Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys


When a pet appears, we strive for it as much as possible to learn to create the most comfortable living conditions for it. In this article we will talk about choosing a name for a parrot, the history of their interaction with people.

Parrots live in all parts of the world, except for Europe, Siberia and the Northern part of Asia, well, and Antarctica, of course. They are very unpretentious, do not occupy a lot of space, do not bring difficulties in care for them. In addition, the parrots are very friendly, tight and have an amazing ability to imitate human speech. All this provided them with popularity since ancient times. They were the first to tame them in India, where they were counted for the sacred animals. Distribution in Europe began with Greece. There are one of the generals of Alexander Macedonsky from the Indian campaign to them there. They pretty quickly won popularity in Greece, and later - in the Roman Empire.

Fashion on these birds put the entire population threatened with disappearance. Of these, they were stuffed for the ladies' accessories, kept in homes, gave them as gifts, besides this, many birds are skil during transportation due to improper conditions. So popular wavy parrots appeared in Europe only in the XIX century. They immediately gained universal love due to their unpretentiousness and the easiestness with which they mastered the speech.

At the moment, societies and mugs of fans of these birds are formed worldwide, which facilitates the process of artificial removal and selection of parrots.

What is interesting, breeding and selling these feathers makes a significant contribution to the annual budget of the Czech Republic.

Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_2

Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_3

Species suitable for home content, quite a lot.

  • Famous wavy parrots. Habitat in nature - Australia. Life life varies greatly: in the wild - 4-8 years, in a cell - 5-15 years. It is worth paying attention to a pedigree chick (some breeders can cross the close-friendly individuals, which leads to hidden diseases). For the waves it is very important to be able to fly and walk - it helps them to maintain themselves in good shape. It is necessary to follow the nutrition of the poultry: it must be balanced (if this is not done, then the bird can begin to suffer obese).
  • Corella. It also also has a different name that has been given by European Naturalists - Nymph. Habitat - Australia. They live there in shrub and eucalyptus groves. In Europe, appeared in 1840 at the exhibition in Paris. In the 1960s, there was a ban on the export of them from the native mainland, which is still valid. This is a mustache bird with incredible endurance and love of flights. Externally, Korell is similar to a small pigeon of unusual colors. A distinctive feature - a hooker on the head.
  • Loves. They received this name because of those relationships that are observed in a pair of such birds. It is believed that in the wild of the lack of nature is looking for a couple only once and remains faithful to her throughout his life. Habitat - oh. Madagascar, North-West and Northeast Africa. It is better to take a lovely home that grown in captivity, the bird is so easier to adapt. Lovely about 14-17 cm long and has a weight of only 40-65 gr.
  • Gray parrot Jaco . Habita Area - Central Africa. Pretty large bird (40-45 cm) having a solid beak beak. Another interesting feature of the bird is tail. It has a bright red or brown color. This bird is best suited for interaction with man. Jaco has a wide range of emotions, can learn up to 1500 words and has developed intelligence.
  • Noble parrot. It has a handsome green or red color. These are smart, direct and sensual creatures capable of strong attachment to the person. Possess a rather wide emotional range. Get well with children. Habitat - Australia with surrounding islands and oceans.
  • Cockatoo. This species adapts well to various habitat conditions and is found in Australia, Indonesia, New Guinea and the Philippine Islands. The bird has quite large sizes (40-70 cm), and can reach 1 kg in weight. It has a beautiful skiologist, usually a contrasting color to the shade of the main plumage. Cockada is peculiar in circulation, upbringing and care. These are very charming and smart birds.
  • Ara . Habitat - Forests of Latin and South America, Central Africa. It has a very bright colors. Bird's plumage can combine several colors or be the same color. This is a very big parrot: it can reach 100 cm, with a wing wing 40 cm. Hyacinth Ara is the biggest parrot on the planet. This bird is good in care: it takes a lot of space, you will have to carefully monitor meals. In addition, Ara makes sharp sounds.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_5

Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_6

Less frequently as a pet is found: a luxurious mountain parrot, a parrot monk and Kea.

