Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals?


To date, there are about 400 breeds of dogs, of which the category is the so-called "cute dogs". As a rule, it includes owners of an unusual, almost doll appearance, as well as a good and affection. Such animals at first glance cause sincere sympathy of others, and thousands of likes are gaining their photos in social networks.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_2

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_3


Cute dogs were initially displayed in order to please the surrounding themselves. These pets are usually quite compact sizes, so Even in adulthood, they produce a touching and defenseless impression, causing a desire to take care of, protecting and pamping them.

The most recoverable misfortunes for their heartfelt look are usually going to "with paws" any leprosy, for which larger and serious dogs would certainly obtain their punishment. However, among the cuties there are large dogs - usually a smile does not go with their muzzle, so looking at them, it's just impossible not to smile in response.

The main advantage of such animals - they do not cause fears and fear, they are unlikely to wear a muzzle, and the leash takes in his hands.

Cute pets are usually pretty, well-groomed, they have a good open face expression. In terms of character and temperament, openness, friendliness and playfulness prevails, animals are distinguished by devotion. Usually, cute dogs are unusual for aggression - Evil and attack them can only become a reaction to ill-treatment.

Of course, the evaluation "cute" is largely subjective, since every person has its own idea of ​​charm and lunizing. However, dogs we will consider, most often fall asleep by compliments during walks They invariably turn out to be the focus of attention, wherever they come.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_4

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_5

Rating breeds

Representatives of several breeds are included in the top of the cruel pieces in the world. Let us dwell on their description.

Yorkshire Terrier

Small and very cute dogs, the mass of which does not exceed 3 kg. These animals are distinguished cheerful and inquisitive temper and at the same time a rather independent character, so they are not easy to train them . However, most of the leprosy them will easily say goodbye, because "aggression" of these miniature dogs looks very comfortable and fun.

Yorki - long-haired dogs. From the probor, which begins at the nape and goes to the very base of the tail, the silky wool falls, which is likely to resemble human hair. It is noteworthy that yorkshire terriers almost do not lose. The colors of these pets in most cases is a bluish-steel with a lightweight ride in the chest area, a little less often you can meet golden and black individuals.

Pots belong To the decorative varieties of dogs and are subject to content solely at home because they do not take out cold weather.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_6

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_7

About the features of the breed, see below.

Shih Tzu.

Many believe that these are the most cute animals in the world. These beautiful animals with a long wool of white, golden, black or dark brown are highly valued Chinese emperors. Shi-Tzu was considered palace dogs. It is not surprising, because the combined and combed dog of such a breed looks truly majestically, noble and aristocratic. The wool on the face of these pesters is located like the petals of colored chrysanthemum, from the center of which piercing and very smart eyes look at you.

This dog has good-natured, dying, unobtrusive, but at the same time proud character. An animal feels good mood of his owner, allocates only one family member as the main person But at the same time goes great with all the rest of the household and easily goes to contact with outsiders.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_8

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_9

PH (Small) Brabance

A miniature square-format dog, which is distinguished by a strong, but very graceful physique. The fur of the animal is shortened and shiny, and the muzzle in shape and expression resembles a monkey. Like most decorative dogs, Brabance is peculiar A serious exaggeration of own significance is that, in combination with its size, invariably causes lunizing among others.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_10

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_11

Pomeranian spitz

Appearing on the street, such a dog will not remain unnoticed - Any passersogue will certainly look at it by delight, and the children will want to stroke. The charm of this dog is truly limitless.

Oranges belong to the dwarf varieties of spitts. The ratio of the length of the body to growth is 1 to 1, the animal is characterized by a long, narrowing fruit, small standing ears and a magnificent tail - all this makes a pet look like a charming chanterelle. That's just covered with a dense standing collar neck destroys this similarity, but at the same time makes the dog even more attractive.

The color is in most cases white, brown or reddish, often there are individuals of cream color, as well as spotted and dogs with a sin.

Despite his small height and weight, which is usually 1.5-2.5 kg, and a constant smile, these four-legged friends are prone to complete dominance and will not tolerate indifferent to themselves by the owners.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_12

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_13

Chinese Crested

She is of the smallest dogs in the world. It is distinguished by a lush mane, beautiful tail and tassels on the tips of elegant paws. It can be said that the Chinese stitching with all his species resemble a reduced copy of the thoroughbred horse.

The character of the PSA is the most friendly - these dogs are trepidate and devotees, they are sincerely true to members of their family, are perfectly soldered with the rest of their pets, but they do not tolerate loneliness. These animals must always be near a person, otherwise they can overthrow.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_14

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_15


The dog is distinguished by the grace, a special sense of dignity causes her butterfly ears, as well as long silky wool of snow-white. Distinctive features of the nature of this breed - Activity, curiosity, playfulness, as well as humility and obedience. Animals Perfectly Dresser, thanks to which they become a good companion and adults and kids.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_16

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_17


This dog is more famous called Maltese Bolonka. Animals are happy owners of whitish wool, on the background of which the coals are burning smart dark walnut eyes. Despite its compact sizes, Maltese is very bold and decisive, so on any extraneous sounds immediately react with loud lament.

They are embarrassed by their owner, differ in gentle, playful temper. These are good good-natured companions that will become an excellent companion to the owner and his family.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_18

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_19


Self-named dogs are of great popularity in various countries due to the lush wool of white or creamy color and the characteristic "Self-Seed smile", which is obtained due to the raised corners of the mouth.

Despite the dying view These dogs are not prone to whims. Self-confident self-confident, restrained, loyal and complete feelings of their dignity of dogs, which are extremely kept in the manifestations of emotions. These pets love children Therefore, they can become good nanny.

