What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used?


Buying a little puppy, the first thing to explore the rules for its feeding. If you find out from the very beginning than and how to feed a pet, then in the future it will be possible to ensure the harmonious development of the animal.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_2

Rules of the first pricorm

The first lure is carried out at the third or fourth week of the puppy life when it is at the mother and has the opportunity to regularly get it milk. In the case when in the litter more than 8 individuals or the puppy is painted artificially from the bottles, then the adrch is to enter the puppy from 7 to 10 days when it transcelves. As the first food, sheep or goat milk, which is added fresh egg. The liquid first heats up a bit, and the egg is well stirred. It is important that in this product there are no harmful bacteria.

Milk is first better to offer a pet in tanks with a nipple, and when he gets acquainted with the new feed, to pour it into a saucer.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_3

So puppies will begin to gradually master the skill of the lacquer. Naturally, it will all happen too neatly, so after completing feeding, the animal's muzzle must be wiped out. As soon as the dog licks the lacquer of egg milk, you can move to liquid nasham, also cooked on milk. Experts recommend starting with oattress or oatmeal crushes. In the pan of porridge, cooked for the whole litter, add one or two eggs.

At the same stage, the addition of cottage cheese dogs is recommended and adding to the diet, because the calcined product is intended for the prevention of rickets. For puppies, it is prepared as follows: a liter of milk is brought to a boil, after which approximately 4 tablespoons of calcium chloride are added to it.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_4

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_5

Mixing the substance, it is necessary to learn cottage cheese, it is necessary to mix it and mix with serum to be formed with liquid bash. The remaining serum can be offered a nursing female.

From 14 days to the ration of puppies, meat is added, grinding into mince. The product must be fresh, quenched and after that we flaunt. Little dogs are suitable veal, turkey or rabbit, that is, a gentle and low-fat product. It is proposed to meat minced meat only after the puppies will leave the mother's milk or from the bottle.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_6

What can be given?

Monthly puppies must be fed only with fresh products, since even a small retreat from the shelf life threatens pet poisoning. The main component of the diet, of course, is meat. This product should be practically 40% of the entire food puppy. As a rule, the required amount is determined by a simple rule: a kilogram of the weight of the animal should account for 30 grams of meat products. A puppy, grown to the age of one month, is allowed to offer raw, boiled or just a scratched product.

If the dog refers to a large breed and in the future it is to become a security guard, it is better to give her immediately raw meat. Chicken without leather is perfect for domestic pets. In addition, the diet should include veal, turkey and beef, as well as offal, for example, hearts or liver.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_7

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_8

For greater convenience, all meat products are cut into small pieces. Fish in the diet puppy should be added, but in moderate quantities - only a couple of times a month.

It is better to choose white meat containing a small amount of stones. River fish for babies is not recommended as time as an increased bone content. Varka product is not mandatory, but recommended to avoid hot with helminths. In those meals, when the puppy is given fish, the meat is no longer needed.

Milk requires dogs during the first 4-6 months of life. Suitable as a cow and goat milk, but the second is considered more appropriate, as it does not cause allergies. Cow's milk is better to dilute drinking water to avoid diarrhea. From the diet, milk is cleaned when the puppy reaches the age of 6 months, but it is done gradually in order not to cause stress in the animal. In addition to milk, it is not necessary for both milk products that are the main source of calcium and contributing to the right digestion.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_9

Suitable products such as cottage cheese, kefir and sour cream with low fatty. During training, the dog and a piece of cheese is not allowed to give as a treat.

Cereals are no less important than other foods in the diet of the dog, but still they are in third place after meat and dairy products. For feeding pets, rice, oatmeal, buckwheat and manna porridge cooked on milk are selected. However, offering the baby such a dish, it is important to keep track of whether it will cause a stomach disorder. If the trouble happened, then this cereal should be output from the diet for 10 days.

Vegetables provide a dog with the necessary vitamins. As a rule, carrots, beets, zucchini and pumpkin are used. They are added to the diet in a small amount and necessarily in stewed form. In rare cases, the animal is offered eggs - either raw or boiled. You can also enrich dishes with a small amount of greenery. Fruits, dried fruits and berries are used as animal treats. In principle, dry food is not prohibited for puppies of age in one month, but not all experts approve of him.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_10

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_11

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_12

The product must be high quality and contain all the necessary vitamins and trace elements.

