White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog?


White breed dogs possess special charm. They attract a lot of attention to themselves, radiating the purity and the beauty of bright colors. Many people dream to make such a beautiful pet. Before buying a white puppy, it is necessary to figure it out in all its features, and also to find out what kind of rocks are characterized by a snow-white woolen cover.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_2

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_3

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_4

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_5

Genetics Color

White dogs like many people. Pets of this color are rarely ignored. They attract enthusiastic views, especially if they look well-groomed and neat.

It is believed that dogs with absolutely white wool color can serve as the basis for a number of breeds or various breed variations. All individuals having such a color of woolen cover have Different genotypic base. Often, mammals are observed albinism. The specified phenotype is completely deprived of the pigment and not only on the hair, but also on the skin, claws and even the iris eye. Albinos are usually born with red-eyed. If we are talking about simply white dogs, the color of whose eyes is from nature dark, they do not need to be called albinos.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_6

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_7

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_8

The very first assumption about the origin of a white dog color is that This one was due to the activity of the gene of extreme spot. There is also a version that described in the color of woolen cover is due to the actions of the chinchilla gene, which contributes to the complete elimination of yellow pigment on her hair, but does not affect the shade of the eye iris. As a result of the impact of this gene, snow-white puppies with dark eyes appear.

Pigments in pigment granules are only black or yellow. The synthesis of the first pigment is prohibited by two genes - AU and E. As a result of this process, the first steps take place to the appearance of white colors of the dog's wool. To accurately get such a color, another important gene is needed, which would destroy the yellow pigment. This gene is called CCH. It is he who does not allow the synthesis of yellow pigment.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_9

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_10

The CCH gene does not always destroy the yellow pigment effectively. Under its influence, animals may not only have a snow-white color. We are talking about beautiful golden retrienes having an unobtrusive light cream color of wool. For this reason, additional selection is needed to remove all the remnants of yellow pigment and get on the "output" of pure-white individuals.

Complete lightening and neutralization of yellow pigment is able to be dependent on special Rouffus polygen. The snow-white individuals of this type may vary if they give individuals with a cream body, especially along the spinal line, or originate from pale cream manufacturers.

White color gives the so-called gene M (marble color) in a state of homozygotes. Plots with painted hair on the head may come across, but will be small.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_11

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_12

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_13

Browse large and medium breeds

Attractive white woolen cover color is characteristic of dogs of different breeds. We will get acquainted closer with some representatives of large and medium-sized species having such a spectacular color.


The breed of Turkish origin has existed over 3000 years. From the very beginning of these four-legged, they were removed exclusively in their homeland, but recently animals have become actively interested in breeders from all over the world.

These pets are very loved by a country life. In limited and close spaces, they feel uncomfortable and can even get sick. This beautiful white healthy is active active and moving outdoor games. Akbash is a big lover to run and jump. Aggression in the behavior of such dogs is not observed. They positively belong to children.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_14

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_15

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_16

Communicating with the younger family members, Akbash tries to behave carefully. The dog always feels responsible that it is assigned to her. These snow-white beauties are not very friendly. Guests they always look at maximum caution and vigilance.

Woolen cover in dogs long and looks truly luxurious. They must be performed periodically - about once a week. Bathing the pet is necessary as needed.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_17

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_18

Argentine Dog.

The only breed of dogs that was withdrawn on the territory of Argentina. According to the veins of its representatives runs the blood of Bulldog, Spanish mastiff, Irish Wolfhound and other similar individuals. At the heart of the species - the Fight Cordovian dog, characterized by the incomparable power of will, beautiful physical data, dedication and fearlessness.

Argentine Dog will obey solely its master having leadership qualities . Instinct protection of its territory in these dogs is well developed. Of these, good hunters are obtained. White Argentinean Dog loves to spend time playing and running.

The cover of these pets is characterized by an impressive linky. In order for the floor of the house was smaller wool, it is necessary to carry out daily comb. For care, special silicone brushes or metal ridges should be applied.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_19

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_20

White Swiss Shepherd

To Switzerland, this breed has nothing to do, contrary to the name. This view was divorced in Canada and the United States.

This beautiful dog has a muscular and very strong body. There are a shaggy long-haired representatives who prefer cool living conditions. If we are talking about individuals with short wool, then they are more like a homemade cozy atmosphere. It is not necessary to resort to frequent combing.

The purebred swiss shepherd is a responsible and reliable animal, which is always trying to adapt to its owner. Animal struggle to try to justify human expectations. New shepherd teams are mastered in a short time, capable of performing many difficult tricks. The character of them is calm, peaceful and affectionate. Swiss shepherds are benevolently relate to children.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_21

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_22

Bull terrier

External and physical data of bull terriers are beautiful. This breed was removed using Dalmatians, English Bulldogs and Terriers. Due to the crossing of these species, it was possible to get a strong and intelligent animal.

