Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor?


To get strong and healthy features of Guppies at home, you should take care of the young from the very moment of his birth. This species is interesting because it is a vivory, that is, females extempiate the formed young. Falls are born already healthy and active, and it is important to maintain their condition until it can be released into a common aquarium.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_2

Features of growth

For once, the female individual creates 15-60 fry, depending on the variety and age. Part of the posterity Mother can eat in the process of childbirth. When kids appear on the light, they look colorless or completely transparent, the most young copies have a length of 2-4 mm. Next, the young begin to grow rapidly, and the rate of their growth is largely determined by the volume of aquarium and water quality.

On average, in the first week of life, the length of the fry can reach 5-7 mm, next week it can grow up to 20 mm.

Adult female individual usually has a length of 40-60 mm, men's - 20-40 mm. Such hyppy parameters reach 4-5 months with competent care. To this age, the fish are already becoming sexually.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_3

How to determine the floor?

As young develops, they should be sorted. Already at the age of 2-4 weeks, some fry can give offspring. Sort by sexual sign is needed to avoid early pregnancy females. To embroider an aquarist should prepare a separate container by adding water from aquarium to it where the guppy is grown.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_4

To sear males and females, it is important to learn to distinguish them. Men's individuals can observe the elongated and rolled bottom fin, located near the anal hole. Gradually, he turns into hondes, and now to determine the floor of young individuals is even easier. Also, after a two-week age, sex differences are noticeable by the complex: males are slimmer of their sisters, over time they begin to paint in bright colors. But the females can be found in the compound abdomen and a dark spot near the anal hole.

Separate content of boys and girls is useful for their own health.

In addition, such a departure is simpler for the aquarist itself. Fish do not spend strength and health on the persecution of each other.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_5

What to feed the fry?

Before breeding newborns, you need to know Approximate volume of daily portion. So, in the first two weeks, the babies must feed the portion, which makes up 150-170% of the weight of the fish. Further, before monthly age, the volume of food, equal to 80-100% of the mass of the cub. From one to two months, the recommended portion is up to 30%, and from two months to half-arms - up to 15%. After complete ripening, the volume of daily portion should be no more than 10% of the US weight.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_6

Natural feed

Falls can eat anything, but for the right development they need to feed the protein. As a rule, this important element is in the composition of living feed. In addition, live food is movable, it allows you to hunt for her, develop a hunting instinct.

Live dust can serve as starting feed - so called infusoria shill. Its size does not exceed 0.25 mm. Artemia's pretty up to 0.6 mm long can also serve in the first days of the life of kids, however, it is important not to overdo it - the newborn individuals may develop obesity due to it. An alternative to the surfacing can be a micro-fiber size of 1.5x0.005 mm.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_7

An excellent alive addition will be phytoplankton - malicious algae, capable of floating the entire aquarium.

To grow these microorganisms in the aquarium, put the jar with water in the sun . For the appearance of phytoplankton in the water, there is enough couple days. After that, in the syringe, enter the flowering water into the aquarium. Refuse the natural feed from natural reservoirs, as parasites and infections can get along with food to the aquarium. It is possible to disinfive the ozone instance, but this method does not save from toxins.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_8

Common variant of natural feed is considered daphnia, It is useful due to protein content, vitamins and trace elements. If the aquarist decides to feed the fry of mosquitoes or worms, then they should be crushed first. You can feed the moth, but only alive and dense-red. It is important to know in advance that In the sliced ​​form, the bloodworm is able to spoil the water. Less in this regard is dangerous than a coretra, but it contains quite a bit of the protein, so this species will not fit for permanent feeding.

Useful for the growth of young is a pipeline: it contains a large amount of nutrients, but too caloriene, so it is important not to overgrow them to fish and prevent their obesity.

Before feeding the fir pipes with a pipe, it is recommended to hold 100 g of a 250 mg of polyvitamins, then it will enrich the benefit even more. It is allowed to feed the frozen food.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_9

Commercial options

The most popular in circles aquarists are considered Cord brands Tetra, Sera, JBL. For feeding a young guppy long no more than 10 mm is allowed Tetra Micromin, Sera Micron, Jbl Novotom, Tetra Biomin paste.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_10

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_11

Substitutes of live food

It is important to avoid full replacement of live food. Since this is still defective for the development of fry food. A temporary alternative can serve in the purchase of dry food, dry daphneia.

Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_12

Also, the aquarists offer the following replacement options.

