Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear


If a woman has some kind of whim, or she really wants something, no one and nothing will stand before it. This fully applies clothes. The fact that Jacket Franch was previously a truly male detail of the clothes, did not stop the fashionistas, who decided to accommodate this thing in their wardrobe. Designers went to meet them, and today we see this popular model in almost every new fashion collection.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_3

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_4

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_5

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_6

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_7


Blazer Frenc - This is a model most often a double breeding jacket, which has mandatory attributes are mortise or overhead pockets slightly below the waist level and a well-defined collar, in some models replaced by a rack.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_9

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_10

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_11

Recently, Jacket Frenc became very in demand, the number of variations of his styers have long exceeded a dozen. The most popular of them are:

Classic model. It features the rigor of lines, the presence of buttons in two rows and adjacent collar. As a rule, such jackets are an attribute of business style in clothing, but recently, due to the popularization of the urban direction in fashion, they can easily be combined with such, seemingly unsuitable for strict jacket things like jeans and sneakers.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_13

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_14

In addition, the Classic Franch increasingly began to be performed far from restrained tones and sew not only from classical tissue. The abundance of bright shades and diverse textures used in the design of this model allows the use of jacket french in a variety of styles. For example, in the style of Casual, a jacket of a suede brown or gently beige, and a model of gray-green leather will fit very well in a grunge onion.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_16

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_17

Franch model, the length of which does not reach the buttocks, is very in demand by the worship of the country style. In such a jacket, the thigh line is highlighted very advantageous, so if you consider this part of the body in my own, then it is worth thinking about the acquisition of such a jacket.

Fit silhouette Franch's jacket looks very seductive. This is especially true of classic models, which, except less than a smaller size and falling on the waist, no longer differ from the male jacket.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_19

Such a combination of a brutal and courageous object of clothing and a sophisticated feminine figure with an underlined waist looks not so stylish how much sexy. Your bow with such a jacket as the main attribute will appreciate the representatives of the opposite sex and will certainly donate you with compliments.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_21

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_22

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_23

Leather Francie may be in shortened, and in the extended version. Such a model often acts as the subject of outerwear on rainy, but not very cold season. Due to use in the manufacture of genuine leather model, such a jacket will not only give your appearance a very stylish and chic look, but also be able to warm and protect against autumn dampness.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_25

If, when creating an image with a jacket, you want to avoid the association it with a male wardrobe subject, then it is worth considering unusual, and perhaps even bright colors. In the classic version, you can replace strict black color to a softer dark gray or neutral beige.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_27

An excellent solution will also be a combination of a snow-white jacket and black top. Such an image will be slightly different from the standard office style in clothes, but, nevertheless, you do not disrupt the most stringent business dress-code frames.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_29

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_30

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_31

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_32

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_33

Blazers of bright and juicy colors are most often made of lightweight fabric and are designed for the summer period. They can be a wide variety of shades: rich-pink, celestial, lemon, purple and others. In the choice of a specific color should be repelled from the main color of the entire image. The tone of the jacket should be contrasting with respect to the top of the onion, but the same with shoes.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_35

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_36

What to wear?

For solemn cases, the elongated jacket Frenc is what you need. A combination with a white blouse, a tone in tone and strict straight trousers will give your appearance festive, but at the same time a strict look.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_38

For informal events and everyday socks, you can choose Franch fit or straight cut. In combination with simple jeans and T-shirts, the image will be very stylish, but at the same time convenient. To give a raisin and romance in the bow, you can wear shorten jeans and high heels, as well as add accessories, such as a wide bracelet or bright hairpin.

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Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_40

Jacket Franch (41 photos): Women's models, with what to wear 1137_41

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