Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers?


For most people, a permanent morning drink that allows you to move away from sleep and cheered up, is coffee. One sufficiently low boiling water and soluble coffee powder diluted with a certain amount of sugar. But connoisseurs of true taste have to mess around at the stove to get the perfect morning drink. And after all, high-quality coffee depends not only on the variety and the degree of roasted grains, but also from the device in which it is boiled.

In this case, we are talking about the Turk. And it is not surprising, because the coffee nectar cooked in a special capacity is distinguished by the unique aroma and a rich taste.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_2

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_3

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_4

What it is?

Dzhezva is a special dishes created for cooking coffee on an open fire. The design of the device is made in the form of a miniature bucket with a thick base and a thin neck. It allows you to turn roasted coffee beans, pre-crushed into the crumb, in the exquisite drink of vigor.

Attempts to brew grain coffee with ordinary boiling water are not crowned with success, in the circle it will not be possible to create the temperature necessary for the preparation of drink. The Turk is capable of withstanding the boil of water.

True connoisseurs of the real coffee drink consider the process of independent cooking coffee with a special ritual, interconnected with human hands and in the nearest gaze. They do not trust automatic cooking devices.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_5

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_6

It is believed that the first Turkish Turk was made of real gold.

In past centuries, there was a belief that the noble coffee drink should be prepared in the appropriate ware rank. Therefore, the jams made from cheap metals were not even considered as a kitchen utensils.

Separate attention should be paid to the Turkish device. Disabled dishware has an unusual form. Thanks to the narrow cycle, the coffee drink can not run on the stove at the time of boiling. And inside the design over the coffee drink, a creamy shade foam is formed, considered by most coffee machines in the present delight. The lower part of the turki design has a wide form and a flat bottom.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_7

Due to this feature, the fluid inside the vessel is evenly heated, and the person is much easier to monitor the temperature regime.

To date, you can meet the Turks composed of several parts. Accordingly, they have a welded seam that the manufacturer tries to hide in any way. If it turned out to be purchased from several parts, it is necessary to carefully read the connection line. The continuing seam will become the main cause of leaking.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_8

Comparison with coffee maker

Fans of coffee surrogate do not understand the difference between the coffee drink, cooked in the coffee maker and the Turk. But the true connoisseurs of properly cooked coffee, with confidence, argue that the Turk is the only option to create the right beverage.

From the first time to cook coffee in the Turk is extremely rare. In most cases, the first 3 or even 4 servings will have to be sent to the pipeline. With a coffee maker, everything looks much easier, she does everything automatically. It is enough to fall asleep coffee beans, chopped into powder, and pour the required amount of water.

Considering the price policy, you can confidently say that The simplest model of the Turkish at the cost is much cheaper than the usual coffee maker. In addition, the coffee drink in Jesva is preparing much faster than in an automatic unit.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_9

Yes, and after using the Turk, it is enough to rinse under the jet of water than to extract and clean the filters and meshes of the coffee machine.

Today there is a universal device, something average between the turkey and a coffee maker, namely electric jazva. In appearance, it resembles an electric kettle having a heating plate connected to the power grid. The Turk itself is installed on top into a special groove feeding. The knob of the device is removable, so that the unit is easy to fold into luggage. In addition to the technical characteristics, connoisseurs of the true coffee drink assure that in the electric Turk it turns out to be prepared for real fragrant coffee.

Another difference between the jam and the coffee maker lies in the process of making a coffee beverage. Coffee prepared in the Turk, from the first minutes of water boiling, begins to make an amazing smell, and the coffee machine is dried out the aromas.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_10

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_11

In addition, the Turka allows you to prepare coffee through several recipes, each of which fills the drink with a special highlight, isoisky and uniqueness.

