Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews


Vegetables and fruits in salads should not only be delicious, but also beautifully chopped so that it looks aesthetically attractive. It is beautiful and smoothly chopped vegetables, deftly flying a knife, maybe not everyone, and time and effort leaves a lot. For a modern man who appreciates every minute, a vegetable season can become excellent.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_2

What it is?

Any vegetable cutter is a device that allows in a short period of time to cut vegetables of any configuration. The form of cutting depends on the special nozzles within which the sharp knives are located. Bruks, cubes, spirals, thin mugs and small shredders look very beautiful, and you can quickly cut them with a vegetable cutter.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_3

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_4


Depending on the method of actuating the instrument, the mechanical and electric vegetable cutters differ. Each species has its advantages and disadvantages, and therefore the choice of one or another device depends on many factors. Mechanical products for cutting vegetables, as a rule, have compact dimensions and do not need to be connected to an electrical outlet.

Therefore, they can be used not only in an apartment or house, but also carry on a picnic or use in the country, Where often interruptions with electricity. Caring for them is pretty simple, after using the nozzles you can only rinse with water, which is undoubtedly a big plus in the absence of hot water at home. Mechanical types of vegetable cutters, in contrast to electrical appliances, Can be washed in the dishwasher, And this greatly facilitates the labor of any person engaged in cooking.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_5

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_6

Mechanical devices differ from each other in the form and the principle of operation.

The simplest on form and operation is, of course, Vegetabler-wineglassnitsa, consisting of a metal plate with a certain shape of the holes and plastic or metal housing that performs the carrying function. In order to cut the product on smooth cubes, you must first attach it to the grid, and only then press. In some cases, products will have to pre-cut into small slices, which is not entirely convenient.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_7

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_8

Although such vegetable cutters are quite inexpensive, but it is quite obvious that their functionality is limited. She will cope with boiled eggs, potatoes and carrots, but raw vegetables and fruits due to their dense structure will cut very difficult.

There are varieties on sale with a similar principle of work. The metal plate can be removable, and there can be several with different shape of holes suitable for cutting cubes, circles and slices. For convenience in some models there may be containers and holders for vegetables.

The more perfect view of the mechanical vegetable cutter is Device with V-shaped knife in a plastic case . It will greatly cope not only with boiled, but also raw vegetables. The principle of her work is quite simple You only need to apply the product to the surface, click a bit, and make a sliding movement down . In such chip-vegetable cutters included, as a rule, holders performing a barrier function between fingers and sharp knives. These vegetable cutters are removable metal plates, they are included, as a rule, several types, which allows you to cut the product not only with familiar cubes, but also slices, straw and even a spiral.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_9

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_10

Vegetable cutter Slyusser According to the principle of operation, a little resembles vegetative, one movement and thin, almost transparent, slice cut off. But there are between them and the difference. With the help of vegetate, it will not be possible to give a certain form of the product, it is capable of cutting only with thin shapeless ribbons. And with the help of a slide, vegetables and fruits can not only cut into thin, but give them the shape of straws, a circle or plate.

The device is quite good in operation, often sold along with the container and is not very expensive.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_11

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_12

Some differs in the form and principle of action from previous species Spiral vegetable cutter. In the form, the device resembles an hourglass, and on the principle of action - sharpener for pencils. In order to chop vegetables with its help, It is necessary to insert the product, and holds it with one hand, turn . It is inexpensive and fairly easy to operate and leaving.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_13

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_14

A more advanced model among mechanical species is handmade mini-combine . Most often it has removable thickets and removable plates or knives nozzles. The principle of operation of such a mini-combine is similar to the work of a manual coffee grinder. Depending on the type and location of the nozzles, there is a conventional mechanical combine and a rotary model.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_15

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_16

An ordinary mechanical combine grinds products placed in a container due to the nozzles attached to the handle. The shape of the knives depends on the specific model and the manufacturer.

Multifunctional rotary vegetable cutter It is a versatile kitchen device. She has a lot of diverse nozzles, due to which it not only crushes and gives the necessary form of vegetables and fruits, but can, depending on the model and manufacturer, squeeze the juice and beat the eggs. Not only cubes and pars can be obtained using this device, but more interesting in the form of slices.

