Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment


Hovawart is one of the most ancient German breeds of dogs. Animals possess Excellent security qualities and at the same time very friendly in relation to the owner. Initially, the breed was recognized only in his homeland and only now begins to gain popularity in America and European countries. This article will consider the history of the origin of such dogs, their temperament, as well as the basics of care.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_2

History of appearance

Hovawart is considered a rather old breed of dogs. The first written information about it appeared in 1274, although official recognition occurred much later - in 1959. For removal, breeds such as Hungarian Kuvas, Newfoundland and Leonberger were used. In the manuscripts of the XIII century, there are mentions of the courtyard guard dogs, referred to as Khoviewart or Hofwart.

The name of the breed can be translated as the "Court Guard" or "Watchman of the Manor".

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_3

In 1473, the dogs were recognized in Germany with one of the most noble species. Such a title of animals obtained thanks to the nature and intelligence. Dogs possessed good hunting qualities, and also differed in the ability to instantly make important decisions in stressful situations. There are many mentions in the books of different centuries.

For example, in the ancient literary source of 1274, the events that occurred 1210 were described. During the siege of the German fortress by the Northern peoples, the owner of the castle entrusted the life of a small son to his pet, who was a representative of the rocks of the Hovawards. The child was tied to the cops, after which the animal was released outside the fortress. The dog saved the life of the boy, and also led to the castle a warrior on the face.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_4

In all its history, the breed has undergone not one change of exterior. If we talk about modern representatives of the Howavartov, then Kurt and Bertram Köning made a huge contribution to their excretion. The beginning of the recovery period is 1915. The breeders were selected the strongest representatives of this species, crossed them and engaged in the cultivation and training of offspring.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_5

The first nursery appeared in 1922, and in March 1937 the perfect representative of the breed was born, according to breeders. The puppy was called the Castor, the characteristics of this dog are considered to be standard and to this day. From the castor, 32 liters were obtained, but the Second World War was introduced into the development of the rock. Almost all the ideal representatives of this species died.

A new stage of breed restoration began in 1949. On the territory of Germany, the dogs were registered as service in 1959. However, around the world, the breed was recognized only in 1964.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_6

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_7


Hovavart refers to medium breeds, with obvious differences in appearance depending on the sexuality. Mass of animals may vary depending on the growth - It is important that the pet's body is proportional. Adult male individuals older than 7 months can reach 40-45 kilograms, and bitches - 35-40 kilograms.

Growth is measured in the withers and according to the standard in males, it may vary from 63 to 70 centimeters. Female dogs can have growth from 58 to 65 centimeters. The length of the body depends on the height of animals and should have an indicator ranging from 110% to 115%. Woolen cover in dogs is quite dense, with long wave-like hairs.

The longest wool in animals is in the areas of the abdomen, the backs of the legs, as well as on the tail and chest. There is a slight undercoat.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_8

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_9

Only 3 wool colors are officially recognized.

  • Solid black color Without any nothing of an extraneous shade.
  • Pale yellow - Saturated color of wool. It is allowed on the body of the evilced zones in the chest and abdomen. This color can still be called light-red.
  • Black and tangible. The prevailing color is black, pallet spots can be on the face, in the chest area, on the paws and near the tail.

The skull of dogs is quite powerful, with a wide frontal part. The ears have a triangular form and are widely placed, the bite refers to the type of "scissors". The muzzle is about the same length as the skull. The size of the neck in dogs is medium, the skin is adjacent tight. The body in the breed is quite strong, with a straight back and a powerful lower back.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_10

The chest is strong, the rear upper part of the body is slightly beveled and has an average size.

The tail in length reaches the level below the complex movement joint on the hind legs, which is called the thrilling. Wool on it is long and thick. Front and backs of muscular and straight. Paws have a rounded shape, and the fingers are tightly pressed to each other. In the dogs of black color claws should be the same color.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_11

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_12

Advantages and disadvantages

Like all breeds of dogs, Hovavat has its advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of animals include the following:

  • Representatives of this breed are friendly and very devoted to the owner;
  • Good learning ability, due to a high level of intelligence;
  • Dogs do not need careful care, so they are suitable for keeping even inexperienced dog breeders.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_13

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_14

As for the minuses of the breed, then first should be noted High cost puhnkov . In addition, when choosing a pet, it is necessary to show marginal caution, as any discrepancy with the exterior standard is considered a marriage. Also, the disadvantages include independent character: despite the fact that the Howava residents are easily learning, they always prefer to make independent decisions, and not to act strictly by decree.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_15

Character features

Hovawarts are excellent guards, but at the same time devoid of aggression. Animals are distinguished by a strong sustainable psyche, they can refer to a dangerous situation and do not bother with loud lare without a weighing reason. Representatives of this breed are very smart and possess all the qualities of the leader.

