Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained?


Still a century or a half ago Most dog breeds had a specific purpose - some were used for hunting, others grazed herd, others were useful only as a decorative decoration. Today the situation has changed - representatives of most breeds are contained at home simply as pets. If you decide to have an unusual thoroughbred dog, pay attention to the most popular rising. At the same time, home dilution of such pieces beyond the distant north is not too common, so the topic deserves more detailed study.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_2

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_3

What should the riding dog be able to be able to?

Belonging to the riding rock means that a particularly taken dog can not only be trained in a certain type of activity, but also in its physical and psychological characteristics is predisposed to the fulfillment of a certain type of action. For the PSA of such a category, the most important is instinct forcing the animal all the time run forward. It is distinguished by maximum nonsense and rushes away all the time. Thanks to this, such an animal is used for the following needs.

  • Transportation of goods in winter conditions. A similar pet is not only non-suspension, but also very strong. Growing in conditions of a long winter, it is adapted to move effectively in the snow, in which it will not be knit. With properly constructed and lubricated sleigh, such a beast is capable of dragging weight with clock, halvening exceeding your own.
  • Transportation of people. The fishing dog knows how to drag Sani with a famous share of accuracy, choosing the road so that it is passable for both "trailer". At the same time, the dogs are observed by voice teams from their passenger and a little leader who leads the whole harness.
  • Participation in various races. High-speed riding in Narts is also sport, but mankind has come up with many alternative competition options today. One of them is a race in which the cyclist and his pet, moving on a par, must overcome the distance as quickly as possible.
  • Motivation. Oddly enough, Dogs of driving rocks are considered among the best motivators for their owners - they always run forward, even if they do not see the ultimate goal.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_4

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_5

The International Federation of Filmologists includes the list of riding dogs of representatives of northern breeds, which are officially recognized by the Organization. It did not include the majority of existing breeds, but it is the "official" dogs are maximum popular because they are bred professionally and go to large exhibitions. Newbies will be surprised, but all that they are accustomed to call just "husky" is a wide variety of rocks.

Alaskan Malamute

This dog went to humanity from the indigenous population of Alaska, which generations were nomadic with such animals. Constantly living next to a man, the dog is specially derived non-aggressive, therefore cannot be a security guard or hunter.

The beast is very devoted to the owner and does not like loneliness, and weighs not much less than its owner.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_6

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_7

Greenland riding dog

There is a theory according to which this breed is not bred in Greenland. Contrary to the name, it was originally Siberian, and only in the XVII century was brought to this island. Such a dog weighs no more than 32 kilograms, but it is distinguished by high autonomy and often behaves like a wolf, and therefore not recommended for beginners. At the same time, Greenlandeshund (another breed name) does not seek to escape, and the territory he considers it is inclined to guard.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_8

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_9

Siberian Like

It is this dog that most often recall our compatriots at the mention of the word "husky". Externally, the dog is very similar to Malamute, but it has more modest sizes - west no more than 28 kilograms. Kamchatka Chukchi brought this breed even earlier than the deer tamed, and for them the Chukotka laika is not a pet, but a family member.

An animal is indispensable, you can even leave a child, but at the same time an active beast is not suitable for anything other than driving, and he is also inclined to run away.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_10

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_11

Self-called husky, or spitz

Initially, the breed is derived by the Russian small people of the North - Samoyemi, but it became widely popularity thanks to the British polar explorer Robert Scott, who used exactly such a traction in his expeditions. Comparatively small (18-30 kilograms) The dog is distinguished by excellent major qualities and selfless friendliness, and their characteristic writing of the muzzle, a mischievable "smile", fascinates a million dog dogs around the world.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_12

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_13

Dogs who have not received recognition

Many breeds of riding dogs today have already gained wide fame among dog lovers, but still officially not recognized as the same international federation of filmologists. The reasons for this may be different - sometimes experts do not see the fundamental differences from the already existing rocks or consider it a novelty of a banal race of two purebred parents of different riding dogs, or the cause lies in a simple bureaucratic vobine and the dog is about to be recognized. These are most often among the following common animals:

  • Alaskan Huski - Extremely popular in the United States, in the harness hits the speed records, but the wire, apparently, in natural origin - no one has taken such a dog specifically, and there is no standard for it;

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_14

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_15

  • Sakhalin Husky, or Gilyatskaya Like - Contrary to the fact that it is named after now the Russian island Sakhalin, it is divorced mainly in Japan, it is suitable for harboring and for hunting;

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_16

  • Chinuk - It is not easy for a hat that does not interfere with this large cops to rush with a supelness of almost at the level of husky, it is also a good option for the protection of people and territories;

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_17

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_18

  • Norwegian graster - A special breed from the number of recently recently was never used by any people of the North, but was created specifically for competitions;

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_19

  • wet - Russian fiction, which is a mixture of the German shepherd with a wild wolf, is distinguished by specific semi-dog behavior and still not sold anywhere else;

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_20

  • Eskimo and Yakut husky - Rare examples of how the rolling dog can be suitable for protection, and for hunting.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_21

How are they taught?