The breed refers to the number of the oldest in the world, the animal was shown in the north, because Samoyed is not only beautiful, but also very strong, hardy animals, which makes them especially valuable in the circle of dog breeders.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_20

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_21


Unlike the majority of cute dogs, Dalmatians are rather large dogs, but their unusual coloring does not leave anyone indifferent. These dogs are distinguished by small dark spots on a light background, scattered throughout wool, well-defined amber shade eyes, dark ears, muscular body and graceful neck. Dalmatian does not just admire, he truly fascinates.

It is no coincidence that these animals became the main characters of the famous film and the animated series. Dogs love their owners very much and appreciate the cozy homemade setting.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_22

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_23


Funny, but very cute dog - pug. These funny dogs with an employed appearance were once performed by emperors in ancient China, and also considered the Talismans of the Dutch Kingdom. Nowadays, the breed is considered one of the most recognizable on the planet and has an impressive army of fans.

Popsians have three varieties:

  • Terrier - the most cute dogs with direct torso and elongated neck;
  • Sharpecia - Pretty large animals with a large number of folds on the face;
  • Bully - Dogs with powerful torso and oblique blades.

The pugs are good friends, their funny face in combination with cheerfulness literally charges those surrounding positive emotions. It is noteworthy that this is an animal Sincerely loves children , it becomes a good nanny and faithful companion on games, and in addition Pugs are ready to forgive the master's kids all their practices.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_24

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_25

How to choose?

Nowadays, among cute dogs, there are a wide variety of breeds, each of which is distinguished by its unique appearance and character, so everyone can choose a pet that will answer his own ideas about the perfect animal.

All dogs belonging to the most cute, have completely different physical parameters:

  • the size;
  • thickness and the length of the coarse cover;
  • Mass;
  • The shape of the ears and muzzle.

The most beautiful dogs possessing all typical breed signs include to show class . They can become participants in all sorts of competitions and the winners of exhibitions, they are widely used for breeding, respectively, the cost of such cutie is high.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_26

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_27

Brid-class - These are animals that at exhibitions usually receive "well" and "excellent". The winners are rare, but at the same time they have all the features typical for the rock, because they are mainly designed to breed puppies.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_28

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_29

The cheapest puppies are considered PET-Class . As a rule, they have one or more external defects that interfere with them to take part in contests (this may be atypical coloring, the shape of the ears, the shade of the nose or eye). However, it will not hurt the pets to become excellent companions and faithful friends.

If you want to make a dog for the soul - this option will be optimal.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_30

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_31

Basic rules of content and upbringing

In most cases, cute puppies are small pets with beautiful wool, followed by high-quality care. In addition, many pets have overestimated self, which means that they require good upbringing and dresses.

Cute doggies often say goodbye to the most beautiful behavior, but this is a common mistake of inexperienced breeders. These dogs feel beautifully their power over the owners in the literal sense of the word "sit on the neck" to their households. From the very early age of such a dog, you need to teach a certain behavior - a puppy should know its place in the house, he needs a certain mode of walking and nutrition, He must be familiar to the main teams, including prohibiting.

It is extremely important as early as possible to wean a puppy from the habit of gnawing shoes and spoil furniture items, since even a miniature dog is quite capable in the shortest time to damage the type of apartment in the shortest possible time.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_32

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_33

In order for a pet fully grew and developed, He needs to receive balanced nutrition. The seriousness of this process should not be ignored, otherwise the consequences for the health of the puppy may be the most deplorable.

Many breeders prefer finished feeds, since they initially have a balanced composition enriched with vitamins, while significantly save time for cooking for dogs. However, when buying, pay attention to the marking - You need mixtures for miniature dogs, since large granules intended for large animals may be "not on the teeth" of your pets.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_34

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_35

Please note that when choosing a shopping feed Preference it is better to give super-premium class products or holistic - They are produced from the highest quality products and contain all the optimal proportions of BJ.

If you like "Nature", then keep in mind that At least 70% of the diet should consist of meat (suitable non-fat veal and beef, as well as the liver, heart, udder and other quality offal). The luxury is allowed, and the meat is raw, but pre-frozen and crushed. For the fraction of the rest 30% fall porridge (the best of all the organism of the dog is absorbed rice or buckwheat), as well as vegetables, lactic acid products and necessarily crushed greens.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_36

Keep in mind, Little dogs do not need frequent walks with high physical activity However, if you exclude them at all, then they can spill all accumulated energy in games with home interior objects, clothes and shoes of their households.

Therefore, it is extremely important to pay for its cute ps as possible as possible and acquire all the necessary toys, and in some situations to teach from the wrong action.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_37

Some difficulties may arise from the owners of cute dogs with an animal.

  • Effeminacy - The fact is that the decorative dogs are usually distinguished by special fragility. For example, a Chinese crested or york can break the paws, even just jumping from the chair to the hard floor. In addition, such pets are often freezing for walks, so when quenching during the cold season you need special clothes, and sometimes shoes. In addition, allergies often happen in these dogs.
  • Difficulties with reproduction - It concerns only small cute dogs. Because of its low weight, there are a lot of restrictions on the mass of the dog's body. For example, a bit, whose weight did not reach 1.6 kg, allowed to be forbidden to be forbidden, and the births themselves usually bring a lot of trouble and most often should be held in the clinic under the control of the veterinarian. This assumes additional costs of paying medical services.
  • Cute dogs are possessors of beautiful fluffy wool So, it requires special care, which includes the daily combing and use of specialized shampoos, air conditioners and oils.

Well, finally, cute dogs will not perform the functions of the guard or guard, so you should not send them to the booth or on a self-making even if you live in your own home.

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_38

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_39

Cute dogs (40 photos): the rocks of the smallest dogs in the world with names. How to choose fluffy puppies and beautiful big animals? 12063_40

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