Unfortunately, with the coffee machines to prepare something special is impossible. On the other hand, the coffee machine is able to prepare various types of coffee, such as cappuccino or espresso. The Turk cannot afford this, but in the skillful hands of the wizard, it turns out to create the right coffee drink on a special recipe, and after it is precipitated with cream or cinnamon.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_12


To date, the most common device for making coffee is a jam. And only sophisticated coffee makers can boast of knowledge about different types of this kitchen object, allowing to fill in the morning excitement aromas.


A variety of an Armenian turkey having a cone shape with a bent nose and a long handle. The process of manufacturing the GRAYP is distinguished by many nuances. First, the shape is extruded in the opposite direction.

Speaking with simple words, it is not tuned to the top, but expanding from the neck for the bottom.

The initial billet is pressed by heavy weight, then turns over the legs. With a narrow side, the bottom is cut and installed on a wide part. The device is then attached to the device and the chasing is applied, with an exceptionally hand in hand. The last stage is annealing. According to the traditions of Armenia, cooking utensils, including the Turks, is decorated with a national pattern.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_13


The roots of such an unusual name take their origin in the Persian dialect. The literal translation sounds like "pouring water". In historical documents it is indicated that it was the Ibrik that was the first device for making coffee that does not have analogues. We used for a long time. In appearance, Ibrik resembles a jug, the capacity of which is 100 ml.

Although archaeologists managed to find stationary Ibriks with a capacity of 100 liters. The design of the device has a thin long nose, through which it is very convenient to pour hot water. And thanks to the rounded base and flat DNU, additional stability is provided.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_14

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_15


In ancient times, coffee was considered a drink of nomads and Bedouins, and with the appearance of him in the territory of Arabia, the picture has changed dramatically. Coffee began to use in noble houses, thanks to which the beverage has increased status, and it was accepted only in exceptional dishes.

So Dalla began to appear on vintage kitchens. In appearance, the dishes for the coffee maker had an unusual high shape and short spout.

A prerequisite for design design was a drawing corresponding to noble houses. The first specimens of Dalva were made of metal, although at one time they were created from clay.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_16

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_17

Materials manufacturing

Modern models of the Turks for the preparation of coffee beverages have different volumes, differ in shape, by the appearance of the handles, and are also made from various materials.


Copper is a relatively cheap material, which corresponds to the pricing policy of finished dishes. Distinctive features of copper are strength and durability. This material has proven itself exclusively on the positive side, therefore, it is used for production needs. Copper has high thermal conductivity, so that in the process of cooking coffee, any heat source can be used.

And in order to protect the human body from the negative effect of copper, internal The surface of the Turk is covered by an additional layer of silver, tin or stainless steel.

According to the rules of the preparation of traditional coffee drink, the Turk is placed in the sand, which is pre-heated near the campfire.

Modern coffee sets include small sandboxes and blades of copper material. Such sets are ideal for urban apartments.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_18

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_19

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_20


Since a long time, the clay was a common and easily accessible material from which not only the Turks were manufactured, but also other kitchen utensils. Thanks to technological progress, other materials appeared, easier in use than clay. Accordingly, the cost of clay products at times increased. The distinctive characteristic of the clay Turk is The long cooling process of cooling coffee beverage during which the coffee is saturated with oxygen.

The porous clay structure absorbs odors that will subsequently fill the kitchen with a special aroma.

In addition, clay structures are very easily washed. There is no need to use detergents, it is enough just to rinse a jam with cold water.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_21

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_22

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_23


Ceramics, as well as clay, perfectly retains the temperature of the drink, which is why it constantly follows the cooking process. As soon as the first hints of boiling, ceramic dishes should immediately take off the fire. The only drawback of ceramics is fragility, so Such turks should be protected from falls and random strikes.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_24

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_25

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_26


Modern material, relatively recently dotted manufacturers, but not yet acquired a lot of interest in consumers. In the structure of glass jamza in most cases there is no narrow neck. The walls are thin, so Turkis content quickly warms up. If you dissolve for a couple of seconds, the boiled fluid will fall out on the stove. Glass design most often acquire connoisseurs of coffee drink, Loving experiment with new coffee varieties.

