Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation


So, you decided to equip aquarium and get fish. One of the most important components of an artificial ecosystem, which is an aquarium, is a soil. If he is chosen incorrectly, the water will quickly deteriate, and fish and algae - root and die. In our material you will find the necessary recommendations for choosing the type of soil, its preparation and laying, as well as further care.

Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_2

Primary requirements

Consider the basic requirements which should be submitted to the soil before purchasing it.

  • It must have a porous structure. This is necessary in order to circulate air between the soil particles, thereby creating a favorable medium of existence for microorganisms. These microorganisms are able to recycle feed residues and waste of fish. In this case, putrid processes do not occur, harmful microorganisms are not developed, and the water remains pure longer.
  • The substrate will be ideal, the particle size of which ranges from 2 to 5 mm. If the particles are larger, then the fish will be difficult to extract food from under it. The soil consisting of small particles can be challenged, the processes of rotting will begin. As a result, this can lead to the death of fish and plants.
  • Particles must be rounded, without shards. On sharp corners can be born fish. In addition, acute-angled particles have the ability to lean.
  • Substrate particles must be approximately the same. If you mix small pebbles with sand, then not to avoid stagnant processes.
  • Soil particles must be pretty heavy So that the plants keep them well and it was convenient to siphon.
  • The substrate should not identify any substances. , enter or provoke any chemical reactions in the aquarium.
  • The ideal option is if the soil allows you to maintain the necessary pH and also saturated with nutrients for plants.

Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_3

Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_4


All types of soil can divided into 3 large groups.

  • Natural. Such a substrate consists of natural materials that have not passed any processing. Plants from it cannot receive any nutrients, so additional fertilizer is required. If such a substrate lay in aquarium more than six months, then the bottom occurs the nutrient medium and fertilizers are no longer required. This type of soil includes sand, pebbles, quartz, crushed stone and gravel.
  • Mechanical. This group includes substrates, also consisting of natural materials, however, have passed mechanical processing.
  • Artificial. This substrate is divided into two groups. The first includes decorative plastic and glass soil. The second group includes a nutritional soil. It is used in Dutch aquariums, in which the fish are not bred, but only plant plants.

            Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_5

            Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_6

            So, consider the most popular types of soil.

            • Sand. There are some types of fish for which the ideal substrate is the sand. In it, the inhabitants of the aquarium make minks, they will be spawn and even with it to work out the work of the digestive system. For plants, sand is also good because it allows the roots to catch well. All pollution, as a rule, remain on the surface, so it is easy to clean. Sand for aquarium can be sea, river, quartz, white argonite, black, alive.
            • Pebbles. It is a rather common substrate. It can be applied both sea pebbles and found along the river shore. Beautiful, safe ground. You can choose the particle size depending on the design of the aquarium.
            • Nutritious ground. The pet stores are sold special soil, which is a mixture of peat, mineral fertilizers, bacteria and porous material. Especially this substrate is good for aquarium plants.
            • Black soil. Very popular among the aquarists, because on his background, colored fish look so beautifully. Used substrate from basalt, granite, shungitis. However, this soil can give water a ugly gray shade. The exception is quartz, it does not pollute the water. In addition, we should not forget about the magnetic properties of such a substrate that are harmful to fish and plants. It is neutral soil and requires additional fertilizers.
            • White soil. Most often it is a limestone or marble. Makes the water more rigid, which is not suitable for all the varieties of fish. In addition, over time, it acquires a brownish or greenish tint, which does not add the aesthetics to your aquarium.
            • Colored ground. Mostly made of glass and plastic. May be ceramic. Performs only a decorative role, no useful properties carry.

                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_7

                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_8

                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_9

                          Some beginner aquarists are trying to use the Earth as a substrate. This is categorically impossible to do this. It will cause rotting processes, water will be infected with harmful microorganisms and all fish and plants will die. It is worth given preference to one of the types of substrate discussed above.

                          Rating the best

                          Consider the main substrates that can most often meet in the store.


