How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots


With the advent of stretch ceilings, our homes were transformed. A variety of colors and textures allows you to choose exactly the option of design of the living room, dining room, bathroom or children's, who pleases us with its beauty, and maybe practicality. A real professional mounted a mounted construction quickly, and we will save us from that mud, which accompanies the usual repairs, if we, for example, blellied, painted the ceiling, adhesive tile or wallpaper.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_2

What is especially pleased with the owners, for glossy, matte, fabric clutters it is easy to care for, and it is not necessary to do it too often. The main thing is to know how to wash the stretch ceiling correctly. It all depends on where it is installed, from which materials is made, how much time it serves, and what kind of pollution has appeared on it.

How to wash the stretch ceiling?

Before you start such a responsible event, take care in advance about So that everything you need is at hand:

  • strong table, steady staircase;
  • foam sponges, pure fabric, gauze;
  • detergents - purchased or cooked with their own hands;
  • Swabers with soft nozzles, rubber gloves.

Starting general cleaning, remember that it is impossible to prescribe too much to the surface, so it is easy to deform. Forget about knives and scissors. In no case can you try to scold the spot if you do not want to change the ceiling completely.

Observe elementary precautions and turn off the light, you still have to work with water and solutions.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_3

Cleaner is better to purchase in the store. Explore information on which components it contains. You can use liquids for washing dishes and glasses, pre-divert them with water and knocking into a foam.


Over time, the snow-white ceiling, unfortunately, can acquire a yellowish tint. It requires some care. First you need to try to wash it with a conventional soap solution. If it did not help, We will have to resort to the help of a liquid containing chlorine. In tanks with warm water, dissolve a little chloride substance (no more tablespoon). And mop with soft coating my surface. We are waiting for it to completely dry, carefully examine it for divorces and stains. If any, we repeat the procedure again.

For bleaching, special means for washing floors can be used, but also with great caution, pre-soluble in water.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_4

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_5

Use only soft rags when processing the surface. And necessarily before applying any solution Check how it acts. Treat a small imperceptible site and check its condition after complete drying. If everything is in order, you can proceed.

It is best to consult with the experts who installed you design. Most likely, they will prompt, the better to clean the white mirror ceiling without damaging it.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_6


An ordinary soap solution that we use may be on the black ceiling, as on color, leave white stripes, Therefore, the algorithm of action is as follows:

  1. We remove them with the help of a sponge and clean water, and then, and the other change several times. Only so you can achieve perfect cleanliness.
  2. Then a soft cloth wipe the dry surface. We do it until no white trace remains.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_7

How to wash glossy?

In case of easy dusting, it can be wiped with flannel or suede cloth. Soft brush is suitable. If you don't have enough dry cleaning, go to wet.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_8

To wash the mirror surface without divorces, Observe a certain algorithm of actions and follow easy advice:

  1. Remove all rings and bracelets before the procedure. If you have long sharp nails, put on gloves. If these precautions are not followed, you can inappropriate to damage the film material.
  2. We do not use cleaning agents with abrasive additives, powders with solid particles and soda. Scratches can remain from them. It is better to fit sprays with the content of the ammonia, the means for washing the glasses. They will get rid of you from the need to deal with divorces and give the radiance of the glossy surface. Do not overdo it with polishing, press only slightly.
  3. When buying a means for washing the ceiling in the store, please note: it should not contain acetone. Its use threatens by changing the color of the treated surface and even damage to its structure. Forget also about alkali, acids, chlorine.
  4. If there are no stains, it is enough to wash the surface simply with water no higher than 40 degrees. You can make a solution using economic, baby soap, dishwashing agent.

Wash the ceiling from left to right, avoiding circular movements. If you do everything right, there will be no divorce. Then the surface must be wiped to dry and polish.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_9

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_10

We put in order matte

It does not need frequent cleaning, practical and convenient. Dry cleaning is suitable for it. Dust can be removed with a brush or vacuum cleaner. Use a special fabric nozzle. And even in this case, keep the vacuum cleaner for several centimeters from the ceiling and do not touch the design itself to damage it.

