How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews


Cashmere coat at all times was considered a luxury and style item. Indeed, Cashmere is a relatively expensive wool cloth, which gives things exquisite and elegant look. Over time, any thing is polluted, no exception and cashmere coat. In order to clean it, you should know the features of the tissue and the process of cleansing.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_2

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_3


Cashmere is a warm material, though thin. It warms well in the cold season and windy weather. With all this, cashmere is a delicate and sensitive cloth, which poorly tolerate washing. Even if the manufacturer declares the possibility of machine washing, that is, the risk that the coat will lose the shape and attractive look.

Therefore, to clean the coat of cashmere, it should be taken carefully and preference to give the operation of dry cleaning.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_4

If for some reason it is not possible to clean the coat from dirt, stains and dust using a professional way, you can do it at home, To do this, you need to know the features of such cleaning:

  • First of all, it should be carefully inspecting the product tag, familiar with the allowed cleaning, drying and ironing;
  • It is necessary to carefully inspect the thing for the presence of spots, small contaminants. To do this, the coat should be hung on the hanger or the back of the chair. The main thing is that it is in a vertical position. Carefully worth viewing "Problem Zones" - a lining, collar, cuffs, armpits;
  • Use a brush for cleaning intended for this type of fabric. As a rule, it has soft bristles. You can replace it with a foam roller or a cloth made of soft tissue. Even using delicate cleaning agents, it is not necessary to raise the dust with sharp movements. All this can lead to deformation of the tissue;

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_5

  • After dry cleaning, use only vertical drying, and with a wet washing, horizontal drying. Such methods will help preserve the form and attractiveness of the product;
  • After dry cleaning, you can leave a coat over a hot water basin. Couples from the water will smooth out all the folds and refresh the color.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_6

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_7

Knowing the peculiarity of the product, you can easily cope with the removal of stains at home. Strong pollution will help bring two main ways to clean cashmere.

Methods cleaning

Cashmere coat cleaning at home can be carried out competently and efficiently. For this you need to know the features and types of cleaning. In order to save a coat from spots and pollution, as well as an unpleasant smell, You can use the following ways:

  • Dry (dry cleaning);
  • Wet (machine).

The first option implies the purification of the product without the use of water or using it in small quantities. This method is suitable for everyday cleansing and imparting a state appearance. Removal of pollution is carried out with dry substances, and this can be both professional and ingredients that are at hand (bread crumbs, semolina, talc).

Based on the reviews, home cleaning in this way is not inferior to professional in removing garbage and giving fresh.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_8

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_9

This procedure is as follows:

  • Hang the product in a vertical position (it will be most convenient to do on the shoulders for clothes). Fix zipper and all buttons.
  • Carefully inspect the thing for the presence of small garbage, threads and hairs. You can remove them using a roller for clothes. If it is not at hand, you can use wet rubber gloves or a soft sponge.
  • Conduct over the entire surface with a special brush for cashmere. You can gently shake it several times. Such manipulations remove the surface garbage and dust.
  • For deep cleaning, sprinkled with a powder coat, a talc or a special substance for washing. Then slightly wet brushed smoothly brush cleaning products.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_10

Wet washing implies the use of not only cleaning agents, but also water in sufficient quantities and form. Therefore, the sweeping, and wet wiping the coat with a brush, a cloth can also be attributed to a wet washing.

Such cleaning is used in case of severe pollution, the loss of the presentable appearance and the presence of an unpleasant odor. Still washing Before postponing clothes for long-term storage.

The main way of wet removal of stains is washed manually or in the car. If the label on the coat provides such a type of washing, then it can be cleaned in this way it is at home. Before machining washing, it is necessary to hold down the fur if there is such a button, and fasten the buttons or zipper. It is necessary to establish only the delicate mode, the temperature is not more than 40 degrees. Path mode should also be disabled.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_11

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_12

Empty is recommended by liquid substances, and when ringed it is worth adding air conditioning for linen or softener for water.

You can remove dirt and manually. Cold water pelvis (no higher than 25 degrees) and washing gel. Special attention should be paid to rinse. Such a process should be carried out until all cleaning substance comes out, otherwise divorces can remain on clothes. Squeeze it also should not . The best option will be wrapped with a coat in a large towel to absorb all moisture. After that, the coat should be dried in a horizontal position in the ventilated room.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_13

Types of stains and their cleaning

The result of purification largely depends on the type of stains, with whom it had to fight. Another dirt and stains from the upper clothes can be removed in such ways:

  • Small pollution, especially on the bright coat, are well rubbed with soap solution. For this, the soap is dissolved in 1 liter of warm water, and the cotton disk is wetted in it. Then the dirty plot is wiping several times a clean wet disk or sponge;
  • To remove bold spots and imparting freshness with a white coat, you can use talc. It will be necessary on a stain to apply a substance in several layers and leave for several hours. The more time passes, the more effective it will be cleaning. Then you should remove the talc from the clothes using the brush;
  • Dirt, coffee and tea will help remove the ammonia alcohol from the surface. A 0.5 teaspoon of alcohol and 1 teaspoon of glycine will be required. With a wool or sponge, moistened in this solution, is cleaned with a stain to complete disappearance. You can still alternate alcohol and soap solution. Only after these procedures should be thoroughly rinse a section with clean water so that there are no divorces;

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_14

  • Food pollution will help remove alcohol vinegar. Ingredients should be mixed in proportion 1: 1 and moisten a rag or a cotton disk. Then remove the stain, just do not do it with sharp and rude movements;
  • Footprints from fat or wine will help remove salt. It is necessary to apply salt on this site and wait from 2 to 4 or more hours. After you need a salt to shake the brush and gently wipe the track from the stain with soap solution;
  • To remove contaminants from a black coat, you can use black tea brewing. It will take a robe or a sponge moistened in such a welding. It rubs the dirty trail several times, if necessary, you should repeat the procedure.

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_15

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_16

Save the appearance, and the shape of the coat can, competently getting rid of spots, and subject to the correct care.

Care rules

Competent care for cashmere affair will increase the service life, and retain fresh color. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out the following procedures:

  • 2-3 times a week cleaned the surface of the product from fine garbage with a sticky roller. This is necessary with everyday sock. It is also important to brush the dust from the coat at the end of the day using a special brush;
  • After washing, dry the coat is strictly prohibited with the help of heating devices (iron, heater). For cashmere is allowed only natural drying;

How to clean the cashmere coat at home? 17 photos How and what at home Clean from dirt light product, reviews 11293_17

  • After washing, it is also forbidden to squeeze the product in the machine or by twisting. It is better to carefully squeeze the water with your hands;
  • It is not recommended to iron the product, better disappear. If it is not possible to try with a couple, then ironing the iron should be carefully and neat. To do this, install a delicate mode on an iron. Iron only from the wrong side or with a piece of gauze;
  • When wet cleaning, preference to give delicate cleaning substances intended for cashmere. And when choosing a stain pressure, preference to give a substance without chlorine and with a high oxygen content. This will allow gently and effectively remove contaminants and do not damage the surface.

About how to clean the cashmere coat at home, see the next video.

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