How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat


The appearance of an adult pet may be associated with the most different situations - from the desire to make an animal from the shelter before receiving an unexpected gift. In any case, the cat or cat will require attention, care, and a certain dresser, because immediately assimilate the rules of behavior in the dwelling are ready for not all tailed pets. How to give an animal to understand that you need to protect natural needs in a strictly defined place? Is it possible to define this moment once and for all in relationships with animals and how to teach an adult cat to the tray, if before that he lived on the street?

How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_2

What do you need to know?

The first and most important thing is the person who received an adult pet is facing, is the need to meet the basic needs of the animal. A cat or a cat that has stress needs in their own place for recreation, meals, departure of natural need. Moreover, the process of teaching an adult animal to the tray, even with the fact that it was previously familiar with this subject of hygiene, may be delayed in view of various reasons. For example, pet may not like:

  • filler, as well as its presence or absence in the tray;
  • The smell of new plastic from the tank;
  • Selected place for toilet;
  • The size or form of the prepared cuvette.

How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_3

How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_4

In spite of anything, cats are very clean animals, and they try to cope physiological needs in one specific place. Well, if a new pet moves with his tray, so it will be easier for him to navigate in a new place. But most often, the teaching starts from scratch and here it is better to be patient here, because the cat will be guaranteed to be guaranteed his own look at the choice of place toilet. These fluffy animals are predators and prefer to protect the need in places hidden from prying eyes. In the risk area, there are areas under the bathroom, closets, under sofas and beds, as well as any other dark corners of the new dwelling.

Cat who lived on the street usually has the established sanitary and hygienic habits and devoid of natural environment, begins to apply at all those objects that plans to offer him the owner. In addition, a non-recorded animal may additionally leave odorous tags, trying to declare their rights to the territory.

How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_5

    To facilitate the new pet, the process of addictive to the tray should take care of the availability of the object of hygiene.

    For example, the most successful places for its installation are the space of a glazed balcony and a toilet.

    This restriction does not concern the toilets of a closed type in the form of houses - with proper care, they can be located anywhere.

    How to choose a tray and filler?

    Before starting to accustom an adult cat or a cat to a tray, it is worth purchasing all the necessary materials for the construction of a comfortable and safe space for the toilet of the animal. This moment is especially important in cases where the pet for the first time will master this skill. It is important that the tray is in size and with sufficiently high sideboards.

    Select trays of closed and open design. In the first case, the product is produced in the form of a full-fledged house with the door and the filtration system of smells, in the second the usual open cuvettes of rectangular, oval or square shape are used. It seems that the acquisition of a closed tray is an optimal solution for any animal owner. But in practice, for those who lived earlier on the street of cats and cats, such an encroachment on their freedom is a serious stress.

    How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_6

    How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_7

    In addition, the cleaning of the tray with the box from above is essentially difficult features of its design. If the pet has health problems, produce an assembly and disassembly operation will have to repeatedly during the day.

    A much simple solution is the usual outdoor tray with sides. . The best choice for cats are structures with quite high sideboards, wide, where you can fit freely and even hide from prying eyes. Compact animals It is recommended to install trays with low sidelights. The presence of a lattice is plus if the animal according to do without filler or was previously familiar with such a toilet design.

    Street cat or cat is almost impossible to teach to the absence of filler: staining the tray, they will simply no longer go into it until the excrement remain inside.

    How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_8

    Special fillers for a cat toilet are a real salvation for animal owners who are not practicing free walking of their pets.

    Street cats at first can be offered sand, allowing them to adapt to new conditions faster.

    But it is better to immediately teach the animal to the purchase filler, with a billet of which at any time of the year there will be no serious problems. As a filling material in the tray, it is proposed to use granules absorbing unpleasant smells, moisture and facilitating subsequent cleaning.

    Among the most popular options for fillers commercially available, the following can be highlighted:

    • Woody made from pressed sawdust;
    • silica gel consisting of transparent granules similar to that put in shoes to protect against moisture;
    • Mineral made of crushed raw materials;
    • Based on industrial waste.

    How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_9

    How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_10

      The initial stage of animal breaks to the toilet is better to be carried out using wood fillers with the familiar structure. But do not forget about regular cleaning of sawdust. As you get used to a more hygienic option, the transition to silica gel as a filler. It is much safer, hygienic, convenient in cleaning.

