Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels?


In the journey and during the car trip, during the airfare or in line for a veterinary doctor, in the country train or at the exhibition, a safe and secluded space is required, guaranteeing pet protection from annoying attention. With these tasks, it is perfectly coping with cape for cats. Moreover, the pet is better to take it better at the most gentle age - the kids are easier adapting to new conditions than adult animals.

But how to choose a big carry or a small bag? Is it suitable for an animal backpack or better to immediately purchase a container with a rigid frame? How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands and what sizes of cells on wheels should be? Answers to all these issues are very important and require the most detailed study. After all, when it comes to the comfort of a pet, it cannot be small things.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_2

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_3

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_4


Carrying for cats is simple in its design, but a very important device needed to each animal owner. In its purpose, the design may be suitable for long-term transportation - for several hours or days, as well as created for short-term use. In addition, it is very important to take into account the mass and dimensions of the pet - they affect the type of construction and some other carrying features.

For a cat of large size (over 5 kg weighing) it is worth choosing a reliable plastic structure. For kittens, we usually buy carrying to grow, especially if you are transported not one animal, but at once somewhat. Pets with abundant wool cover should choose well ventilated cells equipped with a special case to create a shadow.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_5

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_6

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_7

The main purpose of any carrying can be expressed in three key points.

  1. Tranquility of the owner. A pet that is reliably closed from possible external influences does not pose a threat to others, protected from infections, saved from possible risk of escape, loss, death.
  2. Feeling security for an animal. Cats are famous households, they hardly tolerate the change in circumstances around them and do not like to travel too much. The correctly selected carrying helps the animal better to transfer the road, protects it from extraneous influences, unforeseen contacts.
  3. Satisfying physiological needs. The first and most important thing is that it gives a carrying - a feeling of solid floor under the legs. In addition, the properly selected container allows for an animal comfortable arrangement inside it. In spacious carrying, you can highlight the place for the toilet in the form of a hygienic absorbent diaper or a tray with filler, set the drinking and a bowl for feeding.

Under all these moments, it can be guaranteed that any journey will be held for the cat successfully and will not be a reason for obtaining psychological injury.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_8

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_9


Carrying is a convenient accessory, but choose the optimal version of its design among the variety of options presented on sale is not easy. Models on wheels and with handles, shoe belts and straps, in the form of cells, baskets and bags - with such an assortment it is easy to get lost.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_10

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_11

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_12

A bag

Classic structures with light frame and plated walls are most often created from synthetic, easily washable and hypoallergenic materials. It is convenient to store products, you can wash or clean, and straps or handles are provided for carrying them.

It is important to consider that bags are not focused on a long stay of the animal, poorly suitable for large breeds of cats. In the absence of a rigid insert with solid floor, the pet will experience serious discomfort. For winter operation, you will need a warmed model, otherwise the animal will get into or freeze inside the product.

The obvious plus of bags is only one - a wide range of prices, allowing inexpensively to acquire an optimal design. In addition, with a certain skill, it is possible to sew such an accessory alone.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_13

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_14

Separately, it is worth considering the frame bags-tents, in which the side walls are laid out, forming a fairly spacious house. This design is convenient for traveling in a car or trips to the exhibition, but it is difficult to care and takes quite a lot of space.

Bags on wheels - an option for active travelers. They provide a retractable handle, a rigid platform and rollers for moving.

It is important that the wheel diameter was quite large, there were additional compartments for water supply, food.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_15

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_16


Metal cell is almost the only carrying option that can be taken with you. If we are talking about traveling in the passenger compartment, you will only need to thoroughly measure the dimensions of the selected design - they should not exceed 45x35x25 cm. When leaving the framework of these values, the animal will have to go in the luggage compartment. Similar rules apply to cats weighing more than 8 kg.

At the time of travel, it is better to stock up a special case for a cell to save a pet from the annoying attention.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_17

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_18

Convenient metal lattice boxes and when transporting animals in a car. In addition to the safety and good air exchange, the cell allows you to take care of the safety of the animal, because her bars make it possible to skip the seat belt through them.

For exhibitions and shows, such a solution is also optimal, it allows to provide a fairly high level of comfort and at the same time demonstrate a pet in all its glory. In addition, the use of cells allows to reduce the risks of the animal's escape in an unfamiliar place, and if there is a properly selected case, a pet can be protected from heat and other stress factors.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_19


The most non-standard version of the carrying bag is a mustache backpack that the owner bears on himself. Such products have a durable and hard bottom, may look like a sling for babies or a full-fledged capsule of a spacecraft with a porthole. It is important to take into account the degree of society, the characteristics of the nature of the pet. In addition, with such a method of carrying the animal, nausea attacks may occur, and the first way to light is better and at all spent in a calm park or near the house.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_20

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_21

The convenience of the backpack is associated with the method of its carrying - the load falling on the shoulders is distributed more evenly. But such an accessory is designed for not large animals, and a long journey is better to postpone. An uncomfortable animal pose will be ready to suffer 1-2 hours. When the model is selected, it is worth a preference to solutions made of dense tissues with air ducts and the porthole for the nipple area.

