Names for guinea pigs: How can I call the boy? List of beautiful nicknames for girls


When a small animal appears in the house, households are busy with one question: "How to call a pet?". The task is quite entertaining and requires certain knowledge from the owner. There are many beautiful and romantic names for guinea pigs. There are funny, funny nicknames. However, choose a nickname for a pet - this is not such a simple task, as it may seem at first glance. There are several features to pay attention to the selection of nicknames for the guinea pig. Here is some of them.

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Pet character

The nickname for the guinea pig can be chosen, given the peculiarities of its behavior. For This should be obsessed with a pet and find the qualities for which you can rely.

  1. Thickens and non-historical animals are suitable such nicknames: Sonya, Nyusha, Zhuzh, Kant, philosopher, tishka.
  2. Drachunas and clogs can give such nicknames: Rocky, Leo, Mickey, Donnie, Brand, Lynx, Rambo, shock.
  3. Such names are active and playful fidgets: Shuschar, Schumacher, Ferrari, Vzhik, Leschik, Torpeda, Sprinter.
  4. A dexterous cunning can be given one of these names: island, monia, cily, fox, munya, chic, chance. Choosing a nickname for guinea pig, it is advisable to take into account other features of the animal.

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Exterior fur coat

There are many nicknames that characterize the color and fluffy pigs. Nature endowed them with such a variety of shades and the length of the wool, that there is an opportunity to apply fantasy. On the color of the wool, you can choose a few nicknames.

  1. Snow-white animals are suitable names: Squirrel, snowball, squirrel, skirt, snow.
  2. Dark animals can give such names: Noah, Panther, smoke, Othello, Mavr, Chernysh, Blueberry.
  3. Ginger and spotted animals are suitable : Cookies, rhyger, yolk, orange, row.
  4. Guinea pigs differ from each other with different wool. Some of them are very fluffy. These are usually called such names: fluffy, book, rash, gun, curly.
  5. There are pigs with a smooth wool. Other nicknames are suitable for such animals: Lysik, Mouse, Peppa, Merzlyak, Gladun.

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There is another important point - the nickname should like the pet itself. If the pig reacts to the nickname, then you can be sure that it is correctly chosen.

At the same time, the animal strains his ears and straightens the mustache, listening to a new word. This feature has long been noticed and successfully used when choosing a suitable nickname for guinea pig.

Beautiful names for the girl

Many owners prefer to give romantic or funny nicknames to their pets. Most often, these are characters from cartoons, movies or modified female names. For the female guinea pigs are suitable for the following menu:

  • Toffee;
  • Matilda;
  • Alice;
  • Zelda;
  • Irvi;
  • Card;
  • Nicole;
  • Caressing;
  • Nora;
  • Masya;
  • Mistletoe;
  • Pawn;
  • Rush;
  • Trixie;
  • Sheti;
  • Zest;
  • Annie;
  • Yarms;
  • Gerda;
  • Haze;
  • Wendy;
  • Bead;
  • Gum;
  • Silvia.

This is an incomplete list of names for female pigs. If you have been fantasized, it can be addicted to interesting nicknames.

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Names for boys

For male pets there are interesting and funny nicknames. Here are some of them:

  • Beads;
  • Crow;
  • Alex;
  • Hamlet;
  • Jora;
  • Irwin;
  • Laurel;
  • Zoltan;
  • Orpheus;
  • REN;
  • Marley;
  • Norman;
  • Marmot;
  • Baby;
  • Tosha;
  • Fillet;
  • Roll;
  • Citrus;
  • Khrumchik;
  • Edgar;
  • Chuna;
  • Yarik.

Nickname for male guinea pig is easy to choose, if you know the features of your pet.

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Important nuances

When choosing a name for a guinea pig of any sex, it is important to remember two main Moment.

  1. Do not choose very long and intricate nicknames. Loves will not be able to remember his nickname. If you really want to call the animal so much, then it is necessary to handle it with the help of a reduced name. His pig will remember and will respond to the call of the owner.
  2. If there are several guinea pigs in the house, then they need to give different nicknames. Otherwise, the owners and pets are confused.

Guinea pigs are well leaving for training. If the nickname for the animal is chosen correctly, then he quickly responds to the host teams.

This greatly facilitates the training of pets with different funny tricks. The choice of name for the guinea pig is sometimes based on the sizes of the pet.

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Name for guinea pig in dimensions

Everyone knows that guinea pigs are rather replete animals and have different body sizes. The size and weight of the animal depends on its breed and gender. There are miniature rocks with a slight weight and sizes. Such rocks have particularly miniature females, and males a little ahead of their growth and weight. For such small guinea pigs, names are ideal:

  • Kid, resin, clopic, dwarf, murash, bug, gnome, tail, priklik, chatter, p UPS (for boys);
  • Lily, button, kroch, chick, fly, nut, bee, mini, lila, mimi, mouse (for girls).

