Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish?


In order for the living conditions of fish and algae in the aquarium as close as possible to natural as much as possible, it will be necessary to perform several important conditions. One of them is lighting. It is possible that the population of the home reservoir is not very necessary: ​​the fish and other residents of the aquarium live at a depth of water, where the sunlight does not penetrate. But if there are live plants, it is required to be very responsible for this issue.

To select the perfect lighting mode for aquarium, you will have to experiment a lot, watching the behavior of the inhabitants of the reservoir and vegetation.

Optimal Aquarium Lighting Time

In constant lighting, the aquarium does not need. The opening time is selected individually, depending on the species of fish and plants, The medium-graded value is from 10 to 14 hours. An important role in determining the duration of the daylight has the time of year, since in the autumn-winter period the light day is shorter and it means that the mode should be corrected.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_2

As already mentioned, a plant need more in lighting. In order for algae to develop correctly, it is necessary to constantly monitor the work of the lamps. If the light day is longer than in natural conditions, algae will develop faster than necessary, water flowering and more stormy reproduction of harmful bacteria will begin, which will affect the behavior and health of its inhabitants.

To optimize the control over the duration of the daytime, you can use Sensors of light, alarm clocks or timers. With these devices, turn on and off the light will be at a specified time.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_3

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_4

There are some rules that require compulsory execution during the operation of the lighting of aquariums.

  1. Lighting in the aquarium must be turned on and off daily at the same time.
  2. The transition from light to the dark should be gradual.
  3. The duration of the lamps for the seasons should be permanent, but not more than 14 hours.

Compliance with these simple conditions will benefit to the atmosphere of aquarium, and at the end of the month will even bring a pleasant bonus in the form of electricity saving.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_5

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_6

For whom you need a night light

Everyone makes a choice for himself, is it necessary in the aquarium backlight at night. But before making a final decision, the advice of experienced aquarists and the species composition of fish living in a home reservoir should be taken into account. Violation of pet care conditions can lead to illness and premature deaths.

For the inhabitants of the aquarium, the presence or absence of backlight at night does not matter much. When feeding fish, the lighting is not required: they find food using other senses. Plants also do not need constant lighting. Light in the tank should not burn around the clock. You can leave it at night if the aquarium is located in the room without windows.

If the backlight is operating at night, then the aquarium should be darkened.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_7

There are several types of fish that keep a nightlife. In the daytime, they mainly hide in shelters, behave sluggish and unnaturally. If you divor such fish and still decided to apply night lighting, then Attention should be paid to the natural night light under the moonlight. It imitates the natural light of the moon and perfectly affects the biological activity of plants and night species.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_8

In the dark, as a rule, predatory fish, catches, loins and some others lead an active lifestyle. Day and nightly fish keeping in one aquarium is not recommended, as they will experience inconvenience from joint residence, and peaceful fish will suffer from predators.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_9

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_10

Is it possible to do without light at night?

In the natural habitat of fish, round-the-clock lighting does not exist. Many species of fish live under water at a great depth, where the sunlight can not fall. There are some groups that will slow down the development from a too long daylight day.

The overaffect of light does not affect the well-being of pets and other inhabitants of the aquarium. Without rest, fish will be sluggish, losing appetite, they can begin to root or show aggression to neighbors.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_11

The main types of exotic fish are from the warm seas, the sun is shining there brighter and longer than in our climatic conditions, but it is enough for the lighting that they receive during the day. To understand whether the fish can do without lighting at night in the aquarium, you just need to imagine their natural habitat.

Do I need to turn off the light on the night in the aquarium? 12 photo How much should the light be burning for fish and plants? Can I turn off the night lights to the fish? 11493_12

Living conditions, as similar to natural, allow residents of freshwater reservoir to develop better, and their life expectancy will not be reduced.

Nature laid a change of day and night, pets also require rest, so uncontrolled night lighting can prevent them. From all the above, we can conclude that there is no significant arguments against the disconnection of light at night.

On how to correctly calculate lighting in the aquarium, see the next video.

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