                            Another name is the Dutch primer for aquarium. Particles have a spherical shape of about 1.5-1.7 mm. Thanks to the absence of sharp corners, such a soil is well suited for aquariums where bottom fish live. Besides, The form of the substrate provides good water permeability, does not allow it to be stamped, ensures the conditions of existence for microorganisms that recycle fish life waste. This primer can be called a bio filter. His brown color is well harmonized with algae. The price for 3.3 liters ranges from 800 to 1000 rubles.

                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_10

                              Jbl Manado.

                              It is made of ceramisit - burned clay. Particles are of size 0.5-2 mm. The substrate also does not have sharp edges, safe for fish and plants. It has the ability to choose a surplus of fertilizers, and with a shortage to give them back. The root system of algae grow well in such a soil. Since the substrate is made of clay, it is light. If you live fish in the aquarium - lovers to dig in the ground, the plants should be plugged. In addition, it is difficult to make a embossed bottom with such a substrate, since it is moving. Convenient in cleaning. On average, cost for 5 kg about 850 rubles.

                                Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_11

                                Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_12

                                Udeco, Natural White Gravel

                                The name speaks for itself. This is a river gravel white. It is safe for fish because it has a natural origin. Parts size from 3 to 5 mm. This substrate saves white color even after a long time. It increases the rigidity of water, but if your pets are cichlids, they will benefit them. Such a substrate is practically not susceptible to skill. The average cost for 3.2 kg is 123 rubles.

                                  Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_13

                                  Barbus "Mix"

                                  This type of soil is made of marble crumbs. Such a substrate can be white, black and colored. Parts size is also diverse. It is on sale as a small (2-5 mm) and more larger - from 5 to 10 mm. In this regard, he will look good both at the bottom of the small and large aquarium. Besides, Color manifold allows you to create your design . However, particles can boost over time. This substrate increases the rigidity of water to a small extent, but overall safe for fish and plants. The price for 1 kg is about 65 rubles.

                                    Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_14

                                    Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_15

                                    POWER SAND SPECIAL M

                                    This type of soil is ideal for aquarium with a large amount of algae. Such a substrate consists of a mixture of peat, porous material, useful microorganisms and mineral fertilizers. The soil particles are the following sizes - S, M, L. Choosing, you need to proceed from the size and depth of the aquarium. On top of this substrate, it is necessary to put a layer of the main soil. On the same day, when you fall asleep the substrate in the aquarium, it is impossible to settle fish. They may die due to nitrogenous discharges. It should be waited when the composition of the water will become stable. The price for 6 kg of such soil is about 4,000 rubles.

                                      Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_16

                                      Deponit Mix.

                                      This primer is a mixture of quartz sand, clay, peat, mineral fertilizers. It is used with the main soil and serves as a substrate. Well suited for all species of fish and plants. However, if you decide to use this substrate, it is necessary to immediately plant the aquarium with vegetation, otherwise the bacteria that are contained in this soil will cause a rapid growth of algae. Some aquarists note that this substrate can sometimes scribble. The cost of 4.8 kg is about 1600 rubles.

                                        Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_17

                                        Udeco Sea Coral.

                                        It is made of coral crumbs. Parts size is 11-30 mm. It is capable of increasing the rigidity of water, so it is well suited for cichlid. Beautiful substrate that can serve as an aquarium decoration. The average cost for 6 kg is 650 rubles.

                                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_18

                                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_19

                                          "Eco Soil"

                                          Raw materials serves marble crumb. You can find this substrate of various colors and sizes. The main role in the aquarium is decorative. Slightly increases the level of water rigidity. The cost of 3.5 kg is 170 rubles.

                                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_20

                                          Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_21

                                          How to choose?

                                          When choosing a soil for its aquarium, it is necessary to proceed from the following criteria.

                                            Fish View and Size

                                            The smaller the fish, the smallest soil for it suitable. However, you should not forget about the features of some fish of the substrate particles. If you have exactly such pets, it is worth buying a larger soil, otherwise it will lead to the death of individuals. If your fish love to be buried in the substrate, then it is better to choose sand. The color gamut of soil is not so important, however, most of the fish look better on a dark background. White substrate with time can change the color on brown or even greenish.

