Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside


Washing windows is a cost-in-time process both in time and in attached effort. If everything is easier with normal layouts, then with non-standard windows, located in high-rise buildings, things are much more complicated.

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_2

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_3


Select the glass cleaning method so that it meets all the necessary requirements, even more difficult, since for this it is necessary to carefully examine the issue and allocate the main disadvantages and advantages of a particular tool. A brush for washing windows comes to the rescue, which decides several problems at once. It is convenient, practical and accessible, although a wide range generates a lot of questions in the selection stage.

The windows washing brush represents a device with two nozzles: a soft part for removing dirt and divorces, a scraper for water. The length of the handle, color, material, form, electronic control, the set of additional services in the form of an angle of inclination of the nozzle or the mechanism of elongation of the handle is the features of each model.

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_4

As for the advantages of such a variant of cleansing windows, they are quite understandable.

  • Convenience. The practicality of the use of the brush is that it covers a fairly extensive area of ​​the window, allowing you to clear the large area in a short time. In addition, the brush is equipped with two nozzles, each of which performs a specific function, which makes it possible to cope with contamination quickly and simply, and the cleaning process will consist of two stages. On the first, you must apply a cleansing agent or simply moisten the window and nozzle with water, after which the window cleaning begins with smooth movements. The removal of the mud occurs quickly, and at the stage of the stage, the glass is rubbed to the brilliance, the divorces, droplets from the water and sublifting are eliminated. There are also such variants that do not need detergents, since the material surface has a unique structure and the cleaning process is due to the characteristics of the fibers.
  • Use at altitude. Washing windows in high-rise buildings is not just a complicated, but sometimes the danger process. The brush eliminates any threats and problems because it has a long handle or a magnetic basis depending on the type. Such a device will quickly become an indispensable helper when it is necessary to put panoramic windows or glazed loggias at high altitude.

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_5

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_6

  • Saving. Using windows washing brushes significantly saves time and resources. For example, magnetic remote control products purify the surface in a short time and do not require constant observation, but other options are no less economical. Ordinary magnetic brushes clean the surface at once from both sides and exclude the need to wash the windows on the other hand, which is complex, and at the same time dangerous occupation.
  • Allergies. People with allergic reactions arise difficulties in the process of cleaning, because it requires the use of severe household chemicals, but with a brush, this option is excluded. There are such variations of brushes, which make a washing without the use of cleaning products, while the quality of performance does not suffer. In particularly difficult cases, a soap solution may be needed, but these are exceptions.
  • Hard work. Houses located near the roads or at a high altitude, where there is no possibility to clean the cleaning often have certain difficulties, since such a flap of dust and dirt accumulates on the glasses, which get rid of it with familiar means becomes impossible. A brush for washing windows comes to the rescue, which eliminates the problem in all hard-to-reach places, in particular, along the edges and in the corners.

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_7

Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_8

    The brush for washing windows has both disadvantages.

    • Price. The main disadvantage of some devices is the high cost. It must be said that it is fully justified, but at the initial stage to achieve the desired result in cleaning will have to be spent.
    • Quality. Different firms use their materials, so the quality in the cheapest models may suffer. This applies to cheap plastic products, which is relatively low.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_9


    There are many types of brushes for cleansing windows and all of them possess both advantages and certain disadvantages.

    Mop with telescopic handle

    Telescopic velter is the easiest, but at the same time a rather convenient option. It represents one or two nozzles with a long handle that is regulated in terms of length. Sometimes there are a change in the position of detergent from 15 cm to several meters in such brushes, which allows you to clean the entire contaminated surface on both sides. For standardized windows, models are suitable with an average length of the handle, and the owners of large-scale windows need to choose mop with a long handle. This option is suitable for cleansing panoramic windows in private homes or glazed loggias in high-rise buildings.

    There are such two types of mop with a telescopic handle as:

    1. household;
    2. Professional.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_10

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_11

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_12

    In the first case, the brush has only one soft nozzle, and there are no additional functions and length adjustment. Products for professional sinks allow you to change the angle of inclination, as a result of which the cleaning process becomes much easier, and hard-to-reach places are cleaned without any problems. During cleaning, it is important to comply with the rules of use and clearly follow the cleaning technique specified on the packaging, since otherwise ugly divorces, droplets from water and even some contaminants may remain.

    From the disadvantages, you can note the short service life, although it is corrected with a neat use and frequent change of the detergent part, which over time fails.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_13

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_14


    Magnetic brushes on the domestic market appeared not so long ago, but have already managed to gain popularity. They represent a design of two identical parts that are based on a magnet. It allows the brushes to fix between glass and move in one direction at any height, which is the main advantage of such a product. During the work, one part of the brush cleans the inner side, and the second - removes the contamination on the outside of the window.

    For the manufacture of a cleaning surface, a soft felt or a foam rubber is usually used, which is replaced as qualities in the process loss during operation. Replaceable parts are sold in most large shopping stores, so there should be no problems with the replacement.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_15

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_16

    In addition to the soft part, there is a polishing component for removing divorces and detergent residues. Due to this, the highest quality result is achieved, and the windows are sparkling from purity. Many scares the fact that the magnetic part can fall from a high height, as a result of which the device will be broken, and the money is spent in vain, but the manufacturers solved this problem. In modern models there is a cord as an insurance, which is attached to the second part, pounces on the hand of the washer or the glass stick.