Figured cutting, a characteristic feature of which is a modified surface of a slice, will significantly transform even the most ordinary salad.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_17

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_18

Electric vegetable cutters differ from the mechanical presence of a motor With which the nozzles rotate, and the vegetables pressed to their surface, regardless of their density, are quite quickly cut in the form of cubes, straws, circles or spirals.

Electrical models allow you to save time and strength, which is especially important when processing a large number of products. They are convenient, and most importantly, it is safe to use, cut into sharp knives is impossible, since direct contact with knives is excluded. But there are also their cons. It is impossible to wash the device completely, since the electrical component from the contact with water will naturally come into disrepair, but numerous nozzles and removable parts can be washed. Such vegetable cutters are more convenient to use only inpatient kitchen.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_19

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_20

There are three varieties of electric vegetable cutters: a classic, automatic and food processor.

  • Classic views are the optimal option for home use. Models have, as a rule, compact dimensions are not very noisy in the process of cutting, quite rarely break, possessing good performance and relatively low price. The number of nozzles depends on the specific manufacturer. The devices are quite simple in control, so cutting cubes, slices and chips from vegetables and fruits in a matter of minutes.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_21

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_22

  • Automatic models Vegetable cutters are more productive compared to classic options. In addition to various nozzles that allow you to cut the vegetables of different shapes, most models have a function, thanks to which you can perturb meat. In addition, some models have a nozzle that allows you to shine cabbage with thin and narrow slices. Such devices are compact, durable and possess high performance. Their cost is somewhat higher than that of classic vegetable cutters, but also they perform more functions.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_23

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_24

  • Food processor (or electric multicam) is one of the most expensive, but also the most functional types of electrical type vegetable frames. Many nozzles make it possible to cope with the cutting products of any type. The device devices with beautiful slices and solid carrots, and soft watery tomatoes. In addition, the food processor is capable of much faster, compared with other types of vegetable cutters, process products, and this is important if you have to prepare for a large number of people.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_25

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_26

Of course, such devices occupy more space on the kitchen table during cooking and in the box when stored. But most of the models nozzles are stored directly in the most vegetable frame, which is very convenient. The only thing that causes difficulty is cleaning, The housing can be wiped only with a damp cloth, and nozzles due to complex design can not always be thoroughly rinsed from products to products.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_27

Someone gives preference to mechanical vegetable cutters, someone more like electrical species, but also in that and in another case there are our own winners whose popularity does not have to doubt. Most affordable and compact in size Vegetable cut Fissman. Despite its small sizes (13x7) it is convenient to operate.

With this device, you can decorate any dish, because thin narrow strips can be bent and twisted in different directions. This is facilitated by replaceable nozzles with sharp as a razor, knives. Included there is always a plastic pusher, so that your fingers will be safe.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_28

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_29

Not the last place in the rating occupies such a model as universal Tyrka-vegetable cutter MULTI-FUNCTION SLICER . This multilayer is a compact device with a replaceable set of nozzles, with which you can give a form not only to vegetables, fruits, but also sausages, cheeses. The blades in the nozzles are made of stainless steel, so they will last long.

The device itself not only has a compact size, but is still quite light, since the housing is made of plastic, inside which has a place for storing numerous nozzles.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_30

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_31

Mechanical vegetable cut Nicer Dicer Plus. The cost is somewhat higher than previous models, but also the functionality is better. Includes:

  • nozzles that allow chop vegetables and fruits with the most in many ways;
  • 2 coarse;
  • The container serving not only receiver during cutting, but storage of sliced ​​products;
  • Pusher cover with self-cleaning blade button;
  • Cover for storage of products;
  • Vegetable.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_32

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_33

Vegetable cutter is extremely convenient, one click - and the slices of the desired form are already in the container. Design structure, so the cleaning method will suit anyone. Storage space does not need much, since the nozzles are easily placed inside the container.

