Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron?


The history of creating such a device as the iron, goes to its roots in the depths of centuries. Constantly improving, this device has changed its appearance over the years. The invention and the subsequent introduction of irons in life passed a significant way: from models, extremely dangerous in use due to coal to extremely bulky products from cast iron, from alcohol devices to operating on electricity. Nowadays, the iron is considered quite ordinary and already a banal adaptation, and hundreds of years ago he was considered the subject of luxury and even served the decoration of anyone.

Description and appointment of the device

Experts believe that the word "Iron" came to us from ancienturk language, where the word "Iron" will take place from 2 bases: "UT" - "fire", "Yuk" - "put".

Iron is a household device for ironing linen and various clothing items. It consists of a heating body of metal, a smooth surface from below and a comfortable handle from above. The principle of operation and the structure of this adaptation is not the most complex: with the help of electric current, the helix is ​​heated to a certain temperature and transmits the heat obtained plate from the metal, which is called the sole. Modern advanced devices for ironing devices are equipped with various systems: for example, preventing the appearance of scale, all sorts of electronic elements and complex regulators, the presence of which can, on the one hand, complicate the entire design, and on the other - will make it most convenient in operation.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_2

Ancient analogs

From the most pressing time, all people have dreamed of exercising high-quality care for the objects of their clothing so that they even look after the long wash without reference and ugly folds. Therefore, for these purposes, the iron was most likely invented in its time, which for hundreds of years overcame all periods of its own evolution - from polished warm stone to an improved type of wireless unit with an excipation function and such a power that can be adjusted.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_3

The most long-standing prototypes of such devices, as iron, archaeologists consider flat, specially polished and pretty heavy cobblestones. On their aligned surface, they laid wet after washing clothes, one more stone was put on top and left all the elements of the "ironing" in this position until they were dry completely. This is how the ancient Aztecs are "stroked". As a result, many folds from clothes really disappeared.

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Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_5

Residents of ancient Rome "stroked" their crumpled tunics rather heavy metal hammer: All existing folds on the tooh "knocked out" with multiple shocks of this sledge hammer. In Russian lands, "ironing" was carried out quite a long time, applying at once 2 devices: medium-sized round-section stick, which was called "roller" or "rolling", and a wooden plate with a corrugated surface that had a lot of items - for example, "Rubel", "Ribe", as well as the "Ponder".

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In the IV century BC, the ancient Greeks were used for ironing their clothes heated rod from metal. Much later, mechanical ways of smoothing the linen are replaced by ironing, where hot metals are used. Before the occurrence of electricity was still very far, for this reason, people used the most interesting designs. In the Middle Ages, something like a frying pan was used, into which the hot blazing coals were put and stroked their clothes with it. Of course, this method was extremely uncomfortable and even unsafe, besides, the sparks flew into all sides could leave holes on tom underwin, which was stroked. With the help of such methods, humanity realized the main thing: ironing the clothes efficiently, using a hot metal surface.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_7

Who and when I invented it?

Nobody will certainly say exactly when and who invented that the adaptation that was customary to be called "Iron" and in what particular country of the world he first appeared. The very first analogue of the iron, as researchers believe, was born when people created the first woven clothes. Although some of the famous archaeologists are completely sure that the skins of animals primitive people were also smoothed - most likely, mammoth bones, and this may mean that the name of the creator of the first analog for the ironing will forever be hidden from us.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_8

But it is known how the iron has gradually improved. People even in fairly long-standing times quickly thought up and implemented various ways of ironing clothes so that crumpled things after any wash looked stylishly and were not too mint. One of the most simple and most ancient methods, which actively used the most ancient people, are still used by many women in the world - just stretch the wet fabric on the stone under the stalling rays of the sun. Then most of the postgraded things will look at the world.

The most first recorded testimony that in everyday life, such devices as irons were actively used, has a date on February 10, 1636, although according to experts, the iron appeared in the houses in the houses much earlier than this date and today you can safely assume that it is already more than 2 , 5 thousand years old. It is these ages of those devices that according to their functional features remind all familiar iron now, that is, they can be derived from about 500 BC. NS.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_9

History of development and varieties

The very first mention of the instrument for ironing clothes in Russia is found in the middle of the XVII century. In 1636, the Queen Evdokia first mentioned the word "iron" in his records.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_10

The very first Russian irons began to be issued in the Demidov enterprises. In different fields of the country, this convenient place of life ordinary people were called in every way - "Proper", "Rubel", and also often occurs the name "Roll".

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Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_12

In those days, the irons were real luxury.

In the manufacture of them were decorated with luxurious ornaments, they could even be inherited, which already indicates what valuable subjects in the dwelling were still primitive devices. The presence of this adaptation in the house was considered a sign of the well-being of the family, since then these devices were extremely expensive. Frequently, the iron was put on a napkin next to a hot samovar as an additional decoration of the tea drinking process, or installed at the most prominent place at home and proudly shown to the guests.

For the most noble orders, the irons of the most incredible species could be issued - For example, in the form of a rooster or even with a pipe. Often it was possible to see on ancient iron even inlaid with copper on iron-based fixture, and irons in the houses of rich inaders are even silver ornaments. Pens for these devices most often made from the tree and were mostly smooth, but they could have been both figures depending on the preferences of the home owners. In addition, there were completely small iron, which helped without any problems to smooth out complex lace and other smallest details on clothes.

