Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears


Dogs are very different - everyone knows. But it is precisely a variety of external manifestations that helps clear what kind of pet is needed in a particular case. It is useful to deal with what kind of breeds with elongated ears.

Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears 12119_2

Review of small breeds

Among the small sized dogs with large ears, several unusual breeds can be distinguished.

Basset Hound

Among them are especially distinguished by the Basset Hound. Her hiking hunters used when they had to pursue on the plains:

  • hare;
  • fox;
  • Badger.

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Basset Hounts are quite developed to pursue production for a few hours.

A characteristic feature of these dogs is also a sharp, distinguished by the high volume of Lai. Sometimes it is even compared with the roar. The figure is relatively low (the growth in the withers does not exceed 0.33-0.38 m). The mass of the Basset Hound ranges from 18 to 29 kg.

The massive case is pulled in length. Such a breed has relatively short legs. The muzzle is covered with folds that create a characteristic "sad" appearance. It may seem from the part that the pet is very tired or destructed. The ears are not only elongated, but also twisted as if inside.

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If they are pulled out, then they can go a little further nasal tip. The tricolor painting prevails containing:

  • White;
  • black;
  • Brown tone.

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    Less common red-white dogs. The rarest type of basset khaundov is completely red with a bright edge of the tail. In any case, the dog is characterized by a friendly temper, excellent sense of smell and good skill production by training. This breed is actively used as:

    • Rescuers in various extreme situations;
    • search engines of illegal drugs;
    • Companions for children and adolescents.

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    Notice: the ancestors of the Basset Hounds were not endemica of the British Isles - they were taken there from the territory of modern France. But as a result of consistent breeding on the mannerars and the hospitals, the expired "British" turned out - precisely, what kind of stereotype.

    An important feature of the Basset Hound is excellent memory. It should be borne in mind that due to the high intelligence, these animals can diligently manipulate the owners, achieving the desired behavior from them.

    Whenever hearing the team, even well-worked, the pet solves especially - to follow it or not. Since the selection was aimed at hunting, and not for the security service, the guard quality of the basset is limited.

    On an unfamiliar person, the dog will react, but bark for a very long time and loudly, and even more so attack the enemy will not become. The generally accepted international classification calls Basset Hound with excellent companions. But you have to constantly do physical exercises with animals, as well as carry out very careful training.

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    You can look at other low dogs with long ears. The longest (or one of the longest among them) is a dachshund. These animals look integrity, but they have a rather specific character. A pet is capable of penetrating the holes of wild animals and overlooking them under the ground. Dachshunds are overcome even such recognized predators like moles.

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    This dog is peaceful, but if it comes to a decisive fight - she will fight mercilessly. 3 subspecies are isolated (by mass):

    • Especially light (rabbit) - up to 3 kg;
    • small - 3-5 kg;
    • Standard - from 7 to 11 kg.

    Dachshunds appeared in Germany in the XVI century. An important feature of this breed is that its representatives should not jump down from somewhere or become on the hind legs. In such cases, the animal can get a serious injury. And even if it does not, probably the appearance of diseases of the spine.

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    Important: Dachshund is characterized by sociability, requires constant contact with the owners - and if the owner is busy, he will not be able to ensure proper care.

    Shih Tzu.

    This dog is not larger than the dachshund, but very strong and strong. It covered with long hair muzzle looks very attractive. It ends with a pretty black nose. Relatively short paws create an expressive contrast with a long tail. But it is important to understand that Shih Tzu requires very careful, even scrupulous, care.

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    It will take:

    • constantly clean the wool from the eye;
    • systematically comb pets;
    • Every day waggered him.

    Wool features of Shi-Tzu allow poetic matters to compare them with chrysanthemum flowers. Asian dog forms a very strong attachment to its owners. It happens from Tibet and can live with a successful coincidence of 12-14 years.

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    Interesting: The breed is considered one of the most ancient on the planet. Adults do not work with danger, can determine the determination and are quite resistant to stress.


    Some people do not like spotted dogs - a good alternative to them there will be a simple little long-legged beagle. This breed is widely used in hunting purposes. It is praised for extraordinary energy and goodwill. Bigley easily find a common language not only with other dogs in the house, but also with children, and even with cats. Such a variety of dogs is different:

    • a tendency to walk;
    • constant cheerful setting;
    • Excellent intellectual properties.

