Names for hamsters - Girls: a list of beautiful and pleasant nicknames that can be called hamster-female


Homemade hamsters are unusually funny creatures that are quite easily tamed, and their individual representatives are even amenable to simple training. At the very beginning of the upbringing of such a pet, it is important to pick up a suitable nickname for him, to which the animal will be used in the future. How can I call a hamster-girl? What options are considered the most popular, and which are original and funny?

Names for hamsters - Girls: a list of beautiful and pleasant nicknames that can be called hamster-female 11696_2

Click Click Click

Many hamster owners argue that these animals quickly get used to their name and are able to even respond to him. At the same time, animals of both sexes can be educated and learning.

If the owner plans to further engage in the upbringing of his pet, it is best to choose a simple nickname for her. Optimally, if it consists of one or two syllables. Also preferably, the name is comfortable and easy to pronunciation.

When choosing a suitable pitch for female hamster, owners are usually focused on a variety of parameters. Most often, the owners of animals take into account their coloring, a complex, characteristics of character, month or time of the year, when the pet was born.

Turning to the most common nicknames of hamsters, you can note such options as: Homka, Masha, Shuga, Shusha, Mila (Milka), Musha, Masya, Ksyusha, Shura, Alice, Anfisa. Other versions - Fekla, Frosya, Dunya, Head (Glafira), Stepanida, Fun, Lyubava.

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By coloring

Based on what color has a hamster female, one of these can be selected for it. Rickek options like:

  • White painting: Squirrel, Belyanka, Snow White, Snowflake, Snowflake, Cloud, Pearl, Star;
  • Black: Noise, Chernushka, Tank, Bagira (Bugs), Tuchka;
  • Redhead: Spark, Ryzhul, Puma, Ossociation, Bronze;
  • Brown: Linding, Brownie, Bounty, Whiskey, Cinnamon, Chestanka, Mango, Mulatto;
  • Gray: Flushing, Gray, Grace, Grieg, Smoky, Mouse.

To suggest a suitable nickname for a pet can also features its painting: all sorts of marks, specks, stripes. So, the striped females of hamsters are often called zebras, bees and sailors, spotted - blots, dots, risers, freckles.

Depending on the features of the colors, the animal may come with such nobilities like husky and panda. Another popular name of the name, suitable brown-white hamsters, - Bambi.

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For the complex

Dimensions and shape of the body of the Pitomic - a popular reference point, often used in choosing a suitable nickname for a hamster-girl. As the most common options, such: bun, donut, bunch (bun), marshmallow, cream, baby, crumb, button (knop).

Other versions of names suitable for small females - peas, coin, butt, bead, berry, strawberry, dusha or a dehyder. Middle Size Persons often give such nicknames as: beans (beans), a cutlet. For large hamsters, girls will suit such options: a padding, ancillary (eccharist) or pampushka.

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The nature

According to breeders with experience, most of the females of these animals are distinguished by special mobility, curiosity, activity. As a rule, for the males of hamsters, phlegmology, calm, caution is more characteristic.

So, after watching his pet, the owner of the animal will be able to determine the most vivid features of her character. For example, brisk and active hamsters-girls are often called browns, paws, groats, blisters, hurried, topcuts, toys (toys), shrimps, bullets. The calm and unhurried hamsters of females often give such names as: Tikhonya (Tihusha, Tisch), Sonya, Mirusha, Modestoshka, Umka (Umnitsa).

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In time and month of birth

Focusing at the time of year or month of birth of a pet, it is not difficult to choose him a sonorous and interesting nickname. As the most popular examples here, such name options should be given: January (cooking, January), February, March, April, Maya, June (Yuna), Julia, August (Augustine), September, Okabrina (Oct.), November, Decembrist.

Other versions of the names that can be called a hamster-girl depending on the time of year, when she was born: winter, winter, summer, hay (autumn), Spring (Western, Vesta). An unusually sounded with a nickname occurring from foreign names of months and seasons: Julie (Julia), Juna (Juna), March, Eypril, Mei, Winti, Spring, Sami.

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Original names

Very often, choosing original and non-standard pits for hamsters-girls, their owners use fairly extraordinary ways.

So, choose an interesting name of a petivity with the list of astronomical objects: stars, planets, constellations.

As examples here, such unusual nobilities can be given as: Andromeda, Vega, Cassiopeia, Virgo, Moon, Venus, Comet, Alpha.

Help the original name for the animal and mythology is capable. Turning to her, the owners of females of hamsters often refer their pets with gerames, respects, Athens, Artemis, Aphrodites, Iliad. Less common options - Nemesis, Erida, Lisa, Eurybia, Femis, Selena, Electra, Demeter, Chimera.

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The world of Flora is also able to tell a pleasant one and the original name for a pet. Very popular options for nicknames are such: Astra, Chamomile, Mint, Melissa, Azalea, Astilba, Verba, Hydrangea, Palma, Iris, Lavender, Lily, Magnolia, Daisy, Mimosa, Rosa, Linden, Freesia.

Many breeders of hamsters-girls give their petoms in honor of famous brands . Such examples can be attributed to such clins as: Tiffany, Gucci, Zara, Chloe, EPL. Pretty common options like: Audi, Mazda, Toyota, Ferrari, Tesla, Tavria, Ladley, Bentley.

You can choose an unusual name for the animal with the help of geographic satin. Here, as an example of popular names, you can note such: Venice, Barcelona, ​​Tampa, Bratislava, Warsaw, Ljubljana. Other common options are Volga, Niagara, Angara, Amazon.

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Beautiful options

Fans of beautiful and intricate nicknames often call their hamsters with rather long and complex names. In this attitude, both old-Russian, and modern foreign women's names are popular.

Examples here can be given such options as: Agrippina (pear), Feufania, Stephanie (Stesh), Anastasia, Evdokia (Dusia), Isolde, Matilda, Isabella (Bella), Esmeralda, Kumparsita, Clarissa, Clementina, Constance, Margo (Margaret), Melinda, Melania, Victoria, Cleopatra, Giselle, Josephine.

Other versions of Klikek - Gizella, Ursula, Juliana, Maurik, Laura, Charlotte, Agatha, Penelope, Odyssey, Aurora (Aurelia), Lucretia. In addition to them, they are popular and the names of fabulous characters: Assol, Plyakhontas, Ariel, Fiona, Jasmine, Rapunzel.

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Funny ideas

Frequently, the owners of females of Homyakov are assigned funny nicknames, causing funny associations to their pets. So, very popular in this plan are the names of ridiculous cartoon characters: Masyanya, Marge Simpson, Gloria, Wanchka, Dyadyuk, Lyha (Zhiharka), Pikachka, Cap, Kroshka, Freken side.

Very active and restless hamsters are often called gurisms, rustling or rustling, jews or bugs. Among other funny nicknames can be caused as an example: obstacle, grindelka, cutlets, burdock.

Despite the dizzying list of nicknames for girls hamsters, it is sometimes very difficult to stop at some particular name.

To make a final decision, it is necessary to look closely to their petomice, watch its habits and behavior. Very often, the versions of the most successful clicks will suggest themselves, it is literally out of nowhere.

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About how to name a hamster, see the following video.

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