Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home?


A good and reliable cogteresis for a cat is needed for high-quality and rapid circumcision claws. The tool will work as comfortable and safe as possible. Experts advise to acquire an accessory at the same time with the advent of the pet. The model bought simply so may not go according to characteristic features. Species and varieties of cunning slightness, so in the choice you need to focus on the recommendation of specialists.

What it is?

Cat cunning is a simple device that each owner of a pet. The device is easy to choose and use. With the help of the device, it is possible to ensure the correct pet hygiene. Regular processing of claws will exclude many problems that occur when the content of the cat: sharp claws these animals have furniture, wallpapers, spoil carpets.

Stooling is really necessary for a cat or cat, but only if they live in a natural medium. Kogtetochki do not always save from attack, since not all pets quickly seek this adaptation.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_2

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_3

Animals will still scratch something, since with the help of this natural process, pets and update their claws. During the scratch, the label of the territory that cat is considered their own. The easiest and most humane method, which will save from this problem, is considered to have a haircut of claws with the help of a special device - cunning. Feline claws have a property of growing, so the procedure is not different, but requires periodic repetition.

It is believed that the nails can be properly cut only in the veterinary clinic, but today the owners are offered a lot of safe drive options. Despite the small cost of the procedure in a car, many owners of cats and cats choose home appliances, as the movement of a pet in the clinic is accompanied by inconveniences for the owner and stress for cat.

Experts do not advise conventional scissors for cutting claws. Animal claws differ from human internal structure.

Cunning today is offered by shops in a wide variety. All similar devices in the end help make a quick and painless manicure.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_4

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_5


The tool can be found in stores with supplies. Experts allocate four main types.

  • Scissors cunning . Represent the usual small scissors. From the usual "human" tool, they differ in the presence of recesses in the cutting part. In these notches, the tip of the claw is laid, then it is cut. Thanks to the addition, the claw does not slide on the acute blade, and your favorite will not receive damage during the manicure.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_6

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_7

  • Shabmer-tongs . More reminiscent of pliers. Someone considers a product with thick handles to a more convenient device. Pens rubberized, so during the processing of the pet, the tool does not slip out of the hands. Modern models of forceps are supplied by the limiter, so even the inexperienced pet owner will not succeed too much. In addition, high-quality tongs also have the ability to block. It provides security where there are kids. The child will not harm himself or pet.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_8

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_9

  • Claws of guillotine type. Prefer breeders with experience. Despite the seeming complexity, the tool is easy to use. The appearance of the guillotine resembles pliers. However, the closed blades on the tip are replaced by a ring. Cat claws need to be placed inside, and when you press on the handle in this ring there are knives.

Inexperienced owners are difficult to immediately cut off only the thrust tip, so often this tool is trimmed under the root. As you know, it happens when the length of the site is cut more required.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_10

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_11

  • Electric cogteresis - Professional type of equipment that is used in the salons. The tool is equipped with an abrasive part, which is a rotating wheel. The device is considered to be the most efficient, as it has special limiters. In the work of electrical chanthers are fast and comfortable, but expensive.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_12

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_13

Rating models

In stores with animal goods, different cunning materials are presented, which are characterized by both positive and negative qualities. Among the owners of cats and cats there is a kind of models rating that are considered the best among other options. For example, Cogterez Guillotine Dezzie invariably occupies the first places in popularity. The mechanisms of this product are considered reliable. The device allows without pain and quickly trim the claws with an animal.

Another guillotine - Hello Pet - Popular, because it is suitable for processing claws of various animals and even birds. The blades of this stainless steel guillotine are characterized by an excellent edge sharpening.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_14

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_15

TRIXIE guillotine Also from steel, but differs from the previous spring mechanism, and the handles are equipped with rubberized overlays. The tool is characterized as reliable and very convenient.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_16

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_17

Zolux scissors We are produced in two versions: large and small. The handles of the device are distinguished by convenience, well captured with their fingers. Blades of stainless steel scissors.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_18

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_19

Hagen Le Salon is the best tongs for having claws of small pets. The cunning is a comfortable even novice owner of a small pet. The instrument handles are treated with anti-slip material, very high quality.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_20

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_21

Papillon nippers are an interesting option, for the manufacture of which tool steel was used. The device is equipped with rubberized handles, and its blades remain in original quality, without requiring additional sharpening. The tool has a limiter, so it will work for the use of a newcomer. Papillon cannot be used to handle claws kittens.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_22

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_23

Dezzie Cepping is distinguished by the presence of plastic recesses on the handles . They are conveniently located under the capture of fingers. The secator is equipped with a limiter.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_24

Electric cunning Codos CP 3300. Popular, as suitable for processing both feline and dog claws. The device is equipped with a battery, but has the ability to connect to the network. Electric tool is the most expensive among all the models presented in the ranking.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_25

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_26

How to choose?

The necessary tools are selected depending on the density of claws. For cat, for example, age and breed matters.

Do not in vain, they advise to choose after buying a pet, since its claws need to be appreciated visually.

They can be thin, translucent. Tongs or scissors are suitable for such claws. For dense and thick claws, it is better to choose a reliable guillotine type of scissors. Electrical accessories are not recommended for the use of the house.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_27

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_28

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_29

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_30

If you are a novice among domestic owners, choose the option that is equipped with limiters. It is impossible to cut up excess pets with scissor cogterns. They have the most familiar appearance for a person. You can choose a device better in a regular store, since when you buy it can be held in your hands and evaluate convenience. When choosing, it is necessary to take into account that the cunning must be acute, because claws should be triggered, rather than clogged.

Effective cunter can be made only from high-quality material. Experts do not advise save on the instrument. Dear and reliable, sharp cogteresis will be a guarantee of long-term operation. Choose a tool with rubberized handles, special recesses for your fingers, with the highest quality clutch blades.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_31

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_32

Tips for use

To cut the house claws cat yourself, you do not need to finish manicure courses. Principal actions are simple, but it requires theoretical training.

Before the start of the manicure, the drive must be processed. To do this, it is better to use alcohol or chlorhexidine. In order for the pet during processing is not nervous, it can be carried away by a favorite toy or delicacy. If inexperienced, just in case, keep nearby treatments for processing wounds: hydrogen peroxide, cotton, dressing materials.

Before the procedure, ensure high-quality cleaning with your own hands, and also organize bright lighting. Beloved pet is better to hold a little on her hands, stroking and talking to him. During this time, you need to try to provide a reliable grasp of a cat's paws or cats. At the same time, it is necessary to slightly press on the pad, providing the visibility of clawing.

It needs to be inspected in the light and select a cut point. To remove the transparent part, and where the place is dense, it cannot be cut there: inside the seal, the accumulation of capillary vessels, and their damage may result in blood loss.

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_33

Cat grain (34 photos): What kind of cunter is better to choose? Cat claws forceps and other types of drives. How to cut claws of cats at home? 11905_34

Removal is subject to Only a pair of millimeters from the edge of the pink part. If it was not possible to carry out a neat procedure and blood went, it should be neutralized with a swab moistened in the peroxide. If damage is insignificant, blood will stop a couple of minutes after processing.

If the pet calmly refers to the pruning procedure of claws, they can still be written to the saw. So processed claws will not cling to various items.

Restless animals are best fixed during manicure, so you do not harm your pet. Specialists advise to take for the processing of pets when they are in a half, calm state. Claws hacking procedure are well tolerated cats and cats, who taught them from childhood.

On the video below, you can see what tools and how to cut Cat claws.

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