Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands?


Upholstered furniture in the process of operation gradually loses its attractive appearance, covered with mud, dust, pets of pets, spots of various origin. The sofa is most susceptible to the highest loss of presentability - the central element of the interior of any housing. It is worth reading the ways and the means of cleaning at home.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_2

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_3

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_4


Cleaning the sofa at home is a time-consuming, complicated, painstaking, but still performing the procedure. Its features and technology depends on a number of nuances that should be taken into account in order to avoid irreversible damage or damage to the upholstery material.

Methods, means and tools for cleaning the couch of the house are determined based on such criteria as:

  • Upholstery material and its features;
  • The nature of pollution, the degree of their intensity.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_5

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_6


For upholstery upholstered furniture Modern manufacturers use 3 main types of materials : Fabrics (natural, semi-synthetic and synthetic), as well as artificial and natural skin. Sofas with tissue upholstery are subject to the strongest pollution, which accumulates dust absorbs moisture and unpleasant odors.

Careless cleaning of such furniture using aggressive detergents can cause the emergence of polinted, decisions and other defects on the upholstery.

The most capricious upholstery material is considered silk. This expensive fabric easily absorbs extraneous smells, quickly covered with dust and salted stains. For home cleaning of furniture with silk upholstery, exceptionally soft and delicate stained means are used. Delete stains from the surface of silk is allowed to be a soft clean cloth or a microfiber cloth.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_7

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_8

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_9

Soft furniture with upholstery from dense natural, synthetic and semi-synthetic fabrics It is easier to clean the dust and salted spots. Many types of fresh pollution are easily removed from such a upholstery with a warm soap, weak acetic or so-soda solution.

Soft furniture with upholstery from velor, velvet and flock Purified from stains and lining traces with a napkin from microfiber, moving in one direction - strictly in vile. For Cleaning the sofa with an upholstery of chicken, tapestry or jacquard Apply a brush with a thick synthetic or genuine bristle.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_10

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_11

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_12

Sofas with natural or artificial leather upholstery More resistant to the appearance of pollution. To maintain a presentable appearance of such furniture enough regular surface wet cleaning.

Cleaning Sofa with skin upholstery or leatherette From dirt and fatty spots are carried out using a foam sponge dipped in a warm soap solution.

It is ultimately not recommended to be used to remove spots from any upholstery materials chlorine-containing and acetone-containing means.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_13

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_14

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_15

Some types of upholstery materials It is not difficult to clean up with such households: Soda, washing powder, lemon juice, soap solution. To remove complex and old pollution, you can use both professional detergents and special cleansing compositions prepared with your own hands.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_16

Character and degree of contamination intensity

Selecting the tools, tools and methods of cleaning the sofa, The origin of contaminants should be taken into account, their intensity, limitidity period. Some types of stains are almost unable to remove at home. Attempts by their derivation with the help of aggressive detergents usually lead to a damage of upholstery.

Experts of cleaning companies allocate the following groups of pollution, based on the characteristics of their origin:

  • food: oils, coffee, wine, juice, tea, chocolate, sauce, berries;
  • Medicinal: iodine, green, mangartan;
  • Household: Ended dust, street dirt, paint, ink;
  • Cosmetic: powder, creams, lipstick, mascara, nail polishes;
  • Vegetable: pollen and plant juice;
  • Products of human and animal life: sweat, urine, blood, wool, vomiting.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_17

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_18

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_19

All these contaminants have different structure and chemical compositions that need to be considered when selecting a cleansing agent.

In addition, the degree of intensity of pollution should be taken into account, and their age. So, the easiest way to remove fresh stains, did not have time to absorb deeply into the upholstery material.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_20

Special devices and devices

Some types of spots on the sofa covered can be easily removed using household appliances and special devices. The use of such equipment allows you to significantly simplify the procedure for cleaning upholstered furniture.

  • Vacuum cleaner - A functional household appliance that helps remove dust, crumbs, fine garbage and wool, accumulated on the upholstery surface, in the cream between the seats, the back and armrests of the sofa.

To refresh the appearance of upholstered furniture, it is recommended to carefully spend it, after having wrapped the nozzle of the device with a piece of clean wet gauze.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_21

  • Washing vacuum cleaner - An indispensable assistant in conducting a wet cleaning of upholstered furniture. With it, you can easily remove small surface pollution, spots from drinks, food, cosmetics.

It is important to take into account that it is possible to use the washing vacuum cleaner for deep wet cleaning of furniture only in a dry, warm and well ventilated room.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_22

  • Steam cleaner (steam generator) - Household appliance removing stains with a powerful jet of a steam passing under pressure. This device is used to remove surface contaminants from a sofa upholstery, which cannot be cleaned with conventional detergents. Steam penetrates deep into pollution and destroys their structure. After processing the ferry, the stain is easily removed from the microfiber cloth.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_23

  • Brushes with thick synthetic and natural pile - Comfortable and practical devices used for dry and damp furniture cleaning. Using them, it is possible to easily remove wool from the upholstery, the hair dried dirt, the dust, plumbing spots.

