Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture


Responsibilities of each housewife contain several mandatory items that must be performed daily. One of them is ironing. On the one hand, it is very pleasant to sleep on the stroked sheets, and in the morning put on the clothes. And on the other hand - every day you have to disassemble the ironing board, put it in the right place, and after collecting the design and remove to the far corner. These actions, from day to day, exhaust not only the physical, but also the emotional state of the woman.

Understanding the severity of this work, the manufacturers managed to find a way out. Ironing boards have passed several levels of modernization and now have compact sizes, thanks to which they can hide in the furniture design.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_2


To date, the minimalism of the home interior plays a huge role in the apartment and house. The smaller the furniture is present in space, the better. But despite this, each element of the interior should be multifunctional. For example, a tea table must be laid out to the size of the overall table, and the sofa turn into a comfortable double bed.

Sliding separately standing ironing board lost its relevance. It is much easier to open the closet and lower the ironing surface. This process does not take much time. If necessary, the ironing procedure can be quickly stopped, and the workplace is collected for half a minute. A built-in ironing board is presented in the global market in several models. Each of them has a number of features, advantages and disadvantages. And yet there are several equivalent qualities between them.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_3

The built-in assembly system is distinguished by an increased level of strength. It is safe, even a small child can cope with her. The mechanism of folding inside the cabinet or any other subject of the interior where the ironing surface is hidden, developed by a unique scheme, which tightly holds the design in the selected person's position. Speaking with simple words, internal attachments are able to keep the ironing board in the desired plane.

The aesthetic side of the issue is important. The bulky ironing board, standing in the collected form in the corner of the room, always rushed into the eyes of the guests. But now everything is neat and compactly decomposed and hidden behind the design doors. The folding system is easy to handle and invisible in everyday life.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_4

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_5


The main trend of modern ironing boards is the aesthetics of the appearance, compact sizes and multifunctionality. This household will be able to set up anywhere, for example, in the bedroom, living room and even in the kitchen.

As embedded ironing boards, several important advantages were identified.

  • Dimensions. These boards, in contrast to their predecessors, do not require additional supports in the form of crossed legs. They freely descend from the cabinet or put forward from the bedside table. Modern manufacturers offer their customers ready-made furniture with ironing device. In the case of non-standard dimensions, the ironing cabinet will have to be ordered separately.
  • Easy use. The ironing surface is freely extracted from the closed door of the cabinet or smoothly leaves the cabinet. The board is fixed under a convenient inclination and also removes back. It is worth noting that the entire assembly process passes quietly, the Sunday ironing does not prevent the sweet sleep of households.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_6

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_7

  • Security. In order to eliminate the possibility of injury, manufacturers have developed a special fastening system. Just knock over the board or sharply lower it will not work. Special attention is paid to this issue with young mothers.
  • Designer approach. When developing models of embedded ironing boards, a lot of aspects, requirements and wishes are taken into account. It is very important that the product is economical, but at the same time very luxurious. Many housewives prefer to use the ironing surface of large sizes, but some sufficient and minimal boards. Given the interests of every, designers have developed models of different values.
  • Decorative part. With the interior arrest, many hostesses are watching even the smallest details that should be harmonized with a common style. The crying boards should also be combined with the design.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_8


Like any subject of life, Built-in ironing board has several drawbacks.

  • It is almost impossible to purchase a separately suitable style and interior furniture with an integrated ironing surface. And to change the entire headset because of the like good it is inappropriate. Therefore, you will have to refer to experienced professionals, which will be able to perform the necessary element of furniture according to the required parameters. That's just furniture to order is much more expensive than the acquisition of a complete set of headset.
  • Often the long-term process of ironing tires housewives. Especially if the linen is a lot. I want to sit back on the back of the seat and distract the TV screen. Unfortunately, if you do not think about this issue in advance, you will have to look for additional entertainment options, because the built-in ironing board does not seem to be possible.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_9

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_10


Modern models of built-in ironing boards are manufactured by manufacturers in several species, thereby expanding the buyer's horizon and giving it the opportunity to choose the most suitable design for ironing.


This type of built-in ironing board refers to the classical mind. In general, it does not have differences from its portable fellow, except that its design has a special cover with a fastening mechanism installed on the wall. An important dignity of the folding model is simplicity and reliability. In the folded state, the ironing surface is located in a vertical state along the wall. The restriction for the required dimensions is only a hiding surface.

The folding ironing board is equipped with a special fastening mechanism that is easy to hide in the closet. In the case of wall mounting, hide metal inserts will not be possible, respectively, the style of the room will be slightly spoiled.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_11

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_12

Folding ironing board built into the mirror

Quite an interesting solution for any interior. Manufacturers are ready to offer a variety of dimensions mirrors, any forms, the main thing that the ironing surface is hidden from the universal gaze.

