Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism


Murning a beloved pet is a balm on the soul of the owner and the manifestation of cat gratitude. Many people are interested in why cats purr. And how they do it. This feature is present in many animals, and it even has a healing effect on the human body.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_2

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_3

How does obscure?

The purring is rhythmic, vibrating sounds that differ in sufficient duration. The source of this sound is cats. As a rule, such a ability is a feline "secret weapon", with which they react to certain situations. Not only cats are purre - some of the animal representatives can reproduce similar sounds. Among such animals, hyenas, badgers and mangoshos are located.

The famous English writer Terry Prachtt wrote about the grief in his book "Cat without fools." Many people remember the quotes from this work: "The rice is not a trifle" and "everything is for the rumbling cats." You can agree with this, because cats are able to publish tender and delighting vibrations, for which most owners forgive any leprosy for their pets.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_4

Cat owners appreciate their pets for their wonderful feature of the insane, because with the help of such abilities they can reassure a person. Every owner of the cat knows that if his pet is located near, to fall asleep, and begins to purr, a person feels relaxation and falls asleep himself.

For this reason, it appeared that if the cat purries, it means she calms himself, and this is a good sign. However, the sound data reproduction mechanism has not yet been studied to the end.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_5

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_6

Scientists Robert Eclond, together with Gustav, and Elizabeth Dutie, working at the University of Lund, issued a scientific work in which information was provided with the frequency of purring various representatives of the Feline family. According to the information provided, the cheetah purries with a frequency of 18.32-20.87 Hz, and the home cat reproduces sounds in the interval 21.98-150 Hz. In 2011, Eclund, together with Susanny Scholz, released another scientific work in which they argued that different breeds of cats purr in their specific range.

In 2013, Eclund together with Peters were able to find out that the frequency of the sounds of the sounds does not depend on the age of cheetah.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_7

Regarding the Mechanism mechanism there are several opinions. Experts put forward various versions.

  • False voice ligaments. An animal has simple voice ligaments, with the help of which others hear traditional "meow". Such a sound can be heard only if the cat opens the mouth. And during the purr, the mourning of the beast is closed and the reproducible sound is formed by vibration, which goes into special bones under the tongue. With this option, a person hears sounds similar to the quietly working tractor.
  • Sinus sinus. This variation is related to the operation of the vascular system. Based on the emotional component, a change in blood pressure occurs, due to which a vibration occurs in the breast in the cat. Frequency fluctuations occur in cranial air sinuses and are reincarnated into recognizable cat sounds. Large breeds of cats are characterized by thicker sinus sinuses that are hidden under the layer of cartilage. For this reason, unique sounds are available only by domestic cats and small varieties of Feline family.
  • Lungs . Since the rumbling occurs when inhaling and exhale, we can say that the lungs participate in this sound. Due to the active participation in the action of intercostal and diaphragm muscles, the change of sound frequency is observed.

No one can say with accuracy, at the expense of what cats publish a grill. There is an opinion, common among zoologists and veterinarians, which is based on the fact that the pet makes vibration sounds due to its emotional state.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_8

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_9

Main reasons

There are many versions that explain the cause of homemade cats. The main options are the following options.