  • Chicken yolk. Before this, the egg is dried, the yolks are removed, crushed it and mix with aquarium water. The tank is squeezed out through gauze.
  • Milk powder . For its preparation you need to evaporate milk on a water bath.
  • Cottage cheese . To obtain a suitable product, it is customary to warm up to procubor to the formation of a lump. After that, cottage cheese is washed and entered into the aquarium through the gauze.
  • Crup. Scristed oatmeal, corn, manka are suitable.
  • Vegetables and greens . Everything is pre-crushed.

    All these additives can only go in addition to the main diet. Do not forget to remove the siphon fragments that fish did not eat, otherwise they will spoil water.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_13

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_14

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_15

    Favorable conditions

    It's not so difficult to care for newborn pets. As a rule, young people are taken to grow in a separate subsidence of 20-40 liters. If the aquarist did not have time to acquire additional capacity, then at first and An ordinary three-liter bank with a manifold sprayer. To keep the care as simple as possible, You can do without soil and scenery . Frys will feel comfortable If there are plants in the plant, but they are optional to keep the baby.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_16

    It is important to provide a filter tank and aeration system. At the same time, do not forget to regularly clean the filter and select the equipment that will not be able to injure the fry.

    Every day, the capacitance for the offspring of Guppies needs a 30% water substitution. Before filling fresh water, defend it about a day. All parameters of the new and old water must be the same. For the first weeks, maintain temperatures at 28 degrees, then gradually reduce the indicators up to 26 degrees. When the fools turn on several months, the temperature is optimal for them is 24 degrees.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_17

    Is it possible to transplant in a common aquarium?

    Contain fry in the general aquarium is undesirable. They have a lot of enemies among their neighbors, even their own parents will not refuse to enjoy their offspring. If there is nowhere to detonate the baby, then it is important to maximize the chances of a young for survival. For this adult fish, it is necessary to rejection well so that they are not interested in the fools of Guppies, place on the bottom as many different shelters, where young fish will hide from adult relatives.

    The most efficient shelter will be a living plant, for landing, choose mellite long-terrible instances. Most often, the aquarists recommend using Elode, Riccia, water cauldron.

    By the way, You can feed the cubs right in thickets So that they have no need to swim from their shelter to the joy of larger voracious conodes. If the fry is grown in a separate container, then there is no need to keep them there for too long. It will be possible to transplant in the overall pet aquarium in three months after birth, but not before.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_18

    Possible problems

    In general, the Guppies are pretty hard-to-face fish, but the babies with faster immunity in illiterate content may arise problems.

    Many aquarists observe the situation when the frys begin to die for an unknown reason.

    Most likely, Death provoked by the disease. The source of diseases can be infected plants and other aquarium inhabitants or poor-quality food. So, one of the most terrible ailments for the Malki is tuberculosis or mycobacteriosis. Unfortunately, there is no treatment from this disease yet Sick individuals have to be destroyed, and the entire infected container is carefully disinfected.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_19

    Diseases that can be cured include trunth. It develops when entering the Trichodina Modesta parasitic infusoria. Newborn fry and slightly grown individuals most often become victims of this ailment, and infection leads to their death. Usually, drugs such as methylene silk, "Tripaflavin", sainted salt help the disease.

    The poor quality of water can lead to death. For example, it is impossible to contain kids guppy in an artificial reservoir enriched with chlorine. Water must be defined. To eliminate chlorine, you can also take advantage of the dehlorinator, which is available in pet stores.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_20

    Sometimes the breeders notice that the tails are sticking to the fibs. This is an infrequent phenomenon, but it can occur with inappropriate cultivation conditions. Noticing that the young retail fins were attacked, it can be assumed that they are sick by kostiosis or exactive. In addition, the bone can be found in the pale hopping gills. To cure this disease at an early stage is possible malachite greens or manganese 10-15-minute baths.

    Gydactile was caused by parasites, and is treated in accordance with the general principles of treatment of parasitic diseases. Thus, the recommended drugs are considered formalin, malachite green, sophisticated salt.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_21

    In order to avoid all these problems, do not set up a new individual to the fel, if it has not passed the quarantine period, it is impossible to plant and just purchased plants without their pre-processing. Buy for feeding only good high-quality feed, thoroughly rinse all scenery objects that plan to put in aquarium.

    Flinks Guppies (22 photos): How fast are they growing? Care for years. Is it possible to transplant the fry in the overall aquarium? When to transplant? How to determine the floor? 11535_22

    In the next video, you will be able to watch the birth of Malks Guppies.

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