Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species


Without modern confectionery tools, it is impossible to get beautiful jewelry on cakes and cakes. Exquisite cookies, meringues and meringues will delight homemade and become an excellent treat to tea for guests.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_2


Confectioners for decorating their creations are used by different culinary devices. Confectionery syringe more often has Plastic housing That in general facilitates the weight of the culinary tool. Plastic properties make a tool not very durable.

Another variant of the material for the syringe - steel. It is distinguished by reliable strength qualities. But in the work such a product is complex. The simplified version involves the use of two materials: plastic and steel. From an ergonomic point of view, such a product is more convenient.

The main functional element of almost any syringe - piston . This item is characterized by a cylindrical shape. It acts inside the hull, movement of rotational and progressive. Piston mechanism is one or more piston rings. Some designs folded telescopy, in others the electric motor corresponds to this part.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_3

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_4

All types of fixtures, with the exception of a confectionery bag, have The same cylindrical shape. Options are distinguished by the attachment of the nozzles that exterior or inner.

The nozzles themselves differ in the tip slice. If it is smooth, the product is used for inscriptions and simple ornaments. An decoration in the form of a kayma can be performed with a slant cut. There are still options that are characterized by deep calibration. Nozzles are characterized by sizes, must correspond to the volume of the syringe used.

Little syringes are considered extremely uncomfortable in work - The devices must often be filled, and for this you have to interrupt operation. Because of this, the drawing notes will not look evenly, the appearance of the culinary product will suffer.

It is possible to optimally inspect the amount of squeezed cream or dough from silicone syringes, which are made of durable materials.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_5

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_6


For baking design, you need a confectionery syringe. This is a popular appliance at home owners. Products are distinguished by the views and included in the supply of nozzles. The optimal option must be optimal in external parameters.

The confectionery syringe externally similar to classical medical, has an identical principle of operation identical with this device. Factory-type products are characterized by a large number of different nozzles. The devices are very different in price. Most often, products are household and professional destination. The principle of operation is identical.

The main popular species are shown below.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_7

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_8


It is distinguished by a transparent case, so that it becomes possible to control its occupancy. The desired amount of cream can make a beautiful continuous pattern. Besides, The high-quality silicone does not affect the temperature changes, as well as it is not twisted by smells.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_9

Metal syringe

The most durable and is characterized by good tightness. Thanks to this property, any cream can be put in it. Working with a tool requires additional physical strength.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_10

Syringe dispenser

Another option that is used by households. The tool is convenient because Issuate even, the same amount of cream. Its appearance resembles a pistol. In applied this option is the easiest.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_11


Another syringe is called "Press" and suitable for home cookies. Figure caps that are included in the set, allow you to make neat and attractive products.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_12


Such a syringe is more commonly operated for ice cream and cocktails. It is also used To baking products from the test, for example, eclairs. The model requires Pre-connection to electricity, Only then it needs to fill with cream or dough.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_13

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_14


This is the most expensive option with numerous nozzles. It is usually manufactured from combined materials, so it serves as a farm for a very long time. The cost of such products varies from 50 to $ 100.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_15

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_16

A separate appearance that can be considered an alternative syringe - a confectionery bag. The body in this product is missing at all, but there is nozzles. The device is inexpensive, suitable for squeezing both creams and dough. A classic set with 7 nozzles can cope with absolutely different tasks.

Comparison with confectionery bag

Such a confectionery device, as a bag, is characterized by advantages and disadvantages.


  • large capacity;
  • strong enough, but it depends on the quality of the material;
  • can be used with a variety of nozzles;
  • It is convenient for one hand;
  • does not require much effort;
  • Easier to care.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_17

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_18


  • a poor-quality bag of leakage;
  • It is impossible to work with some special nozzles;
  • requires the ability to use, so more often applied by professionals;
  • Not suitable for cream and liquid consistency test.

Bags are divided into disposable and reusable. For the first most often used special paper or polyethylene. The second are tissue or silicone. Disposable bags can be used without nozzles, but you need to be able to correctly form sections that can be straight, oblique or cut around the edges. The last option allows the leaves, and the first two will serve depending on the skills of the pastry.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_19

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_20

Reusable inventory includes a variety of nozzles. The main thing in the choice of similar products is a careful study of the seams. Silicone options are considered the most durable. They are most convenient if they have an attachment outside - with it without problems can be replaced with one nozzle to another even if there is inside the cream.

Proms of confectionery syringes:

  • variety of volume;
  • easier to use for small drawings;
  • good tightness;
  • Liquid or thick cream can be used;
  • long service life;
  • You can use for cookies.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_21

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_22

Main cons:

  • difficulty care;
  • Little syringes are inconvenient to use;
  • Requires effort in work, especially if tight cream or dough is used.