Most of the driving dogs are not too good to train - the volatility caused by the wolf nature is affected. A person who wants to extract the real riding dogs will have to be patient , After all, from a too independent puppy you need to grow an animal, which is listening not only by a person, but also the leader of the flocks. At the same time, the dog should be trained by team interaction, because no one uses such pets for transporting alone.

The first thing you are taught by the beast is the standard for all dogs to "sit!", "You can not!" or "To me!". This is an elementary discipline, which is equally useful for both the PSA from the harness and the apartment pet.

When the animal lifting the main teams, it is taught to work in the harness.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_22

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_23

All components of one mechanism should work simply, understanding specific commands denoting the beginning or end of movement, as well as turns. When the animal as a whole masters the main wisdom of his "profession", it is trained by the so-called proper behavior - It is unacceptable that individual individuals be distracted by extraneous stimuli or arranged disassembly among themselves. Only after the assimilation of all these skills, it makes sense to teach a pet in any other skills, but in the conditions of the city, when the PSA is just acquired as a companion, work in the harness can be completely excluded from the training program.

At the same time, in the instincts of many representatives of driving rocks initially laid a desire not only to run forward, but also to "work", that is, to drag a certain cargo.

For this reason, many experts even advise the villagers to load the peel, from the young age being accustomed to the load - for this puppy's walking puppy "weight" toy, which is tied to it from behind and somewhat complicates the task.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_24

Interesting Facts

Riding dogs are very curious animals. Everyone knows that with their help you can move and transport cargoes, but there are several curious facts that most people do not know.

  • The history of the use of dog harness has at least 8 thousand years. This was confirmed on the territory of the Novosibirsk Islands owned by Russia.
  • Without driving dogs, white spots from the world's map would have disappeared much slower - for example, the first conquers of the poles got to the lined point in Narts.
  • The dogs of the above-described rocks are capable of overcome 80 kilometers in the harness. At the same time, Cayur, that is, a rider must ensure that the animals are not overwhelmed, and therefore they have a speed limit - not more than 12 km / h.
  • In the harness, the load on all participants should be uniform, and if someone from Halturite's pieces, he will be punished by a leader on the nearest parking lot when Cayur will free animals.
  • Unlike the horses and most other lively power, physical "tips" in dog sledding does not apply - there is no something like whips or leads, animals are managed exclusively by oral voice teams. At the same time, the rider must conquer the respect of his "engine", otherwise there can be no speech about proper obedience.
  • Smart riding dogs have their own soul - as a remuneration they want not only tasty treats, but also obviously pronounced praise. Experienced Cayurs at stops are necessarily suitable for each pet and express their appreciation - that they will plunge, this is a little efface on the withers, the third will be squeezed. At the same time, the dogs are jealous of the owner and if they hurt that he identified someone alone, make a pet.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_25

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_26

Tips for choosing

Choosing a puppy Dog Riding breeds occurs in its own, special rules. First of all, such a dog should be very active, and you need to choose a healthy pet for this criterion. At the same time, immediately after sleep, the kids for obvious reasons will be sluggish, and you will not see the reaction that we expected - usually the northern dogs are very rejoicing the emergence of a new person and seek themselves to meet him.

Agree with breeder regarding time so that you come shortly before feeding "It will give you the opportunity to see and on the usual behavior of the brood and how he reacts to food. Healthy peels are always active and moving, while you need to pay special attention to that, without whether the fluffy lush lumpy liked you.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_27

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_28

If the babies have already been two months old, their character is generally formed, and experts advise you to choose the most bold puppy.

It is checked it easily - stretch your hand to the baby's pack and see who is scared and will run away, and who will show leadership qualities and credulity and decide to verify it, why do you do it.

Imagine in any manifestation in principle is considered a negative reaction - such a dog may have impaired psyche in the future. For younger puppies, another way is offered - Take a brood from the mother and put the cubs a few meters from her laying: they say, the dog first returns to the place of the child who considers the most promising.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_29

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_30

Healthy songs a priori looks well-groomed, he has no traces of extravagancies near the eyes or in ear sinks, a smooth bite, appetite is good. Cool and constantly moistened nose, the pink color of the mucous membranes is emphasized, the absence of any deformations of the abdomen, as well as the figure of medium harness - all these are signs of a healthy individual.

If you need a dog for trips to exhibitions or tribal breeding, go to the selection even more responsibly. To begin with, spare in the topic - go to the exhibitions themselves, pay attention to the whose representatives usually won and why. I find out a good dog, make sure that it is directly related to the glorified kennel and has a decent and documented pedigree.

Consider that even the ideal parents are extended descendants, therefore, evaluate each puppy personally, to ensure its characteristics with the standard.

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_31

Riding dogs (32 photos): review of the Northern and Chukotka, Kamchatka, Siberian and other driving breeds of dogs. How are they taught and trained? 12173_32

    Pay attention to the breeder itself. A real professional is perfect in its business and is able to answer any tricky questions. If you still succeed in pushing a person, he honestly admit it. Any strange excuses are direct indication of what is deceived. The same applies to the situation where the seller unconditionally praises his goods.

    About driving dogs are looking in the video.

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