If a wet cleaning is needed, first get rid of dust with dry tissue. Then we make a soap solution and mine with a sponge. When using spray, spray it to the surface and distribute circular movements along it using a sponge. At the end of the work, we proceed the entire surface with clean water, and then a dry cloth.

Matte ceiling themes and it is good that it practically no divorces remains on it.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_11

How to clean fabric?

It is more difficult to care for such a coating at home, the remedy needs to choose carefully depending on how much the surface is contaminated. If the cloth has a small flare, it can be removed with warm water and microfiber or suede. Wipe it very carefully . With solid pollution, it is necessary to very carefully dissolve the washing powder in water and wash the ceiling.

Use glass washing liquid cannot be left, it can leave traces on the tissue surface.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_12

Multi-level ceilings require a special relationship. The processing of these design is more time consuming, but the principles are all the same We act very carefully, not three and do not give:

  1. Carefully choose detergents.
  2. First process the upper tiers.
  3. Seam between the canvas is only along. Otherwise, soap foam can get inside and spoil the coating, deprive its glossy glitter.
  4. Cloths process twice: first with soap solution, then clean water.
  5. Then we wipe the dry cloth and in complete with polishing the napkin.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_13

Funds for all cases

Nowadays, there are quite a few special funds on the market that any ceilings can be washed and cope with pollution. They contain non-aggressive chemicals and are not able to damage the surface. A few words about the most popular and effective:

  • Edelweiss It is intended for cleaning tensioned webs, for convenience on the bottles there is a sprayer. It has a gentle composition and does not contain alkalis and acids. This gives a guarantee that you do not damage the glossy surface.
  • The same characteristics possesses Nouvel. This tool copes with any, even the most complex pollution.
  • Excellent among the owners proven itself Loc from Amway. Delicate surfaces just for him, cleanse them carefully and efficiently.
  • It will cope with the task and "Mister Muscle".

Choose and solve you. Of course, you will have to spend money, but you will definitely be sure that everything will be fine with your stretch ceiling. If it is not possible to use one of the above funds, we use what's at hand, showing maximum caution.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_14

Remove yellow spots

This task is complicated, especially if the stains were formed from evaporation and course. It is better to insure yourself from leaks. But not in all cases it is possible, unfortunately.

In the fight against yellow spots, we use soap and powder dissolved in water. It can be a liquid colorless soap, usual or economic in the form of chips. If you choose the powder, then all the granules are very carefully dissolved. Welcome soft rag and wipe polluted places.

You can also use special compositions for ceiling coating that are sold in business stores.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_15

Wipe the dust

Stretch designs in the rooms are best installed when all major repair work is over.

But if the ceiling was still stained, then quickly after repair it can be treated with a soft clean napkin. For fabric cloth in the same situation Suitable vacuum cleaner. Hold it at a distance of several centimeters from the processed area.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_16

We save from fat

Kitchen dirt is especially cunning and will need a little more effort and time, Before you get rid of it:

  • Fatty spots penetrate into the canvas, so it is not enough to wipe their wet sponge. Treat the "bold" area to detergent or windows and wait for 15-20 minutes.
  • The stain must dissolve, and then process the surface with clean water and swipe the napkin dry. If the first attempt was unsuccessful, repeat the procedure. You can use ammonia hydrate. It will not hurt the surface and cope with the resistant mud.
  • In emergency cases, it may come to the aid of steam mop. We use the microfiber nozzle and move parallel to the seams. If you work a steam cleaner, we guide the jet up. After that, we remove the droplets with dry napkins.

You can treat the surface by ammonic alcohol. Then a divorce will not appear on the mirror surface.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_17

Get rid of ashot

This type of contamination, like soot, is characteristic of the kitchen. There are no special tricks here. With severe pollution, you need to wet the stain with soap solution and give time to dissolve it. At the end, the glossy ceiling must be treated with alcohol or vodka in proportions one to ten. It will return the stretch design of the former shine.