The process of its cooling of the drink is quite fast, so it must be immediately pouring into cups.

A distinctive feature of the glass Turk is the volume that is enough to treat several people at once. The analogue of the glass turk is Crystal and Quartz Jazva. The thickness of these products allows you to maintain the necessary temperature of the drink just longer than the usual glass. In appearance, crystal, quartz and glass turks do not have differences.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_27

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_28

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_29


Universal material, from which not only the jams for coffee, but also other types of dishes. Mostly use the usual aluminum or stainless steel. In more ancient times, valuable metals, such as silver and gold, were used as their analogues. According to historical notes, Silver and golden dishes were present only in no noble houses.

A distinctive feature of the Turks from a stainless steel is the maximum thermal conductivity.

Metal structures are very quickly heated and able to hold the temperature inside the container for a long time. The steel model of Dzazva is in a wide demand among novice coffee makers.

Special attention requires brass Turkic design. From this material it turns out not just to pay the dishes, but also create an individual decor on the surface. The main thing is that brass cool down for a very long time, so A coffee beverage amateur can enjoy the taste and aroma of the invigorating elixir.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_30

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_31

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_32


Any dishes made of aluminum material are very convenient for hiking, the same applies to enamel structures. A distinctive feature of aluminum is Minor weight and low cost. Accordingly, the randomly forgotten jazva in a pile of ash on a picnic will not force to upset. The only disadvantage of the aluminum turkey is Instantness design.

It is very easy to overturn and even memorize. Quite often arise with scratches.

Aluminum Turks are far from ideal in appearance, often the form of products resembles a bucket or a kind of coffee pot. Classic appearance is extremely rare. The sophisticated coffee makers repels the design of the design, which will not be able to become a decoration of the kitchen space.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_33

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_34

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_35

Wall shape and thickness

The classic form of a coffee turkey is simply obliged to have a traditional appearance, namely a narrow neck and a wide bottom, the width of the top and bottom should differ twice. The narrow neck of the Turk contributes to minimizing the open area of ​​the product, due to which the drink is covered with more shot by foam. It is in this hat that the extraordinary aroma of the beverage is preserved, and evaporation of essential oils is also blocked.

In addition, a narrowed neck relative to the bottom speaks of a strong slope of the side walls of the product. This factor plays an important role in the brew boiling process. Due to the features of the coffee design, it does not rise up, and, on the contrary, flows down, concentrating on the bottom.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_36

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_37

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_38

In the matter regarding the wall thickness, there are several opinions. Some assure that 1.5 mm is the perfect characteristic of the design.

And in principle, this is a reasonable opinion against a jam with a thickened basis.

The main thing is that the thick bottom of the design does not have thin walls. This fact talks about connecting two parts of the product, which may cause reduced reliability. This is especially brightly affected by frequent temperature drops. Yes, and the sleepy seam itself is not always made of high-quality metal. Frequently used alloys of suspicious origin.

If the design of the Turkish is entirely the thick walls, the device will quickly give a fixed heat, only during the cooking process to control the boiling time it will be much more complicated.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_39

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_40

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_41

It will be especially difficult to keep track of a coffee drink that is preparing in a turkey with thick walls on the sand.

Separate attention should be given to the size of the jams. It is believed that The classic design should not have a volume of more than 100 ml. Typically, it is made about 50 or 75 ml of coffee. Experienced cofesvara argue that For treating multiple people, coffee should be prepared for 50 ml at a time. First, it turns out to surprise guests with quality, secondly, please please. The main thing that will be surprised by the peculiar features of the drink.

In modern models, in addition to the bright design, there are additional nuances. For example, many structures are complemented by a lid. And the handles do not always have a comfortable form, most often they play a decorative role in the dishes.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_42

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_43

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_44

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_45

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_46

To date, there is a wide variety of dishes intended for the preparation of real coffee. We are talking about the jams of manual and factory production. More Turks presented in the global market are manufactured in Armenia, South Ossetia, Turkey and Azerbaijan. At the same time, some copies have a lifetime warranty.