A homemade parrot, like other pets, affect the living of families in which they are breeding. These cute funny birds quickly find contact with children, become friends with adults. Make a variety of daily life. Once an interesting story happened in the USA. Parrot helped catch the thieves that at night got into the apartment. They called each other by name, who remembered the bird. When police arrived at the scene, they drew attention to the fact that the bird without celestial repeats the names that are not among the names of the owners.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_8

Number of choice rules

In order to facilitate communication with the bird, it is necessary to choose her suitable name. There are several simple rules.

  • Try to the name you want to give a parrot, was not consonant and did not repeat the names of other family members. So the bird will be easier to understand what they turn to it.
  • Pick the nickname based on the character and features of the behavior of the pet.
  • You can use the names of the heroes from books or cartoons.
  • Pick the nickname taking into account the conversational abilities of the bird. Each type of parrots has its own set of sounds that are worth it or not to use.
  • Selecting the name to your favorite, take into account its sociability. Those who love to talk, you can give rather long names, and Molchunas are short.
  • For wavy parrots, you should select a name with hissing consonants and vowels "and" and "a". Birds are able to imitate the human voice, so you can choose from human names. It is desirable to pick up short, easy to memorize names.
  • The most convenient for the pronunciation of consonants "K", "P", and "P".
  • It is believed that the boys-waves are very sociable, while girls love to silend.
  • Corelons are able to reproduce even household noise, speak phrases. The easiest of them are lever and hissing sounds. They are quite difficult to determine the floor, so it is better to use universal names.
  • Loves are often placed in pairs. Inspiration can be searched among famous paired names. For example, Romeo and Juliet.
  • For a parrot, it's better to choose a short nickname in 2-3 sludge.
  • As for the noble parrots, it is easiest that they are given vowel sounds and "non-stop" consonants (such as "M", "N" or "D").
  • Cockada is very picky. Before giving a nickname, you need to watch her behavior and character. By hanging pets with the name, follow his reaction. The bird should like her name - then she will be happy to pronounce him and respond to him.
  • Gorgeous Ara is very well suited "majestic" nicknames.
  • For a parrot that does not show interest in human speech, it is better to choose clear and short names.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_10

Original pits for a boy

  • Let's start with the most common birds - wavy parrots. Such names like: Cheshik, Gosh, Tishik, Gavrosh, Krosh, Tishka, Richie, Kesha, Vzhik, Shustry, Hulk, Vointed, Astric, Ara, Jarry, Balu, Bush, Baz, Lance, Nils, OS, Sancho, Whistle, Vasileuk.
  • Korella can be called such names as: Yasha, Yurash, Elvis, Era, Yarik, Tik, Shustrik, Chuck, Hip, Epic, Luke, Kai, Gray, Buyan, Borea, Isidore, Rem, Sir, Breeze.
  • Landless: Niels, Robinson, Ron, Hass, Thomas, Charles, Felo, Amur, Marshmallow, Pan, Yang, Draco, Kieli, Vili.
  • Jaco: Einstein, Philip, Forest, Elvis, Caesar, Brut, Norman, Arabis, Fales, Xenof, Zenon, Martin, Sigmund, Sherlock, Argus, Pegasus, Redel, Torin.
  • Noble parrot: Tima, Eric, Chad, Choko, Citrus, Fitcher, Athonite, Dickens, Ephesus, Job, Grozny, Neo, Ares, Bakhus, Cedric, Bilbo, Orion.
  • Cockatoo: Charlie, Yudwig, Schwartz, Chirliz, Flint, Adonis, Dartonian, Badan, Mark, Bruno, Francis, Ostap, Hermes, Remus, Philch.
  • Ara: Theodore, Tiger, Tako, Chamedar, Tsigan, Fidel, Sapphire, Ageratum, Pythagoras, Paracels, Immanuel, Zhuan, Hector, Mars, Albus.
  • Cool (peculiar) nicknames for parrots: Buddha, Ihtyander, Smug, Pechistan, Mazepa, Dobby, Sphinx, Zeus, Lucifer, One, Oracle, Potter, Sirius, Aragorn.

