Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews


Many hostesses are not very like to iron linen, considering this occupation tedious, because it not only takes a lot of time and strength, but also requires special care if you need to get perfectly ironed clothes.

To save a fair sex from tedious class, manufacturers of household appliances instead of the usual irons offer to purchase a steam generator. In addition to it, it is recommended to buy a special ironing board. Such a kit allows the hostess to receive excellently tailored things, while spending the minimum of time and energy.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_2


The main distinguishing feature of the ironing board for the steam generator, compared to other devices, is the presence of a special surface that allows you to simultaneously absorb steam and ensure purge. Thanks to such structural features, the process of ironing is much easier: there are penetration of steam into each folding clothes, as a result of which linen smooth smoothly, and the couple passes through the surface of the board, without creating a "wet effect."

As a result, there is a significant acceleration of the entire ironing process. The hostess can try much more underwear using a steam station with a special ironing board, compared with the usual iron and ironing board.

In addition, underwear, which is distinguished by large sizes, such as sheets or duvettes, can be folded in several layers to conveniently place it on the chain chamber. At the same time, the quality of the swoble linen will remain at a high level, as if you stroked it without folding.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_3

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_4

The surface of the ironing board for the steam station is designed in such a way as not only to pass steam, but also ensure the high degree of smooth slip for the steam generator. The surface of such devices includes 4 layers.

  1. Base. It is made of waterproof thermoplastic material, which perfectly transfers the effects of high temperatures. Also as a basis, a metal, equipped with a special wall for water repellent, can be used. There is a perforated base or a mesh layer containing a mesh, thanks to which condensate is not accumulated.
  2. Folone or felt coating. It is used to distribute steam and absorb excess moisture.
  3. Substrate made of foam. Practices the surface maximum smoothness, increasing the slip.
  4. Case made from natural fibers, such as cotton or flax.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_5

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_6

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_7

Main functions

For ironing, the linen is better to use a board with a steam generator, such a device refers to the class of active. In contrast to the "passive" product, it should be included in the electrical network, as a result of which it will perform additional useful actions.

  1. By blowing or venting. When such a function is enabled, the process of blowing the air flow, which creates a protective sheath. It provides more lightweight ironing regime, which is recommended to use for thinness of matter, men's shirts, blouses. Often, such a function of the hostess is used to refresh the upper clothes. Thanks to the function of blowing, you protect delicate fabrics from the climbing and unnecessary dents.
  2. Couple absorption or absorption. The active board for ironing the steam generator has a special compartment, which perfectly "absorbs" condensate. The wet air will soak the matter, passing through it, and attract it to the working surface, as a result of which it is much easier to align linen. In addition, excessive humidity will be removed, not leaving wet traces on blackboard or clothing.

Such a function is most often used to join the arrows on the pants or smooth the flowing fabrics characterized by an increased slide.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_8

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_9

A steam installation board ensures the performance of the above functions due to the presence of a built-in ventilation device.

If you plan to purchase a flooding board with a steam generator to use it not at home, but for professional purposes, then you need to pay attention to such a function as heating the countertops to 60 degrees. As a result of bilateral heating of the surface, clothes will be smoothed even faster. Such thermal fee provides additional drying of matter, protecting the surface of the blotting board, if it is necessary to iron lingerie for a long period of time.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_10

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_11

The included fan, which is present in the active boards, also eliminates the accumulation of excess condensed fluid.


Ironing boards for the steam generator are two varieties:

  • active;
  • Standard.

The active board for the steam system has a number of features:

  • The presence of a larger surface for ironing things;
  • Rounded edge of the table top, which allows you to better smooth up lingerie;
  • Stand for iron;
  • the presence of an equipped fan;
  • presence of pedals, which provides air supply;
  • Lower and stable legs.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_12

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_13

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_14

Subtleties of choice

To properly select the chamber for the steam generator, you need to consider a number of parameters.