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Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_14

A little later, a fixture of cast iron appears. It was necessary to ruling on fire or in the oven. This device for ironing was heated long enough, to work with it I had to put on the hands of the mittens, as the handle became too hot. Soon he had improved a little and the opportunity to remove the handle - one base could be ironed, the second at the same time will be heated. The cast-iron product was very heavy and sufficiently massive, for this reason they could have been highly stroking only very coarse tissues. For ironing delicate materials chose a small iron.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_15

In Germany, 150 years ago, a alcohol device appears for the first time. Advertising such an iron could be read even in the publication magazines of 1913. The principle of operation of the device was similar to the well-known design of the lamp with kerosene: the inside of the device simply poured alcohol, he would fit, thanks to this, the heat needed for heating heat. Such an old device had a small weight, pretty quickly worse, was mobile. But he had one huge minus - his value was high and therefore they used only in rich houses.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_16

A hundred years ago, "carbohydrates" or "wind" devices were very popular. They externally resemble a mini stove: inside the instruments there were red flaming coals. To ensure a traction, special holes drilled in the design. Sometimes the iron on coals even had a separate pipe to exit smoke. In order to reiterate the already a bit of cooled coals, in the holes, intensely blew or actively smeared the iron itself, although it was not so easy.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_17

The ironing with the help of the coal appliance was more like a power exercise, so men were most often engaged in the workshops. A little later in the iron instead of coal began to put a hot pig out piglet made of cast iron.

At the end of the XIX century, the production of "gas" irons begins. Such a device was really heated with gas. Inside the device was placed a tubule from a special metal, not fearing thermal exposure, the second end was placed in a cylinder with gas, and the pump was placed on top. This was the distribution of gas inside the device, high qualityly heated during the operation of its sole. But this kind of irons were almost the most dangerous: gas leaks became a real misfortune, because of them there were often fires and even the explosions happened.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_18

It is worth remembering another pretty old view of the sought-after design to smooth out clothing - these are cast iron irons from the cast iron, which has been rare on fire or in the stove. For the first time they began to be used in the XVIII century and were produced in Russia until the 60s of the XX century. And although it was long possible to buy an electric device, cast irons continued to be popular, because not in all houses in those years were sockets.

With the invention of electricity, the hostess could breathe with relief, because many of their problems were solved. The appearance of electricity allowed the US citizen Henry Sili to get a covenant patent for the invention itself in the world's first electric car in 1882. But its operation was as dangerous as the use of gas appliances - the hostess received shock shock.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_19

The earliest devices running on electricity were enough capricious during operation, so in 1892, two companies immediately converted a slightly electrical appliance, inserting a special helix to heating the sole. The spiral was completely isolated and placed in the body of the product above the sole. After that, the innovations of the irons could be considered practically non-dangerous. This kind of device is also operated to this day, only small elements of design are changed in its structure and very convenient functions are added.

Thus, in the 30s of the 20th century, one of the main elements appears in the structure of the electrical device - it is a thermostat, which should control the set temperature and turn off the spiral in time when the desired level of heating the base of the iron is reached.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_20

In the 70s, ironing bases of devices changed significantly: they were no longer done by metal, since they began to produce soles from glass ceramics. The use of new materials has significantly reduced the friction coefficient of the iron sole as any fabric. For this reason, today, all modern devices slide over the fabrics, which makes it much easier for the hosts the ironing process.

To make it easier to facilitate the use of irons, the devices are complemented by humidifiers. The first structures of these interesting devices were very creative. At the end of the 20th century, 2 German women received a patent for the device, to which the device was attached with a small cup, to the edges with filled with water. At the bottom of this cup there was a hole, which was covered with a plug with an elongated handle. It was necessary to press on this handle slightly, and the plug immediately opened, while the water instantly sprinkled on dry cloth, facilitating the process of ironing. B. Brief invented an even more interesting device: it secured a pear from rubber with small holes on the handle. The pear was filled with water and, if necessary, compressed with hand - water was actively splashing on the cloth, making the ironing process more comfortable.

In 1868, a patent for a music iron was received - this unique device published funny sounds at the moment of ironing. This strange in the first view of the invention allowed to turn the tedious labor of ironers in a much more fun action. Handles and housing of this kind of products often decorated enamel of different colors, openwork threads and beautifully signed. And this gorgeous design of the iron was extremely fashionable, so irons with music were produced up to the 20s of the 20th century.

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Recently, progress is inevitably expanding philistine horizons. They touched these new trends and all familiar irons. One of the most interesting inventions in this area has become a unique system called "Laurastar". You can briefly describe it like this: it gives steam directly to a special chalkboard for ironing, which works simultaneously with the iron.

This principle is completely safe for any type of fabric, moreover, the newest technology allows you to remove not only existing folds, but even smells, and, most amazing, it removes and stains. Using it, it is possible to remove the plotted places from the fabric, as well as dried underwear, as the board itself will be heated.

Irons (22 photos): The history of the creation of antique cast iron devices on coals. Who invented the first electric iron? 11227_22

However, today, so far, many families are not in a hurry to get rid of old irons, whatever ancient and primitive they surround it. And it doesn't matter what kind of design they have, iron or cast iron, because antique devices are still high enough.

You can see about the history of irons in the next video.

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