Slightly smaller in size vegetable 5 in 1 Nicer Dicer Quik. Although it differs from the previous model, very compact sizes, but this baby is no less functional. Cubes, straw and slices can be obtained by one touch, and from the receiver container, they can immediately move to the salad bowl or in the pan.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_34

Vegetablezer Dekok UKA-1321 According to the principle of work, it is very similar to the previous model. For cutting, the products are put on the grille and close the lid. Distinctive features of vegetable cutters are:

  • Comfortable and fairly spacious body of shockproof plastic;
  • stainless steel nozzles;
  • Compact sizes and attractive appearance.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_35

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_36

Inexpensive reliable and well-proven vegetable cutter-rotating Slicer from the company Moulinex. A lightweight and convenient model is equipped with several knives discs inserted into special fastenings on the inside of vegetable cutters. Rotating the handle, you can cut both raw and boiled vegetables, as well as chopping cabbage and cheese. It is not necessary to store space, the legs are folded.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_37

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_38

On the principle of rotation there is a vegetable cutter-chopper Wellberg 9549 WB. With its help, you can not only grind vegetables, but also dry the leaves of salad (an additional container is included in the kit), separate the protein from the yolk (the separator is located on the lid) and with the help of a special nozzle to beat the protein. It is convenient to use such a shredder, the floor legs on which the container is rubberized and fixes it well on the surface. The container itself is easily removed with one click on the button.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_39

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_40

German Vegetablezer Borner Classic. Sold in stores at an average price. Consists of a V-shaped frame, frore holder and various inserts for cutting. It is functional, durable, easy to leaving and easy to operate.

A more advanced model from this company is Borner Prima Lux. Additionally included stand for nozzles, and the number of nozzles themselves increased to 5 pcs. In order to change the nozzle, you only need to press the button on the housing. In addition to storing nozzles, the container can be used as a stand for a set.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_41

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_42

Vegetablezer Spiralizer 8 in 1 It differs from previous models not only by large sizes, but functionality. With its help, you can not only give the usual shape of vegetables, but also decorate any dish, because in a set for cutting there are 4 different nozzles with sharp blades. But this is not all, in the kit there is a nozzle to extrude juice from citrus, so there is no need to buy juicer. It is absolutely safe to use it, since the holder pretext eliminates contact with the knives.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_43

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_44

An overview of electrical vegetable cutters should be started with the most inexpensive model. Scarlet SC-KP45S01. It is compact, reliable, stable and has a low power (200V). Two types of nozzles in the kit make it possible to cope quickly with cutting of vegetables, and one is specifically designed for rubbing chocolate. The negative points of use refers to the complexity of the nozzles.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_45

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_46

No less popular, lightning (weight 1 kg), but quite effective Model Phillips HR 1388. Vegetable cutter (or as it is also called a cartoon) is equipped with 5 nozzles with stainless steel blades, which will easily cope with solid vegetables, cutting straws, mugs and thin slices. It is easy to use and leaving, nozzles can be washed both manually and in the dishwasher. From disadvantages can be called:

  • lack of tank for storing nozzles;
  • No bowls for receiving products;
  • no cutting cubes;
  • Capacity for sliced ​​products should have rounded shapes.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_47

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_48

Very worthy design from compact multicams from Chinese manufacturers Redmond RKA-FP4. It works very quickly, for the preparation of a large dish, literally a few seconds are required. Nozzles, and their kit includes 4 species, coped with the products of any density. From overheating, vegetable cutters protects the built-in protection, which undoubtedly extends the life of the device. The disadvantages include:

  • lack of nozzles for cutting cubes;
  • small power;
  • No container for assembling sliced ​​products.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_49

Multi cut Maxwell MW-1303 G Although it works in one mode, but copes with cutting products rather quickly. The kit includes 6 nozzles, with the help of which you can chop, cut and graze any vegetables on slices of different thickness and values. It is incredibly convenient to use it, the top camera for receiving products is quite volume, so vegetables are not needed before loading, the container for receiving the chopped products does not need to be chosen, any form is suitable.