  • Gratitude. Rusk cats when you show gratitude to a person for yummy, affection, touch and warmth. In this respect, barely audible rumbling is a sign of a satisfied cat.
  • Relaxed state . If the pet is in a calm state, he begins to purr. The same situation can be observed when kittens, located in a calm and peaceful state, suck your mother's milk. Since it will not work at a time to meow and eat food, they barely audibly purr.
  • Showing your emotions. Most people think when the cat is heard. Murbay, it means that the cat sings his song. With the help of different intonation, pronunciation of sounds and vibrations, pets demonstrate their mood at the moment. It is comparable to people who, in a relaxed state, begin to treat certain motives under the nose.
  • Conversations of kittens with a cat's mother. With the help of the hricters, small kids say their mother, that everything is fine with them, they are full and satisfied. Such an indicator is important among the wild representatives of the Feline family, as parents can often leave their children alone, going to hunt.
  • With self-treatment. If the cat is sick or experiences stress, she begins to purre to find peace and restore the condition of his body. With the help of vibrations that reproduce cats, blood circulation processes contribute to improving metabolism. At the expense of purring cats, it turns out to be warm or calmed down. At such moments, it is better not to touch your pet and allow him to independently recover.
  • Before bedtime. When an animal is going to sleep, then it may climb quietly. Thanks to the uniform vibration, it turns out to be soothing and tune in to sleep. Scientists conducted research under which it was found that during the hricters it was impossible to hear breathing and heart rate, since vibrations are strong in their manifestation. Due to such a feature, pets are well poured at night.
  • Demonstration of hunting instincta . The rumbling can be coming at the moment when the animal is watching the bird through the window or follows the fluttering leaf of nature. With such manifestations, the animal shows its interest to objects.
  • Show self-defense. The cat can purr loudly if she feels danger. It is better not to touch the animal that is in such a state, as you can face the fact that the pet can bite or attack.
  • Feeling of fear. With a strong fright, an agility of an excitementary urption may be observed. This suggests that the animal is better not to touch or, on the contrary, it feels its defenselessness and needs protection.
  • The goal is to get something. If a pet wants to get a treat from his master, he begins to purr. In most cases, such a reception is workless, and the cat gets the desired one.
  • Disease. A rumbling can talk about the disease. In this case, the animal will reproduce loud and restless sounds. When manifesting such behavior, contact the veterinary doctor.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_10

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_11

Dark cats can for any reason. However, only very attentive people who are not indifferent to their little friends are capable of understanding the true cause of such behavior, and they carefully monitor the well-being and mood of their pet.

Why does a cat purr if you stroke it?

It is believed that the touch of people for the cat is an irritant factor. But react negatively on the human touch, the animal may not always. Little cat will like if it is stroking against wool or at the moment when it is in the poor spirit of the Spirit. If the animal does not like something, then it begins to turn the tail and can even scratch a person.

If your touch is endowed with tenderness, when a pet wants to get his portion of caress, then in response to the touch, you can hear the satisfaction of the rumba that will symbolize satisfaction. Cats are endowed with sensitivity towards the emotional state of their owner and determine when they are touched upon with love. For this reason, they are pretty purring, and some even crush the plaid claws or their owner, demonstrating reciprocity and trust.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_12

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_13

Cat-female owners face a situation when an animal lifts the ass and purr. Such behavior can symbolize Start of flow. It can also say that An animal just greets with its owner.

Communication with the help of rickes with their relatives

Murture allows animals not only to communicate with a person, but also among themselves. Such sounds serve as a warning or message of certain information.

  • Pacific sufferer talks about friendly setting and tranquility.
  • Loud sounds will symbolize the dominance of the animal over their relatives. With the help of a crop, the cat reports that it does not need to fight with it, and a weaker opponent will understand that the attacks on the other will not be.
  • The rumbling can demonstrate defenselessness and request not to attack it.

Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_14

    Follow the communication between mom and kittens are always interesting. Little kids also know how to purret if they want to eat or vice versa, they are already fed and satisfied. During meals, it was previously described, kittens also cut.

    Mom Urchit, notifying his children about the fact that they are under reliable protection and nothing threatens them. For example, it begins to "vibrate" as they approach the children, showing that it is very near and is not needed to worry.

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_15

    The purring allows cats to treat each other. If one cat fell ill, the second animal can be near him, purr, acting as a centered and sedative.

    Is there any benefit for a person?

    Vibrations that reproduce the cat during the uric are 22-150 Hz. This frequency range allows the wounds to delay, contributes to the stimulation of the growth of bones. Similar techniques with vibration are often used in the medical industry. Under the influence of low frequencies in the body, endorphins begin to produce as natural analgesics. They allow you to reduce pain and have a positive effect on the recovery process.

    It is known that the ability to climb belongs to the category of endurance attributes. This was known in ancient times, thanks to which cats were attributed to 9 lives. In the modern world, everyone knows that cats are only 1 life, but they are easier for heavy damage, and the recovery process is much faster, if you compare them with dogs.

    For owners who are often nervous, a small four-legged friend can become a personal antidepressant. Animals publish vibrating sounds, at the expense of which a person begins to calm down. This is comparable to meditation from spiritual practices, where a certain vibrating sound should be pronounced in a specific position.

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_16

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_17

    A cat, which falls on the chest and urchit, can act as a homemade gear. The owners of fluffy pets noted that after contacting the cat, the exacerbation of cardiovascular diseases quickly went to the step of remission. A similar situation was observed in problems with hypertension. In the West, the practice is actively used in which cats are used in rehabilitation therapy of patients and the elderly.