    When buying such an expensive product, it is necessary to pay attention to the characteristics, since even externally similar models are radically different in terms of functions and features.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_17

    The main point to which it is worth navigating is the magnet power, because the performance and service life will depend on it. In addition, devices produce the following species depending on the thickness of the windows:

    1. single-chamber packs 25 mm;
    2. showcase glasses from 6 mm;
    3. Two-chamber double-glazed windows 30 mm.

    Information on the type of glass package for which the brush is intended, is indicated on the product label, and in the case of its absence it is necessary to clarify everything from the seller. An equally important point is the length of the safety cord, which must be twice the width of the window. The advantages of such a model is the ability to quickly cope with pollution on high floors, to save time and eliminate any threats to the health of the washer. The cleaning process occurs quickly and simply with the removal of contaminants from all hard-to-reach places, and with electronic models it is simplified before placing the apparatus on the window and securing the safety cord.

    Of the shortcomings it is worth noting a high cost, but the product is bought once, and if the choice was made correctly, it will delight owners over long years.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_18

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_19

    When choosing the device, you need to understand that the thickness of the windows with which it can cope is an important feature, since it will not work the same brush for windows in the room and the loggia if the thickness of the windows is different. Problems may occur with the improper selection of the device. Thus, the power will be too high, and the movement of the product will slow down, and with an unnecessary thick thickness of the window, the magnetic brush will not work at all, since the magnet will not hold the second part.

    Even if there is a remote control, sometimes checking the work of the product, because the cable can break through, and the apparatus will fall directly to people. Such cases are rare, but caution is very important.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_20


    A steam brush for cleaning windows is an indispensable assistant for many owners. Such a brush has several nozzles for different surfaces and hard-to-reach places, 3-4 operation modes that allow you to adjust the amount of steam aqueous. Such a brush not only cleans the surface, but also disinfects it, which is difficult to achieve when using even the strongest detergents.

    The main disadvantages are the high cost and the possibility of cleaning only the inside of the surface of the glass.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_21

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_22


    The autonomous view does not require constant wetting (water is supplied automatically), cleans the glass on both sides, uses the detergent and removes dirt from the most difficult places. The design consists of two parts with a magnet as a basis and cleaning nozzles that are somewhat included. The brush is charging from the network, has a safety cord, and one charge is enough for half an hour of work.

    The disadvantages are the cost and difficulty in the selection stage, since it is necessary to evaluate all the minutes and advantages to choose a model that will meet the requirements of a particular person.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_23

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_24

    How to use?

    For each type of brush, there is a way to use the manufacturers to write on the instructions and labels. Brushes with a telescopic handle and steam mechanism should be used as follows:

    • First you need to get rid of extra details and dust on the windowsill;
    • score a bucket with clean water, if necessary, prepare a soap solution;
    • Match the cleaning part in water or solution and smooth movements from the bottom up to start wiping the windows; In difficult cases, you will have to go a few times on the surface to completely get rid of dirt;
    • Mix the mop in clean water and remove the remnants of the means, after which it is used to use the scraper, it will polish the glass and cope with stains from divorces or droplets of water, if any remained.

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_25

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_26

    Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_27

      Magnetic and autonomous devices should be used as follows:

      • Secure the product on both sides of the window and run it. Before this, be sure to check the safety cord;
      • wet cleaning parts, if necessary, add a soap solution, periodically monitor the operation of the device, you can spray detergent directly on the window;
      • Hand adjustment brushes need to be moved independently, and autonomous models will move along the specified route;
      • In some models, polishing occurs by the same nozzle, in others - they must be changed.

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_28

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_29

      Manufacturers: Review and reviews

      High-quality magnetic brushes produce companies such as Tatla and Window Wizard. The cost of models ranges from 2000 to 5,000 rubles, depending on the configuration.

      • Brushes Tatla Use for cleaning single-chamber glass windows. They have a powerful magnet that allows you to easily clean the window even in 32 mm.
      • For two-chamber windows, it is advisable to use brushes Window Wizard..
      • From Chinese options, you can mark the manufacturer's goods Glass Wiper. which is suitable for cleansing single glass windows.
      • Brushes with a steam mechanism produce different companies and all of them are about the same, and the average cost of such a product is 2000 rubles.

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_30

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_31

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_32


      You should adhere to the following tips from specialists when choosing a brush for washing windows:

      • Before purchase, it is necessary to highlight the basic requirements and make a choice in the direction of a particular model whose characteristics correspond to all points;
      • It is necessary to take into account the type of windows, their thickness, surface extensity and the presence of hard-to-reach places;
      • It is necessary to choose high-quality products, the price of them is higher than usual, but the service life will delight for many years;
      • magnetic brush is an excellent device for windows located at high altitude;
      • Steam brushes not only purify glass from dirt and dust, but also disinfect surface;

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_33

      Window washing brush (34 photos): cleaning option on both sides, double-sided products with telescopic handle, options for washing outside 11098_34

      • Mops for windows with adjustable handle are suitable for all types of glasses;
      • A double-sided brush for windows outside and inside has excellent technical characteristics, a double sponge-walker for cleaning window openings may be rubber and electric, which is better - to determine difficult; The product is suitable for use both on the balcony and for the car.

      Overview of the magnetic brush for washing windows, see the next video.

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