norm, and the dog calmly transferred them . Paws She needs to wipe a damp cloth or wash after each walk. In the summer you can walk with a pet near a small reservoir, where he can cool in the heat.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_61

You need to bathe a dog with special detergents designed specifically for short-haired pieces. In order for the fur to be more silky, the rinse can be applied. The products that man uses is not suitable for the animal. In rare cases, this can provoke a woolly loss or an allergic reaction.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_62

Every time you wash the dog zooshampune Sometimes for swimming is quite ordinary warm water. If the animal is too dirty, do not do without shampoo. Typically pets wash at least several times a year.

In addition to bathing, the owners pay attention to such a procedure as Complete . It is necessary not only during the molting period to save the house from dead woolly. Complete dogs need to be infrequent, without special fanaticism.

The fact is that dead wool interferes with growing new, in addition, it may cause an animal discomfort. For combing the owners of dogs acquire Special comb Selecting the width of the ridge and the frequency of its teeth, taking into account the characteristics of the structure of the wool of a particular pet. During molting, you can play a woolen ps fur coat Furminator which will accelerate the combing of dead wool and obscures the skin, which will facilitate the condition of the animal at this time.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_63

Claws in the animal will grow, and therefore, from time to time they need to line, using a special adaptation for this - cunter. It will save a pet from a long and unpleasant procedure, reduce its duration. If the animal walks through solid soil, its claws can be independently.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_64

However, this does not exclude the need to carefully care for the paws, which need to be paid special attention until the dogs are still small.

In the frost, the skin on the pads puppies can crack and quickly damage. Therefore, the owner must handle it with a special wax. Each time after walking the paws you need to inspect, clean.

In addition, after the wimpers, it is necessary to inspect a pet for ticks and bites of other insects, which are subject to dog data. In view of this, the breeders of Ridges before walks are treated with pets with special means.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_65

Eyes and ears need to be cleaned regularly, moreover, the pet must be periodically discouraged to the veterinarian . Conducting timely vaccination and prophylactic manipulations from parasites will increase the life resource of the pet and eliminate the likelihood of the emergence of any disease.

Eyes wipe with a cotton swab, pre-dying it in a special lotion . Ears are eliminated from sulfur through a damp cloth or cotton swab.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_66

If there is an unpleasant smell from the ears, as well as in the event of inflammation detection, the animal should urgently carry to the veterinarian.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_67

We must not forget about the cleaning of the teeth, Because without it, the pet teeth is very quickly covered with a yellow raid. In addition, if you do not follow them, they begin to wear faster, they can acquire a dental stone and root. For cleaning, you can use special tools sold in pet stores or dog toothpaste.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_68

Acqualing to this procedure Animal is needed since childhood, otherwise the dog will gripe, because manipulation with cleaning will be unpleasant.


Despite the fact that the Rhodesian Ridgebacks themselves are very active and energetic, they are subject to different diseases. For example, individuals of this breed have such diseases as congenital deafness, cataract, eyelids, myelopathy . In addition, they are subject to various ear infections, allergic reactions and dermoid sinus.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_69

Also, these dogs may have breakdown of guts, hypothyroidism and obesity.

However, despite the nuances of genetics, life expectancy will depend on the care of the owner. Often the development of one or another disease is provoked by the malfunction. It is important to take into account that The degree of pet mobility affects health. Restriction of motor activity for it is equally loss of health and leads to weakening immunity.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_70

What to feed?

Ridge meals should be correct and full, saturated vitamins and necessary useful substances. It is selected based on the mass of the animal and its size. Feed the dog can be industrial feed Although, given the weight of the pet, this product will be very expensive. Cheap feed for dog data is harmful and with constant use lead to problems with the liver.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_71

In addition, there is no benefit as meat in cheap feed. Instead, they use meat flour in them, at best, the product of the processing of offal products, and even the ground hoofs at all. These feed affect the appearance of a pet, which is talking about and the condition of his woolen cover. It deprives shine, over time it becomes more rude and hard.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_72

In the feeds of premium class more meat, and it can be the most diverse. When buying feed for dogs, you need to take into account that nuance that the products of the granular type for the routine are not suitable for them. First, they too quickly deteriorate, secondly, they begin to oxide immediately after the huge packaging of the feed is opened for sale.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_73

The quality feed meat contains at least 80%, it also includes vegetables and nutrients needed by a pet for full growth and development.

If natural food is chosen as a nutritional food, the owner tries to offer those products from which the dog will not be disturbed by the digestive process. For example, it is undesirable to treat a pet food from the master's table, it is also important that its food is not smoked, sharp either fat. Speaking of meat, it is worth considering that It should not be fat, too salted or red.

In the food PSA it can be boiled or raw. If the animal eats raw meat, the owner conducts more frequent prophylactic measures for antiparasitic treatment. Someone freeze meat to get rid of it from small bacteria.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_74

The favorite delicacies of Ridgeback are raw beef and the heart, in addition, they are very fond of boiled chicken breasts and eating sea fish with appetite. It is important to ensure that the diet of the PSA is diverse.

For example, in addition to meat, the dog should receive and rice, buckwheat, eggs (quail or chickens ). Also in the diet should be fermented ferrous products (cottage cheese and kefir). Despite the big weight and craving for meat, the dog needs to be given and vegetables (for example, pumpkin, zucchini, beets, broccoli), occasionally it can be treated Apples.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_75

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_76

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_77

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_78

Concerning List of prohibited products This includes millet and oatmeal, conservation, sausages, sausages, sweets and flour. It is impossible to treat an animal of nor potato mashed potatoes, nor fried potatoes, no potato chips. Also, it is also impossible to add to the food dog seasonings and pour it with milk.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_79

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_80

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_81

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_82

An important aspect when choosing a dry feed as the base of the diet is the fact that it is concentrated food. Consequently, its number on one feed cannot be compared with the volume of natural products recommended for feeding pets of different ages. In addition, the breeder must take into account the clarified appetite of the Ridge, and therefore It is impossible to throw them.

A bowl with food should not stand all day: after feeding it must be removed until the next meal.

As for the water, this kind of bowl, on the contrary, should stand in the dog, regardless of how it feeds it. It is especially important to ensure that water It was constantly when choosing a "drying" (granulated dry food). If the animal is fed by a "natural plate", a side dish must be served to the meat with each feeding.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_83

Puppies feed more often than adult dogs . As a rule, they are feeding them for about 5-6 times. With age, feeding multiplicity is reduced. At about 8 months, the pet should eat no more than 2 times a day. At the same time, the dog's food does not pour into a bowl, but give me a dosage to prevent obesity or problems with digestion.

In addition to dry feed, this dogs need natural food. Therefore, it is not worth counting on the "drying" when they are feeding, even if it is more convenient for the owner and saves time for cooking.

Rhodesian Ridgeback (84 photos): the description of the rock, the characteristic of puppies and adult dogs of Ridgeback. How many years do they live? Advantages and disadvantages 12191_84

About the features of the breed will tell the video below.

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