Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them


The structure of cats often causes many questions in the environment of their breeders. In particular, the owners of cats are interested in feline mustache. They are wondering why they need and do need in trimming. It's time to figure it out in this matter.

How are you called correctly?

Cat mustache in scientific are called Vibrissemi (they received the name from the Latin word "VibraSae", translated to "vibrate", "to evolve", "hesitate"). These are the organs of the feelings of a pet that are constantly moving and vibrating. In fact, This tactile cat's hair, different from the rest of the wool greater rigidity, thickness, long and rooting.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_2


The structure of Vibris has its own characteristics. Each volosine is placed in its own capsule called the follicle. It is connected to nervous endings, vessels and muscles. It is due to the connection with the brain of an animal, the cat responds to any environmental changes, ranging from air fluctuations and ending with the movement of any objects.

The slightest changes are fed into the brain, which leads to a change in the behavior of the cat.

At the same time, some rows of mustache on the face of a pet (3 ° C on each side of the nose) can move separately. Vibrisians are placed deeply, their damage is fraught with loss of orientation in the direction for which specific hair is responsible . The root of the hair is under the layer of epidermis, it surrounds the skin glands, venous sinuses and nervous endings.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_3


Thick and hard vibraisas have a middle length of 6-7 cm. Representatives of large breeds (for example, Maine-kunov) it is more and can reach 18-19 cm. The length of the vibrate on the cheeks and other places may differ. At the same time, on the functions of the tactile organs, it does not affect: both those and other hairs are perfectly coping with their task.

For example, short vibraisas on the paws help the animal to feel the vibration of the floor. Those mustache that seem breeder's eyebrows are eye protection and contribute to a better feeling of space. Noteworthy the fact that The length of the musty is directly connected not only with the size of the breed, but also the thickness of the animal. For example, the mustache is often longer in thick cats.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_4


Usually tactile senses consist of 24 hairs, which are located in 4 rows on both sides above the upper lip of the animal. That is, on each side of the nose there are 12 hair (sometimes they are much more). In addition, they can be located in the eye area, on the chin and the lower parts of the body - on the pillows of the paw. The amount of the majority of the vibrass can change.

Moreover, they may not only be straight, but also curved, and even wavy, which depends on the breed.

Each mustache is connected to a specific brain section. For no matter what they touch, it gives certain information from the outside world. Vibrisians having nervous endings associated with brain receptors are growing apart from each other. Other of them are badly bent, but they are equally functioning in individuals of different sexes. They are located up either to the sides, and therefore do not interfere with animals.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_5


Vibrisians may differ thick depending on the cat breed. The thickness of the conname organs in 2 or even 3 times the thicker of animal wool. It may differ depending on the location of the location. For example, to be different on the lower jaw and on the back of the front paws, on the cheeks, they are thicker than above the eyes. Despite this, they are extremely sensitive, and therefore the cat is trying not to expose their pressure. For example, sometimes making food from a narrow bowl can provoke vibris stress.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_6

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_7


Feline mustache perform a lot of functions. Thanks to them, cats are able to unmistakably navigate in space even at night. Vibrisians help animals to carry out maneuverable jumps over long distances, distinguish with high-quality and bad food, hunting and evaluating the enemy when fighting or during games.

In order for the animal to freely navigate in space, it is not at all necessary to touch the vibrations of any objects. For a full-fledged and clear picture, there is enough air fluctuations. It can be created during the cat move, reflecting from the walls or objects. Vibrisians are able to capture reflected waves and "draw" a virtual image.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_8

This allows animals to be easily concerned about the way items in the process of movement.


The parameters of the mustache helps the cat to understand whether it can crawl into a narrow space. That is why he climbs in boxes, packages and narrow lazes. The hairs on the rear sides of the front paws can be called the second eyes of the cats: with their help, the animal is not only climbing and extracting food, but it can also strike a hunt. Hairdry on the cheeks located on both sides of the nose are connected to the muscles. Shevers and touching different subjects, the cat receives valuable information about the surrounding space.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_9


Surely the breeder of cats noticed that the cat leans towards Earth. However, at the same time, he was unlikely to think that it was necessary for the tactile contact of Vibribiss with the Earth. Even the slightest vibration, supplied by mouse paws, cannot slip away from sensitive vibrass. Just touch them to the floor and the necessary information will be obtained.

It is at the expense of Vibris that the cat understands which way the mouse ran away. However, these are not limited to the functions of hairs. When the cat will catch the sacrifice, it is the mustache to tell him, she is alive or dead. At the same time, the pet will not eat live prey, because the mouse in the rustling of deadly fear can bite the cat.

After the booty is invented, the cat embarks on the meal. It can be noted that it also checks the food from the bowl of the bowl. By touched by Vibrissemi, he appreciates whether the food is alive, and only after that it starts a meal.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_10

Awarded ahead of the mustache suggests that at the moment the animal analyzes whether the food will attack it.


It is unlikely that the owner of the cat thought about the fact that his pet communicates with other animals with Vibris. Through their cat gives signals to other brethren about their mood. For example, the mustache helps him even in the fight for the female either in a duel for the territory. The trampled mustache says that the cat is not against the acquaintance with the fellow. When they are spread to the sides, it testifies to the unfriendly, and if the hairs are tightly pressed to the face, the animal is frightened.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_11

Is it possible to cut them?