      Combating mineral fillers - a good solution for owners, who are not at home for a long time. At the stage of addiction, they can be mixed with sand - this option is suitable for cats and cats that have previously happily in the street . But even the most qualitative and expensive composition does not guarantee that the pet will easily get used to the new rules for him. . Moreover, the cleaning of the tray, whatever the material for frighting, will have to be carried out regularly.

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_11

      Choosing a place

      How to determine the best place for a feline toilet in the house? First of all, it is worth paying attention to the behavior of the animal. If it seeks to turn a dark pantry or a balcony into the toilet room, it will be enough to simply provide unhindered access to the place of installation of the tray, and the compromise will be found. But not everything is so simple. Constantly open door to the toilet or bathroom can create discomfort for people living in the house.

      It is better to provide a special feline LAZ in the design of the door leaf.

      Hall - bad selection for installing tray. It is too noisy and lively here, the pet will not be able to relax, feel free enough. In addition, the animal can simply prefer shovel shelves or shoes with a conventional cat toilet.

      Another unsuccessful option is a kitchen. Here, the departure of natural feline need will violate the rules of sanitation and hygiene. In addition, animals are generally preferred to share seats for food and toilet visiting. Yes, and watch during food for a pet, who wanted to get rid of the excess "ballast," that is still pleasure.

      In residential rooms in Russia toilet for a cat can be found infrequently. But in Europe and the United States most often apply closed trays, peculiar houses with removable riding, which greatly facilitate hygienic care. With the correct selection of filler and careful cleaning of a nurse toilet, no extraneous smells to threaten to a comfortable joint living and cat will definitely.

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_12


      Even familiar with the rules of hygiene Animal at a new place of residence can be confused and start using any suitable corners as a toilet. It is very difficult to quickly learn to go to the tray of cats or cats previously used free walking. To teach them new skills will be quite difficult. But it is even more difficult to force the street cat to observe hygienic habits, if earlier he was simply not familiar with them. And yet these problems have a solution.

      • Compromise approach . If the place is chosen correctly, but with the accuracy there are some problems, sometimes on the compromise it is worth going to the owner itself. In general, the cats do not mind using the bathroom or bathroom space for the toilet. But the animal can cope their need in exactly the opposite of the tray direction. And here it is better to simply move the cat toilet and give a pet opportunity to quickly adapt to new conditions for it.
      • Difficult access. If the acquaintance with the tray took place, but the cat or cat stubbornly chooses to the toilet completely different, not too suitable places, it is necessary to make it difficult for animal access to dark corners and secluded sections of the floor. In the absence of choice, even the most capricious pets are usually sent to the tray. But it is not worth relaxing. Once by choosing a convenient place for yourself, with the slightest possible cat again will use it as a toilet.
      • Full control. With the complete absence of formed hygienic skills, you will have a literal sense as a kitten to teach a cat. That is, you attach the animal to the place of departure of natural need for the slightest signs of anxiety, after a long sleep or after a half hour from meals. It will be useful to rack the noodle pets along the filler - the usual action will calm it.

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_13

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_14

      In the case of successful toilet use, the cat is worth praise and reward.

      For tags left in the wrong place, careful cleaning is required, as well as the use of sprays that scare the animal.

      Possible problems

      It is difficult to teach the animal to the tray, which from an early age lived on the street, and does not have the idea of ​​elementary observance of basic hygienic rules. However, the incidents occur when changing the place of residence and with downtown cats. Among the most frequent reasons for a full refusal to visit the selected owner, the tray can be noted as follows.

      • Need to share a toilet with multiple animals. Many cats are simply not ready to use the same cuvette that their relatives, preferring an individual ceasing place. The problem is solved by simply - buying an additional tray.
      • Availability of health problems . If the cat regularly leaves the labels not where it is necessary, it is possible to consult with the veterinarian about the presence of diseases, chronic chair disorder, urinary incontinence.
      • Low quality or too large filler granules. Here the problem is solved solely experimentally.
      • Wrong selection of space, uncomfortable or too close tray design. It is also worth offering a new family member of various options for the toilet design, experiment with the size and installation site.

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_15

      How to teach an adult cat to the tray? How quickly can you teach a cat to go to the toilet in the apartment in a new place? Elimination of street cat 11959_16

      By eliminating all the reasons for discomfort, you can easily find a compromise even with a cat that grown out on the street and resolve the issue with its toilet times and forever.

      Other tips that will help to learn a cat to the tray, can be found in the video below.

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