Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live?


Among the domestic bird species, the canaras occupy a special place. These birds have a unique voice, a motley color and are very non-condicable to content at home. In this material you will familiarize yourself with the description of the main breeds of canary, as well as the rules for their content and breeding.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_2

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_3

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_4

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_5

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_6

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_7


Canaries are one of the species of domesticated birds from a family of reels, the birthplace of which are Canary and Azores. These birds have a motley and bright plumage, can grow up to 23 cm long and usually do not gain more than 50 grams in weight.

In the natural medium, the canary lives in thick deciduous forests, groves, and nesting are preferred on terrain over 1500 meters above sea level. The diet of wild kernels includes fruit trees, plant seeds and some insects.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_8

Canary began to tame another 500 years ago. During this time, the vocal apparatus of birds was adjusted, so that these birds are known today not only because of a colorful plumage, but also a singing talent.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_9

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_10

Pros and cons of home maintenance

In the content of Canary there are positive and negative points.


  • Most of the types of canary are very small birds that do not require large cells or enclosures for content. In addition, small birds eat small portions of food.
  • Canareques can be considered one of the most talented birds in the world - their singing is not just beautiful: it is multi-level, overflow and very loud.
  • Among the canaran there are not only talented "pevins", but also incredibly bright and beautiful birds. Many breeders grown these birds due to their non-standard plumage.
  • Canaries are very restless, sociable and incredibly social birds. It is never boring with them - in many families, the canary becomes full-fledged family members on a par with other animals like cats and dogs.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_11


  • The most important minus of the content of any birds is a large amount of garbage, feathers and excrement. This forces the owners of Canary regularly clean the cells and premises where birds are located.
  • The males canary possess excellent hearing and very loud voice, which can distract from watching movies or interfere with children. At the same time, to obtain beautiful canary melodies, it is necessary to specifically teach with regular listening of singing other birds. If Kenar is not trained with singing, then it will simply publish loud, creaking and annoying sounds. Usually, decorative kerns differ poor singing.
  • As already mentioned, the canas belong to very social birds, and therefore they constantly need attention. These birds are not recommended to leave alone in the apartment for a long time.
  • If you are going to buy the decorative breed of canary, then be prepared that such birds will need to be regularly torn to preserve their saturated and bright color.
  • Useful curiosity - not about canary. These birds are not only restless and active, but also love to poke their beak everywhere. If you release the canary to fly around the apartment, then you must close all windows and doors, remove all containers with liquids, all chemicals and any human food.

Canaries love to fly for sofas, chairs or just hiding from the owner for obstacles - during such games, birds can poison old products that were inadvertently fell behind the furniture.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_12

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_13

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_14

How to determine age and how long do you live?

Not all nurseries and even professional breeders fix the age of their canary and report it during the transfer to private hands. Unfortunately, Without documents and passports, the age of such birds is quite difficult to determine.

To determine the age, you need to pay attention to the beak, legs and the plumage of the bird, as well as its behavior. In young individuals, the canvas and legs are pink, smooth and not covered with characteristic scales.

In addition, young canas are very active, restless and sociable - they are difficult to keep in one place.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_15

When buying a well-kept bird, a private breeder determine age even more complicated - Old and adult canary during careful care may have scales, and balanced nutrition even adult birds can be made active.

Usually, the canas live no longer than 10 years in a natural environment, but some species with proper care and nutrition can live up to 12-15 years.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_16

Review of species

Currently, researchers identify about 100 varieties of canary, but only some of them are grown at home. Below will be presented the most popular varieties and rocks of these birds.

  • Colored. This group includes all breeds of canary with non-standard and motley flowers in plumage: yellow (lemon color birds up to 17 cm long and weighing up to 40 grams), white (German and English breeds are highlighted here - the first plumage is distinguished by a purple tint, in the second on The grasp of the wing is yellow), red (here includes birds of red, orange and mosaic color), ivory colors (the plumage of the color of the ivory with a pinkish tump), as well as breeds with red eyes (or albinos).

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_17

  • Melanino. These include all the breeds with a non-solid or non-standard color: green (lemon abdomen, black head and dark wings), gray (look like sparrows with gray breast and orange cruve), black (all breeds of bronze, copper and dark burgundy color), Brown (birds from cream to brown tones), as well as Isabella breed (pink or motley plumage like "swallow").