Bull terriers are energetic and distinguished by a good-natured character. They are attached to the family, especially to the younger members. Bull terrier need to provide active games and classes. The owners should be given to these dogs a lot of attention. Loneliness The snow-white bull terrier transfers precomply.

Snow-white wool color - "Business Card" of the breed. The exhibitions allow individuals who have color spots on the head. Woolen cover short and does not protect the pet from cold or precipitation. Such a dog is desirable to keep at home.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_23

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_24

Samoyed dog

It is a powerful, large, fluffy animal, distinguished by a good smile. The excretion of this breed was engaged in the ancient northern tribes.

Samoyed dog, plush in appearance, often accompanies travelers and researchers who are engaged in the study of the Arctic and the Polar Circle. Woolen coverings of these handsome men are dense and good, perfectly holds heat, allows you to live well in low temperatures.

Samoyed white dog needs activity. Without it, the animal begins to behave aggressively and irritably. Samoyed - big stubborn. They need dense interaction with the owner and a lot of communication. They treat children positively as all members of their family.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_25

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_26

Pyrenean mastiff

Representatives of this breed have ancient roots. Initially, they were kept as guards of livestock.

The Pyrenean Mastiff is a huge snow-white dog, distinguished by a kind and friendly character. It will watch its territory quietly, without too much noise. Unfortunately mastiff bark will not. These individuals are infinitely committed to their owner. They can take care of the younger family members and even other pets.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_27

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_28


Middle-sized representatives of this breed have many other names. The main purpose of Hokkaido is hunting. These are very bold and fearless animals that can join the fight even with such a formidable predator like a bear.

Hokkaido - very hardy dogs. For home content, they are not suitable - they need a scope and freedom. Experts advise you to keep such a pet in the vole in the yard. Hokkaido double wool cover, so these dogs calmly carry cold.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_29

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_30

Hungarian Kuvas

These are very beautiful and noble pets with snow-white wool. They are not suitable for maintenance in a close city apartment. Ideal conditions for Hungarian Kuvas - Country house and long walks.

In accordance with the standards, the color of the wool of these dogs can be:

  • Ivory;
  • Pure white.

The chic coat of Hungarian Kuvas is subjected to a molt in summer and spring. So that the wool remained smooth and well-groomed, you will need regular haircuts, bath procedures and combing.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_31

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_32

South Russian Shepherda

This is a serious breed that needs to pay a lot of attention. It is impossible to leave the South Russian Shepherd without proper care, dresses and upbringing.

The appearance of these fluffy snow-white shepherd seems harmless and friendly, but in fact they are volitional and powerful animals, which are worth keeping only prepared breeders. Beginners should not face dogs with this breed.

South Russian Shepherds themselves choose the owner, which affects the process of their training. Respect the dog will be all family members, but obey is only one person. Guests are well addable only if they know them well and are accustomed. With other animals are not always laughing.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_33

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_34

Hungarian Shepherda

Outwardly, this unusual pet looks like a huge sheep. Hungarian Shepherd puppies are born with soft and silky wool. Over time and as it grows individuals, it is boiled and becomes tough, twisted into peculiar harnesses.

For non-standard appearance of this pet, a very independent breed with a high level of intelligence lies. Hungarian shepherds were removed to protect sheep, which was reflected in their character and qualities as a whole. These pets are all kept under control. Nothing will slip away from their watchful look.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_35

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_36

Varieties of small thoroughbred dogs

Snow-white wool is characteristic of dogs not only medium or large, but also miniature sizes. Consider several rocks of small dogs that have a similar feature.

Bichon Frieze

Such a name wears the famous breed of French blood, representatives of which look like small plush toys. They are characterized by charming couch wool, making pets even more cute and charming.

Bichon Frieze demonstrate independence in everything. They are very clever and trouble-freely trained. Alone of the pet should not leave for a long time. Bishon Frieze requires a lot of attention, so this breed is not suitable for too busy people.

Despite the miniature sizes, Bishon Frieze is brave animals that can stand up for themselves and for their owner.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_37

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_38


These are cute, sociable and friendly animals, ideally suitable for room content. Bolognese adore games with children. They are active and fun. Walking on the street with dogs there is no need.

Snow-white wool in these dogs shaggy. It requires appropriate care. The owners will need to regularly thoroughly comb disobedient curls of a purebred friend so that they are not confused.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_39

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_40

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_41

West Highland White Terrier

Active representatives of this breed are distinguished by small sizes and snow-white woolen cover. They communicate perfectly with children and even share their toys with them. Terriers love their family very much and remain devoted to her throughout life.

These small pets can stand on protecting their master when necessary. But without the dresser, leave the terriers should not be due to their increased energetic and activity.

