Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose?


Acquisition of a pet is always accompanied by the purchase of various accessories necessary for a comfortable animal stay. If we are talking about cats, then, of course, do not do without high-quality bowls.


Bowls for cats, first of all, should not cause any difficulty in domestic pets in the matter of obtaining water or food. Specialists are not recommended to combine two containers in one, as such structures cause problems in animals. Usually, double plates have high sideboards that interfere with cats to take food in a semi-curtain position or hurt their mustache. The second item is especially relevant for flat perov and exotic.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_2


Separately, it is customary to allocate bowls for water. Since their form is of great importance, the dishes for drinking should be taken certain. Bursts in such a container should be low, and the bottom usually has a large diameter. In size, drinking dishes can be compared with a soup.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_3

As a rule, several copies are purchased, which are packed throughout the apartment, but necessarily away from working equipment.

Alternatively, a room fountain can be installed, which will constantly circulate water that attracts domestic pets.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_4

Assocories sold in various variations are popular with popularity. For example, it can be an independently replenishing design, which focusing quickly. It is usually performed from high quality plastic.

As a rule, the automatic feeder is equipped with a timer, several tanks and a dispensing device. It works both from the outlet and from the battery or even the batteries. More modern versions can be activated by voice communication.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_5

There is an intelligent feeder designed for slow feeding. Such a kind is relevant if the animal has problems with the adoption of food. For example, it swallows food too quickly, almost without chewing it.

Double bowl implies either the use of one container for two kittens, or one part of it is filled with feed, and the second is water. The triple bowl possesses even greater functionality: the water is poured into one department, in the second part there is a dry food, and in the third - wet food.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_6

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_7

Quite often chosen bowls on the stand which animals are much easier to use. Interactive bowl allows you to further develop your pet. The feeder is endowed with round spikes resembling blades, and the foods of the animal should get between them with their paws.

The bowl-smaller has a rubber ring as a base - it is precisely whether it prevents the movement of the tank over the floor surface.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_8

It looks very unusual Toy-Neva Inside which is falling asleep dry food. The food puzzle can be of different shape and have an unequal structure. Some models can be made independently at home, for example, placing various tubes on a wooden basis, capacitance, attaching a plate and wand. Finally, you can not forget about the heated stroke.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_9

Materials, shapes and sizes

Bowls for cats are most often created from plastic, stainless steel or ceramics. In addition, porcelain or glass can be used. Plastic containers are the most popular and affordable. There are both cheap and fairly expensive models on sale.

Low cost feeders are distinguished by a specific odor, the ability to absorb aromas, and sometimes allocate hazardous substances. As a rule, they are quite quickly bent and crack. Dear models are devoid of such flaws and serve much longer.

Nevertheless, experts are not recommended to acquire plastic containers, since the porous material structure becomes an ideal reproduction medium of bacteria.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_10

Metal bowls are characterized by resistance and exploitation. For convenience, the base is often covered with rubber - so the container will not slide on the floor surface. Such dishes are safe for the health of the animal, but sometimes the movement of pieces irritates the animal.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_11

These bowls belong to the average price category. Ceramic and porcelain options are environmentally friendly and safe. However, they quickly fight, and also slide on the floor.

No less important is the choice of the right form of dishes. Most often, the feeder is a deep plate with high sidebar and a diameter of medium sized. In some cases, it has a small narrowing up.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_12

Review manufacturers

One of the most popular bowls for cats is considered a melamine model. CIBO from Savic. It is very beautiful and modern, running in black or white. This container can be used both for feeding and drinking. Melamine, from which the dishes are created is an absolutely safe and resistant material, followed by very easy to care.