Special attention in the production of jams is given to the company Soy. Where instead of machines used mastery of human hands. Products of this brand are in demand all over the world. Each individual instance is created from a solid copper sheet. The outer side is drawn up with an interesting patterns. The inner part is covered with a layer of silver. Thanks to the durable design of the Turkish, the SOY is inherited.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_47

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_48

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_49

If we consider the manufacture of Turks in a production scale, the company has a leading position Ceraflame. With its ceramic products. Products have many positive characteristics. For example, these Turks are not toxic, steadyly carry sharp temperature changes, their outer layer prevents the occurrence of scratches, and most importantly - they can be used on open fire. The entire model range of Jazve has the right classic form, the difference between them is only in volume and color.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_50

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_51

On the territory of the Russian Federation, the leader of the leadership was divided into two enterprises among themselves - LLC "Stanitsa" and "Gus-Crystal Glass Plant". At the same time, the "Stanny" creates the Turks from copper, where each finished copy has a thickened bottom, a comfortable handle and an unusual design. And "Gus-Khruzny Glass Plant" produces a jams from a mountain crystal. Thanks to this material, the Turks are obtained transparent, which looks especially beautiful.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_52

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_53

In addition, crystal capacities for cooking coffee during heating do not crack and do not burst, but from random drops can be broken.

In addition to the world's world-famous brands engaged in the manufacture of jams, there are other companies that have proven themselves from the positive side.

  • Vitesse. Famous brand engaged in the manufacture of dishes and household appliances for the kitchen. Initially, the company was engaged in the production of only stainless steel dishes, and at the end of 2007 their assortment series was supplemented with a variety of kitchen devices, including the Turks.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_54

  • Fissman. This brand is known in the global market for more than 10 years. The company is engaged exclusively by the manufacture of dishes and small kitchen utensils. The entire ruler is distinguished by durability and reliability. The materials used for the production of utensils are distinguished by a high level of security, which plays an important role in creating high-quality jams.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_55

  • Standard Art Products. Indian company engaged in the production of goods with an unusual design. Every year the structure of the brand increases, new frames introduce modern solutions are involved in work. Highly qualified specialists are engaged in designer developments. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the team, the company managed to conquer new peaks and create improved goods, including the Turks.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_56

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_57

  • Tima. Russian manufacturer engaged in the manufacture of high quality kitchen accessories. In this case, the production process does not stop for a minute. Every year the production volume is only increasing. The primary models of the Turks were rebranding, and today a modern person may not just enjoy the taste of properly cooked coffee, but also decorate the kitchen space with their aesthetic design.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_58

How to choose?

Turk, or jazva, is the most common device for making coffee. Each person chooses this unit according to its own preferences and personal requirements. But those who have never tried real coffee and wants to meet this aromatic drink, It is necessary to listen to the recommendations of Coffee Rooms regarding the choice of cooking dishes, on which the quality of the drink depends.

  • For a beginner Coffeeman is best suited A classic turk made from metal suitable for both gas and electric stove. Its value as a whole will not affect the family budget, but it turns out to try this exquisite coffee drink. With the help of a metal turk, you can prepare coffee according to ancient recipes, namely hot sand.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_59

  • If the coffee surrogate lovers wanted to change the drink to be pleasure from the powder mass on roasted grains, it is best to pay attention to Modern electrical models. Such devices seem comfortable for large families when it is necessary to cook breakfast for children, adults to go to work, and watch the process of cooking coffee is not possible.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_60

  • People whose profession is related to frequent business trips, you should pay attention to Electric Turks, Made from metal. They should have a removable handle, so that the device is much easier to carry in the baggage. The metal housing of the electric Turk in the process of transportation is practically not damaged.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_61