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_18

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_19

  • Decorative. In this series, the researchers have identified all birds that are valued for a non-standard appearance (usually a curly or enzyst plumage). The most famous breeds - curly meninger, north curly, swiss curly and italian curly.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_20

  • Humpback. All birds can be attributed here, in which the head in a calm position is lowered below the shoulders, and the body is stretched into a vertical line. Usually these are yellowish or white birds. Breeds: Belgian, Munich, Scottish and Japanese.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_21

  • Crested. Here are all the breeds of canary with the characteristic withers on the top of the Makushka, which was formed due to experiments to increase the plumage. The most famous breeds: Gloucester, Lancashirskaya, German and English.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_22

  • Figured. This species can include all individuals of canary, which have a smooth, beautiful and contour plumage. Popular breeds: Swiss, Spanish decorative, Norwich, Canary Border, as well as Yorkshire.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_23

Tips for choosing

It is best to buy a canary in nurseries, where you can watch their behavior. By certain features you can choose a healthy, talented and active canary.

  • Healthy Kenar always behaves actively and cheerfully - he does not sit in place, but actively moving around the cage, communicates with other birds and from time to time it cocks up food from feeders.
  • Pay attention to the eyes of the bird - they are always open in healthy individuals, and patients are covered in sore eyelids, while she can sit in one place and have a lagged look.
  • A healthy canary has a smooth and tightly adjacent plumage - do not believe the breeder's words about the beginning of the molting period.
  • Even if the canary actively jumps, flies and plays, her breathing remains smooth and calm. Only in cases of aggression and fright, the breath of the bird is expensive and opened the beak.
  • Inspect the condition of the bird's paws - in young individuals, they must be piszzled, without scales and growths. These signs are talking about serious diseases or solid age of birds.
  • The litter of a healthy canary should be dense and solid, in no case is not liquid.
  • When choosing a singer Kenar, it will be necessary to first listen to how he sings, and then buy a person. Tunes at Canaries are very different, and not all of them will be pleasant to human hearing.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_24

How to care?

Canaries are considered an ideal bird for beginners - they are sociable, they accept almost any feed and undemanding to the content in the conditions of a private house or apartment.

When the kenar is kented, it is necessary to pursue the purchase of high-quality and enough spacious cell. The material of its manufacture in this case is not important (there can be both wooden and metal models), but it is better to refuse polymer cells. The optimal dimensions are 30 cm in height, 35 in length, 20 width.

It is better to choose a cage with built-in porchos, mirrors, toys and coats for feeders (the most convenient will be options with retractable feeders).

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_25

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_26

Be sure to install a water container in the cell, where the bird could sometimes swim - Canaries just adore the baths. As for the place of placement of cells with a bird, it is best to choose a well-lit and ventilated place without drafts and direct sunlight. In addition, the cell with a bird must constantly be in the field of view of a person.

No less often 2 times a week spend a thorough cleaning of the cell of your pet. Metal models are easiest to shock boiling water and dry.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_27

Poultry food should be not only balanced, but also timely, as well as diverse. Try to feed your canary in a strictly defined time every day. At the same time, the diet should not consist of a certain feed that needs to be regularly complemented by fruit.

Try to give your pernasome friend more time.

The lack of communication can affect not only the mood of the bird, but also on its appetite, and can lead to serious illnesses.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_28

How to feed?

Proper and balanced nutrition improves bird plumage, strengthens their immunity and prolongs life expectancy. In the diet of canary should include 3 groups of products.

  • Cereals. The organism of the canary perfectly assimilates almost all cereals. Wheat, barley, corn, buckwheat, rice, millet and oats are suitable for it.
  • Oilseed. This group includes products with a large content of useful fats and oils: rapeseed, chestnut, acorn, as well as bran, sunflower seeds and nuts.
  • Fresh. This group includes products of plant origin - fruits rich in vitamins: apricots, grapes, cherries, apples, peaches. Useful canary vegetables - cabbage, celery tuber, spinach leaves, bell pepper and carrots. If we talk about dried fruits, then the raisins, prunes, dates, kuragu and figs are sometimes added as feeding or delicacy in food to Canary. Not bad canirs are assimilated and fruit juices, however, with an exceptionally small percentage of sugar.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_29

To products that Not suitable for use by Canary include fruits with a large content of fats, starch and sugar. In addition, there are vegetables and fruits with a high level of acidity.

From fruits and vegetables canary It is forbidden to give potatoes in any form, persimmon, mango, papaya, avocado, as well as spicy herbs - parsley, dill and basil . In addition to fruits and vegetables, in the diet also There should be no saline, pickled, boiled and fried foods.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_30

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_31

In the cold winter and autumn seasons, the organism of the canary is undergoing serious risk, which is why at this time the diet of these birds should include sprigs of fruit or deciduous trees. They are perfectly suitable for young branches of apple trees, alder, cherries, birch trees, rowan, limes, raspberries, currants, willows, aspens and alder. Fish fat, cottage cheese with a small percentage of fatty, boiled eggs, honey and special jams from dried insects can act as a vitinal dressing of animal origin.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_32

Often, domesticated canes are chosen in the stern the most lacrimal pieces of food, and the rest of the food is left untouched.