You can use dishwashing fluid. In a cup with warm water, you need to beat one teaspoon of the means before the formation of lush foam. She we process the required area.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_18

Tobacco smoke

To remove such traces there is no universal means. All methods given above equally will get rid of the surface from the nicotine layer. Choose yourself - it will be a soap solution or a dishwashing detergent, a wiper or a specialized aerosol for tensioning coatings. The only touch that can complete the picture is Adding to a solution of aromatic substance To get rid of the smell of tobacco.

If it did not work out to return the ceiling of the pristine whiteness, refer to the specialists, do not experiment with unfamiliar components. This is dangerous.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_19

How to remove the marker?

On the glossy coating, such a trace can be tried to remove with a soap solution. If it did not work, then you can use alcohol. Some use liquid to remove a varnish that does not contain acetone, and a solvent, diluted with water. But if you decide to such an experiment, First you need to try the impact of the composition on the invisible area.

If the ceiling is matte, pull the place of contamination by the usual eraser. Only very carefully, do not cease, otherwise wipe the hole.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_20

Useful advice

The decoration of the ceiling is the chandeliers and all kinds of point lamps. And, of course, even the most pure ceiling does not spoil in a new way if dusty lighting devices will be mounted on it. It happens that a bulk crystal or glass chandelier with many elements is difficult to remove from the ceiling. Then, using a steady table or a stepladder, wash it right on the ceiling. Previously do not forget to unscrew the light bulb, and in the cartridge shove the paper.

As for dot lamps, it is better to disassemble them for full cleaning. The room must be de-energized, and carefully remove the lamps. If you are afraid that you can not return everything to the place, take a picture of the sequence in which you disassemble the design. You can try to drop light devices without removing them. But then it will not be possible to fully clean the dirt from the inside, which accumulated between the ceiling and the lamp. In addition, there is a risk of damage to the stretching surface. You can inadvertently pressing and increase cuts made for flashlights. There is also a risk of disrupting the connection of electrical wires.

This is exactly the case when it is better to seek help from specialists if you are not quite confident in your abilities.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_21

How often wash the ceiling - to solve you. It all depends on how many times a year you make general cleaning in the apartment, whether the floors are mine every day and wipe the dust. After all, its particles settle on the ceiling, and over time, they turn into dirt under the influence of a variety of factors. An important role is played by the fact that the ceiling is located.

The suspended ceiling, located in the kitchen, faster loses its primordial appearance than its "counterparts", mounted in the rooms. No matter how neither the owner, the attachment will ever get drunk, and "decorate" the fat and soot. Stretch canvas Here you need to wash much more often than in other rooms, twice a year, at a minimum. And if the family is big and the cook constantly steer something, fries, cooks and bake, the general cleaning is even more often required. Otherwise, then it will be very difficult to launder the ceiling well.

It should be noted that it is best to install matte surfaces in the kitchen, to achieve the original mirror in this room.

How to wash the stretch ceiling? 22 photos than laundering a glossy or matte coating without divorces, how to quickly clean at home, how to remove yellow spots 11135_22

Other rooms also have its own features:

  1. In the bathroom, the ceiling suffers from a limescale, which in turn form pairs and drops. In a large family, the establishment of a horizontal curtain will be useful, it will protect the top of the room from a premature plaque.
  2. The mounted ceiling on the loggia need a weekly wiping with a dry towel. Here the coating will be dusting constantly, especially if the road is near.
  3. In the living room you can afford to install a glossy multi-level ceiling with all sorts of lamps. This design can be cleaned once a year during global cleaning.
  4. Fabric and matte canvases are characteristic of cabinets and bedrooms. Materials containing an antiseptic layer just wipe marks.
  5. The same applies to the hallways. But in the children, most likely you will need a wet cleaning as pollution, most likely it will occur more than once a year, and not even two, but much more often.

Even more useful tips on how to wash the stretch ceiling, see the next video.

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