How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food


Feed the cat dry food is convenient, practical. When using economy-class products, such a solution looks also profitable. The benefit for the animal himself remains doubtful. The owners are thinking about changing the diet and the transition to natural nutrition, but the cats are reluctant to go for it. The diet should be replaced correctly, so as not to create an excess stress animal.

How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_2

How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_3

Why should it be abandoned from dry food?

When people notice with what the cat's unwillingness is suitable for new food, begin to doubt the feasibility of replacement. The reasons for the failure of dry feed is more than might think.

  1. Even a very expensive brand has the chemical elements as part, and about cheap options is generally scared to think. Among the additions there are those that cause dependence. Such an impact harms the animal as well as a person.
  2. The result of permanent eating of dry food can be problems with teeth. It is the opinion that solid particles help clean the mouth. In practice, the cats practically do not chew the granules, so the jaw muscles do not develop properly.
  3. Food additive can provoke food allergies. When feeding with natural food, this risk is minimized.
  4. In the granules there are practically no moisture, which can lead to urolithiasis. The risk is small, but with a natural diet, it is not at all.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_5

Changing the rationa

To translate an animal from one type of feed to another, it is necessary to gradually, with a lion's share of patience. Methods are distinguished.

  1. Hard - radical replacement of dry food for ordinary food.
  2. Mixing - combining both options for getting accustomed.
  3. Splashing - gradual reduction in feed portions with attracting attention to normal food.
  4. Switching through wet food. Dry food is replaced with canned food, and they are already on domestic food.

The last two options are considered the most correct. The animal is not subject to additional stress, and the body does not suffer due to the change of diet.

Before choosing, it is worth assessing the nature and features of the cat.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_7


Wet feed is not a natural product, but it is more wet and fragrant. The best option for the transition is meat canned food. Their aroma is slightly weaker than that of dry feed, but also attractive for the cat. You need to start with gradual substitution. Reduce the number of granules, increase the volume of portions of wet food. At some point, remove the dry food at all and leave only canned food.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_9

Alternately, in the diet of natural products. Start with fragrant meat, healthy vegetables and porridge. Think over everything in advance so that the animal gets the desired amount of vitamins and nutrients. The size and shape of ordinary food pieces should resemble canned food. Over time, start to reduce the amount of wet feed. The scheme is similar to the very beginning of teaching. Such a method lens to lean the cat from dry feed for 1-2 months.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_11

Gradual teaching from dry feed

The method allows to accustom to home meals for the month, but accurate terms depend on the nature of the animal. Act costs carefully and slowly. Of course, some animals make easily agree on something new in food, but most cats belong to this skeptical. Do not manipulate hunger. As a result, it is possible to obtain a nervous, aggressive animal with a bunch of diseases and a tendency to overeat.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_13

When it comes to a cardinal change of products, you need to think not only about psychological factors, but also about physiological. An animal simply can not dramatically rebuild on ordinary food, because the gastrointestinal tract simply does not know how to digest her. The body is accustomed to cereals and produces a certain amount of the desired enzymes. Perestroika will occur gradually, the stomach noness does not tolerate. Act so.

  1. The first 3 days are thinking out everything so that the cat eating 90% feed and 10% of natural products. Everyone knows that the combined food harms animals, but in this case this is the safest solution. Acquaintance with new food is better to start with little pieces of poultry meat. It is important if you give a big piece, then the cat just does not understand how to eat it.
  2. If the previous stage was successful, then since 4 days will redistribute food so that natural products make up a 25% diet. Watch the status of a cat during this period with special care. With increasing portions of ordinary food, follow the well-being and health of the animal. The stage can take about 10 days.
  3. If everything goes according to plan, then by 6-7 days feed the animal with natural products in the morning and in the evening, and in lunch, provide access to the dry stern. Portions of granules should be small, enough 1 tbsp. l. When changing food there is a teaching of both new products and the new regularity of food receptions. Let's give natural products at the same time to develop a habit. Access to dry granules makes it possible to keep calm, helps to understand that they do not deprive them.
  4. When 10 days pass, review the diet again. This time the dry feed should remain 25%. It happens that the animal simply cannot completely abandon dry feed. Veterinarians advise in this case to allocate a separate meal and give the cat literally a couple of granules. Do not mix dry food with conventional products or swing in milk. Such an action can lead to problems with digestion.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_15

Brutal method

The way helps to translate from catfish for 3-15 days, depending on the features of the animal and composure of the host. It is impossible to use when teaching small kittens for up to 1 year, otherwise you can face the mass of the gastrointestinal diseases. Before starting, you must consult with the veterinarian.

  1. Mix the usual granules with analogue, which is less evolving to a lesser. Cake for a week.
  2. Divens nutrition with food additives that the doctor advised. It is necessary to improve the function of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Throw off all dry food. It is important to remove the granules from home so that the cat does not smell.
  4. Just wait until the animal starts to eat ordinary food completely. Do not take concerns even with hunger strikes. This is the cruelty of this method, you need to firmly defend your position in front of the cat.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_17

Hunger strikes can lead to gluttony, so you need to follow the portions of food. Possible disorders of the GCC, which is also worth discussing with the veterinarian. If the animal itself is nervous or aggressive, then refuse such a method of changing the diet.

Negative character qualities may be aggravated due to your hostility.

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The main goal is to deceive the visual perception. The transition in this way takes place for 21-36 days. Act so.

  1. At the very beginning, the portion of the granules add about 20 ml of water to all softening. In the second bowl, put dry feed without fluid.
  2. Gradually reduce the contents of the latter until the animal starts increasingly there is wet crackers.
  3. Leave the contents of the first bowl as the same, but in the second place natural products. You can put a pair of granules for the type and smell. Over time, they will have to be removed that it can slightly increase the time of addiction.
  4. Now reduce the number of wet crackers so that the cat is increasingly eating from the second bowl.

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How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_20

Useful recommendations

It happens that cats do not want to change their food habits. As a manipulation, the animal can even resort to starvation, which always scares the owners.

  1. Do not press on a pet. Do not try to feed forcibly or force the animal to eat what you give.
  2. Consult with an experienced veterinarian. Cat's health condition can affect his perseverance.
  3. Once again, carefully view the menu that was for the animal. Add there more of its favorite products. Responsibly approach the distribution of portions and useful trace elements.
  4. The hunger strike is allowed, but no more than a day. At this time, you can remove a bowl for food, leaving only clean water. Allow a long stay without food is not worth it. In general, this measure is considered to be extreme.
  5. Let's only fresh foods in a slightly warm condition. A piece of meat should be soft, juicy and with a pleasant aroma. If something does not like something with sight, then natural food can cause disgust.
  6. Experiment with dishes. Perhaps the cat simply does not want to eat meat for breakfast, but porridge - for dinner. Change places to understand your favorite preferences.

How to wean a cat from feed? Methods for translation cats with dry and wet food on home food 11864_21

On how to wean a cat from dry feed, look in the video.

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