Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish


The algae is an indispensable assistant of a real aquarist. The fish performs the role of a kind of environmental stabilizer, ensures maintenance of a healthy microbiological background in the tank. In the nature of the species of aquarium fish, which eat algae, are predominantly in warm water bodies of Southeast Asia with poor water.

In artificial water bodies - from small ponds to aquariums, where their mission becomes even more important, because in a closed space, uncontrolled reproduction of the smallest green microorganisms can lead to a significant deterioration in the properties of the environment in which fish live.

Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_2

Features and destination

The algaes are known in Russia since 1962, and already 8 years later, they became completely indispensable in the aquarist environment. Not the brightest externally, these quiet hard workers perform the role of a natural filter, allow you to abandon the use of aggressive chemicals that overwhelm the development of microscopic algae. The fish itself is unpretentious in the content, it gets along well with other species. But when it is elected, it is important to distinguish the real algae from its much less useful fellow.

Under the name "Avaloroslae", the types of fish acting in the role of peculiar cartooners of aquarium medium. These underwater residents are struggle with hazardous colonies of organisms intensively producing chlorophyll and deteriorating living conditions in a closed space of an artificial reservoir. They eat algae, including such dangerous parasites as the "black beard". Some species feed exclusively by those living organisms that are found in the aquarium, others can absorb the usual feed.

Classic algae is a small fish with an elongated body, a compact head, short fins. Eliminate false species that are emitted mainly by aquarium mkhami. They are also fairly useful, but have noticeable differences in the purification of the tank from algae contamination.

Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_3

Among the features of algae can be noted High level of activity. The streamlined body gives them a good acceleration, allows you to swim against the flow. Resting the algae, dropping onto the bottom or landing on the leaves of the plants. Siamese subspecies during sleep can turn up the abdomen. In the period of recreation, fins are in the abdominal and tail.

The life expectancy of algae is up to 10 years. A single aquarium is medium in size to have no more than 2-3 individuals. Fish is distinguished by a surviving character (a rare exception is the "Flying Fox").

    For the content of such carp, you need an aquarium with a lid - they are pretty jumper.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_4


    All varieties of algae can be divided into aquarium and wild. In addition, the most popular Siamese form has a false fellow called "Flying Liser". It is not recommended to start it because of aggressive behavior (conflicts will inevitably arise in the aquarium) and a rather lazy extermination of excessive flora.

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    The most popular form - it is her who holds most of the domestic aquarists. A tropical fish with a characteristic zigzag band on the body and a tail fin refers to the family of carp, prefers to keep closer to the bottom of the reservoirs. Among the algae absorbing, it is possible to allocate red, nitchables, "flip-flops", "black beard", moreover, it is believed that the Siamese subtype is the leader in productivity.

    The algae is characterized by quite large sizes. In nature, they live in Southeast Asia and grow up to 14 cm long. Aquarium Siamese algae has twice the smaller body parameters.

    They are characteristic of the characteristic form of the upper lip, not found from other fish of this family.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_6


    Successfully fighting with a green charter only the youngest individuals, not expensive up to 4 cm. As the fish grows, its activity is reduced. But in general, the ansisters are often breeding to maintain optimal microflora in the aquariums trailies.

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    Onceless and absolutely unpretentious fish that conquered the hearts of aquarists around the world. Mollyons or just Molly destroys different types of hazardous vegetation. With its help, you can get rid of such algae as a "black beard", pitching subspecies, remove the fall from the walls of the aquarium.

    These fish are often buying on the occasion when the outbreak of the growth of microorganisms has already occurred. But in their effectiveness, they are very inferior to other subspecies of algae.

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    A small, up to 3 cm long, the fish eats algae with the help of mouth suction cups, mainly struggling with a raid on the walls of the aquarium. Effective sickels against xenococcus.

