Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules


The decision to start the cat is a pretty serious act. It should be remembered that we are responsible for those who have tamed. Therefore, from that day, the animal crossed the threshold of our house, we are responsible for him. Especially important are the first months of the kitten's life.

Features of development

At the time when the kitten reaches the age of 1 or 2 months, the cat begins to give her child less attention. During this period, the size of the animal is small enough. Monthly (and sometimes two-month) kitten looks rather defenseless. Age in 1-2 months is the period when the active development and growth of the animal begins. The kitten can be started to fit, teach it to the toilet and conduct other events within the educational process.

At the same time, it is worth remembering that at the moment the animal is not fully developed, so it is not necessary to demand an instant learning of teams or fulfilling your requests - the small four-legged friend is just beginning to learn.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_2

What is needed for content?

On the very first day, when the pet appeared in your home, you need to take care of the arrangement of his personal seat. So, first need to organize a toilet. Today at zoological markets and in stores for animals, you can buy a tray of any color and size.

The perfect choice for the first time is a tray with low-sidelights. Small dimensions of the kitten will not allow him to overcome any obstacles. Therefore, such a design will be the most comfortable and convenient for a small animal. It is necessary to take care that the tray is made of an environmentally friendly material. Information about this can be found on the package or consult with the seller.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_3

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_4

In addition to the material of the tray itself, you need to carefully choose a filler for a cat toilet. The kitten can play with him first and even taste. Therefore, it should be safe. The most suitable in this plan - woody, eliminates the smell, sold at an affordable price, convenient for the kitten. And you can choose the one to which the kitten is used to the cat in the house.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_5

In addition, the animal needs his own place for sleep and rest. They can be a sun bed, which can be purchased in any zoological store. For the lack of such, you can equip a cozy sleeping place for your four-legged friend - for this you can use old blankets, blankets, pillows, etc. However, at the beginning of your life, the kitten does not perceive his place proposed. So, he can independently choose a cozy corner for himself or sleep next to you.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_6

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_7

If you have sufficient financial capabilities, and in your apartment there is a free place, then a good solution will be purchased a special house. Such structures are quite popular among domestic owners. The arrangement of the so-called "dining area" is also necessary. Cat is needed two bowls: for food and water.

So that the kitten does not spoil furniture with its curls, he immediately needs to be purchased - Vertical or horizontal. It can be made and with your own hands, suitable a regular piece of an old carpet or felt.

You just need to fasten it on the vertical surface, so that the kitten is comfortable.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_8

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_9

How to care for home?

With regard to the care procedures in which the kitten needs, it is primarily to include hygienic procedures.

It should be remembered that the bathing of animals, which have not yet reached two months, are not recommended by experts. The thing is that the kitten's body in this period is faster, and therefore the change of temperatures can negatively affect its health. For this period, the care of hygiene should be limited to cleaning ears and eye treatment (it is recommended to use cotton sticks and cotton wheels), and also needed to monitor the condition of the oral cavity and teeth.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_10

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_11

Do not forget about medical procedures. So, for example, if your new pet is the yard animals (you took it from the street or out of the shelter), then all necessary procedures should be carried out to be degelminting, the treatment of flea. Vaccination is required for all kittens, the necessary vaccinations will help the baby to develop immunity and protect against various diseases. If you notice any suspicious symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Do not forget about the fact that Little animals, like small children, need a lot of attention . In the first days after you brought a kitten to the house, he should be paid to high attention, manifest caress and care. It is necessary to iron the kitten, keep it on hand, as well as play moving games with him to activate it.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_12

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_13

Feeding rules

Special attention in the framework of the care of a newborn kitten deserves a diet of its nutrition. So, in the first days of his life, he does not need additional feeding - all the necessary trace elements and vitamins he gets from maternal milk . If we talk about extra nutrition, then it must be started to be given from the 4th week of life of your pet. The first products that are allowed to implement a kitten in the diet should become fermented dairy products. Moreover, only those that have small fatty are worth choosing. A few days later, porridge and finely crushed meat can also be introduced into the diet.

Portions must be small. Make sure that in what volume your little pet eats so as not to harm its digestive system.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_14

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_15

In addition, during this period of growth and the development of the animal, it is necessary to make a final choice as to which type of food you will feed the cat in the future. There are two options: dry food and natural products. If you choose the first option, then it will be worthwhile to consult a specialist veterinary clinic. It will help to determine the specific brand of feed, which largely depends on the breed and physiological features of the animal. If you decide to feed a kitten of natural food, then remember that you should give him only fresh and high-quality products. In no case do not feed your pet squirrel from the business table.

Be prepared for the fact that at first you have to feed your pet yourself, using a syringe or pipette. However, it is not necessary to abuse such an excessive concern - gradually teach the animal to independent meals.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_16

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_17

How to educate?

From the first months of life, a lot depends. It is at this time that it is recommended to instill a good habit.

  • One of the first and most important habits that you have to teach your pet is to go to the toilet in the tray. In order to implement this, you can use a simple reception. For example, experienced breeders are recommended in a tray with a filler to plant a cat after he is visiting or go.
  • In addition, the animal behavior should be monitored during games and entertainment: do not let him bite you and scratch.
  • Take it off to Kogtetechka, show how to sharpen claws, hanging the toy from above. The baby will reach it, and at the same time scratching the surface of the scratchy.

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_18

Kitten in 1-2 months (19 photos): What does a two-month and monthly kitten look like? Dimensions. Home Care Rules 11883_19

Do not show aggression towards the kitten, even if he did something wrong. An animal can remember such behavior and later to experience negative emotions to you.

About how to teach the kitten to go to the tray, see the next video.

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