Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group


MOLOs is not one breed of dogs, but a group that combines several breeds in itself. Almost all these giants have a big and kind heart, so many want to make such pets.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_2


The dog's name was given in honor of Molos, living in Epirus (Greece). It was there that there were groups of dogs that had a fairly large torso, and also possessed a huge physical force. In addition, these dogs devotedly served their owners.

The first time of such animals was divorced only in this territory, besides, they were not taken to sell outside this area. But after some time, the rumor about them spread through other Greek cities. They began to sell for big money. Some thoroughbred puppies were sold for gold, the number of which was equal to their weight.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_3

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_4

In order to maintain the championship, only males sold out of the city, and females were left for the breeding of offspring in a closed space.

It is for this reason that Molles were quite rare animals. After many wars, these animals fell into ancient Rome. The Romans began to use them as warriors who were dressed in armor and launched into the ranks of the enemy. They ruined the soldiers in the shreds literally in a few minutes.

Moloss began to use not only in wars, but also in gladiator battles. A few centuries later, the animals fell into European countries.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_5

To date, this group includes more than 30 breeds, which are united not only by external signs, but also with general characteristics.

General External Features and Features of Character

Although Molossams include different breeds of dogs, they all have certain features, which can only be in this group of animals.

  1. First of all, this is their high growth. Height can reach 100 centimeters.
  2. Almost all dogs hanging ears. Previously, they were stopped to improve the rumor, and also not to give the enemy to grab the dog behind the ears in battle. Today they do not, thanks to which the animals look more gently and touching.
  3. All of them have dummy skin.
  4. They have powerful jaws and the same sturdy back.
  5. View of wise. Many they cause fear and admiration.
  6. All MOLOs feel perfectly in the territory.

Despite their huge size and terrible appearance, they are quite emotional and require increased attention of man.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_6

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_7

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_8

If it is not enough, it will only lead to negative consequences.

If we talk about their upbringing or training, then you need to try very well here. After all, MOLOs understand everything perfectly, but not too hurry to perform the coming commands. If we talk about their characteristics, then all of them are calm enough, reliable and confident in themselves. In addition, such a dog rightly serves to his owner, if he correctly raised him.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_9


If we talk about the breeds of dogs that are included in the Moloss group, then today there are many of them. All of them have their own characteristics that distinguish them from each other. Many of them are especially popular. Among them is worth noting such as bulldogs, Caucasian Shepherds or Senbernara. To get acquainted with them more with them, it is necessary to consider their description.

Bordeaux Dog.

These are the most vivid representatives who are included in this group. Their weight ranges from 40 to 45 kilograms, and growth can reach 70 centimeters. From other breeds, they differ quite powerful and massive heads, as well as very powerful jaws. The transition is pronounced brightly, the transition coming from the muzzle to the forehead.

The wool in these animals is small and very soft to the touch. Color can be black, golden, as well as fawn.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_10

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_11

Some of them have small white specks that are placed on both paws and dog breasts. However, this is not considered vice.

It is better not necessary to keep such large dogs in the apartments, since they need a space for games. Dogs are very lazy on their nature, so they will need a load, as well as regular walking. If this is not done, it can lead to animal obesity.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_12


England is considered to be the birthplace of this animal, but at the same time, such dogs are quite popular in the United States. Therefore, many of them are called American bullmastiffs. They were born as a result of crossing bulldogs with mastiffs. They were recognized in the past century. The dogs immediately assumed the attention of many breeders. They have a highly developed chest. The muzzle has a square shape and a fairly wide nose.

The wool at the bullmastifers is quite smooth and short, besides, it fits tightly to the body.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_13

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_14

The color of her brown-redhead can be small white spots. Bullmiastifes weigh up to 60 kilograms with 70 centimeters growth.

In urban apartments they will be very difficult. It will take too much to walk and give physical exertion. They are very lazy and can lie in one posture for a long time. In character, they are very wayward, so they are poorly leaving for training.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_15

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Dogs of this breed have a very complex character. By nature, they are not aggressive, but at the same time the hunting instinct is well developed. For their content, large and spacious enclosures are needed, where they can feel perfectly well.

If we talk about their description, then it is quite large, but at the same time and squat animals.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_16

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_17

They have a powerful physique. Weigh up to 50 kilograms with 73 centimeters growth.

The head has a wedge-shaped form with fairly wide cheers and widely planted ears.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_18

Neapolitan Mastiff

This homeland Mastiff is Italy. They are very stubborn and persistent, they can not always submit to a person. Therefore, it is better to make up their education on their own, but with a specialist. Dogs of this breed are very quickly overheated, so do not need too large loads. Best for them is suitable.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_19

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_20

The weight of such pets reaches 75 kilograms with 70 centimeters growth. Animal wool has a black or blue color.

The face is short and massive with a bit hanging lips, as well as highly developed jaws. In the nature of Mastiff phlegmatics, so never attack the first.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_21


Dogs of this breed have a very powerful physique. The back is fairly straight and strong. The cranial box is well developed and has a square shape. The muzzle is covered with short and smooth wool. Weigh newfoundland up to 70 kilograms with growth 69 centimeters.

The body of the animal is covered with thick wool with a firmly adjacent undercoat, which requires regular care. That is, it must be constantly combed using a special comb. For this purpose, it is best to buy a metal comb. You need to do it twice a week. Bathing the animal is not more often 5-6 times a year or do it as it is contaminated. In addition, it is necessary once a month to treat a dog with special means from such parasites like flea or ticks.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_22

As for their character, it is too kind and inquisitive animals. They are easy to train, but all workouts must be carried out in a game form.

However, it is necessary to take into account the fact that all Newfoundlend is rather heavy and very quickly tires. Therefore, the workouts must be easily eased a little, or spend a little less time on them.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_23

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_24

German boxer

This is a fairly dedicated and calm animal. Loves not only adults, but also children. Easily leaving for training, as it has a very playful character. Often use such dogs to protect the boundaries.

Dogs weigh up to 30 kilograms with growth of 55 centimeters. The physique has a strong, but not too big. Head wide and massive.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_25

How to choose?

Choosing a puppy from a group of Molossov, it is necessary to approach this very responsibly. After all, many are not too serious, crossing them with other breeds of dogs. In addition, such giants can have a lot of problems. Among them should be noted as follows:

  • Pretty weak limbs, this problem may appear in dogs as a result of poor heredity;
  • allergy;
  • cramps.

There should be a series of tests to make sure there are no genetic diseases. Be sure to ask the pedigree puppy. He must also have a passport, and marks about the vaccination.

Moloss dog breeds (26 photos): varieties with description, American representatives of the Moloss Group 12148_26

But the most important thing is that the puppy must necessarily like his owner, because it will have to spend a lot of time.

Summing up, it can be said that these big and terrible on the species of a dog belonging to the Moloss Group will become beautiful pets in any house. They are fearless and faithful, so they can not only protect their owners from any enemies But also to stay devotees in any situation. But for this, dogs will need due care, as well as correctly conducted training.

Look on my moles next.

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