Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews


Shi-Tzu is one of the numerous small breeds of dogs. This exotic word is translated from Chinese as "lion", and it fully corresponds to the appearance of these peskov - their long flowing wool resembles the lion's mane. Another nickname-"chrysanthemum". And also in everyday life you can meet such names such as Shitsz, Shiatsu, Shitza. We will tell you more about this breed and the features of its content.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_2

Breed history

This breed was known in the ancient times - the images of Shiatsu are found even in the picture of 624 of our era. Shi-Tzu was worshiped as wise animals, they all the time became heroes of the legends of Tibet and China. There is a belief that the soul of the Tibetan monk who sinned a lot in his old life, again came to the ground in the body of this tiny dog. According to one of the versions of the emergence of the breed, its history began when China is the rules of Vigura (Dynasty Tang Knu Tai). The emperor was presented a couple of these pebbles from Fu Line (Byzantium).

At the end of the X century, the people of Ho Chu gave these dogs as a tribute.

According to another theory, the history of this breed takes the beginning only in the XVII century. In 1653, Tibetan Dalai Lama came to the Chinese emperor and presented him with several miniature dogs, similar to lion. Then this breed had Exceptional status, and contained it only at the court.

There is another breed with Tibetan roots - Lhasa Apsco. They are larger and harder, but visually very similar to Shi-Tzu. According to a common opinion, they are relatives, that is, they have common ancestors, but due to the too ancient history of these data, their genealogical tree is very problematic.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_3

We give some interesting facts.

  1. "Chrysanthemum" of these little dogs are called because of wool, which grows on a face in all directions.
  2. There is a legend that says that Shih Tzu is a dog buddha. She accompanied him in the wanderings, and when it was necessary, he applied to the lion.
  3. Until the middle of the XX century, the breed was banned for ordinary people, she could only belong to members of the imperial family. If a simple person started her, he threatened the execution.
  4. With all its charm, the piece-tzu is not a decorative rock. This is a companion dog, which has intelligence, brave and decisive. She is able to memorize commands and well understand the owner.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_4


The unusualness of these dogs is primarily available in the presence of long wool. Consider all the features of Shi-Tzu in a detailed description of the breed.

main parameters

Shi-Tzu - low dogs, their growth is 27 cm in the withers. With all its weight form, they are in fact not "empty" - the weight of individuals can vary from 4.5 to 8.1 kg, but according to the standard it is desirable that it be at least 7.5 kg. The long wool of these pebbles does not go completely, and they also do not have a fluffy undercoat, so their "hair" look smooth and spectacular.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_5

The body must have a length greater than the growth of the dog in the withers.

Black dolls of dogs are placed fairly far from each other. For the muzzle, abundant vegetation is characterized - in addition to the overall coating, there are a mustache, a beard. The ears of these dogs are planted low and hang. The nostrils according to the standard must be widened, and the nose back is reversed or straight. In general, looking at Shi-Tzu's muzzle, it seems that they have a little arrogant look.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_6


The structure of the body of dogs of this breed also has its own nuances. Shi-Tzu chest is lowered, the shoulders are assigned back. Paws have a slightly rounded form. Dogs hold the tail above the back, which gives their appearance even more important look. The rear paws in the run are well repelled, in general, the gait of pieces smooth and several "proud".

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_7


In the nurseries, the first selection work was carried out in the courts to eliminate Chi-Tzu's dogs of different colors. The color of the golden color or "sun dress" was recognized by the imperial. Pesiki with light spots on the forehead and tail were considered sanctified Buddha. And one of the first known colors was black, which in the literal translation sounded like "too much dark carcass."

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_8

The subtleties of the selection were not available to ordinary people and were guarded as a state secret.

Over time, more new colors appeared, and they often celebrate the jury of contests, but the carriers of traditional colors are usually becoming the winners of the exhibitions. American breeders in pursuit of new rare colors cross-tzu with representatives of other breeds. For this reason Some experts do not recognize them relating to this breed, and are called simply "dogs of rare design."

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_9

Welcomes if white spots are present on the forehead and tip. Ideally, the white mark should be on the chin.

Today, among the variety of colors, Shi-Tzu coat is isolated white with red, gold, blue, black, brown. But there are also peels of blue, cream, silver, black and tiger colors, but they are quite rare.