  • If the morning fees have extra time, it is best to use it for making coffee in the Turk, Made of clay or ceramics. These materials are able to take heat and gradually transmit its drink. And the taste of ready-made coffee describes words is not possible.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_62

  • When choosing the size of the Turk, it is best to give preference Little tanks. It is in them that it turns out to preserve the aroma of the coffee beverage. Of course, this option is not always suitable for large families, but for two adults people will be quite good.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_63

  • The handle's material of the Turk must have heat-resistant characteristics. For this reason, plastic options are best not even considered.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_64

Choice depending on the type of plate

Multiple disputes among coffee makers on what Turk is the best, never end. The cause of these disputes is not only a feature of the preparation of a coffee beverage, but also the characteristics of the kitchen stoves. After all, every mistress knows that the dishes intended for the electric stove will not always be able to withstand the operation of the gas burner. For example, for a plate with a standard gas connection equipped with several options for the burner with an open flame, metal models of jams made of copper, steel, brass and even bronze should be selected.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_65

The only drawback is the unusual designer coating overtook when interacting with open fire.

To avoid damage to the appearance of the Turks, it is necessary to use a divider, which is the separator between the flames and dishes. If the divider for gas stoves is applied on an ongoing basis, you can use Turks made of ceramics, glass, porcelain or clay.

Wrouders of glass ceramic plates will suit a quartz jam. It has long been proven that quartz is not afraid of contact with open fire. Modern glass-ceramic plates have a special coating on which the dishes can be placed from any material. The main thing is that the bottom was smooth . For this reason, the owners of the glass-ceramic plates can be acquired by several varieties of the Turks, each of which will allow you to prepare special coffee recipes. But brew the coffee drink should be on the extreme side of the biggest burner so that the turkey handle goes beyond the plates.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_66

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_67

The most suitable option for induction plates are Turks made of steel or having ferromagnetic bottoms.

Choosing a jams in a specialized store, you need to pay special attention to Compatibility of the device with induction plates . Alternatively, it is proposed to purchase a special adapter.

For electric stoves, the use of a turkey made of metal is assumed. The material of the device allows the hostess to put a jam to a heated surface without experiences about damage to dishes. And yet, despite modern technical progress, the most delicious and fragrant coffee is preparing on the sand. For sand recipe, Turks with thin walls made of brass or bronze are used. Other material options are better not to consider.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_68

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_69

Subtleties of operation

Unfortunately, not every modern person is familiar with all the subtleties and nuances of the exploitation of the Turks. And so that there are no problems in the future, it is necessary to familiarize themselves with the rules of entering the jams to work and the subtleties of its use.

  • The purchased Turku is primarily necessary to rinse under a stream of flow water.
  • Next, in the washed jamza pour clean fluid, add a piece of lemon and put on fire to boil the container. This rule concerns all types of Turks except aluminum.
  • After the first two steps, you can start cooking coffee, but the first portion can not be used in any case. It should be poured.

The instruction presented contributes to the maximum cleaning of the inner surface from harmful elements.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_70

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_71

Thanks to the correct sequence of actions, the inner part of the jacket is covered with etheric oils acting as protection against the distinguished harmful substances.

And after all manipulations, it turns out to enjoy a delicious and extraordinary drink.

Modern hostess is important to remember that The Turku cannot be washed with cleaning substances, and for the washout in the dishwasher, the coffee cooking container is not suitable.


Wrouders of dishes giving a morning drinking drink should be aware of the behaience of this subject. To wash most of the varieties of Turks, aggressive detergents cannot be used. For example, the clay Turk is very quickly absorbing the chemical smell of purifiers, respectively, will give unpleasant odors with a drink. Dzawa should be flushed after each coffee preparation. To do this, it is enough to use a small water pressure from the crane.