    The mass of the animal can be 8-16 kg, its height is 0.32-0.4 m. Beagle looks very powerful for its height.

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    IMPORTANT: This breed is very good and skillfully encouraging food. You need to learn to ignore its requests for this kind. Otherwise, you can fear that homemade favorite will look and will look ugly.

    Another subtlety is the tendency of beagles to shoots and long-term vagabilities.

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    For novice dog breeders, such breeds like Chihuahua will be much more valuable. The tiny dog, derived in South America, like a very large number of people. Its growth does not exceed 0.23 m, and the mass of maximum 2 kg.

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    Chihuahua has long been recognized by the smallest dog in the world. Its dimensions can be considered both dignity and weakness. The animal can easily put in a bag, in the package, in the trunk of a car, a suitcase or a sports bag. Chihuahua perfectly transfers long journey. However, such a modest animal can easily get under the careless blow by the door, under boot or motionable furniture.

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    Dangerous for him and fall, jump from high places.

    Chinese crochet dogs

    The Chinese crochet dogs also deserve attention. Their height in the withers is from 0.25 to 0.35 m with a mass of 3-6 kg. It is customary to divide the Chinese Crested for 3 main groups:

    • Power Pouff - Different with thick long hair and need a solid haircut;
    • Konik - covered with wool only on the head, paws and tail, which looks very attractive;
    • Naked dog - The name quite clearly characterizes this branch.

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    Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears 12119_17

    Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears 12119_18

    Crested dogs, even in the most woolly form, the mere messenger. Therefore, you can not fear that the hair rolling across the carpet. A pet will be able to become an excellent buddy for kids. He shares, tend to communicate and perfectly perceives all changes in the mood.

    There is only one problem - the appearance of Chinese haggles like not to all people.

    However, the dogs themselves are far from all around. Rather, they are tied to the owners firmly, but strangers often dislike. It is curious that by the last third of the twentieth century, the breed was considered almost extinct, and only a sharp rise in demand saved it from the final disappearance. The external similarity with the Mexican Crested Breaks endless disputes, who from whom has occurred and under what circumstances. What is no doubt is the life of Chinese crested - from 12 to 14 years.

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    This breed is an excellent companion and satellite on the road. But it is not worth it for serious security properties. Animals are extremely sensitive even to very weak air cooling. They should only live in an apartment or reliably heated house. The content of them in the cone or in the aviary is almost impossible.

    Caring for wool Chinese Crested is very difficult. Therefore, working with them is very laborious. Even if you choose a furious variety, you have to pay a lot of money for warm clothes for walking. It is worth remembering that this breed is quite serious stubbornness. What much worse It is obviously unable to assimilate what the person's personal space is, and does not intend to observe him.

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    Russian Toy Terrier

    Good domestic long-haired little baby is a Russian to-terrier. This breed is recognized as one of the most glamorous in the XXI century. . But the more funn it will noted that it was originally created to combat harmful rodents, which even majestic cities were abounded in the past.

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    And the old habit of such dogs has been preserved in full; It is likely that the animal will bring "prey" on the walk.

    Externally, Russian Toy Terrier look like modest fragile dogs. They have dry muscles, and the mass of the animal does not exceed 1 kg. Color can vary greatly. Toy terriers have both long and smooth wool. For them are peculiar:

    • tendency to merry;
    • kindness;
    • energy;
    • self-confidence sometimes even excessive;
    • Adoration of all family members without much allocation of the owner;
    • love for games;
    • Habit to behave as a companion of a person.

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    You can complete an overview of small long dogs on Falen, an alternative name is continental to-spaniel. A feature of this dog is a head resembling a butterfly. Long wool drops down with large ears. The height in the withers is 0.25 m, and the body weight is 2.5 kg. Fallen do not linger, they have no undercoat; An animal is so beautiful that even fell on the legendary painters.

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    But not everything was so unambiguous in the past. Falen was experiencing repeatedly episodes of lifting and falling. According to the part of the specialists, this breed exists here over 800 years. However, due to the lack of proper documentation in the old days, it is impossible to determine the moment of appearance. Judging by the parade portrait of Fallen first appear in European states from the XI to the XIII centuries.

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    Monarchs and aristocracy passionately adored such pets. The decline occurred since the end of the XVIII century, when feudalism in general and monarchy in particular collapsed. Only a few specimens of the breed retained those who escaped from France to America. But where, where the next social formation has come, Falenov began to immediately breed very actively.