In critical situations, such dogs are ready to protect a person and housing.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_16

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_17

Hovawarts are good companions and quickly tied to their owner. Such dogs grow pretty late. The body and psyche of the Havarov are finally formed only by the second year of life. Pets are quite active and needed regular walking and outdoor games. It is not recommended to leave a pet alone with a child, since the animal may cause harm by negligence. Possessing a rather large size and playfulness, the dog may accidentally knock the baby from the legs.

Due to independent nature, such a breed needs proper training. Otherwise, a naughty and unbalanced dog may grow out of the puppy.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_18

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_19

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_20

However, it should be remembered that even those individuals who are well brought up and trained, for the most part, when making decisions will be focused on their own opinion, and not to the master team.

Love the dog will be every family member, but consider the owner and obey - only one. In relations with the pet, it is important to show love and respect, otherwise the animal can be very offended and even closed in herself.

Hovavarts easily endile the change of places, so they can be taken with themselves to rest. In the company of other animals, representatives of this breed will explicitly show leadership qualities and defend the territory. Therefore, the Howavads are easy to stay away only with representatives of those breeds, which by their nature do not seek to take a leading position.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_21

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_22

A person who made the decision to start Hovawart, must be remembered that each individual can have individual character traits.

Also, the behavior of a pet may not comply with the general standard due to improper education. However, the security instinct in such dogs will be present in any case, as it is laid by nature.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_23

Containing rules

The most suitable place for the content of Howavartov will be a private house. It is best to equip a place for a dog on the territory adjacent to it. However, it should be remembered that it is impossible to plant representatives of this breed on the chain. You can keep a pet in the aviary, but not all the time, since the animal needs freedom of movement.

Hovawarts can also live in apartments, as they calmly react to temporary discomfort and some restriction in movements.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_24

However, the pet is required A large amount of attention from the owner and regular walking. It is necessary to walk with animals every day and preferably at least 2 hours. It is best to choose a suitable place where it will be possible to let the Hovavart run to run without a leash and a muzzle. During walks, the dog should be physically pulled out, which will allow to maintain her health and psyche normally.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_25

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_26

What to feed?

When developing the ration of Hovavart, it is important to remember that the menu must be balanced. The dog should receive all substances daily in the desired quantity necessary for growth and development. First, it is recommended to feed the pet with the same products, which dog was fed at the breeder. Make a change in the menu and the feeding schedule must be gradually.

At the scene of feeding should not stand a bowl with food all the time. Feeding is desirable to exercise at the same time, after which it is desirable to remove the remnants of the products that the dog did not eat. It is also recommended to refer to the meal temperature - products must be warm.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_27

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_28

Permanent access at the pet should be only clean water. It needs to be replaced at least 2 times a day.

You need to eat an animal after walking, and not to them. The thing is that while digesting food dogs are undesirable to strong physical exertion. Feeding mode largely depends on the age of the pet and its temperament. Puppies feed on at least 6 times a day. Gradually, feeding frequency must be reduced. After 9 months, dogs are usually translated on a two-time diet.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_29

What to enable in the menu?

There is no clear menu for dogs, and the diet for each pet can be compiled individually. You can feed the animal both ready-made feeds and natural food. Important during feeding does not mix these types of products.

If you plan to give an animal dry feed, then The number of ordinary food in the diet should be reduced to a maximum of 30%. Finished feed should be of good quality and balanced in composition. It is recommended to acquire dry formulations and canned one brand.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_30

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_31

As for natural products, First of all, the dog needs meat. Its animals are advised to give in raw form for better assimilation of the protein. It is best to give a pet beef and various sub-products. Fatty meat varieties can adversely affect the digestive system of the animal, as well as worse assimilated by the body.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_32

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_33

Meat can be alternating with seafood and sea fish without bones. For animals, you can cook cereals from croup, for example, peashed or oatmeal.

In porridge you can add grated fresh vegetables, such as carrots, cucumbers or zucchini. Some individuals love sweet, but it can only be useful for them in the form of some fruits. They can be given a dog only as a delicacy and in small quantities. It can be apples, bananas, pears, melons and so on. It is allowed to give berries together with fruit.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_34

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_35

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_36

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_37

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_38

Equality products are low oily fat, you can feed the pet no more than 3 times a week. In no case cannot be mixed with meat, vegetables or fruits.