Confectionery syringes are from various materials whose quality depends on the responsibility of the manufacturer.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_23

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_24

Review manufacturers

Mayer & Boch is a company that offers inexpensive confectionery syringes with a variety of nozzles. For example, model 27620612 is made of metal, sold complete with 5 nozzles, has dimensional dimensions 18 * 27.5 cm. Multifunctional inventory, suitable for working with cream and dough.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_25

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_26

Travola. It offers an inexpensive product that is suitable for working with cream, they can also be used to fill with cream products from the test. Model 137285734 is sold at a democratic price, however, differs in shortness.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_27

Tescoma offers model Delicia 630534, Pretty expensive, but useful for performing many tasks. The syringe can be used for both cream and a dough with a very dense consistency. The product is distinguished not only by multifunctionality, but also convenience.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_28

Westmark. - German manufacturer who is known for various household items for the kitchen. For example, a model of a syringe of this company 30772270 inexpensive, from transparent plastic, with a capacity of 100 ml. Syringe is functional, sold at an acceptable cost.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_29

Metaltex. It offers another inexpensive functional model with a transparent case. The model is equipped with both screen disks and classic nozzles. Steel discs, high-quality, the model itself does not have drawbacks.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_30

Paderno. - The Italian manufacturer of professional confectionery inventory offers rich sets of metal nozzles. The tool is made of high-quality metal, durable. Products have a high price.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_31

Kuchenprofi. Offers professional kits that are slightly cheaper in price. The syringe is also steel, but nozzles in it are only 7 pcs.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_32

Gefu. Produces professional sets suitable for working with creams and dough. A special design allows me to measure the same portions. The product is highly high.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_33

Fanyi. - Confectionery manufacturer with dispenser and plenty of nozzles for cookies. The main material is aluminum, only nozzles for cream plastic here. The model has a fairly democratic cost.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_34

Facemile. - A well-known manufacturer of silicone sets for the kitchen, produces confectionery syringes. The syringe of this brand is inexpensive, but does not differ in a rich set of nozzles, suitable for a beginner hostess.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_35

Marmiton. - Another option of a simple silicone syringe, the appearance of which resembles a medical "pear" for douching. The product is compact, light, small size, convenient. Additional elements in it are not provided, so there are no special fantasies for creativity.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_36

Bekker Releases combined option distinguished by durability and reliability, with a rich set of nozzles. The BK-5207 model has 8 nozzles for cream and 13 stencils for the test. Confectionery is sold at a slightly overpriced price.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_37

BradeX. - Israeli trademark that distributes its goods in online stores. Among the copies are popular syringe for cookies called "Home Confectionery". The product has an average price of about 500 rubles, comes with 20 dough stencils and 4 nozzles for cream.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_38

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_39

How to choose?

An important point when choosing a confectionery syringe should be the material of its manufacture. For example, plastic syringes are lungs, inexpensive, but they quickly break. Experts advise choosing combined options, where the body of the steel products, and the rest of the plastic parts are plastic. Convenient to use and silicone products. They are especially good when performing small drawings or inscriptions. When working with them No need to apply special efforts that are required when using metal products.

The volumes of syringes vary from 0.2 to 2 liters. Little tools are perfect for decorating a small cookie or pastries. They are more convenient than large instances, but the latter are indispensable when performing bulk work.

Universal can be considered a confectionery inventory to 1 liter. Such a product can be decorated with medium-sized cake, and it will not be necessary to add it to additional refueling. The choice of the number of nozzle nozzles, but the beginning end is enough to use 3-5 major elements.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_40

How to use?

The confectionery syringe is needed to decorate the cake, but the hostess more often use it to create a variety of cookies. Special models for cookies are equipped with convenient dispensers.

Inside the capacity is laid the dough, which should not be very thick or liquid. The dough of proper consistency is squeezed by literally with one touch. When selecting suitable nozzles, Confectionery will be perfectly keeping the form. On ready-made cookies, you can make patterns, for example, flowers.

Decoration of test products cream requires skills or drawing abilities. In this case, it is sometimes more convenient to work with conventional smooth tubes, and sometimes you can collect the composition with nozzles with carved edges.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_41

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_42

Before using nozzles, it is recommended to make trial patterns on paper. Thus, it is possible to determine whether the consistency of the cream is correctly selected, and also find a comfortable position of the hand.

Professionals often replace confectionery syringe in a regular bag . The product is often prepared from conventional parchment paper, as well as from any girlfriend, which will not be blown in the process of use. For example, a dense package of polyethylene, file, packaging for frost vegetables is suitable. After using, the fir-handers can simply be thrown away.

Small inscriptions on the finished product at home can be performed by a conventional medical syringe, but without a needle.

Confectionery syringe (43 photos): How to use syringes with nozzles? Comparison with a confectionery bag. Description of professional syringes for cream and other species 10945_43

On how to make a confectionery syringe from a bottle in 2 minutes, see the following video.

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