Vegetable cutter small, so The places for its storage will not need a lot, and the nozzles are stored in the outlet, folded into each other, which is very convenient. Of the shortcomings: the absence of nozzles for cutting cubes and the complex cleaning of the transparent opening at the output.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_50

Compact size and small power in vegetable cutters from the French manufacturer Moulinex DJ 7535 . Several nozzles with different shapes of the holes allow you to quickly and efficiently cut not only vegetables, but also to chop cheese. Miniature-free vegetable cutters occupies quite a bit of space, the nozzles are stored in a special compartment. She has the only minus: with long use it is possible to heat the case.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_51

More advanced models from the same manufacturer Moulinex DJ 9008 and Moulinex Fresh Express Cube . Creative design, thoughtful control, high power and high-quality material manufacturing material and nozzles. Nozzles, and there are 5 pcs. Included, differ from each other not only by the shape of the holes, but also in color. It does not require a separate place to accommodate them, all of them are well stored in a special compartment, fixed in the most vegetable frame.

Negative points include high cost and complexity of washing nozzles.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_52

How to choose?

Vegetable cutter - the thing is undoubtedly necessary in the house, because without it is unlikely to work out to quickly prepare many dishes. In order not to regret in vain spent money It is worth thinking about what model is better to purchase, and how much you are willing to spend on it.

If the budget for the purchase of vegetable cutters is small, and with electricity there are problems or sockets in the kitchen are not located in a very convenient place, then it is necessary to purchase a mechanical model. But if with the help of vegetable cutters you intend to make blanks or just a lot and often cook, then the best choice is, of course, the electrical option.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_53

The choice of configuration depends on your preferences. Of course, the more nozzles, the better. But not every nozzle you will enjoy regularly, so it is best to give preference to the model with the nozzles you need. Consider the fact that not all models have a nozzle for cutting into cubes used often for lettuce and vinegar, so when buying, pay attention to the configuration of the model you like.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_54

When choosing an electrical model, it is worth paying attention to its power. The higher the power, the less time you spend on cooking. In addition, the model with a capacity above 50 W cuts products more carefully and is much better coped with raw vegetables.

Special attention should be paid to removable knives and other additional elements included in the kit. Of course, it is best to stop your selection on models for which the replacement of the blocked knives, broken nozzles and cracked containers. But still it is worth paying attention to the models where knives are not only made of high-quality steel, but should also be self-folding.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_55

It is preferable to buy vegetable cutters, which have no pump storage does not require a separate place. Ideal if nozzles and other additional elements will be stored directly within the aggregate itself.

This is especially true for small kitchens and for families with young children. Regardless of that, mechanical or electrical vegetable cut, you prefer, it is worth paying attention to such a small, but very important item, like rubberized legs. Indeed, precisely from their presence depends the sustainability of vegetable frame.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_56

Perhaps not for each vegetable cutting, the presence of a collector for collector to collect residues, but this thing is definitely useful. Thanks to her, they are almost always present, they will not score nozzles, which means the work of the device will not have to stop often for their extraction.

Another important nuance that is worth paying attention to the purchase of vegetable cutters is power button. In some electrical devices, it has to keep her hand, as it works in a pulse mode. In other models, it is fixed, and modes can be two. What model is more convenient to operate - to solve you.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_57


Before buying, most people always read feedback. And this is right, because it is in the reviews that ordinary people always describe how the device works and what difficulties may occur during operation. Most people who bought a mechanical or electrical model of vegetable cutters remain very satisfied. And it is not surprising, because the preparation of dishes becomes not only faster, but also safer.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_58

Buyers noted that Mechanical vegetable cutters are no worse than electric and more suitable for those who prepare infrequently and small portions. The electrical models like those engaged in the workpieces and loves to cook a lot. Some buyers are inclined to believe that for convenience there are two models of vegetable season at once, since one is more suitable for cutting boiled vegetables and small portions, and the other helps in case of festive feasts and perfectly copes with solid vegetables.

Vegetable cutter (59 photos): mechanical and universal models with cuts for cutting cubes, spiral vegetable cutter and multifunctional device 5 in 1 with container, reviews 11035_59

Almost all buyers are satisfied with the acquisition, since this device allows you to significantly save time and strength.

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