I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home?


The aquarium is although a small, but surprisingly fascinating world. However, to support both the aquarium and the inhabitants inside it in order, it is necessary to spend certain efforts, as well as adhere to some rules for the care of them. One of the frequent problems arising from the aquarium is the formation of cracks or leaks. On why aquarium can burst, how to eliminate a malfunction and that it is necessary to consider, read in this article.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_2

Why do the aquariums burst?

As a rule, the main reasons for the fact that the glass aquarium burst broke or flows, only two - or the technology of manufacturing the container was incorrect, or the aquarium is simply incorrectly exploited.

Since the pressure rendered to water even in relatively small tanks is quite large, then for their manufacture you need to use a glass of a certain thickness.

If a glass of less thickness was used than the norm and rules require, then over time it can at certain points "accumulate fatigue" and crack.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_3

And also the aquarium can flow during operation, if there is a glass of poor quality with its manufacture, for example, perhaps.

If the container is put on an uneven surface, then most likely the result will also be a crack. In this case, the cause of the crack may even be the grave, stuck under the bottom, not to mention uneven stands.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_4

What to glue?

It is worth understanding immediately for yourself that it is impossible to use the usual glue for gluing aquarium, which gave a crack or flow.

In pet stores or other specialized points of sale there are glue, called aquarium sealant. It is necessary to use it if the aquarium burst.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_5

It represents a thick, but at the same time a fluid substance that in the air is very quickly freeing - After half an hour, the glue is already becoming hard. Not to be confused with the time of complete drying - it will be necessary for about 24 hours. The main component of the adhesive substance, due to which a similar property is acquired - silicon. This type of glue can be used in order to "fix" the inner content of the aquarium (houses, cave and other different toys and dwellings for fish).

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_6

This glue has another name - silicone sealant.

It is worth remembering that only the product is needed to acquire, which has an inscription "for aquariums" on its packaging.

When using ordinary composition, toxic substances allocated to them can send the inhabitants of the aquarium to the light. Compositions that have received positive reviews - "Moment of germing" and "Titan". Their main property remains resistance to sea water.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_7

How to fuck right?

The degree of possible recovery of the aquarium does with their own hands depends on how much a crack or broken is essential. If the upper part of the aquarium has broken, it is easy to close it yourself. In case the aquarium has not been cracked, but fluttering It will be enough to deal with its sealant, that, too, the task is quite perfect for a fans of fish.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_8

Below described the phased instruction of how to do it right.

  1. It is necessary to prepare the necessary materials - glue itself (sealant), degreasing agent, painting ribbon and several blades.
  2. It is necessary to release aquarium container. It will be best to clean it and clean the detergent, and then give it to dry well.
  3. Next, it is necessary using broken in half the blade in the place of leaks to clean the joint between the glasses from the past sealant. It is recommended to work with the blade in special protective gloves.
  4. Then it will be necessary to wipe the glass with a degreasing composition.
  5. After that, the glass is placed protective (painting) ribbon around the seam.
  6. Apply a new sealant and leave to dry.
  7. When the reanimated seam is completely dry, you need to check it on the leakage. If everything is fine, then the process can be considered complete. If the leakage could not be eliminated, then you need to repeat the glue of two glasses on the seam again.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_9

If the damage is serious, for example, a crack for the entire edge was formed, it is best to glue a new frameless aquarium.

You can resort to the services of workshops on working with glass or purchase a finished product in the store, although it is quite realistic to make an aquarium and at home.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_10

As the basis, you can take various types of glass - Plexiglas, optimitis and even ordinary glass.

Instructions for how it can be done correctly is presented below.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the sizes of the future aquarium, and then cut the glass on this sizes.
  2. It is necessary to cut 5 glass blanks to get a full-fledged aquarium with a bottom.
  3. Now it is necessary to wipe the glass with a degreasing composition and puncture the edges with a protective tape.
  4. You can start gluing glass in any order, causing a sealant to the jammed edges of the glass. However, it will be most convenient to start doing from gluing the front of the aquarium and its bottom. It is important to ensure that the angle between the edges is straight. For fastening the design for a period of drying, you can use various items.
  5. It is necessary to repeat the same with all sides of the aquarium.
  6. After the aquarium is fully assembled and glued, you need to leave it to dry for 1 hour. Then wonder all the seams once again with a sealant.
  7. After the last application, the sealant for complete drying will be needed 24 hours.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_11

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_12

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_13

Previously before use, you need to fill the aquarium with water and check it for the leaks.

If the flow is found, then the water should be drained, give time to dry the seams from moisture, and then wrapping all the seams with glue again.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_14

Tips of professionals

First of all, it is necessary to remember that even to eliminate little damage it is necessary to completely free the aquarium both from the most lively and from the rest of the content.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_15

If there is an excess glue on the glass, it is possible to remove them, the surface of the surface with a cloth moistened in a vinegar solution.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_16

Of course, much more reasonable will prevent cracked and other possible problems with aquarium than to eliminate them in emergency. A good solution in this sense is the ribs of rigidity and tie. The first are long and narrow glass plates that are glued to long aquarium faces. They glue to the upper part, and later the ribs are fixed to them.

A similar design strengthens the aquarium and helps him withstand the pressure exerted by water on the walls. Only due to the fact that the ribs of stiffness, and the ties strengthen the opposite sides, the concept becomes stronger.

I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_17

      In conclusion, it is worth noting that The best prevention of aquarium from cracks is the purchase of products from a well-known manufacturer . If there is no such possibility, then it is necessary to check the glass thickness, the quality of gluing, as well as the accuracy of the rigidity ribs.

      I burst the aquarium (18 photos): how to glue it with your own hands, if he cracked on the seam? How to make glasses at home? 11423_18

      With useful information on the repair of a cracked aquarium, you can get acquainted in the next video.

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