As you can see, many of the names given here were taken from myths, fairy tales, cinematography, philosophy, astronomy, stories, there are also incomplete names of writers. You can search for inspiration in other areas.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_12

List of names for a parrot-girl

  • Wavy: Ket, Liz, Gay, Kerra, Klio, Muse, Lelia, Luna, Ghami.
  • Landless: Betty, Judy, Gerda, Heba, Ida, Guish, Shirley.
  • Corella: Siri, Zara, Vesta, Lana, Martha, Nur, Fati, Sarah, Dall, Rosa.
  • Jaco: Mona, Kelly, Rooney, Bloom, Rei, Ora, Samia, Asya, Giselle, Maud, Sarla.
  • Noble: Audrey, Lada, Greta, Nika, Rania, Levi, Sonya, Annette.
  • Cockatoo: Aurora, Diana, Mei, Farah, Alice, Lady, Eliza, Berta, Sayuri.
  • Ara : Artemis, Daphne, Simon, Ornel, Jasmine, Verika, Amelia.
  • Non-standard names: Aquamarine, Pearl, Duchess, Komako, Aslan.
  • Names, suitable and boys and girls: Romi, Anuk, Young, Kerr, Wood, Ali, Curie.

As you can see, in this selection, focus on the film actress, mythical characters, female scientists, cartoon characters. To search inspiration is also possible in the subject of space, the sea, cultures of different countries and ancient languages.

Paired names: Tristan and Isolde, Bonnie and Clyde, LEDs and Nancy, Andromeda and Perseus, Gray and Assol, Orpheus and Eurydick, Fred and George, Gentleman and Lady.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_14

How to teach to the name

The lack of reaction to his nickname in birds happens quite often, especially when enough time has passed. There may be several reasons for this.

  • The bird has not yet had time to get used to it.
  • The name contains hard-acting sounds or a combination of sounds.
  • Bird does not like this nickname.
  • The nickname is very long for memorization.
  • There was no emotional contact between the owner and the parrot. In this case, the bird does not respond directly to humans.
  • The owner appeals to the bird, stupidly pronounced sounds.
  • Human emotions wear aggressive color (circulation on elevated colors, with disregard or aggression).
  • Perhaps the parrot is already accustomed to some other nickname.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_16

What to do in such situations?

As soon as the parrot gets to the new owner, he needs time to get used to the new situation. Like any beast, the parrot will be observed for the behavior of the new owner. In this case, the bird does not respond to the nickname, if it does not trust a person, does not realize that they turn to her, the process of adaptation to new conditions is still underway. To speed up the process of installing emotional contact, it is recommended to talk more often with a bird, to pronounce her name clearly and slowly.

If the bird still does not respond to the nickname, then put forward the process of fragments of the parrot to the name and watch his behavior. When you better get acquainted with the nature of your pet, you can change the original nickname onto that more corresponds to the bird.

If the bird does not like the prescribed nickname, then she will be stuck and twin feathers (parrots do that when they are experiencing severe stress). In this case It is better not to unwind the pet and pick up a few other nicknames. They should be 3-4. It is necessary to propose their pets alternately and look at his reaction. On the name of the parrot, it can raise your head, moving the tail or "answer" to you.

If you notice that the pet responds to some combinations of sounds, then maybe they were present in his old nickname. You can offer a parrot name containing these sounds, or wait until the bird will reincarnate to another combination of sounds.

Parrots, like other animals, are very well felt by the emotional color of words. Focusing on the emotional background of circulation, they decide how to respond. If the pet begins to be nervous in the presence of you, or he does not answer you and goes to the distant corner of the cell, then you should pay attention to what emotions are you experiencing when communicating with him. Do not shout on the bird, tell her something on the increased colors or to show a disregard for her.

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Names for parrots: funny, beautiful, interesting and popular nicknames for parrots girls and parrots boys 11613_18

Pay attention to the relationship of birds with other pets.

In the next video you are waiting for other original and unusual names for parrots.

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