One-month puppy is powered 6 times a day. Alternatively, as a first meal, it is possible to offer cottage cheese, mixed with kefir, and then twice feed his rice porridge with meat and grated vegetables. Next, you should again cottage cheese, and then the same porridge with meat and vegetables, but already buckwheat. Rice or buckwheat bash with meat, but without vegetables, or just meat is suitable as a final dish.

Another option of the daily diet begins with a dairy cashie or cottage cheese with sour cream offered at 7:30. Next, at 10:30 puppy gets a mixture of porridge chopped by small pieces of meat and boiled carrots. At 13:30 he is enough to drink milk, but at 16:30 repeat the meat porridge with vegetables. At 19:30, a dog can offer a dairy porridge with pieces of fruit or other dairy products, and complete the day with pieces of raw meat at 22:30.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_13

Speaking about the diet of kids, it is impossible not to mention his enrichment by vitamins. The easiest way to use fish oil, the number of which increases from 3 drops to a teaspoon per day.

Suitable as a vitamin supplement and sea cabbage, finely chopped and offered in the amount of a quarter of a teaspoon. The hosts are also used by beer yeast, bone flour, calcium glucanite or calcium glucophosphate. In addition, raw vegetables, chopped to the state of porridge, or sea fish without bones can be vitamin additive.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_14

What you can't feed?

The list of products prohibited for puppies is similar to the list drawn up for adults. Dogs can not be given sweet and flour, smoked, lamb with pork, as well as legumes. Dishes must be prepared without the use of spices, and the tubular bones of birds should also be avoided.

Puppies in addition are not necessary to feed from its table, as their gastrointestinal tract will simply not be able to digest human food.

Problems may vary from conventional nonsense until the fatal outcome. Special danger represent the remains of sausages or sausages, as well as a bone river fish.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_15

Norms of feeding

Puppies at the age of 1 must necessarily get food at the same time in moderate quantities in order to avoid stretching the stomach. Both surplus and fasting will have catastrophic consequences. Power should be diverse and saturated vitamins and other useful elements. It is necessary to organize for dogs and constant access to drinking water, especially if the basis of its diet is dry food.

Food itself should not be neither cold, no hot, but, rather, room temperature. If the animal refuses to eat, then a bowl simply should be removed until the next meal. Plate must be located at the level of the animal muzzle. If it is purchased with dry food, then you need to take only the one that corresponds to the age of the animal.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_16

The mixtures are manufactured in economy, premium and super premium classes, but for small animals are recommended for use only the last two.

Quite often, the owners of dogs make a gross mistake, combining natural and dry food. It is not allowed to do this, only one type of power is needed to choose. Dry feed will never replace natural, and even being chosen as the main one, it should be complemented by mineral complexes. The amount of dry feed is determined depending on the size of the animal and its age. How to determine the norm for your animal, is indicated on the package.

For dogs will have to start two bowls - for water and for food. The kids will initially have to teach their location, which must remain unchanged. The water has to be replaced once a day, and rinse the food container and wipe after each meal. To understand whether the food puppy is enough, it is necessary to look at his behavior. In the case when the animal remains for a long one for a long time, loses the container and collects crumbs, it is clearly undernourished, then the size of the portion is slightly increased.

What to feed a puppy in 1 month? 17 Photo Rules for feeding puppies without mother. What feed can not be used? 12184_17

If the bowl regularly remains food, it speaks about excessive portions.

In addition, the appearance of the pet is also talking about the satisfaction of the needs of PSA. When the nutrition is chosen correctly, the dog pleases the owners with a view of the gloring wool and healthy teeth, as well as vigor. The absence of these conditions indicates violations of the feeding process.

It is also worth mentioning that the animal breed a little affects what products and in what quantities he should receive. For large breed puppies, dishes with elevated protein content are required. In addition, it is important to ensure that they do not move, which threatens the appearance of skeletal pathologies. For small breeds, it is necessary to regularly use vitamin supplements that prevent the development of heart disease. Dachshunds need products enriched with fluorine and calcium necessary to strengthen their spine.

How to feed the puppy, look next.

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