Brushes with a slight plastic base and a durable handle are most convenient and durable. Less wear-resistant brushes with a wooden base, which quickly comes unreasonably with regular interaction with water and detergent.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_24

  • Iron (with or without a steamer) - Another popular household appliance, which is often used when cleaning up a soft furniture with an upholstery of dense natural fabrics.

To refresh the appearance of the sofa, treat it from dust ticks or remove an unpleasant odor, it is enough to try the hot iron upholstery fabric, pre-shopping its wet pure gauze.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_25

What to clean?

For cleaning the sofa at home You can use and store household chemicals, and the compositions prepared by their own hands.

Household chemicals

Vanish - Effective stain remover used to remove old and fresh spots of many different origins. The agent is produced in liquid, gel and powdered forms. This stain remover can be used to clean the sofas with an upholstery of natural and artificial fabrics. The tool eliminates unpleasant odors, quickly and effectively removes spots from fat, beverages and food, cosmetics, juice and pollen plants from the bottom, cosmetics, juice and pollen, as well as traces of blood, sweat and other products of human and animal life.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_26

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_27

BLIS. - inexpensive, but effective means to eliminate the unpleasant odor and removing stains with upholstered furniture. The tool is produced in the form of a spray, which can be easily sprayed into contaminated sections of the sofa. With this spray, it is possible to clean up the upholstery material from the salted stains, marker traces, marker, ballpoint handles, beverages, blood.

After removing the stains, the remnants of the means are recommended to remove with a dry sponge.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_28

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_29

UDALIX OXI ULTRA. - Universal means designed to remove stains and cleaning upholstered furniture. The product is produced in the form of a powder that is easily dissolved in hot water. This stain remove effectively copes with fresh and old pollution of organic and inorganic origin, without discoloration upholstery.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_30

Unicum - effective detergent recommended to eliminate unpleasant odors and removal of spots of various origin. The product is produced in the form of a spray with a convenient dispenser that simplifies the application and facilitating the procedure for cleaning up a soft furniture. The fifth spray "Unicum" effectively operates when removing the emerged dust, salted and greasy spots, ink, cosmetics, wine, coffee, berries juice. The tool does not discolor furniture upholstery.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_31

Shaving foam - A popular tool that is often used to clean up a soft furniture. With the help of a foam, you can clean the dirty and dusty sofa, remove traces of casualization, returning an attractive appearance to return the furniture upholstery.

For cleaning sofas and seats, it is recommended to use the most inexpensive foam for all skin types. The foam is applied with a thick layer on the surface of the upholstery material for 8-10 minutes, after which they believes it with a rigid brush.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_32

Folk remedies

Soda - The most famous food baking powder, often used as a soft stain pressure. Using soda, you can withdraw relatively fresh stains with upholstery from textiles, leather, leatherette. Use this tool and for dry, and for wet cleaning upholstered furniture.

To remove traces of casualization, dirt, which has emerged dust, traces of tea and coffee with soda it is recommended to use the composition prepared by the following recipe:

  • Soda - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Ground economic soap - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • Warm water - 1 liter.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, the resulting composition is applied to contaminated areas and slightly rubbing it with a toothbrush or a foam sponge. After 10-15 minutes, the remains of the soda soda solution are removed with a clean damp cloth, after which they wipe the treated place with a paper napkin.

It is important to take into account the fact that the soda is capable of lightening upholstered fabrics, so it is better not to use it to clean the dark materials.

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_33

Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_34

    Vinegar - Another popular home product used to eliminate unpleasant odors and contaminants with a muffler from dense textiles. To eliminate the smell of tobacco smoke, urine or sharpness, it is necessary to cover the sofa for 15-20 minutes with a large piece of clean cloth moistened in 1% vinegar.

    And to refresh the color of the upholstery tissue, remove the dust and traces of the dirt, should prepare a cleansing solution from such ingredients as:

    • Vinegar 9% - 1 h. spoon;
    • Salt - 2 h. spoons;
    • Warm water - 1 liter.

    In the resulting solution, we smell a sheet or a large piece of clean white fabric, after which it is covered with a sofa. Then, the surface of the furniture is carefully broken for carpets, paying special attention to the seats, armrests and the upper part of the back.

    To obtain the maximum effect, the procedure is recommended to repeat 2-3 times.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_35

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_36

    To remove the dust of the dust, traces of casualization or stained dirt stains, you should use the composition prepared from such ingredients as:

    • Table vinegar - 3-4 tbsp. spoons;
    • Tool for washing dishes Fairy - 1 h. spoon;
    • Water - 300-350 ml;
    • Food soda - 1 tsp.

    All ingredients are mixed in a plastic bottle and shackle. Then the foamed solution is sprayed from the sprayer, applying it to the surface of the contaminants. After 7-10 minutes, the processed places are neatly cleaned by an old toothbrush, after which they wipe them with a sponge moistened in clean water. At the end of the cleaning of the sofa, the upholstery fabric is wiped with a dry cloth.

