Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order


Clean kitchen is the key to the health of the whole family. A tidy mistress in food will not fall random dirt. On clean and systematized kitchen it is pleasant to cook - dishes are useful, beautiful and appetizing. For the content of the order in the kitchen of any sizes there are many tricks. On how to decompose everything around the shelves and do not forget anything, how to maintain a well-organized order in a room with a large number of things and techniques, let's talk in this article.

Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_2

Principles of cleaning

The kitchen is a special place in the house, it is here that there are many small items, all kinds of kitchen utensils, technology, food - vegetables, croup, spices. Not every mistress boasts the solid sizes of this important room. So, the entire endless volume of things should be properly organized even in a small space.

Today to systematize kitchenware is easy.

You can find a lot of devices that allow you to compact a large number of items on a small area. There are also own ideas, devices created by their own hands, each hostess has a couple of such know-how.

So, let's talk about how to start cleaning in the kitchen. Ideally - with good repair. Fresh modern repairs is a powerful stimulus to purchase all kitchenware, helping thoughtfully and systematically put each thing. But you can equip the space in the already existing form.

Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_3

Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_4

To do this, we offer the following cleaning algorithm.

  • Get rid of all extra, purchased on occasion, but not used in kitchen practice. Unfortunately, throw away the broken technique, spoiled utensils.
  • Critical look to inspect all surfaces (countertops, windowsill), free them from the accumulated things.
  • Surride all objects by functions and find them comfortable places. It should take into account the rule of the triangle - the stove, washing, refrigerator. Everything should be at hand - the sink has a dryer for dishes above the sink, there are pans and frying pan next to the stove.
  • The rest of the kitchen items (dishes, cereals, spices) are also placed in strict systemic order in the places of constant storage.

Furniture for storing kitchen utensils is better to acquire closed. In order for the room to look neat, only decor objects can remain in sight, fruit vases, beautiful tanks with spices.

    If the kitchen space allows, the technique can be set on an extra worktop equipped with sockets to always be at hand. In cramped conditions, toaster, coffee machine, blender, combine stored on racks and shelves, getting every time and setting for regular use.

    Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_5

    Organization of proper storage

    Modern kitchens can be ordered with ready-made system storage devices, such as "Magic Corner", drawing cabinets, trays for cutlery, boxes for vegetables. If the furniture is standard and has long been purchased, it is also easy to choose all sorts of containers, holders, baskets - it is enough to visit specialized trading departments and choose convenient accessories in size to the existing shelves.

    Consider in more detail how you can equip the kitchen so that it looks neat and actually empty, but everything you needed in step accessibility.

    Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_6

    Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_7

    Sort things by category

    For convenience, the room should be divided into zones with thematic filling.


      As can be functional, the space around the washing is used:

      • In the bottom end of the sink, you need to put a bucket and fold the bags for garbage, household chemicals, brushes;
      • A dryer for dishes is installed above the sink;
      • A towel holder is fixed on the walls, a liquid soap dispenser, a sponge device

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_8

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_9

      Cooking area

      As a rule, it is located near the stove. On racks or in closed couches, there are utensils needed for cooking.

      • Pots and skillers. They allocate bulk bottom shelves of closed Tumb. For those who prefer to keep this type of dishes open, there are elegant metal shelves, racks and suspensions. It is convenient to use a corner tube for a major utensils - there is a lot of free space in it. Thanks to the "Magic Corner" system, the saucepans of the corner depths are delivered instantly.
      • Knives can take their place on the stand installed on the worktop. For those who prefer to keep all the surfaces free, there are magnetic tapes. They are attached to the wall and have knives in ascending order.
      • Sets for cooking - Shimovka, midnight, blades, whites, also suspended on the wall using special attachments.
      • On the wall you can find a place for cutting board Or hide it into the nearest box.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_10

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_11

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_12

      Storage area

      The kitchen may contain all sorts of bowls, everything you need for seasonal conservation, additional dishes for guests. All that is not used daily, hides in the distant corners of the furniture headset.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_13

      Zone products

      In addition to the products stored in the refrigerator, vegetables, cereals, spices, salt, sugar, tea and coffee can be at room temperature. Over time, all these products can spoil from wet evaporations, so they are better to have it at maximum distance from washing.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_14