For the hair of these dogs should be careful in the complex. You will need to contact the specialists who will professionally carry grooming. At home Requires frequent combing and periodic bathing.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_42

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_43

Wolpino Italian

Representatives of this aristocratic breed have charming and elegant appearance. They are ideal for content in the standard urban apartment. Wolpino Italian can easily become loyal comrades for both adults and small family members. This pet will support a person in any entertainment and games.

Wolpino Italiano is distinguished by high endurance. They are able to take part in different sports competitions. New teams are assigned to the shortest time, especially if it causes interest. Such aggression in the behavior in these pets is usually not observed.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_44

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_45


These charming pets are more like a lightweight cloud of silky snow-white hair. They fall in love with her first glance. The wool cover of Maltese Bologink is characterized by tenderness and luxurious appearance. True, the beauty of wool has to follow, because it is dirty unexpectedly quickly and can even get rides if you can't provide a pet.

Regular walks of Maltese Bolonka are not required. It can well spend the accumulated energy and at home during different games or runs around the apartment.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_46

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_47


This famous family is divided into 3 main types. Their main difference lies in size. Allocate dwarf, mini and standard individuals.

Little poodles with snow-white woolen cover need periodic competent haircuts. Do not do here and without special caring tools sold in pet stores and retauchec.

Representatives of this breed are different Acute mind and energetic. Little poodles are easily and quickly understood that the owner wants from them. They fragilely mastering new teams and can even perform complex circus tricks.

For a small area of ​​the apartment, this breed is suitable perfect. Fluffy white poodles are characterized by a kind and cheerful temper. They are devoted to their owners. Its activity can be implemented at home without going outside.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_48

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_49

American Eskimo dog

These are small pets of "toy" sizes that need frequent active games. Do not do here and without regular exercises, long walks. If you neglect these items, the pet can behave disobediently and aggressively. When the yard is a hot season, the American Eskimo dog can not be left without a large number of fresh water. The pet must be provided with a shadow. Otherwise, the dog can get overheating, because it has a dense woolen cover.

American Eskimo dogs are susceptible to a strong mol. They must be carefully combed to clean and clean the hair from the dirt on time. It is especially important to monitor the wool around the ears.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_50

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_51

Pomeranian spitz

Representatives of this breed having snow-white wool look dying. They are characterized by sharp ears and a slightly stubborn face. These pets have dense undercoat, so the falling hair almost does not fit to their skin. Seasonal molting for oranges is not characteristic that he pleases their owners.

The temple of the oranges is playful and cheerful. They are active and good-natured, easily traineled to everything new. Teams are mastered quickly. Pomeranian Spitz is suitable for a family in which there are little children. Dogs of this breed are perfectly launched with younger family members and can become wonderful partners in active children's games. They do not demonstrate aggression and do not behave viciously.

The wool of the orange spitz, although it looks very thick and dense, but the kolodenov does not form, so the frequent combing does not need. Usually it is necessary to comb such a dog no more than a couple of times a week. Often it is not necessary to bathe orange too - it can lead to the drainage of the dog's skin. Shampoos should be used exclusively.

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_52

White dogs (53 photos): Breeds of large and small dogs, features of puppies. What is the name of a huge fluffy white dog? 12084_53

Peculiarities of white wool care

When maintaining a white dog, consider the peculiarities of the care of its wool.

  • The most problematic places - paws, stomach, eyes and muzzle. These sites are dirty faster than the rest. Today, you can find individual line of cosmetics to care for different types of wool, white and simply light hair. In addition to special deep cleaning shampoos, special whitening compositions are used.
  • Wool with a thin structure is more vulnerable and faster rolls into chatins. It is possible to fight with them by balmers after washing, liquids for combing chatins, sprays and air conditioners. Preferably daily combing.
  • Pink leaks near the eye and brown traces around the mouth will be removed with the help of special bleaching products. They easily remove such raids from wool. The means are completely safe for the animal, but they need to be used constantly to achieve the desired effect.
  • Important hygiene after meals and water. You should wipe the animal face with a dry towel. It is necessary to produce "lacrimal paths" on the wool under the eyes and on the nose at least 2 times a day.
  • Allergic is immediately visible on white wool, so it is necessary to be neat with new drugs and shampoos. It is advisable to first consult with a veterinarian on this issue.
  • The right diet for the quality of white wool is important. The yellowness can clarify if the food is high-blooded or contains a lot of copper. The diet of white dogs is also better to discuss with a veterinarian if you are afraid to spoil the color of their woolen cover.
  • Wool dogs must be performed periodically, especially if it is long. Bath procedures are important, because white hair is dirty much faster. Too often bathe a pet is not necessary - it can harm his health. It is better to resort to removal of contaminants as needed. Shampoos should be only gentle or special for white wool.

You can admire the White Pomeranian Spitz in the video below.

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