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    As a result of active selection, the appearance of the rock has changed significantly compared to samples from the early Middle Ages.

    Varieties of medium dogs

    However, not everyone is satisfied with small pets with standing abnormal sinks, such as that terrier. Many people want to acquire a dog moderately large size with hanging ears. It is worth paying attention to a number of such breeds.

    English Springer Spaniel

    Springer-spaniels are allocated from such rocks. They are appreciated for a cute appearance and attractiveness. The breed is widespread. Therefore, the cost of individual instances is quite accessible to even novice dogs.

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    The intermediate position between the middle and large groups of the eared dogs is occupied by Dratchair. This is the German Legal, the creators of which focused on such purposes as:

    • tracking wild birds and animals;
    • Notification of the hosts about the approach of production;
    • tray of carcasses and pranks;
    • Hunt for boars.

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    The growth of Drathara varies from 0.57 to 0.68 m. The body weight of the breed is not regulated. The dog body is ideally close to the square. For her, characteristic:

    • deep chest;
    • suspended belly;
    • non-erased (sometimes stopped) tail;
    • Highly planted and placed widespread ears (they are not pointed and not minimized).

    Dratchara has a naive, brown (in pure form or with light areas), black with gray, brown spotted coloring. Such dogs exhibit equilibrium and do not rob in a minute of danger.

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    They know how to behave resolutely. What is important, there is no special aggressiveness to people.

    Scottish terrier

    Curly pets with sharp ears also deserve attention. A bright example is a Scottish terrier. True, his white ears are large only relative. But the dog is characterized by force and endurance. Brave animal enters communication with other individuals and with family members is quite efficient.

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    Important: You can not succumb to the charm of a cute appearance of such a breed.

    Scottish terriers do not give a descent to those who try to at least imitate the attack on the owners. The guest from the shores of England is distinguished by an outstanding mind and boiler energy. It is capable of instantly recognize the change in the mood of the owners. The "Scots" is set to adventures and are curious.

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    IMPORTANT: Correction such a fluffy curly dog, it is not necessary to hope for its sentimentality; But it will behave restrained.

    What are the big species?

    Long-sized long-sized dogs attract the attention of lovers of large dogs.

    German dog

    A black long dog is first of all the German dog. Its formation took several decades. The standard of breed was officially approved in 1880. The ears of these animals can stand and hang. The appearance of them invariably inspires respect and creates an aristocratic halo.

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    Playing the Fold or straight Dog, you can not be afraid of aggression. Dogs are peculiar to the rest of the other animals. In infancy, a pet is slow. It makes sense to train it for a very long time. The dog is very smart, extremely faithful to the owners, so although it does not apply to the number of officials, well protects the house and people.

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    English Setter

    An alternative can be considered an English setter. It was taken to hunt waterfowl. The oval shape of the skull is characterized, the configuration muzzle is close to the rectangle. Muscular body and looks elegant. The tail at the setter is unusual - it looks like an old Turkish saber.

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    The wool of the British is wavy, the longest hair grows on the stomach, on the chest and on the tail. Without difficulty, it is possible to detect products on the front paws and hips. Setters praise for:

    • character's abilities;
    • common friendliness;
    • increased energy;
    • Attracting crap color.

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    How to choose?

    No matter how attractively looked at puppies and adult pets in photographs and at exhibitions, it is impossible to give preference "just beautiful" pets. The focus should be focused:

    • size;
    • psychology of the future pet;
    • migrant intensity;
    • The pace of saliva isolation.

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    Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears 12119_36

    Dogs with long ears (39 photos): description of small and large breeds with standing and hanging ears 12119_37

    Do not think that small dogs are always better than large animals. Some of them produce too much noise and require active sessions. Small pets are categorically not suitable for families with children - The risk is very great that careless kids cause injury.

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    IMPORTANT: Even if the dog is covered with plenty of wool, but it lines a little, it is still suitable for allergies. After familiarizing with a specific pet, it is necessary to pay attention to its trainee and the level of aggressiveness.

    Newcomers are required to start the most predictable breeds of dogs. But total calm is not all. Only experienced dog breeders will be able to provide equally good conditions for any variety. But novice dog breeders should choose those animals that are removed as close as possible to their habitat. Then the necessary meals, the day of the day and other moments will be easier to provide.

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    About the features of the Tax and Basset Hounds with long ears, see the video below.

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