There are a number of possible defects that reduce the chances of the dog to win the exhibition. These include:

  • pink shade nose
  • There is not enough stuffed sharp muzzle;
  • too long legs;
  • Curving wool and complete lack of undercoat;
  • bad bite;
  • closely planted eyes;
  • Narrow skull.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_10

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_11

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any breed, Shih Tzu has its own characteristics - both positive and negative. To begin with, we list the advantages of these little dogs:

  • unusual fun appearance;
  • miniature;
  • does not require an active lifestyle lifestyle, since she does not need regular power loads and many movements;
  • The ideal "apartment" dog;
  • Quickly masters the tray and a bowl, as it has natural cleanness;
  • does not cause allergies;
  • possesses balanced and positive character;
  • Gets with other pets, even cats;
  • Easily leaving for training.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_12

The disadvantages of the Shih Tzu breed can be attributed to its characteristics, since each breed has its own specificity. We note the quality that conventionally call the minuses:

  • From this dog you can not raise a good guard;
  • needs painstaking care and daily procedures to maintain its appearance;
  • can not be alone for a long time;
  • Very trusting, does not show noisence to strangers;
  • requires regular visits to the veterinarian to exclude problems with the spine;
  • prone to diseases of the respiratory tract, kidneys, heart and eyes;
  • suffers from allergies to cleaning products and does not tolerate cigarette smoke;
  • With difficulty adapts to the heat.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_13

For a centuries-old history, this breed "has accumulated" a lot of positive qualities, but you need to know about its negative nuances. Before you have a four-legged friend of this breed, weigh all the pros and cons of its content.

Character features

The lion's majesty Shi-TzU produces a dual impression. On the one hand, she delights the eye of the owner and those around him with its special grace and the article, but on the other - its posture and the expression of fruit seems arrogant to many. In fact, this dog is very peaceful and with great love refers to its owner and all households who surround it in the family. She truly suffers in the absence of attention to her person, but never behaves annoyingly - Just shi-Tzu feels his man and knows the moments when she is better to move aside.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_14

If the owner wants to communicate with her, she will understand it for one look. Her tail, as the "Emotion Indicator", will immediately begin to vive. The dog will immediately run up to the owner, to cling, lick his hands, from excess feelings can even bite a little, but it is just a manifestation of tenderness.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_15

Shih Tzu does not choose one pet, as representatives of other breeds do. Usually she equally loves all family members.

Since ancient times, these dogs are accustomed to a special attitude. They were discovered by the royal and imperial chambers, which could not not affect their habits. Shi-Tzu is very clean and do not create an extra bustle, like many other breeds. Especially their owners like the fact that "imprint" is not too loudly a gavit. They can be called pleasant and melodious, he does not annoy the owners and neighbors.

It can rightly be called Antistress dog due to her sensitivity to human mood. She is able to cheer and calm down when the owner has depressed, bring the comfort and peace of mind. Having worn by Shih Tzu can wait patiently until she pay attention without giving his grief from loneliness. At the same time, the dog of this breed is able to stand up if they are offended, but to do it with its inherent dignity. These kids willingly participate in the Agility, as they are very smart and are able to assimilate many teams.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_16

In communicating with children, "Chrysanthemum" shows flexibility. A balanced character allows it to calmly tolerate pranks and condescendingly to leans to the kids. If children do not just indulge, but they hurt the pain, she will not endure and can bite in response. Explain to the child that this little dog is not a toy, and it requires respectful relationship.

It is especially important to talk to the child, if you have a puppy Shi-Tzu in your house. They have tiny sizes, and these rather fragile creatures need careful attitude. Show the child, how to take a puppy right, teach it not to squeeze the stomach dog in his hands.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_17

Dogs of this breed are often called dogs for pensioners . All because they have moderate playfulness, do not seek a lot to run, and if they do not bring them a day or another, they will calmly transfer it without any consequences. Shih-Tzu will be happy to lie all day on the sofa with the owner and watch TV, or simply lie on the knees, thinking about something.

Shi-Tzu's gullibility is simply amazing - they see a friend in every conversational person. Communication for them is vital, they hate loneliness, and if the dog often remains alone, it will negatively affect her psyche - depressed, increased anxiety.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_18

Sometimes you can meet Shi-Tzu with qualities such as stubbornness, cowardice, nervousness. One hundred percent to protect yourself from buying such a puppy is impossible, but if you buy them in a good nursery, then the chances to take such a dog are significantly reduced.

How to name?

Peski of this breed so asking for cute nicknames, but their proud species makes small contradictions into the charming image of "Lion". However, a wide choice of names for the "boy" or "Girls" Shi-Tzu allows you to make a choice that corresponds to the tastes of the owner.

Given the eastern roots of dogs of this ancient breed, the boy can be called Saffron, Barbaris or Sherry. To emphasize good-natured and cheerful temper, you can prize names, bumblebee, bush. European names will become an equally suitable option for kids: Gerard, Oliver, Sebastian. Girls of this breed call Princess, Tiffany, Eypril. Clear, emphasizing the playful character of dogs - a drop, prank.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_19

In many nurseries there is a tradition to give the owner of the puppy the first letter of the name. It is important to participate in exhibitions if your dog was born from titled parents and expects for prizes. Otherwise, you can name the puppy as you want.

