Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner?


When a dog appears in the house, the life of her host is radically changing. Most often, this event is a conscious choice. But there are different circumstances when the dog has to be taken already in adulthood among the former owner or this is a podlidysh, who decided to give shelter. In any case, the dog has to get used to the new setting. Yes, and its owner will also have to make Maxim efforts. Therefore, it will be helpful to learn everything about getting dancing a dog to a new owner.

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_2

The first days of the puppy

When the whole family decides on the purchase of a puppy, they are prepared to this event, they acquire all the necessary things, equip the necessary sites for sleep, eat food, toilet, if there is a need for this. But the baby is taken from the family where he was born and smasted. He is accustomed not only to a dog's mother, but also to certain conditions. Therefore, in a new place a puppy will be sad for some time. But adaptation and addictive to the new owner will be successful if the owner will adhere to some rules.

  • From the first days you need to surround a new family member with care and attention. Ideally, the owner would be nice to take a vacation to teach a puppy to the new rules.
  • If the puppy is completely vaccinated, you need to go to walk more often. They always like animals. The more walk, the less puddles will be at home.
  • It should be faster to decide on the dog's nutrition - it will be a dry food or special food specially cooked for it. But the first few days should be given that food to which the puppy is used, gradually replacing it with the selected option, if there is a need.
  • The baby needs to be provided with a sufficient amount of toys so that he can do what to do, he did not bored and did not spoil furniture and things.
  • Another important point that will allow the puppy to feel more comfortable - this is the thing from the house where he was before. You can grab from there a bedding, toy. The first time the puppy will be calm with it, and after several days it will not need it and you can throw it or leave it, it is already at the discretion of the owner.

A puppy can get used to very quickly to the owner and home, if the owner is patient and friendly, will not shout on the dog and even more so apply physical strength if it is nothing or guilty. In any case, with the appearance of a small pet, a challenging and long work will have to be done, to this you need to be prepared and stock patience. Everything needs time.

Gradually, the dog will understand that it is required from it if the owner will be consistent in his actions and patient.

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_3

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_4

Appearance of an adult pet

To tame an adult dog, which "went to inheritance" in different circumstances, is much more difficult. She got used to the former owner and will be bored. In addition, the dog has its own character to which you also need to adapt. Here you need to stick with the Golden Middle. And although adult dogs get used to the new conditions for a long time, there is a chance to speed up this process, If you behave correctly, adhering to several simple recommendations.

  • In the first days, it is not necessary to require an animal to perform all sorts of teams. You need to give it time to adapt. The owner should feed the dog, walk with her. Perform all what is needed.
  • Show a dog where her place for recreation and meals. It should be softer, but powerfully. The pet should feel that they are well referred to him, but he must obey.
  • It is necessary to carry out all the necessary hygienic procedures: clean your ears, handle eyes, combing wool.
  • It is more difficult to tame the evil dog. But even in this case, it is impossible to be aggression towards a dog, it will not become kindern. Step by step only by a good attitude can be conquered by the trust of the dog. Sometimes you have to look for the way to the heart of the dog through the stomach, encouraging her good behavior with some snacks.
  • You need to walk more with a dog, play with her. This will help bring the new owner and pet, because walks and games love almost all dogs.
  • If the dog got from a particular owner, with whom there is a connection, it will very much help in the adaptation of the dog. After all, you can find out what the name of the dog, what a habit of him, how to care for him than to feed.

If the dog falls into the house, where with her habits are familiar, the process of addictive will pass more successfully.

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_5

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_6

Unexpected changes

But it happens that the dog led the children to the house or the owner himself could not pass by the PSA who fell into trouble. If the house turned out to be a pointed house, it could be easier to some degree, because, as practice shows, homeless animals that acquire the roof over their head and a person, are very grateful. And since the dogs are smart animals, they quickly accept the rules that they offer them, especially if the owner shows care, feeds, cares and walks.

If there was an unfortunate dog in the house, which requires medical care is also a big responsibility, because it must also be cured, to make the necessary procedures, spend money on medicines. But then it will be a devoted friend for life.

If the house has a reserved dog or a puppy appeared, first of all, you need to perform the following manipulations:

  • examine a pet for fleas and withdraw them with special funds;
  • Wash it well, dry and compose wool;
  • Purchase in the veterinary pharmacy special means from worms and be sure to give a pet;
  • After that, you need to do all the necessary vaccinations, which one and in what sequence - a veterinarian will tell you, which must be visited.

Further care is no different from the content of a conventional pet. Friendship with the new owner will arise much faster if the owner will spend more time with the dog, encourage him, praise, if he does everything right. And for the dog, not only treats are important, but also praised words. Although the first time, of course, without delicacy could not do.

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_7

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_8

Advantages and disadvantages

Each of these situations have its own minuses and pros. But in any case, if the dog appears at home, the main thing is to make friends with it faster. The pros concludes that a friend, guard, defender will appear in the house, just a positive being, it all depends on the breed. But when the dog gets used to the new owner, She will look forward to him at home, rejoice in communicating with him and will always strive to delight him.

By minuses include the fact that the dog can take a period of adaptation for a very long time, if she, for example, is quite complex, the heavy past, in which it may have been offended. Then to win the confidence of the animal will not be easy, you will have to move with small chains.

If you comply with calm, to show patience, with time the dog will begin to get used to the fact that evil she does not want, it is in a friendly atmosphere.

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_9

Addictive dog to a new owner: features of adaptation. How to tame an adult dog and puppy? How long have they got used to the owner? 12046_10

In the next video, the journalist and cynologist Grigory Mannev will tell about the adaptation of the puppy in a new place.

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