  • Mass of the product. It can fluctuate in borders from 5 to 20 kilograms. Often, a fair sex is preferred with light ironing boards, which are distinguished by mobility, as a result of which even a very fragile and miniature girl can move it with ease and put it in a convenient place.
  • Dimensions. Consider this indicator when you choose a similar product. The compact dimensions of the ironing board for the steam system will hide it from prying eyes when there is no need to use this device.
  • Height. Most models can adjust the height, due to which all family members will be able to use such an ironing board regardless of their growth. A similar product can be equipped with a stepped or smooth adjustment of the placement level of the tabletop. Please note that the step mechanism refers to the most durable, but thanks to the lever mechanism you can install an ironing board in a larger height range. Specific models are characterized by a minimum height, which is equal to 40 centimeters, due to which it is ironing the lingerie.
  • Sizes and shape of the table top. The optimal option is the purchase of an ironing board, which has a pretty large table top. Thanks to this, you can almost completely place your clothes. And if the product from textiles is in large sizes, then you will move it a much smaller number of times, which will significantly speed up the ironing process. A tabletop with a pointed edge will allow you to better wear clothes for smoothing.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_15

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_16

  • Reliability and stability . Often the frame is made of plastic, characterized by increased reliability, and steel pipes. Stability of a specific model of ironing boards for a steam generator can be checked if it is collected in the working position. It is better to choose a model that has a larger surface of the feet for a support: it will differ in high resistance. If the supports go out for the outline of the table top in width, it will be the best option. Note Also, whether rubberized or corrugated caps are put on the legs: they will protect the entire device from slip by floor.

If you plan to often move such a device, then stop your choice on models equipped with additional wheels.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_17

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_18

  • The material from which the ironing board is made. Take into account the fact that if the whole design is made of wood, then the product will last you not for a long time. If the countertop is made of perforated metal, then it is necessary to acquire a device with a rather thick case, since otherwise traces from holes in the ironing process will remain on the clothes. The optimal option is to buy a product that is produced from thermoplastic. When you stroke lingerie, warmth and steam will be recorded evenly, with the result that the clothes will be much better radiated.
  • Cord length. If the cord is quite long, you will not need to place such a board with a risk with a socket, and you can put in a convenient place.
  • Availability of additional configuration. It can be a basket for accommodating small accessories, her shoulders to disappear shirts, a shelf, where strokes will be placed.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_19

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_20

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_21

Rating the best models

Now you need to highlight popular models of ironing boards, which received the largest number of positive customer feedback, which have acquired this product.

  • Bosch. The ironing board from such a brand has an excellent value for money. A similar model is characterized by such parameters: 140 centimeters in length and 45 centimeters wide, thereby placing the most necessary things during the ironing process. This model has additional heating functions, and also blows and blows out air, with the result that you can stroke things made of delicate tissues. Cotton cover is removed, so it can be easily wrapped in case of necessity. Such a device has a special stand for the steam generator. There is a built-in socket in which you can turn on the iron.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_22

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_23

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_24

  • Philips. It has quite large dimensions: 120 centimeters in length and 45 centimeters width. The surface for ironing linen is made of cotton fabric, foam, as well as swaded wool. You can adjust such a model in 6 positions. There are removable shoulders, as well as hangers for glazed linen. They can also be used to iron linen in a vertical position. Manufacturers have included special protection from children, so the baby does not work out and decompose such a product. It has a slight weight, which is 8.8 kilograms. Folded occupies a minimum of space.

In some reviews, users can find the opinion that such a product is characterized by insufficient stability.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_25

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_26

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_27

  • Hausmann. This device is characterized by functionality and convenience. The table top has a length of 125 centimeters and a width of 42 centimeters. Such an ironing board for the steam generator can be adjusted at different levels, reaching the maximum height of 90 centimeters. It has a removable case made of cotton fabric. On a special stand, you can place a steam system or iron. The countertop is made of perforated metal.
  • Type Special. Belongs to active devices. The surface of the countertop is evenly heated, as a result of which the clothing is faster and better dry. The presence of vacuum aspiration allows you to save the product from a squirrel pair, as a result of which the condensed liquid does not accumulate under the board and the wet of the cover is not observed. This board can be adjusted in height so that it is convenient to use it.
  • Lelit. It has a large tabletop, the length of which is 122 centimeters, and the width is 38 centimeters. Thanks to the equipment with a powerful electric motor, such an ironing board can operate in 3 modes: vacuum aspiration, blowing air, as well as warming up the table top. You can switch between different modes by pressing a special button on the working surface. The frame is made of metal. There is a removable case made of cotton fabric.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_28

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_29

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_30

In the reviews, some users note that such a product has a fairly large weight (17 kilograms), as a result of which a similar ironing board is difficult to move around the apartment.

Now you know what boards for steam generators are, and you can pick up suitable for yourself.

Ironing board for steam generator: rating of the best products, active board with stand for iron. How to choose? Reviews 11197_31

On how to choose a steam ironing system, see below.

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