The copper Turk is the most durable, but over time it can lose its natural shine. Inside and outside it is covered with a dark raid. In such cases, you can use substances for copper care. But if this turned out to be not enough, you can use other cleaning options that are located on kitchen shelves. For example, the darkened walls of the Turks can be cleaned with lemon, applying lemon juice to the surface of coffee dishes, wait a few minutes, after which it was washed.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_72

Glass jams are not picky in care. They can be washed with gel or special detergent for dishes.

The main thing is to use the soft side of the sponge, otherwise the glass will arise scratches, which deteriorates the appearance of the dishes. It is undesirable to use funds based on ordinary soap. Otherwise, after drying on the walls of the Turk, a muddy flare appears.

Another problem can be an unpleasant smell in clay jams. Easy soda will help to get rid of it. It is dissolved in a small amount of water, poured inside the cooking capacity, leave overnight. In the morning, the dishes are rushed first with hot water, then cold . After conducting these manipulations, you can safely begin the preparation of new varieties of coffee drink.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_73

Overview of interesting Turks

When drawing up the rating of the best Turks, the opinion of natural coffee lovers took into account. Each person spoke in favor of a particular model, thanks to which it turned out to choose the highest-quality copies made from different materials.

"Stanny" Copper "

This Turkish model received a high assessment of consumers. The design of the dishes is made in a classic style. The volume of the vessel is 500 ml. The copper base from above is covered with a special protective layer, the inner surface is treated with a tin food that opposes oxidation. The narrowed neck allows you to prepare a tart coffee drink, keeping the saturation of the flavor and taste in it.

A distinctive feature of the described Turk is Comfortable handle made of natural tree. Thanks to her, the cooking process turns into solid pleasure, and most importantly - the risk is excluded.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_74

In addition, the Dzazva design has a special ring, allowing you to hang the dishes on the hook, and not just put it on the shelf.

Separate attention should be paid to the design of a hob, which is ideally combined with the interior of any kitchen. Many owners of this Turks emphasize the strength of the structure. The material is not amenable to deformation, the outer side is not covered with scratches, and its washing is not much difficult.


The impedited copy of the Turk, made of stainless steel, is particularly popular among the coffee makers. Its appearance is endowed with special attractiveness, and all thanks to the harmonious combination of matte and mirror coating. The walls of the structure and the bottom are quickly heated, in a short time it turns out to make an invigorating drink with a special aroma.

The turki handle is equipped with an additional insert that impedes slipping from the hands. In addition, it does not heat, respectively, it will not be resolved.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_75

The described Turk can boast of excellent characteristics. It is not subjected to deformations, easily ished, not covered with a raid and dark spots. When considering a jam, according to the criterion of price / quality, Vitesse "Turguoise" is the most relevant instance.

"Ceraflame Ibriks New"

Among the ceramic Turks, this copy of the dishes is in a wide demand for Coffeemen. Elegant appearance and elegant design allows the device to harmoniously fit into any interior of the kitchen.

The outdoor sides of the walls of the described model are covered with a layer of enamel, guaranteeing protection against rough scratches. It is worth noting that Washing "Ceraflame Ibriks New" does not require special devices, it is enough to use lightweed substances and a soft side of the sponge.

"Ceraflame Ibriks New" is considered universal jam. It easily transfers direct contact with open fire, electric stove and even transfers interaction with the microwave and freezer.

Turku (76 photos): How to choose a good glass model for cooking coffee? Turkish coffee tableware for the glass ceramic plate. What is the Jesva better coffee makers? 10960_76

The sharp drops of the design of this Turk are not terrible. In the process of its production, only materials harmless to human health are applied.

The main feature of this model consists in uniform heating of the fluid with the simultaneous creation of a fat effect. It is these factors that give a coffee drink an unusual taste and a rich fragrance. After removing the "Ceraflame Ibriks New" from the plate, the ceramic product cooles quite a long time, while the taste of the remaining coffee does not change.

For the convenience of washing, the jazve design is equipped with a removable handle.

How correctly cooking coffee in the Turk, look next.

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