For guinea pigs, the corresponding names are selected. These clicks include:

  • Boss, elephant, bull, big, jedi, zeus, king, max, Pufflik, Rostik, Rambo, Symbo, Tolstik, Caesar, Atlant, Bax, Hercules (for boys);
  • Khryusha, Machika, Rustist, Chip, Fury, Havrosh, Sherry, Sillar, Squirrel, Junta, Push, Bun, Bomb (For Girls).

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Choosing a funny name

Some owners prefer to call their pets with funny extraordinary names. There are many options for selecting such a nickname. They are borrowed from cartoons, candy names and any other sources. Clicks resemble something sweet or funny.

For females, such names are suitable: Caramel, Sweaty, Susochy, Bus, Tutti, Cola, Milk, Koch, Lila, Mix, Aska, Leia, Tyutu, Chu-cha, Zhu, Li-Li, Marshmallow, Strawberry, Cherry, Berry, Bulk, Cutlet, Iriska, Byak, Kashka, Chamomile, Ryusha, Cinderella, Ophelia, Julia, Nathan, Assol, Barbie, Zyuzya, Zuzy.

For males, you can choose a nickname from the following list : Snickers, Joise, Jack, Chips, Ko-Co., Noupho Nouphor, Nif-Nif, NAF-NAF, White, Roshen, Picker, Mix, Milk, Jurick, Murik, Hedgehog, Suslik, Pie, Cake, Bagel, Diank , Hazelnuk, Victor, Shpunter, Vitamin, Mamai, Newton, Cicero, Tarzan, Romeo, Hamlet, Valet, Flaunder, Alpha, Jerry, Tom, Bonifacea, Darwin, Blaster, Homer, Elvis, Casper, Gavrosh, Bob.

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Marine themes in the name

If you put a fantasy into the course, you can find many more similar nicknames. However, there are still criteria for choosing the nickname - this is a maritime theme. Quite often you can meet the names of animals associated with the maritime subject. This is not at all by chance, because the pitch is nickname, it means that it can be called a nickname. This names of the names include the following nicknames:

  • Sailor;
  • Cabin boy;
  • Captain;
  • Sailor;
  • Boatswain;
  • Navigator;
  • Pirate;
  • Anchor;
  • Aurora;
  • Robinson;
  • Seawater;
  • Rose;
  • Breeze.

There is another important point. Pet nickname should like the owner itself. After all, through his nickname, he communicates with the animal, and this communication brings him pleasure. Even if the name is not like to taste others, then there is no problem. Who cares and teaches a pet, he must choose him a nickname.

In addition to the names listed above, guinea pigs can choose a romantic nickname in accordance with the human name.

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Use of human names

The owner of the Waves to choose any nickname for his pet. Very often, guinea pigs are called human names.

The master of the animal can choose a name associated with some events in his life.

The most common female names that are called guinea pigs : Arisha, Anita, Santa, Asya, Athena, Berta, Blanca, Vary, Guly, Gini, Diana, Dusia, Eve, Evlin, Frosya, Japanese, Jacqueline, Josephine, Zlata, Zita, Zina, Ilan, Karina, Cumbet, Ksyusha , Christie, Eliza, Gloria, Louise, Lucy, Martha, Margarita, Mila, Nick, Nora, Renata, Rosalina, Sarra, Snezhana, Fanny, Samantha.

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For male pigs, you can choose such men's names: Jack, Robert, John, Robin, Aron, Albert, Vader, Roller, Hermann, Gustav, Den, Evan, Jora, Jean, Jacques, Zorro, Zarro, Josef, Josip, Krisp, Karl, Kuzya, Leopold, Leonardo, Marik, Martin, Nick, Nikola, Patrick, Paul, Ralph, Ramil, Sam, Sasha, Stefan, Sema, Timur, Tim, topic? Ustin, Frank, Chelsea, Eric, Andrew, Elvis, Yarik, Yakov.

It is important to remember that it is impossible to give pet the name of a person who lives with him or often happens in the house. This leads to unexpected confusion and offended.

Well-chosen nickname comes to the guinea pig and like the master of the animal. The tips described above will help to understand the variety of names and choose the appropriate option. An interesting nickname makes a special flavor with a pet.

Names for guinea pigs: How can I call the boy? List of beautiful nicknames for girls 11568_12

About how to name a guinea pig, watching the next video.

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