Containing rules

Shi-Tzu requires careful care, and to keep her beautiful appearance, a number of hygiene procedures must be performed.


A couple of times a month a dog needs to be well wash with shampoo. Before the procedure, cut the eyes with a special tool protecting them from the effects of shampoo. The optimal water temperature is 39 degrees Celsius. Do not forget to cut or unravel all chatins before the dog turns out to be in the bath.

When fleas appear, use a special shampoo.

Some owners wash their Shi-Tzu after every walk, because they collect a lot of dust and dirt on themselves. Much depends on the conditions of accommodation and climate: someone has a clean yard near the house, someone is not very. Bathing the dog is better in the evening after a walk so that she does not catch a cold on the street. At the end of the procedure, blot its wool with a towel, you can also use a hairdryer.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_20


The inner corner of the eye is a place where Shi-Tzu constantly accumulates the dirt, which means it needs thorough care. In addition, it is necessary to watch every day, did not be satisfied with the wool around the eyes in the tangle. Generally, Combing the dogs of this breed is needed daily, using a comb with frequent short teeth for this.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_21


Clean the ears of Shi-Tzu need every week. Wool in the ears may worsen the dog's rumor, so the hairs better remove the tweezers. In order not to provoke inflammation, suck these places with dry boric acid. Washed with a 10% hydrogen peroxide solution hanging ears. It is best to clean the ears as follows:

  1. Cap the peroxide into the auditory channel;
  2. Make a light massage of the ears, moving from the head to the tip, the duration of the procedure is less than a minute;
  3. Then tilt the head into one and the other side so that the remnants of the peroxide flowed;
  4. Remove the dirty liquid can be a cotton swab.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_22

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_23

If your pet's ears are clean, then simply wipe them with a cotton with olive oil or vaseline.


Toothstone often interferes with the gums to adjoin the teeth Shi-Tzu, because of which they are inflamed. For the prevention of this common illness, let's sometimes your pet apples, crackers or carrots. He gladly cums like this food and remove harmful raid from the teeth. You can brush your teeth with a cotton wand, sprinkled with a simple dental powder without fragrances.

For the prevention of the appearance of a dental stone, experts advise Shi-Tzu breeders as follows:

  1. In the diet of the dogs should be present tomatoes or unsolved tomato juice;
  2. You can lubricate the gums with propolis;
  3. It is useful for dog gums a mixture of food soda and 3-5 drops of lemon juice, but it is necessary to apply it once a week.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_24


Wool in the field of fingers is desirable to cut - it makes it easier for pets a pet. After a walk, you need to inspect the pads for damage, because during the walk, the dog can come on glass fragments, sharp pebbles or other dangerous trash. The distance between the fingers can also score. If the gum nalyuple on the wool, it will not be able to clean - the fan of the fur will have to cut.

When walking on the rocky area or asphalt, the pets of the pet will be made naturally, and the pets in the pedicure does not turn out to be. In case you are walking predominantly on soft land or grass, then you need to cut the claws. Otherwise, over time, they can break, and it is painful for pets.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_25

A haircut

If, by virtue of the circumstances, you are not able to provide a dog's breed dog due attention, you can simplify it with a short haircut. Of course, it is a pity to clean such a long beautiful wool, but in some situations it is an optimal output. In this case, the fur coat is agreed at the maximum.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_26

Shi-Tzu model haircuts can be diverse. Under a puppy, with pants. An interesting option is a haircut under a teddy bear. The master tries to evenly cut all the wool, making his head as a rounded one due to the specially trimmed wool. Girls usually leave more hair, as you can build different hairstyles with them.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_27

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_28

A short fur is usually combed with a massage brush, and a long -coming ridge. There are special chopunores that allow you to drastically struggle with confused strands. It is believed that the dog of this breed does not learn.

This is not the case, and during the period, it is necessary combing it with special care.


Dry food is very convenient, so many owners prefer to give a dog to him. In addition, it contains all the necessary vitamins and minerals, so the owner does not need to give additional feeding. If a pet is eating natural food, and you want to translate it to dry food, then do it gradually within two weeks or even a whole month. At the same time, it is important to follow the recommendations on the volume of servings, which are given on the package. It must be driving around the plate, since such food causes a feeling of thirst in an animal.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_29

Natural food has its advantages, however, it is important that the puppy's diet is the same to which he is used in the nursery. By purchasing a puppy, ask the breeder, what food peak is usually ate. This will help avoid problems with digestion, because new products must be administered to the ration Shi-Tzu gradually.

Perepariming, of course, does not benefit these little peels, so see that the daily food rate is not a bit of 5-10% of the body weight in a puppy and 3-5% adult dog.

