How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street


Seeing the little kitten on the street, many make a decision to take him to home. However, they do not even think about what they may encounter some problems, and after all, quite a long time to adapt the wild animal. In addition, the kid's teachment is a rather difficult task and long.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_2

Why doesn't the cat goes to hand?

Almost all cats are self-sufficient, as well as very freedom-loving animals. And make them do something not in their will will be very difficult. And it relates not only to homeless cats, but also thoroughbred cats. First of all, this is due to the nature of the animal. So, the British cat to all caresses, as well as attempts to take on the hands to treat quite skeptical, and sometimes aggressively. And will do it only when he herself wants.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_3

Some cats are connected with fear. A frightened animal will never feel comfortable in her hands in humans.

In addition, the slightest rustling can cause he immediately jumps away from her hands and can even scratch his owner. That's why, Before taking a cat in hand, you must be sure to make it a good mood.

Almost every cat is a great sense of smell. And if it will smell with spirits, specific cream, fragrant spices, alcohol or even citrus, then it will also not sit on his hands. If this happens quite often, then in the animal and can absolute confidence in its owner. In this case, the cat will bypass it.

It is also possible that in the past the animal beat or just mocked him.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_4

In this case, teach it to the hands will be too difficult. Some thoroughbred cats simply do not tolerate heights, so they are afraid to lose the balance and fall.

Many cats do not like when young children take them on their hands, because they can or too press the animal, or pinch it.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_5

How to tame a wild cat?

In real life it will be very difficult to teach a cat from the street not only to yourself, but also to the house, because any homeless animal will be in the first few days evil and aggressive. You need to start a teachment from feeding. In addition, it is necessary to do this first days on the street at the same time. Literally one week, the newly-made pet will wait for its new owner at the sneaking site.

It is impossible to teach a street cat to a man when he has a fear of him, because the animal will immediately feel it and will not work. We must try not to approach the animal first, but wait for the cat itself will suit the owner.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_6

If she fell and remains in the same place, you can try a little "chat" with it. The only thing to do is to protect your hands.

In addition, in the case of aggressive behavior of a wild cat, you should also protect your face.

First, it is necessary to be with a new pet for a few minutes. Every day the time is to be increased. If the animal starts to show interest in his owner, you can try to talk to him. At first it is necessary to whisper, so that the cat is not afraid and did not run away. When she starts to spend more time near a person, you can try to take it on your hands. But it is also very neat doing it. If the first time it did not work out and the cat ran away from his master, then Do not pursue it.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_7

You can also try to plant an animal in a closed room and wait a bit until it gets used to the new place of residence.

Approximately an adaptation to the house of a cat leaves one to several days. In the room where the cat is closed, you need to put a bowl with water and food. Also put the tray so that it is chased from the first days to go to it. You can put several special toys, as well as install a sleeping place. In addition, it is necessary to know that when too bright light, the animal will feel too comfortable in the room. That's why The light should be a bit muted.

The tray first need to fill the ground that is used to disembark flowers so that the cat felt in the natural environment. In addition, it is necessary to remove all items from the room that may fall.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_8

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_9

The first few days do not need to go too often to the cat so that she felt more freely.

After the adaptation period, it is necessary to lead the animal from the street to the veterinary doctor to make sure that he does not have almost no diseases. To do this, the cat must be placed in special carrying, using strong gloves, and take it into a veterinary clinic. Such measures must be carried out, because the wild animal can be a carrier of any viral diseases.

When a person is convinced that An animal is absolutely safe, you can gradually begin to engage in its teaching. It is best to use toys for this toy that you can buy in special stores or to make from the remedies.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_10

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_11

The first time the cat will play herself with a toy, but over time will take it into a company and man.

For a start, you can just put your hands next to the cat so that she is convinced of their safety. Then you need to try to stroke it. If it does not allow it to do, you should not hurry, it is better to wait some time. Over time, the animal will allow not only to stroke, but also take to their hands. The fact that she is nice will testify to her relaxed view and raised up ears.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_12

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_13

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_14

Kitten domestication

But the small kitten can be accustomed much faster. Make it really literally in a few days. However, if it is too gradious, the process of domestication will slightly delay. But still, it is possible, not only with caress and kindness, as well as with delicious food. For a teachment, you can use both different toys and a conventional rope.

When people first bring a small kitten into the house, first of all it is necessary to exclude any of its contacts with other people and with other pets. To do this, you can put an animal or in a separate room, or into a small cell. In the second case, the cell must be placed in the most distant and quiet corner in the room. In addition, it should be covered on top of any cloth. It also needs to put two bowls. One of them should be with water, and the second - with meal.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_15

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_16

Also in the cage should be placed and the tray so that the animal from the first day could go to it. After that, the kitten must be left for some time. This is necessary so that it adapts faster.

After a few hours you need to go to the cage and try to speak with a small pet. In addition, it can be given something delicious, such as boiled meat or fish. The kitten must have to eat from the hands of the host. So he will get used to him faster and understand that the food receives from each other, and not from the enemy.

If a small pet when feeding still hits and does not want to eat, it is necessary to leave him one another for a while. After it calms down, you can try a little one to open the cage and stretch your hand. It is necessary to do it very carefully, without sharp movements, so that the kitten is not frightened. He can still hiss But you should not pay attention to it, because it is a simple protective reaction.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_17

When trying to scratch a person, it is necessary to dismiss the kitten to understand who is the main one from the first time.