For dogs, eggs are also useful, but in small quantities and also no more than 3 times a week. For pets, pets are useful sometimes nibble with fresh bones, but they do not carry any use for the body. It is better to buy a dog as the prevention of caries Special solid delicacies in pet stores.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_39

Prohibited products

Dogs can not be given confectionery, such as buns or chocolate. Regular use of sweets can bring a pet to a problem with weight, as well as cause diabetes. Having baking animals is also impossible. It is allowed to occasionally feed the dog a few small pieces of dried bread.

For animals, such a substance like caffeine is harmful, so products and drinks in which it is contained also to be excluded from the diet.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_40

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_41

Otherwise, a nervous and cardiovascular pet system will be under the blow. Some fruits are contraindicated for dogs - first of all, these are all citrus. For animals, too fatty food is dangerous, as well as mushrooms. In no case cannot give pet alcohol or vitamin additives intended for people.

How to care?

Despite the fact that the Howavads are possessors of rather long and beautiful wool, they do not need difficult care. Woolen cover of representatives of this breed has a feature to repel water and resistant to pollution. Animals do not need to bathe every time after walking. Frequent bathing, on the contrary, can harm the pet. Water negatively affects the condition of the skin, sushy it.

You need to wash Howvavart only when his wool pollute or it will come from it an unpleasant smell.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_42

For swimming must be used Special means for long-haired dogs. After water procedures, you need to carefully rub the dog with a towel to remove excess water from woolen cover. So that the wool is not satisfied, it is necessary Periodically comb. This procedure is sufficient to conduct 2 times per week . In the period of molting, the pet is preferably preferably every day to remove excess hairs.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_43

It is not required to cut the hair wool. The exception is the paws, namely the area next to the fingers.

To coordinate the long wool between the fingers is needed in the winter, and they do it first for the convenience of the dog itself. If you do not remove long hairs, they will pour snow during walks.

Of special attention from Howavatsov requires not only woolen cover, but also ears and jaws. To prevent the appearance of caries and the formation of a dental stone, dogs are encouraged to buy special bones in pet stores. It is advisable to periodically clean your pet teeth using a special brush and toothpaste for dogs.

Cleansing the ears should be made at least once a week. For cleaning, you can also purchase a special lotion in a pet store or veterinary clinic.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_44

It is advisable to inspect the ears daily to immediately detect the presence of parasites or the beginning of the development of the disease and promptly begin treatment.

Also at home should be available compositions for cleansing the eyes. The eyeball is necessary to handle only as necessary in the case of contamination. Howvavat has rather tough and long claws that can interfere with the pet. It is desirable from little age to teach a pet to a haircut of claws.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_45

Education and training

Previously, the importance of the upbringing and training of representatives of the rock is already noted. If you do not engage in learning a pet from an early age, then he can grow naughty and unbalanced. Immediately after the puppy appeared in the house, it must be accepted to his nickname, its place and walking on a leash.

It is worth remembering that Madrid Howvavarta longer than representatives of other breeds of dogs. Adults can preserve some features of small puppies up to 3 years. Therefore, in the process of training you need to be patient, do not be angry with the animal for playfulness and in no case can not punish it physically.

Since childhood, Hovavart must understand who is his main owner. If the animal does not consider a person to the leader, it will be bad to learn.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_46

It is believed that the individuals of the female are faster to memorize teams, and male - more conscientiously perform instructions.

In order to be able to control the behavior of the dog, it is necessary to train it with such teams: "Next", "lie", "to me", "sit", "Fu", "Voice" and "Stand". Some instructions of the pet can be extremely reluctant, for example, "lie". Hovawarts are by their nature are the leader and do not like to be in a position that implies complete submission.

Hovawart (47 photos): What is this breed? Description of German dogs and their character, the advice of owners in the content of puppies in the apartment 12187_47

Health and life expectancy

Hovawarts have pretty good immunity and have no hereditary diseases. The state of health depends largely on the proper nutrition and competent care. The life expectancy is average of 13 years. but With proper care, Hovavarta can live 17 years, while feeling well feeling . Like all dogs, representatives of this breed need timely vaccination. In addition, pet regularly need to be processed from helminths and skin parasites.

On the features of the rock, see further.

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