Pretty high price and weight restrictions are the main disadvantages of carrier backpacks.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_22


A compromise solution is a plastic box that is suitable for both short-term trips, and for long travel or even flights. A durable frame in such a design is made of hypoallergenic plastic, the ventilation holes are supplemented with a lattice door, and inside a fair place to rest one pet or even cats with kittens.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_23

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_24

The hard floor of the container makes it possible to distinguish its space, placing inside a bowl with food, water, toilet, bedding. Spacious temporary shelter gives cats a sense of security, helps to move the road better. In many designs there is a second bottom - for accessories, feed, spare absorbent diapers.

Owners consider boxes with an optimal choice for trips and travels with cats. But there are disadvantages. The design is pretty cumbersome, carry it for one handle hard and uncomfortable.

If possible, it is worth choosing an option with a retractable handle, supplemented by wheels like a suitcase.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_25

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_26


Real Classic - Basket for carrying cats, is made of natural vine or its plastic substitute. Such an accessory has a small weight, structural strength, it has a hard bottom and a fairly spacious place to relax. For the tranquility of owners on products of this type, reliable latches and special locks are installed. But the basket is not protected from precipitation, and in winter the pet will be just cold in it.

Among the advantages of these accessories, you can note good breathability, lightness, affordable cost. Plastic models are easy to clean, suitable for road transport of animal, trips to the cottage or to the veterinarian. The pet will be protected from prying views, can comfortably get used inside.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_27

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_28

How to choose?

The need to pick up suitable carrying for a domestic pet appears at the time when the kitten is in the infancy stage. Trips to a veterinary doctor, trips to the cottage or on vacation, visiting exhibitions is not without the use of special temporary asylum.

It is believed that if you begin to take care of carrying at an early age, problems with further use of boxing, bags or backpack will not arise.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_29

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_30

If the pets are more than one, then you can purchase models of bags for two cats at the same time. Preferably, they look like soft tunnels with arched top, inside which there is an unfounded separator. Using fixture for 2 cats, not too lying with each other, they can be easily isolated . For friendly cats, it will correctly remove the partition - it will be much calmer.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_31

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_32

In addition to the number of places, paying attention during the selection of carrying is also the following points.

  1. Availability viewing window. Cats do not tolerate close and closed space in which they cannot control the situation. Panic will be much less, if during the transportation the animal will be able to see the owner and overlook the neighborhood. In addition, the "windows" simultaneously inside the carrying is also fed and fresh air. They must be made of durable grid, otherwise the viewing hole can become a loin loophole.
  2. Design type. If the carrying is used not too often, it will be reasonable to choose a model of folding type, it is convenient to store it and you can take with you if the animal is from the shelter or the hotel.
  3. Variety of fasteners. The more belts, handles and other elements are in the basic configuration of the accessory, the greater space for maneuvers will be using carrying. Belts facilitate cell fixation or boxing in an airplane, car. Shoulder strap allows you to free your arms.

Considering these moments, you can easily solve even the most difficult tasks and ensure the comfort for the animal and the owner during the movement.

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_33

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_34

Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_35


    When choosing the sizes of carrying for travel and travel in public or personal transport, it is necessary to focus exclusively on the dimensions of the animal, the peculiarities of the breed and personal preferences of the owner. The cat must freely sit and lie down both along and across the selected container or cell. But if you plan to make flights, much more stringent requirements will be presented to the size range and design. Among them:

    • The total length parameters, widths and heights should not exceed 115 cm (55x40x20 cm);
    • availability of free air access - no closed bags;
    • When mass over 8 kg, animals travel in the luggage compartment (weighing with carrying).

    If there are several animals, it is worth purchasing separate isolated boxes or a cell that can accommodate all pets at once.

    Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_36

    The weight

      It helps to choose the proper carrying and an understanding of which dimensions are allowed with a specific method of transportation. Using any public transport assumes a closed type of container, better with a rigid roof. Important and size of the animal himself. For large cats, whose weight exceeds 8 kg, it is worth choosing massive bags and boxes. The best choice will be products weighing about 3 kg, which are difficult to break or accidentally open, you can take a model on wheels to not tolerate gravity.

      If the nabarities of the pet less weighty, you can consider lightweight design options. For example, cats up to 5 kg are suitable light bags, backpacks, weighing no more than 1 kg.

      It is important to choose a model that the animal is not a tip in panic. The space inside the carrying should leave freedom of movement, to give the necessary protection.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_37

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_38


      Based on the design features for carrying carrying can be used. The following materials.

      • Textile . Soft male carrying is used for short-term animal transportation. Usually used easily and moisture-proof tissues with sufficient hygroscopicity. For the winter season, insulated options are made.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_39

      • Plastic . The rigid design forms a durable wall, allows you to create a clean bottom. Such carrying can be washed, clean with safe chemicals. Inside, rugs from foam rubber, providing heat and comfort.