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_15

      Electrical appliances

      Modern kitchens are oversaturated with electrical appliances, they need to be stored somewhere. Everyone solves this task in its own way, it all depends on the spatial possibilities of the room:

      • For the content of electrical appliances, an additional worktop is distinguished, sometimes for each type of technology, niches are equipped;
      • hide the technique in the retractable box of the lower chamber, get as needed;
      • For a large number of kitchen equipment, the entire rack is allocated.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_16

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_17

      System Cargo

      Comfortable narrow retractable shelves can systematize kitchenware. They may contain bottles, household chemicals, spices and other little things. All items put in one row are clearly visible and have free access.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_18

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_19

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_20

      Use containers

      Trays, containers, boxes and baskets will help to systematize a large number of kitchenware and products. We offer some tips.

      • Cruises and spices. If they have to keep them on a conventional shelf, for croup and spices it is better to choose square banks, they are more specific and allow to maximize the space. For ease of use, it is desirable to put the container in one row. Storage options can be different - a separate small cabinet, a retractable cargo system, suspended on a railing decorative containers, a metal organizer factory in the form of mesh shelves located with maximum availability to banks.

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      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_22

      • Cutlery. They can be kept in a special stand with divisions, placing directly on the working desktop. During meals, such a container is conveniently transferred to the dining table. For those who can not afford to occupy the work surface, functional trays for drawers have been developed, they provide a place not only for cutlery, but also for other small kitchen utensils.

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      • Fruits and vegetables. For them it is convenient to use wooden, mesh trays or baskets without covers, as good ventilation is required. But some hostesses store vegetables in transparent plastic containers, in which the content is easily viewed, it is only worth opening a wardrobe or a tumbar where they are stored.

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      • Small things. For them, special dividers have been developed that can be equipped with a pull-out drawer or a regular removable box.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_25

      Application of holders and clamps

      Holders and clamps are especially necessary for small kitchens, they help redirect a lot of useful items on the walls, thereby freeing the work surfaces.

      The big plus is that all these things are in easy accessibility, literally before your eyes.

      • It is very convenient to use rails for the content of suspended shelves with spices, cutting boards, cutting devices and many more necessary trifles.
      • Miniature metal shelves with hooks and holders fasten on the walls, which accommodate a large number of kitchen items.
      • There are small structures that hold paper towels, ulles and packages.
      • Convenient holders for wine glasses and bottles.
      • Designs, systematizing covers from a saucepan can be desktop or suspended, which are attached to the wall or door of the cabinet (from the inner side).

      In specialized shopping departments, you can find clips and holders for all occasions.

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      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_27

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_28

      Other Lifehaki

      Consider what additional tricks will help stay in the kitchen to be made as comfortable as possible.

      • Board for records. You can record any reminders - a list of products, recipes, household orders.
      • Favorite recipes are located on the adhesive leaves from the inside door of the cabinet They are easily removed and glued back.
      • In the kitchen it is convenient to use a rotating stand. On the desktop it contains the necessary household items. It is displayed for quick access to overall dishes.

      Order in the kitchen (31 photos): how to bring order in kitchen cabinets and boxes? Ideas of organization and storage for perfect order 11074_29

      How to locate cutlery and dishes?

      We examined in detail where frying pan and pots, as well as cutlery can be located. As for the plates and cups, they occupy their place in several storage areas. The chassis is placed on the dryer in the sink area. When guests come, everyday devices may not be enough.

      The reserve of plates and cups are removed on closed furniture shelves, so as not to dust.

      Since guest dishes are used not often, it is determined in distant cabinets and couches.

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      How to maintain order?

      To create perfect order and comfort in the kitchen, you will need a lot of time.

      Everything needs to be decomposed on special containers, baskets, trays, containers and send to the zones selected for them.

      Having done this titanic work once, further to maintain order will require no more than 15 minutes. For this, after each cooking follows:

      • wash the utensil used;
      • remove everything into the cabinets and cabinets, freeing the surface of the kitchen;
      • the cleaning agent go through washing and kafel around her;
      • Wipe the slab.

      The main thing is not to leave cleaning for later, to teach yourself to be removed immediately, after each preparation and meal. Then the kitchen will be nice to enter any time of day.

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