The mirror can be equipped with a mechanism of door sprinkling, but the main demand goes on the model with a revealing mirror surface.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_13


Models of ironing boards with a retractable mechanism are placed in small drawers and chests. The only disadvantage is the size of the couch in which the hidden surface is located for ironing. The mechanism of movement of this model is quite complex, rough operation can lead to a quick breakage.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_14

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_15

Built in cabinet

The most popular version of the built-in ironing board for a large family. The base for attachment can be a linen cabinet, where one shelf will have to highlight the iron and the necessary means for ironing. In large-sized cabinets, you can make a swivel ironing surface.

It is worth noting that for the hidden doors of the cabinet the most suitable will be a folding ironing surface. The wardrobe will be able to place a folding board for ironing.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_16

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_17

Kitchen with ironing board

A fairly interesting option designed for embedded kitchens with a large quadrature. It also places washing machine, there is a grooved ironing board nearby. And in the bedside table on the shelf there is everything you need for ironing.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_18

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_19

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_20

Few people know that the models embedded in the closet also have some classification.

  • Folding ironing board. Special fixture for ironing with a simple mechanism. For technical specifications, it reminiscent of the classic version of the ironing board.
  • Extendable surface for ironing. Unlike folding models, it takes much less space. The design itself hides in the cabinet box. The sliding mechanism is quite complex and fragile, due to which it can often break.
  • Hidden model. Hidden ironing boards are mainly located behind the mirror in niche. But instead of the mirror you can install any surface, for example, open shelves.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_21

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_22

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_23

Ironing boards are not just an element from the list of household items. This is a very important thing, without which it is impossible to do under any circumstances. External characteristics allow you not to easily facilitate the work of a housewife, but also bring additional comfort to the ironing process. To date, in search of a high-quality ironing board, you can spend more than one hour of time, while not finding a suitable model.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_24

To date, Russian production models have acquired great popularity. They are appreciated by unsurpassed quality and high strength. Ease of operation and basic technical specifications bring them to first places. SHELF ON IRON SLIM ECO is quite in great demand.

Along with the Russian manufacturer, the brand FOPPAPEDRETTI (Italy) uses great popularity among ironing boards. His line of goods is filled with a variety of models with unimaginable design solutions. Multifunctionality of products allows you to rejuvenate even the most complex jams in hard-to-reach places.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_25

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_26

Recommendations for choosing

Before you start choosing the desired model of an embedded ironing board, you should decide on its stationary location. Someone is convenient that the place for ironing is located in the dressing room. By the way, it is very convenient to immediately lay out and hang on the hangers of strokes.

For others, the most comfortable will be the use of an ironing board built into the kitchen set. Such a location is also convenient, given that the washing machines often began to install in the kitchen.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_27

After selecting the place you need to decide on the size of the ironing surface. A small design is best suitable for the kitchen. It can be hidden in the drawer with a retractable mechanism.

For the living room, it is best to make a choice in favor of a large ironing surface. It can be placed in the closet or in the furniture of the oblong form. The surrounding environment will help brighten the grueling process of ironing, television programs will bring voice diversity, and interesting programs will reduce working time.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_28

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_29

Making a choice in favor of a specific model, several important factors should be taken into account.

  • Reliability of the parsing and folding mechanism. According to its principle, the built-in ironing boards from the technical side is much more complicated than their folding predecessors. It is very important to carefully inspect the mechanism of the embedded surface. It must be made of durable metal. During the preliminary inspection, it takes several times the work of the mechanism and listen to the presence of extraneous noise. The process of lowering should be smooth and soft, sharp shocks talk about poor-quality mount.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_30

  • Quality support. Special support performs the function of supporting the ironing board in a horizontal state. For the retractable model, the support is installed in the wall or in the box. It is important to check the strength of the support of the support, otherwise the ironing surface can fall out of the closet.
  • The weight. The mass of the design of the ironing surface should not exceed the required norm. Speaking with simple words, the weight of the ironing board should correspond to the mounting wall.
  • Stability design. The ironing board should be firmly standing in a horizontally position, do not hang, do not stagger and do not move. These factors affect the comfort of the ironing process.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_31


Quite often before you purchase one or another thing, every person tries to learn about the goods you are interested in more information. At the same time, they turn to relatives, acquaintances, friends, colleagues, are looking for comments from satisfied owners on the Internet and any representatives of the media.

But even standard knowledge make it clear that the built-in ironing board is a real breakthrough in the household sphere. Many hostesses emphasize the convenience of its operation, especially if small children live in the house.

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_32

Built-in ironing board (33 photos): retractable folding board, built into the cabinet and mechanisms of hidden folding fixture 11189_33

Each chapter of the family expresses great thanks to the manufacturers of these structures. Now you do not have to constantly drag the massive ironing board in a comfortable place, and then clean it.

Of course, only positive feedbacks can cause doubts, but in the case of negative statements should be attentive. Perhaps dissatisfied owners before purchasing goods, did not take into account the size of the ironing surface, the mechanism of fastening, or chosen an uncomfortable place for stationary ironing.

About how to make an ironing transformer board with your own hands, see the next video.

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