The plus of the capacitance is the rubberized base, thanks to which the feeder does not slide on the floor.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_13

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_14

If we talk about plastic tanks, then others must be mentioned Savic brand bowls. A comfortable elongated form is most suitable for kittens and adult animals with a flat muzzle. Relief bottom prevents animal scattering.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_15

Metal bowl of TRIXIE brand Made of stainless steel. Thanks to the rubberized bottom, it is distinguished by great stability. The capacity of the container is 450 ml - it is enough for feed, and for water.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_16

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_17

Dezzie brand bowls possess an unusual shape. The container itself is made of stainless steel and placed on a special plastic stand. A special advantage of such a feeder is convenience for an animal, which does not even have to strain the neck.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_18

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_19

Dezzie bowls in the form of fish They look very stylish and organically fit into the kitchen interior. This model is made of stainless steel and is installed on a special nubuck stand. In addition to the durability and ease of operation, users also note the antibacterial properties of the tank itself.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_20

If there is a need for a feeder with two sections, you can pay attention to the Japanese company Hello Kitty. Ceramic feeder is distinguished by stability. The tanks themselves are located at some distance from each other, which prevents the process of entering the water in water.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_21

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_22

Metal brakes brand Ring Produced in red and black. Their round form looks quite stylish, and the bottom is protected from slip due to the material used. However, often such a feeder threatens and thus frightens domestic pets.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_23

Bowls Rogz. Performed from melamine and possess the original design. The comfortable form of the dishes prevents the cats to the osams, and the additional sides interfere with the splashing of feed and liquid. The bottom of the container is made of non-slip silicone, and it itself is not toxic thanks to the use of melamine with anti-corrosion characteristics.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_24

How to choose?

It should be started with the fact that many owners prefer to place bowls not on the floor, but on special stands or rugs. They attach sustainability plates, visually cut into the food treatment zone and prevent the spread of crumbs and pieces of food around the room.

Some models can be attached to the wall, freeing the place on the floor.

However, not all pets normally react to such an accessory. For example, stands can create for animal difficulties with access to a bowl from different sides. It is better to acquire a rug or stand only when an animal prefers to take food sitting or standing.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_25

A womb of a bowl should not move on the floor during operation, so the choice should be done either in favor of massive models, or on the stands, otherwise you will have to buy a rug. The form should, first of all, approach the cat, and then like the owner. For example, a feline face in the form of a feline face may look very unusual, but the feed will be clogged into the "ears", where the animal will not be able to reach normally.

Oval and the circle are the most successful forms, while the depth of the bowl must be medium.

Despite the purpose of the bowl, it must be moderately spacious and wide. The double bowl is more suitable for two animals, because if you adapt one under the water, and the other is under the food, then not too neat favorite will begin to throw off the crumbs into the water. In any case, it is necessary to observe the behavior of the cat and with some inconveniences to acquire a replacement.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_26

The size of the bowl is definitely determined depending on the peculiarities of the pet. So much food must be placed in the container so that the cat is enough for one meal. Water should be enough for her reception for the whole day. If the wrestle is too narrow or deep, the animal will be inconvenient to eat, as the facet does not fit. For small kittens worth taking the feeder, in shape and sizes resembling a saucer.

In addition, the choice of bowl depends on the type of feed: the dry perfectly will be perfectly perfectly in a plate with raised sides, and for the canned version, structures are suitable without such high fixtures.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_27

Where to put?

Specialists recommend always to put bowls in the same place. It should be away from the stove, sinks, as well as the main passage to the kitchen. The dishes must be placed on the floor, and not on elevations, for example, on a bedside table or windowsill.

It is strictly not allowed to put bowls next to the tray. Do not forget that the selected zone should be easily cleaned.

Misks for cats (28 photos): intelligent feeders with a rug and bowls on a stand, ceramic bowls and other options for a cat and kittens. What better to choose? 11797_28

It is important that the cat always has free access to the liquid, but here is a better food container at a certain time in the amount of the required portion. Hygiene rules require daily washing of dishes: a fluid plane is enough to clean once a day, and feeders - after each use.

In the video below, you can learn more about how to choose dishes for a cat's table.

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