When the owner stroke the kitten and he calms down, he can give a little piece of delicacy. You can feed the full animal only after 10-12 hours, when it is getting hungry. In this case, the baby will come out of his shelter and can even take food from his new owner. It will indicate only what a person did everything right.

Even when the kitten began to eat from her hands and got used to a little bit, in his presence should not speak too loud, because he can get frightened and run away, which means again it will take to do everything first. To make the kitten to be soft in dealing with a person, he needs to pay a lot of time: you need to play more with him, stroke and take it on your hands. When it is completely domesticated, you can introduce it with small family members, if these are.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_18

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_19

Taming an adult animal

No less important is the teaching of an adult animal acquired from breeders, and not found on the street, because his appearance in the house is exciting not only for new owners, but also for the cat itself. The new owner can do it quickly only if the animal gets a lot of caress and attention . However, there are such breeds of cats that do not like to sit on their hands on their owners so that they do not do.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_20

The less the age of the acquired animal, the faster it can adapt to new conditions.

Literally after one month, the cat or cat will turn into a pet and will not run away from the new home.

It is very important to properly transport the cat from the old place to the new one. It is best to use carrying, because if you keep it in your arms, then she can be afraid of some kind of sound from the street or sound of the engine of the motor and even escape. In addition, in carrying it is necessary to put an object from the past life of the animal so that it felt more comfortable there. It is also not necessary to use public transport purchased animal, it is best to call a taxi.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_21

Finding into a new home, the cat will immediately drive into the angle or begin to explore new territories. And in the fact, and otherwise, such behavior is considered normal.

The main thing for the owner is to help the animal as quickly as possible to get used to the new place and to the owner itself.

First of all, you need to restrict cat moves a bit around the room. Be sure to place a bowl with food and water, as well as a tray with a filler, which was used in the previous place of residence. After that, the cat must be released from carrying and trace its actions. If it does not want to go out, you can lure it with delicious food.

The owner in any case should behave calmly, as the animal always feels the mood of the person.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_22

Be sure to spend with a pet as much time as possible, at the same time never to annoy and not shouting on it.

It is not worth representing the cat to all family members on the first day, because it can cause even stress from him. It is better to do it the next day when the cat gets up a little. Acquaintance should be held in a very relaxed atmosphere so that the cat is not afraid.

You should not immediately take it on your hands if she wishes himself herself. If the house is often guests, then you do not need to immediately meet the cat with them. It is necessary to do this gradually that the animal is not frightened. However, there are both rocks that are completely not afraid of other people's people. In this case, the period of adaptation occurs much faster and easier.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_23

After 7-12 days, it is necessary to introduce a cat with other pets, if any in the house. During this period, a new pet will be able to get used to their smells and will not be so aggressive.

When the animal enters a new home, he should give the feed to which it is accustomed in the past house. It is also necessary to ask about the size of servings, and time when the cat eats. And only a few days later, you can translate it to the feed, which will be used in the future. It is necessary to do it gradually.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_24

Useful recommendations

If a person decided to catch a street cat, then you should not use a bag or blanket for this, as well as any other items that will look like them.

A small kitten can be lured out of shelter with delicious food or conventional phantha attached to the rope. When an animal leaves his asylum, he must be taken for a fold on her neck and very gently press him to his chest.

If this method is not suitable, you can use an animal carrying container. It also needs to put food or an interesting toy for a kitten. When it falls inside, you need to immediately close the door.

To protect themselves a little from possible animal bites, you can use a special kitel for this. It is sold in any veterinary pharmacy. In addition, it can be just hired.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_25

Install the trap is needed in such a place where the animal appears most often. Inside, it is also necessary to put a delicious food. Close it after the cat enters the kitche.

For catching a street animal, you can also use a special support. It is best to use it in the dark. It is necessary to approach the cat quietly and imperceptibly, it is best to do this from behind. It is necessary to cover the cat very quickly and sharply, because the second time it may not come up to me. Before catching the wild animal, it is necessary to practice on domestic cats.

You can get an animal from the pad in two ways:

  • Using the first option, it is necessary to transfer the caught animal to a safer place and only then transplanted it into the prepared carrying;
  • The second option is more dangerous: the animal is transplanted into carrying right on the spot.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_26

In any case, the animal will experience stress and immediately drive into the angle. It is a man to man, as it can, without any particular obstacles to close the carrying door.

Carrying is best used from a rather strong material. The cat put inside the tail ahead, so that it resisted less at the same time.

It is best immediately after capture to show a particular veterinarian to not harm the pet. It is necessary to get a cat from carrying a caution, observing all precautions.

If a wild cat will bite a person, you need to immediately consult a doctor. If necessary, you need to make special injections to not harm your health. Also, you should not look at the capture of the animal directly in the eye, because they perceive it as a threat to themselves.

How to tame a cat? How to teach an adult cat to the hands? Taming the wild kitten from the street 11914_27

No need to take a cat with bare hands to protect yourself from bites and scratches.

Do not too diligently with food and throw a cat. Portions should be increased gradually. In the upbringing of new pets, it is necessary to show not only an excerpt, but also affection. And the most important thing when catching street animals - be sure to make sure that they do not have a host.

Summing up, we can say that any cat, be caught on the street or acquired from breeders, you can teach and make home for a certain period. And all this is done by not only upbringing, but also training. The most important thing is to show a lot of warmth and patience in relation to your newly minted pets.

About how to re-educate a wild cat, look next.

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