    The composition prepared by the specified recipe is suitable for cleansing sofaphrodes from artificial and natural tissues. Apply it to clean the skin, leatherette, flock, as well as silk is impossible.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_37

    Hydrogen peroxide - inexpensive and affordable pharmacy, with which it is possible to remove not only unpleasant odors, absorbed into the upholstery material, but also some difficult stains. The peroxide is suitable for removing spots from spilled beverages (beer, wine, fruit and berry juices, tea, milk) with a dense and light tissue upholstery.

    To prepare the cleansing composition, it is necessary to mix the following:

    • 3% hydrogen peroxide - 2 h. spoons;
    • Sodium bicarbonate - 1 h. spoon.

    The mixture is applied to contaminated sections for several minutes, after which it is removed using a brush or a foam sponge. The treated area is wiped with a damp cloth, wipe dry with a cotton towel and dried with a hairdryer.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_38

    Ammonia - Transparent liquid with a strong specific smell, which is often used in everyday life as an effective stainover. This tool copes well with traces of casality, spots from drinks, food, cosmetics. With it, you can destroy the mold, bring unpleasant odors, absorbed into the furniture upholstery. The ammonia alcohol is purified by pollution furniture with dense and durable textile upholstery. This agent is not suitable for removing spots from the upholstery of silk, leather, leatherette, flock, delicate materials.

    To purify furniture, a solution prepared from water (2 parts), ammonia alcohol (1 part) and salt (1 part) are used.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_39

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_40

    Main steps

    Deep cleaning of the sofa - A comprehensive procedure that includes several stages. To make it necessary to prepare the following tools and tools in advance:

    • vacuum cleaner (normal or washing);
    • brushes with thick pile;
    • several pieces of pure and dry cotton fabric;
    • napkins;
    • Fighters to remove stains.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_41

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_42

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_43

    Dust removal

    Initially, the sofa will need to prepare for the upcoming procedure. For this, the upholstery material is cleansed with a rigid dry brush, removing dust, fine garbage, wool, hair. After that, the sofa is thoroughly vacuuming. If there are traces of dust on the upholstery material, the sofa is covered with a wet pure sheets and are slammed by knocked for carpets. Sofas made of leather and leatherette are simply wiping with a sponge dipped in warm water.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_44

    Cleaning solid contaminants

    After removal of dust from the upholstery, it is processed to clean solid contaminants. The stuck chewing gum, a drop of candle wax or paraffin, traces of paint or nail polish gently scraped the non-footing knife.

    The remains of solid contaminants can be removed with a dry brush with a rigid pile.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_45

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_46

    Remove smell and spots

    At this stage Use means destroying unpleasant odors and removing spots. The choice of means is carried out on the basis of the characteristics of the existing contamination, the degree of their intensity and the type of upholstery material. Most of the fresh pollution of organic origin is easily removed by the Vanish stifter, household soap and soda. Fat stains and traces of casualization can be easily removed with dishwashing liquid.

    You can eliminate the unpleasant smell with a steam cleaner . It copes well with this problem and the usual soap-soda solution. It is sprayed over the upholstery surface and scroll after 10-15 minutes.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_47

    General cleansing

    At the final stage carried out Wet cleaning of the sofa. To do this, you can use the washing vacuum cleaner or a brush with a thick pile, moistened in the soap solution. At the end of the work, the upholstery material is wiping with a dry cotton towel and dry by a hairdryer.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_48

    Precautionary measures

    Before you independently try to drop or wash the old spot that appeared in the upholstery, will be correct Test the stain remover used on a small area. If after 5-10 minutes the processed section pale pale or change color, it is impossible to use this sofa cleaning agent.

    When preparing cleansing solutions from ammonia alcohol or acetic essence, it is necessary Use rubber gloves. To protect the respiratory organs, you can Use a medical mask.

    During the cleaning of the sofa from stains, it is not necessary to excessively moisturize the upholstery fabric. It must be borne in mind that moisture, leaking through the upholstery, will accumulate in the filler of the furniture. This can lead to an unpleasant odor and mold.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_49

    Useful advice

    Finally, consider several useful tips offered by experts.

    1. Soap divorces remaining on the upholstery material after cleaning, you can lure a clean cloth moistened in warm water. Then the wet plot of upholstery should be heated with a hairdryer.
    2. To remove plasticine traces Or the slide use an unshaken knife, Vanish stainover or dishwashing liquid. Initially, the main part of the contaminants scrape a knife, after which the remaining trace is laundered with a stained means.
    3. Fat stains, Footage of casualization is easily removed with dishwashing liquid. To clean the light furniture, it is better to use colorless foaming liquids that do not leave tracks.
    4. Very easy to operate is a soft furniture with removable covers. If there are strong contaminants that are not amenable to ordinary cleaning, the covers can be wrapped in a typewriter or replace new.
    5. To remove traces from handle or felt From the leather upholstery is allowed to use cologne. It should be borne in mind that after a wet cleaning of a sofa of leather or leatherette, it is necessary to wipe off the upholstery. Under the influence of moisture, natural and artificial leather begins to breed, deform and lose a presentable appearance.

    Cleaning the sofa at home (50 photos): how to quickly and effectively clean the upholstery of the fabric from dirt and slide with your own hands? 11092_50

    On how to clean the sofa at home, see the next video.

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