      If there is a long trip or all day at the exhibition, the plastic "house" will become the best solution.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_40

      • Metal . It makes cells for air transportation, as well as exhibition structures to demonstrate an animal. Typically used chrome products protected from corrosion, inside can be placed in seals, providing comfort for the animal.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_41

      • Wood vine. Wicker products may have an unusual shape and different size, they are environmentally friendly, provide good ventilation. But when contacting the born liquids or the secretions of the animal vine, they absorb them intensively, it is difficult to clean it.

      Cats consider such shelters quite comfortable, and the owners prefer this particular option for long journeys and trips.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_42

      When choosing materials, it is necessary to give preference to animal solutions, orient to the method of transportation. Among the fabric models you can pick up bright attractive models, quite spacious. It is convenient to select and various carrying options - you can find models with a shoulder strap, strains for carrying on the back or chest, with classic handles.

      Polymer containers with low quality materials can have extraneous smells, in addition, they are pretty bulky, little suitable for long trips. But there are full-fed ventilation holes in them, allowing to provide sufficient air exchange, and the pet feels protected and less nervous.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_43


      If you have to carry in year-round mode, it is worth taking care that the pet is comfortable in any weather. For example, in soft bags for which winter operation is provided, they often make removable liners in the walls, allow you to insulate the accessory in the winter. Another option is an outer fur case on rigid carrying.

      For the summer, it is better not to buy bags of black or dark color - they will heat up stronger than the usual, which will create a risk of heat impact for an animal. If possible, it is worth having its own carrying option for each season - for example, a winter sling or a backpack can be hidden under the host jacket, sharing a warmth with a pet.

      Then no cold animal will not be terrible.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_44

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_45

      How to care?

      When transporting an animal, especially if we are talking about a sick pet in need of veterinary care, issues of removal of specific biological pollution is always especially acute. When multiple pets use one carrier, the infection can spread quite easily. In addition, it is possible to drink a cell or a container, a cloth bag can be outside, dirt and dust settled on them. The most difficult task with wicker products - they are quite poorly handled. Due to the peculiarities of weaving, you can skip a potential source of infection.

      The first and most importantly rule in the use of carrying - it regularly needs to be treated with hot steam, and the plated covers were washed at high temperatures. Plastic containers from high-quality food polymers can be disinfected with boiling water. Tissue elements are boiling. In veterinary medicine, chlorine disinfection compositions are most often used, but at home can be resorted to abnormal variants based on formalin calcined soda.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_46

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_47

      Among medical drugs are recommended for the use of "Virosane", "Glutex", "Ecocide C", "Virocide". The cell can be sprayed with a solution of iodine, it is on sale in the form of a spray. When processing antiseptics it is worth leaving the compositions for exposure to 20-30 minutes, especially if there was contact with an infected animal. Material products are recommended to soak with an antiviral agent for a while.

      As an additional disinfection means, quartz lamps can be applied, eliminating most of the microorganisms. They are especially convenient than the proportion of kennel owners, breeders containing more than one cat.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_48

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_49

      How to make your own hands?

      The easiest version of the carrying can be done independently. If you have to carry a sick pet to a veterinarian or transport a kitten, you can create a temporary asylum literally from the girlfriend - out of the box (the cardboard, with high sides), suturing its seams with adhesive tape. On the improvised "floor" the litter is stacked from a blanket or a soft mattress.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_50

      Fabric carrying bag for the trip is also created quite easily. It is enough to follow a simple instruction.

      1. Choose materials. Any dense fabric is suitable - from tarpaulin to Drapa and jeans. To form a hard bottom, thick cardboard or plastic is used, you can take the bottom of the bottom from the old sports bag. You will also need tailor scissors, chalk, sewing machine, threads and fittings. For one of the sidewall, it is recommended to select a mesh coating.
      2. Build a pattern. The simplest form is a triangle or a quadrangle. One of the sidewalls should be unfastened, with the sewn "zipper", the second - with a grid for air inflows (a robust mosquito-metallization is suitable). The base has the largest area, the cover is sewn to which the remaining parts are attached. The dimensions of the elements should allow the animal to be freely located inside horizontally and vertical.
      3. Use the machine to connect all the details Starting from the bottom inside which the prepared hard frame is inserted. For winter, you can warm the floor and walls, make them with a fur or replace it with a synthetic hyprometer. Next, it will stay to assemble the details together and entertain the fastener, add accessories.
      4. Fasten a belt belt or pen on a stitched construction. It is worth using a shoe belt - it is most convenient to use, allows you to make the process of transportation less uncomfortable. Check all connections for strength.

      Carrying for cats (51 photos): How to make a carrying bag for kittens with your own hands? How to choose a big carry? What should be the size of the cells on the wheels? 11789_51

      Self-created carrying can be used for short-term travel, emergency transportation of the animal. If you use such an accessory often, it is better to give preference to a well-known manufacturer models with a rigid frame.

      About how to make carrying for cats from cardboard, see the next video.

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