                                              Choosing a multicolored, painted or decorative glass substrate, try not to overdo it in order not to be distracted from fish.

                                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_22

                                              Plant species

                                              For them, the soil should be primarily nutritious, as well as the root system should be caught in. Most plants are suitable for small or medium particles. The soil of natural origin is more preferable.

                                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_23

                                              How to calculate the right amount?

                                              The substrate layer should not be too thin, otherwise it will cease to perform its role. The optimal is the thickness of the layer from 2 to 10 cm. If you have aquarium without plants or plants, no root is required, then it will be enough 2 cm. If your plants with a small root system, then they need 3-5 cm of soil. When growing large plants with a large root system, it may be necessary from 5 to 10 cm of the substrate.

                                              To make a calculation in kilograms, you can use the special formula M = 1000P * N * V: C,

                                              • where M is the mass of soil;
                                              • p - specific density;
                                              • V - volume;
                                              • n is the height of the soil;
                                              • C is the height of the aquarium.

                                              This is a universal formula, which allows you to determine how many kilograms of the soil are needed both in a small aquarium, for example, the volume of 20 liters and in the aquariums of 100 liters and even 200 liters.

                                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_24

                                              The specific density table can be found on the Internet. However, if you are afraid to be mistaken, you can use the online calculator to calculate the amount of soil in the aquarium.


                                              So, you chose the soil, calculated the required amount and purchased it. Before falling down the substrate to the aquarium, it must be prepared.

                                              Preparation consists of several stages.

                                              • Flushing. Wash the soil follows in a plastic bucket in small portions until the water becomes transparent. If you decide to save time, start to wash the entire soil immediately, then you risk doing it poorly.
                                              • Disinfection. After you were washed with soil, it should be disinfected, so as not to put the larvae and harmful bacteria in their aquarium. Disinfection is made by boiling. Boil for 15 minutes, then rinsed with warm water. After that, the soil is calcined in the oven for about 30 minutes at a temperature of 100 degrees. If the soil is plastic, then it cannot be exposed to such high temperatures. Rinse it with water, and then disinfected in a 10% chlorine solution. After the soil stood 2 hours in a chlorine solution, it was washed to eliminate the specific smell. The soil containing a large amount of marble, carbonate is placed in the dishes with a 30% citric acid solution and stirred until air bubbles appear on the surface. This procedure allows you to release a substrate from magnesium and calcium.

                                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_25

                                              Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_26

                                              How to put it?

                                                In order to put the soil, it is best to use the spatula. It can be purchased in the store, and you can do yourself from a plastic bottle. The soil is placed in an aquarium without water. We embarrass it, having a shovel as close as possible to the bottom of the aquarium, otherwise you can damage the walls.

                                                The thickness of the layer at the front wall should be less than that of the rear. Usually, the soil is laid in front of 2 cm thick, and to the opposite reaches 8 cm.

                                                In order to strip soil, give the shape, use a wooden blade.

                                                If you plan to plant aquarium by plants, then it should be a nutritious substrate. Its thickness should not exceed 1 cm. After that, the main ground is laid out.

                                                Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_27

                                                How to care?

                                                If the primer is stored correctly, then care for it will not cause problems. Enough as needed to produce its cleaning. Complete replacement of soil produce every 5 years.

                                                Very convenient and easy to clean the soil with a siphon. It is enough to hold them over the bottom of the aquarium, and he will keep in all waste. Without a siphon, cleaning the bottom is possible with the help of an electric pump.

                                                If you want to change the ground without merging the water, then first carefully remove the plants. Then remove the old soil. After that, you can put a new one.

                                                Those who purchased aquarium for the first time often face a problem - water green. This can occur due to excessive lighting, excessive fish feeding. Communication and snail help to cope with such a problem. You can also recommend darkening aquarium.

                                                Soil for aquarium (28 photos): What aquarium soil is better? Black and white soil. How to choose and clean it? Calculation of quantity and preparation 11378_28

                                                On how to choose a soil for aquarium, see the next video.

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