    What if the cat does not suffer?

    The purr of our smaller brothers will not be able to leave indifferent. Cute seams are a symbol of comfort and special warmth. Some pet owners inform them that it seems to them that during the purring the cat shares his secrets and talks about how she spent the day. But not all people are familiar with that phenomenon. Some get a pet who never suffers. In this case, you need to know what to do.

    The absence of cat sounds may be related to heredity. As other reasons, the features of the animal temperament should be considered, along with a possible offend on its owner.

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_18

    If the cat stopped violently sharply, you should look at it more carefully. Perhaps the animal does not trust a person anymore or feel a sense of discomfort. If the animal is constantly meowing, it means that something bothers him. Usually such behavior is manifested after a child appears in the family. An animal considers himself superfluous and starts nervous. A pet can start attracting attention and jumped. The owner may negatively respond to such manifestations that it is undesirable.

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_19

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_20

    It is better to try to determine the cause of discontent and show your pets and tenderness. With the help of such actions, you can change the attitude of the cat and again to force it to violently.

    If the animal has stopped staring sharply, you need to carefully examine your pet. There is a chance that the cat hurts something, or she feels weakened. Sometimes the reason may be hidden in the banal absence of a pet's mood. You should take the animal to your hands, to climb and tell him pleasant words. Considering with snacks will allow the cat to raise the cat. If the situation does not change, you should go to the veterinary clinic, since the absence of the Murchant may indicate diseases of voice ligaments or brain activity problems.

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    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_22

    Interesting Facts

    With purr, many interesting facts are connected with other features, With which every feline amateur must familiarize themselves.

    • People who associate the sound of cats with a working tractor, practically right. The diesel engine at idle turns is working at approximately the same frequencies as the cat is 15-150 Hz.
    • All pets are distinguished by their uniqueness, but some animals were able to achieve worldwide fame and hit the book of records. Popularity received a cat named Merlin, living in Southwestern England. The merit of the cat is that its rumbling reached 67.8 Decibel - it is comparable to the working washing machine.
    • According to the lovers of cats, the special power of the grinding happens in females. The lovers of fluffy pets report that it is female who contribute to the good restoration of their owner's forces at the expense of rational.
    • The color of the animal does not affect his healing abilities. However, there is an opinion, according to which white cats can endow their owner with energy, black can calm the violent human temper, gray animals will act on the setting, soothing or encouraging. Red, representatives will raise the mood, and the turtle - will bring profit and luck.
    • The purr is the privilege of not only adult animals. Even newborn kittens are able to grab, but only very quiet. Their sounds are heard only the mother.
    • Urcha, animals are talking not only with a person, but also with other animals, for example, with dogs. Approximately 95% of the owners communicate with their pets and achieve a response in the form of "meow" or "me". In this way, the cat supports dialogue.
    • Scientists were calculated that cats know about hundreds of sounds, while the dog knows no more than ten. Also, the cat can say seven letters: f, g, r, m, n, x, c. Also, it is also available to memorize some simple words. It should be noted that learning will be very long. Also known one cat, who was able to say the word "me" and, if you wish to eat, he shouted: "I-E-E". Some pets repeated the words "Mom" and others.
    • Experts believe that only the cat is able to grab. However, there is proof that this opinion is wrong. It was observed that Lynx with Ocelot is also able to grailt. Larger representatives also know how to purr. For example, the Lion is able to grab in the range of 114 decibels.
    • No animal, except for a cat, can not keep the tail vertically directed while walking. Wild fellow people have a tail in a horizontal position either between the rear paws.
    • During communication with its owner, cats can not only grab and meow, but also express their mood with the help of rotations with tail, views and pos. If you pay attention to the tail, then you can see that when the tip is oppressed, it means that the animal loves its owner and is strongly tied to it. During energetic movements, the pet is irritated, and with a relaxed state of the animal, the occasion will flush the tail.
    • Sometimes waving tail may indicate that the cat is faced with the choice. It can be noticed with rainy weather when she does not know whether it needs to go out on the street or better stay in the house.

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_23

    Why do cats purr? Why cats are murchat when they smooth them? Feline Murchanty Mechanism 11932_24

    About why cats are purred, look next.

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