It is best to feed the Shi-Tzu raw meat rabbit or birds, as they are low-fat and contain a lot of protein. From the pitch the most suitable options are rice or buckwheat with the addition of chopped meat. Shi-Tzu love and dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, and sometimes can be enjoyed by vegetables. Puppies feed well-strained dairy cushas with boiled meat or fish, baby food.

It is useful to give cottage cheese with a small amount of sour cream - it strengthens the skeleton of the animal. At six months, the hosts begin to prepare their four-legged porridge friends on water or on broth by adding oil to them.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_30


It is necessary to begin to train the animal in a timely manner, so that without the difficult character of Shi-Tzu, it is still more difficult - the dog will bark for no reason, to behave like a spoiled naughty child. If you manage to find the right approach to the dog, and your training will be like a game, then your favorite will quickly curse many teams.

You can not shout on PSA during class, you need to say a calm, measured voice. And specialists are not recommended to jump from one team to another so that the dog does not confuse. Intelligence of this breed can be assessed as medium, but this is quite enough to teach teams.

Shi-Tzu training course is designed for dog-companions. This breed is not a service, can not become a security guard, and natural dignity does not allow it to perform wisdom circus tricks. During the training, it will learn to make some pretty simple exercises, execute teams. Do not be surprised if the dog in the middle of classes suddenly decides to interrupt it - with this breed, this sometimes happens.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_31

The perfect option is to train in the form of a game that do not give the peel to get bored, while it is taught something useful.


Shih Tzu can easily master the tray if the owner starts to teach the dog to him from childhood. Biotales always put in one place. Its bottom linse the absorbent napkin. To accustom an animal to a diaper, it takes a little time, but at first you will have to unstable to follow him.

Usually, a desire to go to the toilet occurs at a puppy 15 minutes after meals, a maximum in half an hour . Watching him, you carry it at the right moment to the tray. At the first failures, it is not necessary to punish a puppy, it is possible to express chagrin only by intonation. In case of success, they will certainly praise the baby, and give him a snack.

Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_32


    To walk with a peel for walks, buy some accessories to him. Muzzles are used for Shi-Tzu extremely rare, but a leash with an adjustable long and collar must be in your arsenal. In crude weather, wear such clothes like a raincoat or jumpsuit. They will protect the gorgeous wool of your pet from dirt. In general, Shi-Tzu is not very fond of walking in bad weather, they will be more willing to spend all day at home, handling the need for a tray.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_33

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_34

    With Shi-Tzu walk only on a leash, so that the baby does not suffer from other dogs or did not please under the car. They often attract passersby - barely entering the street, these dogs are in the center of widespread attention, and they like it.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_35

    If you live in a private house with a plot acquired by a high fence, you can safely release the peel to walk on your own.

    Ownership reviews

    According to the reviews of the owners, Shih Tzu is, indeed, comfortable companion dogs that can openly demonstrate love for households, but are not too annoying. Apparently, they somehow guess their majestic origin, and this is reflected in their character - they are proud, careful and have self-esteem. Their cute appearance makes them stroke them again and again. This is a good "anti-stress" breed, which allows its owner Relax in her society and restore strength, it does not require constant active games, jogs and the other.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_36

    People who have already kept different dogs, and can compare them among themselves, say Shi-Tzu "Golden Middle". Their character is rather balanced, all qualities are pronounced in moderation, which is very convenient in everyday life. Adults are usually not an asshole if they were promptly brought up - only puppies can do this.

    For most owners, this is a certain plus, as they can spend time with a pet in silence, and no extra reasons for a quarrel with neighbors will not arise.

    However, most of the breed owners believe that care for it cannot be called simple, and the nature, indeed, can become a big problem of the PSA, if you do not care from puppy age. Sleptless dogs are not only bodied without a reason, they behave arrogantly and belong to households as serving personnel. All because before them did not receive a timely that they are not the main house. In special cases, peelings of this breed can even shift in the apartment, despite the sufficient number of walks.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_37

    Another point that confuses many owners of these little lion is an aggressive attitude to other dogs. If the forces are unequal, then Shih Tzu can suffer greatly from its racing and get a fell. Do not let him enter into conflicts, especially with fighting dogs. In addition, Shi-Tzu can be jealous of its master to other pets, usually it usually concerns those animals who appeared in the house after him.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_38

    Throughout its centuries-old history, Shi-Tzu was surrounded by love and attention. We are familiar to popularity, they can manifest themselves not from the best side, so it is important to immediately show the puppy who is in the house of the owner, otherwise he will take the role of the leader on himself.

    Then your dog will behave adequately and at home, and on the street, and will not allow himself to be superfluous. She will demonstrate your love you, and you can find a wonderful four friend in her face.

    Shi-Tzu (39 photos): Description of the breed of dogs Shitsz, the features of the character of puppies and adult animals, characteristics and disadvantages. Ownership reviews 12073_39

    About the features of the Shi-Tzu breed, see the video below.

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