Despite the fact that the mustache grows faster than the main wool, it is impossible to cut them. This breeder makes serious damage to the health of his pet. The loss of the mustache deprives the animal additional information that it is necessary for proper growth and development. This will affect appetite, activity and health. Of course, with the time of Vibrisse, they grow up, but during this period of time the pets will be deprived of a lot. In fact, this can be compared with a person who has a worsen hearing, eyesight and touch.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_12

Features of care

The change of Vibribis in cats is happening in the process of all life. No need any auxiliary manipulations, because nature did not come up with anything superfluous for the cat. A partial trimming of vibribis on the face is allowed only in the case of radical treatment of fungal lesions. However, this measure is extreme. It is possible only when the use of cat health from manipulations exceeds possible risks.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_13

Problems and possible diseases

The attentive owner, caring for his pet, knows: Vibrisians are sensors that sign about cat health problems. The worse their condition, the worse the quality of the pet's life.

It is necessary to follow the mustache, this will allow you to recognize the problem in time and eliminate it.

For example, problems with dues in cats may occur due to hormonal failure. It can lead stress, transitional age or a state of pregnancy from female individuals. In such cases, it is necessary to show a pet professional veterinarian. Vibrisians can thread, become fragile and inelastic.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_14

There are cases when the cats themselves fall of Vibribuses, being near the fireplace or a gas stove. Not every one has an instinct of fear of fire, and therefore the owner has to ensure that the animal does not approach the dangerous place too close.


Increased breakdoms of the mustache speaks of 2 factors: disadvantage of moisture and improper cat washing. For example, the animal mustache may suffer if dry air is in the room. In addition, the cat, regardless of the feeding time, should be a bowl with fresh water. If it is limited in eating liquid, Vibrisians become brittle.

As for the washing procedure, here 2 reasons can be distinguished. . This may be due to the choice of poor-quality bathing. In addition, few people pay attention to the fact that the cat wash the cat is not always detergent. Sometimes enough warm water.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_15

It is also important to pay attention to the multiplicity of procedures: it is impossible to bathe an animal too often.

Dropping out

A mustache is a more serious problem. Unlike blood, it does not depend on environmental conditions. It indicates health problems and is often accompanied by an allergic reaction. As a rule, concomitant symptoms may be wool loss, tearing and stool disruption.

Faced with this problem, it is necessary to revise the feeder of the animal diet. It is likely that the cause of the loss is avitaminosis, as a result of which the loss of the mustache acquires a larger scale. This may be associated with the monotony of nutrition, causing a deficiency of the necessary organisms of vitamins and trace elements.

The fallout may be a consequence of a cat infection with parasites. Their livestock products are extremely toxic, can lead to body intoxication. From poor supply, hair follicles are not allowed to be beneficial, in view of which Vibribis is weakening and falls out. In addition, the fall of the mustache may be due to the allergies of the animal on the saliva of fleas or fungal lesion of the skin.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_16

Bad Growth

If the Vibyssa is growing slowly, without distinguishing the strength and sufficient thickness, it is necessary to revise not only power, but also conditions of detention. The reasons for poor growth can be low quality food, lack of vitamins and trace elements, poor metabolism or problems with the endocrine system. To achieve improved vibrass growth, it is necessary to improve the quality of the animal content.

It happens that bad growth is a consequence of the disease. For example, this may be the result after falling out caused by a benign tumor in the ear. Unfortunately, our medicine does not always reveal such cases in time.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_17

However, as practice shows, the mustache after the operation, although slowly, but grow.

Consequences of loss

A cat without a mustache is similar to a patient who has vision, rumor and taste. Depending on the nature of the cat, its behavior during routine or falling into a mustache may vary. For example, if Vibrisians fall almost everything, it not only weakens, but becomes unable to move in the dark. An animal can accumulate on various items due to poor orientation in dotmakes, it will not be able to estimate the size of the holes, and therefore stuck inside them.

The accuracy of feline jumps is reduced. The cat can not estimate the distance and often can not dare to the desired object. If the home of the loss is not as dangerous for the pet, then the street cat will not be easy.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_18

Left without a mustache, the animal is confused, it can behave strange, nervous, fear, avoid communication. In addition, it will be passive.

In order for the animal to grow elastic and thick mustache, it is necessary to include natural food in the diet. It must be balanced, selected in accordance with the age of the pet. As for cheap feeds, they are produced from legumes, they are useless for animals and contain a mass of chemicals. The quality of growing mustache from them will not rise.

However, cats are peculiar and the change of mustache, which is a natural process. As a rule, at the same time one hairs falls, and in its place immediately revealed the new one. If the outflow is abundant, the consequences in behavior can be deplorable. For example, the loss of the navigation system may lead to the fact that the animal can scratch himself or stop hunting.

A domestic cat at this time to release on the street is undesirable. Noteworthy and the fact that some cats-cats themselves boil the mustache with small kittens. They make it so that the kids are near, as long as possible. However, in this case, it is not necessary to fear: the vibribuses in kittens grow naturally. However, if the amount of mustache is reduced, it is a reason to consult a doctor.

Why the cat's mustache? What are they called in scientific? Is it possible to cut them? Can the mustache grow? Features of the structure and care for them 11896_19

The reasons for the fallout of the mustache at the cat look next.

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