    The choice of this type of algae is most often due to its compact dimensions and low-speed in the aquarium. Such a fish easily copes with a raid on plants.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_9

    Girinoheilus or Yellow Algae

    This fish with a mouth-suction cup is boated mainly when green plaque on the walls of the aquarium appears. Especially often it occurs in the tanks with intensive combination. Such fish are well suited for keeping in herbalists. But in the fight against nice algae, the "black beard" they are unsuitable In addition, it is necessary to take into account that the garinocheilus feeds on an exceptionally green flaw, so it is impossible to exceed the number of fish, otherwise the pets will be hungry.

    Girinocheilus is often referred to as Chinese algae.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_10

    Who are compatible with?

    Good compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish makes it easy to settle them into any problem aquariums, where the active reproduction of green organisms occurs. Optimally, if there will live from 3 to 8 fish in the container.

    In nature, they live with flocks, and this instinct is well developed. But when the content of males, the fight will be inevitable. When selecting algae, one male and several females should be taken.

    By the number of fish with which this type of useful inhabitants of the aquarium are incompatible include the following.

    1. Cichlids. They are annoyed by the excessive activity of small fish in the period of spawning. May be aggression, destroy the young, who boils close to the laying of eggs.
    2. Two-color Labo. This species is related to the algae and between them will inevitably arise conflicts. Fish can just die.
    3. Wellegal varieties of different fish breeds. Their tails and fins of the algae just eat.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_11

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_12

    Growing conditions

    For the content of algae in the aquarium, it is recommended to choose a container of at least 100 liters. Classic parallelepiped suitable, allowing you to provide the necessary space for maneuvers and active movement of the fish. Water must be replaced by 1/3 of the volume weekly. Its optimal indicators:

    • Temperature - from +24 to +26 degrees;
    • Acidness - 6.5-8 pH;
    • Stiffness - 5-20 DGH.

    When selecting decoration Excesses should be avoided, leaving space for moving algae inside the aquarium. When choosing a substrate, you should give preference to pebbles, dense sand. The onset of algae fish absorbs from the bottom, while the soil still has to be siphonized at no less than once a month, removing the residues of food absorbed by the inhabitants of the artificial reservoir.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_13

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_14

    The content of Siamese algae, as a typical representative of this species, requires providing soft non-directional lighting of natural or artificial origin. From direct sunlight, the aquarium is recommended to protect with shirms or curtains. For algae, a 12-hour day is important.

    To create optimal conditions for growing, it is worth taking care of the formation of rapid flow. The strengthened current of water, intensive aeration should be carried out using special equipment. It is worth choosing the most powerful equipment, otherwise the pets will feel bad without sufficient saturation of the medium with oxygen.

    For recreation, algae requires deciduous aquarium plants with major shoots. At the same time, the landed greens should not be too shaded with water or interfere with free movement.

    Lined upstairs and Riccia will not give an active representative of the carp family to leave the tank with water.

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    Feeding rules

    In the natural environment, the Siamese algae is mainly powered by algae, but can eat other green food, as well as protein food. The older the fish becomes, the stronger its nutritional preferences are changed, the needs for obtaining additional protein are increasing. Adults of algae are recommended Additionally, feed artificial feeds in granules and flakes, alive and frozen insects.

    You should not throw the fish - satisfying, they cease to perform their initial tasks, become too lazy.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_16

    Feeding is carried out no more than 1 time per day. You can enter any ready-made mixes for carps, as well as dye fresh vegetables. Thermal processing is needed to eliminate potentially dangerous bacteria. Algae willingly absorb Spinach, cucumbers, salad, zucchini. Keep food in water for more than 3 minutes is not recommended - Remains are removed immediately upon completion of feeding.

    As for living feed, it is also not easy here. Daphnia, cyclops, tube, moth are suitable as feeding. It is not necessary to engage in independent fishing - insect can be infected with dangerous bacteria. Frozen feeds deprived of these shortcomings are more secure. Previously withstand them at room temperature for about 15 minutes.

    Do not get carried away by landing moss in aquarium with algae. Having found it, the fish cease to absorb another food. Especially loved by Yavansky Mossi. Do not land them in containers with young.

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_17

    Fish algae (18 photos): varieties of aquarium fish that eat algae, compatibility of Siamese algae with other fish 11545_18

    More information about the features of Siamese algaes, see the following video.

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