Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats?


It would seem that cats and dogs always lived next to the man. If the dog is completely obeyed by a person, then with cats the situation is not easy. The domestication of them so completely and did not happen. They perfectly adapt to life at home, become good companions. These animals have a beautiful appearance and have special gracefulness, but at the same time have an innerious character.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_2

On the origin of cats

Now there are more than 600 million cats around the world, almost 200 different breeds have been replaced, starting with long-haired, Persian cats and ending with animals, fully devoid of wool. More than 10 thousand years cats live next to people, helping them to fight rodents and other home pests.

About the history of the appearance of cats knows a little. There are several versions on the origin of this wayward animal.

One of the most common is a religious version. During the World Flood on a Noah's Ark, a huge number of animals from around the world were escaped. Since the gigantic ship was on the way for a long time, a large number of feces and excrement accumulated on it. Because of the strong sinic and the appearance of rodents, all the inhabitants of the ark began to suffer. Rodents frozen at a huge speed, turning the reserves of provisions.

So that the animals did not die from hunger, God decided to help them, ordered Noah to stroke the trunk at the elephant, then the nose of the lion. After that, a big pig jumped out of the trunk, which quickly began to devour harmful waste. A cat appeared from the nose of Leo soon and took up the destruction of rodents, which led to the salvation of all animals floating on the ship.

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Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_4

On another common version, cats flew to Earth from space. According to this theory, the first animals appeared in ancient Egypt. They were absolutely bald, while the animals could mentally transmit the necessary information to people. According to legend, meets the steppe shaggy cat, the bald cat immediately pushed to him with passion, deciding forever to live on Earth forever. A couple of a couple began to bring numerous offspring. Representatives of them and became the progenitors of homemade cats.

According to American astronauts, unusual artifacts were found when disembarking on the moon. After the laboratory research conducted, it was found that these small pebbles are feces of cats.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_5

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_6

The most believable is the scientific version about the appearance of cats. According to scientists, there were pets from ancient crownontime, which inhabited our land almost 50 million years ago. Creodontime had an impressive size, so they kept weak and small animals in fear.

Some zoologists assure that cats originated from the small animal of the Prosirus, who lived 20 million years ago. This animal outwardly was similar to the kunitsa, could quickly climb the trees and had an innerious character.

Experts believe that two branches have occurred from this animal: saber-toothed cats and ordinary cats.

More than 10 thousand years ago, saberous cats are completely extinct, and representatives of the second branch continue to exist now.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_7

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_8

How did the domestication occurred?

Biologists are still arguing whether the cat has become domesticated, because this animal has not lost its hunting skills and habits to solitude, retains its independence.

Scientists are so fully and not known when the cat is domesticated, some of them are still arguing when it happened. Often there is a lawsager question, why were cats were needed, because they did not give milk or meat, could not carry goods or guard the dwelling.

Perhaps, An animal itself came to a person in search of food. The person realized that cats could get rid of rodents, and began to feed and lure them. It was advantageous to have such a hunter who extermines rodents and other livelihood. The emergence of such an animal in a person's life allowed us together to coexist people and their pets, so there was a peculiar mutually beneficial situation.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_9

Cats recognize semi-permanent animals that peacefully exist next to a person until they benefit. If the pet is left without a host, he begins to die. After the appearance of small kittens immediately become more adapted to survival in the wild.

Representatives of cats for a long time revered by people.

  • Residents of ancient Rome Special reverence treated these animals, they worshiped them. For example, the goddess Baste had a cat head. The population is strictly forbidden to inflict any damage to these pets. During the fire, it was the first of the house that cats were taken out. In the event of their death, the owner was in deep mourning and swung his eyebrows.
  • Special reverence treated animals and in China where their devotion and skill in the fight against rodents were very highly appreciated.
  • Greeks and Romans Also related to these animals with great reverence and love.
  • In eastern countries Cats worshiped very high, because only they could unhindered to go to the mosque.

According to the legend, the Prophet is Magomet, so as not to disturb the cat sleeping on his hand, ordered the cut off her so as not to wake the sleeping animal.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_10

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_11

In some European countries, these rats are very highly valued. Often the cost of a good cat exceeded the price of the cow.

  • According to scientists, the cats first domesticated in ancient Egypt 6 thousand years ago.
  • Archaeologists assure that the first images of them were found in ancient Egypt 4-4.5 thousand years ago.
  • In the excavations of Jericho, they found the remains of people next to cats. The age of such a find is 9 thousand years old.
  • In Turkey, a statuette of a woman with a cat dated to the 4th century BC was discovered. NS.

With the onset of Middle Ages, the time of mass extermination of these animals has come. Special disfavor used the individuals of black or red color. It was believed that witch could put in them, so the cats were burned on fires.

Domination of rodent hunters began with about. Cyprus and Israel. Then these animals began to appear in Egypt and other corners of the world. So, in the countries of Europe, India and China, cats and cats appeared 2 thousand years ago, in America - about 500 years ago, and in Australia - almost 400 years ago.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_12

Appearance of animals in Russia

In Russia, these fluffy animals appeared only in the 11th century. Their largest number was revealed in the port cities, therefore it was believed that the eastern merchants were taken on shopping ships.

Near Odessa, the most ancient remains were found. In the cities of the Baltic States, individuals appeared in the 5-6 century, in the Volga region - in the 7-9 century. The cat was a keeper of a homely hearth and his symbol. Also, she was considered to be the guide of the soul in a different world.

With the adoption of Christianity, the patron of feline becomes the Holy Misti. Many believe that the popular clicker of Vaska went exactly from here.

These rat hunters peacefully lived in monasteries and temples, where special loopholes were provided for them.

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Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_14

Initially, it was possible to keep homemade pets in my pets, only royal people and boyars could, since most people were simply not affordable.

Peter the first brought from the Netherlands Cat Vasily. A pet lived in the tsarist palace. Especially for this was published royal decree.

Very soon these animals have become very popular. Breeding them was the usual occupation. Many churches kept cats so that they protect the grain stocks. For trying to steal a homemade favorite, a large cash fine was provided. In the 18th century, cats in Russia spread everywhere. Homemade cat becomes a favorite for his owners. At this time, signs and beliefs associated with these animals appeared.

It is purposefully to breed new breeds of steel in 1800. Decorative species were specifically derived for the exhibition in London. Exhibitions of Siamese and Persian cats were particularly impressed. In the modern world, genetics work on the removal of other breeds of pets with different color, body size and the type of fur.

Domaining cats: The history of cat appearance in a person's life. When domesticated cats? 11925_15

You can find out more about the history of cat appearance.

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