To avoid this problem and not provoke obesity of feathered, It is necessary to determine the strict daily feed rate for them. As a rule, for one adult canary you need at least a 1.5 teaspoon of cereal feed every day. This amount can change slightly depending on the breed, age and state of the health of the bird. An increased appetite from Canary is observed in the period of molting, as well as during nesting and feeding chicks.

From time to time, mild food is added to the canaran menu. It can be a mixture of half of the cooked twisted yolk and one teaspoon of superstars or mankey, you can add a little poppy grains here.

Fruits and vegetables are added to the diet of canaran in the form of sliced ​​thin slices. Usually they are placed in cells on metal hooks, from where the birds can peck them. After meals, all feed is immediately removed from the cage. Otherwise, birds can enjoy spoiled products.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_33

An important member of the canary is clean and fresh water. It is necessary for birds not only for food, but also for beautiful singing, as well as bathing. For drinking suitable as ordinary water filtered (or outstanding water), and special bottled water for canary.

If you want to change the diet or completely change the main feed, then the transition should pass gradually. Daily increase the amount of new feed in the diet of the Canary. If you buy birds from hand, you will definitely ask what they had turned on with their menu.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_34

How to tame?

Some people prefer to catch canary, and not buy them in nurseries. The most important point during the taming of wild canary - you need to constantly communicate with birds and give them the longest time. In addition, be sure to give your bird the name and constantly repeat it when contacting it. Create the most natural conditions for the life of the bird in the cage. There must be toys, barbells, in which the bird could sit down and sing, will be quite good in the cell a warm and cozy nest.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_35

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_36

In the first days, the canary will be very afraid of you and negatively respond to sharp movements and loud sounds. Especially during cleaning, try not to raise strong noise and not gesticulate. As soon as the bird accompanies a little to you, you can try to feed the canary right from the hands. For this Place a little feed on the palm and tend it gently to the bird.

If the bird dares to eat from your palm, it can be released for a short time to fly around the room. Such rare walks will greatly improve the mood of the bird and make it more cheerful, improve appetite. During walks, you definitely close all windows and doors.

Usually the Kenarians themselves begin to sing - first small short melodies, and then long trill. To teach a bird to sing, sometimes you need to include in the room of audio recordings with the singing of canary so that your bird listened to and remembered.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_37

How to distinguish a female from male?

At the birth of the chick of canary, almost identical and do not have sexual differences, However, over time, sexual dimorphism is still expressed in several factors.

  • Usually in the females of canary, the tail is slightly shorter than the males.
  • The males canary are distinguished by loud, multistage and overflow singing. In addition, while singing their goiter is characteristically inflated. Females usually publish short and single sounds.
  • During the nesting, females are actively engaged in creating a nest, while males most often just take care of their spouses: bring them food and sing.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_38

Rules of dilution

Better for pairing and nesting birds are considered April or May . For this, healthy and active individuals older than 1 year are always selected. If you want to breed the singers of Kenarov, pay attention to the voice of the male in a pair - the talent of singing is transmitted inheritance chicks.

The female raises the eggs about 2 weeks, at this time the male is near and sings her, brings food and entertains it in every way. During this period, the female needs a balanced diet with the mandatory presence in the diet of the boiled egg with crushed crushers.

As soon as the chicks appear on the light, the male sometimes needs to be removed from the cage - it depends on how he will behave with the offspring. There are also caring kernels that actively help females during the survival and feeding of chicks.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_39

About a month after the appearance of offspring, the chicks are sitting in new cells and are grown separately. They are fed with special grain mixtures, while the conditions for their content remain standard. At this time, there should not be to wait for the Kenarov singing - it is manifested only for 2 years of life.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_40

About breeding Canary, look in the video.

Compatibility with other birds

Usually, Canareques do not advise to keep in one cell with birds of other species - in this case, there is a struggle for the territory, the attention of the owner and even for food. Most often, breeders are trying to housing to the canas of wavy parrots or scokes, but such experiments are rarely ended with success.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_41

Besides, These birds need absolutely different diet, in other vitamins and conditions of detention. It must be said that a lot depends on the nature of your canary - if it calmly relates to birds in other cells and does not tease pets, then as an experiment you can try to extract these birds to each other and breed them.

Most often, Canary takes place to other Kenamar, but approximately the same age and the same species.

Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_42

Necessary accessories

          So that the canary is not sad during the lack of a host and always knew what to do, in a cage to a bird, it is necessary to put several toys - the mirror, bells, special houses, as well as barbecues, on which birds will relax and play.

          A healthy canary never sits on one place for a long time, and her entertainment helps to throw out energy, develop muscles and strengthen the immune system.

          Adult canary sometimes gaining claws - for this, breeders buy special grinding scissors.

          Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_43

          Canaries (44 photos): Cells for poultry. Their dilution at home for beginners. What do yellow caners and other species look like? Where do they live? 11304_44

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